different warring states of japan

Chapter 872 The new architecture of the office

Chapter 872 The new architecture of the office

Dazang Changan said without changing his face.

"There is an old saying, three years of prosperity, three years of disaster.

You can ask each family under the Guandong Servant to inspect the land themselves, and give them three years to think it through.

When did I figure it out, and when did I get relief based on the number of rosters they contributed.

The royal family members who joined the Kanto servants in the strategy of the Kanto can all give disaster relief by analogy to show the benevolence of the Royal Taisho. "

Yiyin thought for a while, then looked at Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"Big Xiong Ji, what do you think of Dazang Chang'an's relief?"

Da Xiong Chaoxiu smiled wryly and was speechless, what could she think?
Ordinary daimyo's land inspection is to find out the land and population of the samurai family below, so as to collect money and food, and rectify military service accounts.

The Guandong servants inspected the grounds, but they asked the samurai to report their details so that they could provide disaster relief.

If this benevolent government continues, it will be too late for the martial arts below to sing their praises. Will Da Xiong Chaoxiu dare to stop it?Blocking someone's way of making money is like killing one's parents, it will be hated.

As Dazang Chang'an said, disasters and disasters don't end so quickly. After drought, there is snow disaster, and after snow disaster, there is cold snap.Abnormal weather is always coming one after another, don't think about peace in the past few years.

The Guandong Servant used three years of relief to find out the details of each family, and then it was logical to collect money, grain and soldiers.

Whoever refuses is ignorant of gratitude.You want to take relief in bad years, but don’t you give food and service in good years?Unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, unrighteous, you can be killed anyway.

Dazang Chang'an's set, if you want to take it, give it first, it is really the nemesis of short-sighted warriors, they will definitely not be able to resist handing in the roster in exchange for relief.

Daxiong Chaoxiu said.

"Da Zang Ji is a great talent, I am deeply admired, but I just have one thing to ask.

Where does this relief food come from? "

Dazang Chang'an said.

"There is a shortage of food in the Kanto Raiders, and the Royal Platform needs to buy food from various countries. In order to ensure military supplies, the quantity will only be more or less.

I implore the Royal Office and Okuma-sama to share a little from the food they bought, so as to complete the plan for the relief and inspection.

The land of each family under the command of the Guandong Servant is less than [-] shi.Making up for half of the food gap of each family is enough to make them tempted to offer books, and the food consumed will not exceed five thousand shi.

However, I would like to ask the Imperial Household to do its best to guarantee [-] shi of food, and the remaining part will be used for Kanto relief, so as to attract the Kanto Imperial family to thank them for their service. "

Shiba Yoshiyin and Daxiong Chaoxiu looked at each other, and there were not a single simple person in the few pursuits present.

Ishida Mitsunari guessed that Yoshihiro would buy food, and found a reason for the lord, and Ina Tadaji tried to please the lord by offering relief with work.

Dazang Chang'an also grasped the temperament of the lord early on, and exchanged the land for relief, and flattered him while doing things.

Yiyin felt his heart tremble.

Although I know that the superiors have no privacy, but I am being speculated about by others every day, these guys are too scary.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu was also disappointed.

There is no fuel-efficient lamp in the subordinates, and she, the leader of the execution, is also trembling and cautious, for fear of being caught by others.

At the end of Dazang Chang'an's speech, he bowed to the ground and concluded.

"After the land inspection, the Guandong servants can learn the details of each family, use this to arbitrate land disputes, recruit soldiers and food, and restrain each family from being used by the imperial court.

The inspection documents presented by each family should be in charge of Master Daxiong in order to pursue and manage internal affairs. "

Daxiong Chaoxiu's heart skipped a beat, Dazang Chang'an gave him a date with a stick.

Daxiong Chaoxiu must be dissatisfied with her land seizure strategy, and there is nothing he can do about her.But she took the initiative to offer the results of the land inspection with both hands, and Da Xiong Chaoxiu couldn't help but be tempted.

Controlling the documents of the prefecture is tantamount to controlling the power of the Kanto servants to manage the Wu family's territory in the future.This power is great enough to offset Da Xiong Chaoxiu's resentment at being forced to self-inspect the land.

This Da Zang Chang'an is going to work in the congregation in the future, and when she first arrived, she took the lead and embarrassed her future immediate boss.

How can it end well?
Therefore, she gave the fruit of her land seizure strategy to Da Xiong Chaoxiu without hesitation, in order to show her dedication to the public and not to offend maliciously, in exchange for the understanding of her superiors.

He does things in a reasonable and disciplined way, and is comprehensive, so that people can't make mistakes, which is really amazing.

Daxiong Chaoxiu took advantage of her, and if he wanted to give her small shoes to wear later, he would be so incompetent that even the imperial court would not be able to see him.

Dazang Changan expressed his kindness to Daxiong Chaoxiu, and then bowed to Shibo Yoshiyin.

"I have a word, please accept it.

You should convene the Royal Family for the evaluation in the name of the Kanto Chamber, not the Shiba Council.

As the saying goes, if the name is not right and the words are not in order, the Guandong servants should start from the imperial platform itself to reorganize the law and restore order. "

After finishing speaking, she pleaded guilty and fell to the ground, Yiyin waved her hand to show her innocence, closed her eyes and thought.

The Guandong Servant was changed in this way by Dazang Chang'an, and became a Yutai man, who followed the people and united the people to divide the world.

The Yutai people are the elite Ji warrior group directly under Yiyin, and they are also a samurai group that wins over the elite Ji warriors from various schools.

The followers are in charge of the business of the Hokuriku Road, the supply of the army, and after the inspection of the land, they also control the land finance of the samurai families under the command of the Kanto Servant.

The united front group is composed of the leaders of various families under the command of the Kanto Servant, and has a territorial mobilization force of nearly [-] shi.

All three are under the orders of Yoshihiko Shibo, acting according to his will, it is indeed easier to use than before.

Today's harvest far exceeded his imagination, Yoshihiro glanced at the four honours, Okuma Asohide, Ishida Mitsunari, Ina Chuji, Dazang Changan, all of them possess unique skills and meticulous thoughts.

Although the Uesugi retainers were brave and good at fighting, war was nothing more than the continuation of politics through another means.

Using one's own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses, perhaps the internal affairs capabilities of the Kanto servants are the most useful force for Yoshinobu to fight against Uesugi's retainers.


The next day, Shiba Yoshigin changed the Shiba Council to the Kanto Office to invite the imperial family, and formally summoned all the concubines under his command to gather in the imperial hall to discuss various matters.

At the meeting, Dazang Chang'an offered advice.

Incorporate Kanto Shiba into the category of Kanto servants, and award the leaders of each family the honor of uniting the front, in order to demonstrate the dignity of high-level samurai.

It is also suggested that each family self-check the land and population, apply for disaster relief from the Kanto Service Office, so as to survive the disaster year, and set up a enforcement office to manage internal affairs.

Zhu Ji deliberated and passed a series of new regulations for the Kanto servants she specifically proposed, which was approved by Yoshihiko Shiba and officially opened for restructuring.

Yamanaka Yukimori is still the deacon of the Kanto Office, and is in charge of the Kanto Office.

Honjo Shigeru was written by the Odai people, and there were two acting officials under him, namely Kaji Jingzuna and Sanada Nobushige, who commanded the Hime Samurai regiment.

Opened a magistrate's office, appointed Okuma Asohide as the reconnaissance magistrate, the internal affairs, business, and public security of the Prime Minister Kanto's office.

Ishida San became a merchant and continued to manage the Hokuriku Road trade route.Ina Chuji pursued the general request and managed the local construction.Dazang Chang'an is implemented by the procuratorate, and the supervision law goes deep into the grassroots of the territory.

The above three people and the rest of the adherents are all led by Daxiong Chaoxiu, and each has his own duties.

Shima Katsuki, as the acting official of Shiba in Kanto, was appointed by Shiba Yoshin as the head of the Imperial Commander, the leader of the Commander.

Ogasawara Changto, Okuma Asohide, Honjo Shigeru, Kaji Kagetsuna, Sanada Nobushige and other daimyo were all granted the status of United Front Workers to participate in the affairs of the Kanto Office.

So far, inside the Guandong Servant, the people from Yutai, the Enforcement Office, and the United Front Workers are three pillars.

After that, Shiba Yoshiyin proposed to buy grain for the Kanto Raiders to fill the gap in military grain caused by the bad harvest.All parties agreed and unified the opinions within the Guandong Servant.

At the same time, Terutora Uesugi, who succeeded in negotiating peace between the three countries of Kaga Noto, Etsu and China, returned to Kasugayama Castle in Echigo.

She convened the Uesugi Council in Kasuga Mountain City, and the Uesugi retainer group formally proposed to use the method of fighting to support the war to fill the military ration gap in the Kanto Raiders.

Uesugi Teruhu refused.

Around the food issue of the Kanto Raiders, Echigo's unstable duopolitics started a new round of competition.

(End of this chapter)

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