different warring states of japan

Chapter 870 Chang'an's Reorganization

Chapter 870 Chang'an's Reorganization

Ina Chuji bowed and said.

"Yutaisuo, in fact, the five-year water conservancy plan does not require the second public to allocate a lot of food from tax rebates.

The construction period is five years, and the corresponding annual labor time is much shorter, but not much food is used. "

Yiyin nodded in understanding.

Labor labor has been an obligation of the people since ancient times, and it is also a kind of human resource.Generally, adult women are recruited during the slack season to work for the lord for free for [-] to [-] days.

The labor during the labor period is provided by the leaders with their own dry food, and does not require the samurai to pay money and food.

Ina Chuji was eager to perform before and made the construction plan too tight.It is necessary to use people's power beyond the working hours, which requires money and food to recruit migrant workers.

But now she has reset the entire plan, and the plan has been extended from three years to five years.Most of the construction time is controlled within labor labor, and the consumption of money and food is much less.

Yiyin made a reminder.

"The Kanto Raiders will use farmers and soldiers to transport supplies, and these labor services will also be counted. You have to know it in your heart."

What Yiyin could think of, of course, these adherents had already planned.Ina Chuji kowtowed to the ground and replied.

"Hi! I see.

In addition, I have some ideas, and I will ask the Imperial Palace to make a decision.

The drought caused the land to dry up, which made Echigo Zhuji panicked and understood the importance of water conservancy construction.

Now if more efforts are made to carry out water conservancy construction, they will be able to mobilize their enthusiasm and speed up the construction. "

Yi Yin asked.

"Where does the food come from? Increased efforts will increase the time of labor.

The Kanto strategy is coming soon, if your water conservancy construction affects the logistics supply ahead, I'm afraid you will lose your head. "

Ina Chuji bowed and insisted.

"In the Imperial Palace, there is a lack of food in disaster years, but the Echigo samurai family will not reduce the land tax of the leaders.

Women were conscripted as farmers and soldiers to transport supplies for the front lines, but the husbands and children who stayed at home were starving.Although peasants and soldiers are cheap, their minds are unstable, and the morale of the army is also unstable. "

Yoshigin remembered the scene described by Ina Chuji, and couldn't help feeling impetuous, humming.

"Then what can you do?"

Ina Chuji said.

"The Guandong Servant prepares polished rice for the Yutai people. After grinding the [-] shi of brown rice, only less than [-] shi of the white rice can be collected, and more than [-] shi of the broken rice bran can be collected.

In addition, the Concentric Congregation of the Imperial Palace is also treated this way, and your Imperial Palace can also save five hundred stones of broken rice and chaff in a year.

Please give me these two thousand stones, broken rice and chaff from the imperial platform, so that I can cook some porridge and attract the men and children of the village to work for the water conservancy construction.

Relief with work is also a contribution to the stability of the army ahead. "

Yi Yin sighed.

Ishida Mitsunari was betting on righteousness and soft-heartedness, and did not agree to grab grain, so he racked his brains to figure out the harm of grabbing grain and dedicated it to the lord, fighting for the position.

The same is true for Ina Tadaji, she would think of using the broken rice bran from the Kanto servants' rice grinder as a substitute for work. It was because Ishida Mitsunari succeeded, and she felt itchy and flattered her.

If there is something good on the top, it will be great on the bottom.

Where is the true compassion of these warriors, how can compassion be a warrior?They are purely following the Lord's favor to earn a future.

But Yiyin had to express his joy and praise them, so that they would have the motivation to persevere.Not because of their conscience, but because Yoshihiko Shiba is here.

Yiyin smiled helplessly, what good would two thousand stones of rice bran do?Mostly it will be cooked until no grains of rice can be seen.It's really disgusting to let boys and children trade for this rice soup.

But no matter what, having a stutter is better than waiting to die.

He looked up and thought for a while, then said.

"Look for the part of the water conservancy project near the village to be done for men and children. Don't let them go far away. There is no food to eat in famine. If it is too far away, people will starve to death before they can climb. There is no work.

Don't rush the tasks given, do as much as you can.Mainly relief, don't expect them to work.

Inagi, this matter was proposed by you, so it must be done well.If it becomes a bad government that harms the people, I will settle accounts with you. "

Ina Chuji was taken aback for a moment, but kowtowed helplessly.This lord is really not easy to fool, so he should be careful.It would be bad if the lord is angry instead of being pleased.

After talking with Sanji, Yiyin looked at Dazang Chang'an who was sitting respectfully beside him, and asked.

"In the past few days, have you sorted out what you said before, is it beneficial to my law?

I'm looking forward to it, Da Zang Ji. "

Dazang Chang'an kowtowed and said.

"Humble and terrified, I have written it in detail in the past few days, and it's all here."

She pushed out a stack of documents with both hands, and Yiyin glanced at the three Fengxing beside him, and said.

"You tell us first."

"Hi! The premise of my Kanto Law is that the Kanto Chamber is the highest administrative organ in Kanto where the imperial platform is located.

I implore the imperial court to revoke the status of Kanto Shiba Ling and Kanto Shisuo. "

Yiyin glanced at her and began to think.

He has been operating in Echigo for more than a year, and now he walks on three legs.

One is to rely on the financial resources of the Hokuriku Road trade route, with Okuma Asohide as the main person in charge.

The second is the area around Tochio Castle presented by Terotora Uesugi. The old samurai family who immigrated to the nearby Shiba Territory, the Peking University and the Iga people, were replaced by Katsumo Shima.

The third is the Odai people who are directly under the Enyang of the Kanto Office. They are divided into the Yuezhong and the Sanadazhong, and are ruled by Yamanaka Yukimori.

Of these three forces, Daxiong Chaoxiu belongs to the Kanto Servant, and is nominally led by Yamanaka Yukimori.

It's just that Shiba Yoshiyin had spoken first, and Yukimori Yamanaka was not allowed to intervene in the Hokuriku Road trade route managed by Okuma Asohide, and the logistics supply of the Kanto Office.

And Shima Katsutake, the acting official of the Kanto Siba, and Yamanaka Yukimori, the deacon of the Kanto Waiter, are in the same position.

These two are from the old concentric group, and they are confidantes brought by Yoshihiro Shiba from recent days, and they both have a physical relationship.

Their status is juxtaposed, on the one hand to balance the rights of the two, and to facilitate Yiyin's arbitration.On the other hand, I don't want to favor one over another emotionally.

Now, Dazang Chang'an hopes that he will lower the status of Kanto Shibo and list it under the Kanto Chamberlain, which makes him a little embarrassed.

The Otai people under Yamanaka Yukimori's command are complicated, and the power she can control is actually far less solid than Shima Katsumo.Putting the strong under the weak, will there be more chaos and more trouble in the future?
Yiyin thought for a while and asked Dazang Chang'an.

"Why do you have this suggestion? State your reasons."

Dazang Chang'an said solemnly.

"The imperial sword held by the imperial platform went to Kanto and set up a Kanto servant. This is to revive the influence of the shogunate in Kanto, which is a great act of kindness.

But the Kanto Shiba Territory is just the Kanto Territory of the Siba family, and it can stand side by side with the Kanto Service Office. How does this make the imperial family members who have joined the Kanto Service Office feel at ease?
Dare I ask the imperial court, when the Kanto servants meet with the Kanto Shiba leaders, who will salute first?
There is a cloud in the sky, and the principles of the past dynasties, the six principles are the first.One is Mingli, if the etiquette is not clear, Yilun will not describe it.

Will the members of the royal family who intend to serve the imperial court be hesitant and deterred from moving forward because of this? "

(End of this chapter)

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