Chapter 884

It is impossible for Uesugi Terutora to let this variable appear, and he will definitely push forward.

The food grab plan of the Uesugi vassals has been scolded by Okuma Asohide and other followers of the Shiba faction as hot chicken.The grain purchase plan of the Guandong Chamberlain is clear and solid.

The situation is already clear, but Uesugi is holding his head and refuses to bow his head, and needs the last brick to help them clear their heads.

Uesugi Terutora grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, which were frighteningly bright.

"Then show your attitude and see who supports the purchase of grain and who does not support the purchase of grain."

Terotora Uesugi seemed fair, but he only mentioned buying food, not robbing food, and his p stock was really crooked.

Those present, who could not understand what she meant, clearly supported Shibo Yiyin's plan to buy grain.

The Yutai people from the Kanto Office, the United Front, and the three warriors from the Enforcement Office fell to the ground together, almost speaking in unison.

"I'm waiting to support the purchase of grain to supplement military supplies."

On the other hand, Uesugi was shocked by the tough attitude of the two lords and hesitated.It seemed that he was intimidated by the unity of the Kanto servants, and kept silent for a while.

Needle dropping could be heard in the government hall, but there was no sound, and everyone was sweating.If some people in the Uesugi Congregation cannot satisfy the two lords, there will be another bloodshed in Echigo.

Uesugi Terutora asked impatiently after no one responded for a long while.

"Hime Nakajo, Hime Irobe, what do you think?"

Those who were named were Nakajo Fujiko and Irobe Katsunaga. As two generations of veterans, they were excluded when they entered Uesugi Genesis just now.

The Yangbei group in Xiayue fell apart, and the two of them were the leaders of the Xiayue group who took the lead to join the Uesugi retainer group, and they were very angry these days.

At this time, Uesugi Terutora asked them to come out to speak, just to pull out a part of Uesugi's retainers who were most likely to split.

Sure enough, the two looked at each other and fell to the ground together.

"I'm waiting to support the purchase of grain to solve military needs."

The members of Uesugi's vassals rely on their seniority and never put Xia Yuezhong in their eyes.Xia Yuezhong didn't have to fall out with Shiba Yoshiyin because of them.

Especially the bastards in Shangyue, who agreed that the second father's tax rebate money and food would be used for water conservancy construction, but they kept repeating it, and they didn't like it early.

help them?Help me!

Uesugi Terutoro then looked at Uesugi Keishin and said kindly.

"My lord, what do you think?"

Since Nagao Masakei was killed by Uesugi Terutora, Koshi Nagao's governor Keishobu, who was favored by Uesugi Nae's name, is also in charge of the Ueda Nagao family of Uesugi Kekatsu's daughter.

As Terutora Uesugi's political allies, the Sino-Vietnamese Nagao family is even less likely to go against her will now that her power is in full swing.

Uesugi Keishin kowtowed to the ground.

"I agree with buying grain."

Uesugi Terutoro then looked at Saito Asanobu, the leader of Chugoshi Uesugi, bowed quickly and said.

"My subordinates seconded the proposal."

Uesugi Terutora frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Second what! Say it clearly!"

"Hi! Your servant agrees to buy grain."

Saito Asanobu was sweating profusely, and hurried to speak clearly.She was born in Uesugi Terutoro's close banner, and knows the nature of this lord best.

Today's statement, whoever says something wrong, will follow in the footsteps of Nagao Masaki and Usami Dingman, so don't dare to be confused.

Uesugi Terutora has won a hundred battles since he entered the battle, and has a high prestige among Uesugi's retainers.Even if she shared the Echigo Kingdom with Shiba Yoshigin without authorization, the retainers did not dare to expressly object.

If you make this lord anxious, she will really kill people.Uesugi's retainers have been running against Shiba Yoshiin all the time, it's bullying him because he has a good temper and is willing to reason.

In this troubled world, good people deserve to be bullied.When I really met a domineering lord like Uesugi Terutora, I didn't dare to provoke her casually.

Uesugi Terutoro suppressed Zhongyuezhong, and Xia Yuezhong stopped talking.At this time, the pressure of the whole audience was on Naoe Jinggang and Honjo Shino, two big men.

Before they could speak, Mao Li Jingguang bowed first.

"The minister agrees to buy grain."

The two glanced at Maori Jingguang Fudi's back at the same time, feeling ashamed in their hearts.This guy was quick enough to see the wind, and he completely set up Yuezhong.

The Kashiwazaki Plain is small and weak, and it is expected that Mori Jingguang bowed his head on behalf of the Kashiwazaki people.

It's just that this guy jumped so high before, but now he kneels so thoroughly, he really doesn't want any face.

Honjo Mino and Naoe Ketsuna looked at each other helplessly, Honjo Mino lowered his head first.

"The minister agrees to buy grain."

Honjo actually represents the Zhichen regiment and is the direct subordinate force of Uesugi Terutora.

In fact, among all Uesugi's retainers, she has no choice but to follow Uesugi Terutora closely.Uesugi Terotora made his attitude clear today, and Honjo can only support it, and it is impossible to oppose it.

Naoe Ketsuna looked around the audience, feeling desolate in his heart.The hearts of the people are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead.

Today, Uesugi's retainers have their own ghosts, so it's not as united as the Kanto Office's temporary assembly of Shiba Yoshiyin.

What's the fuss about?Just lie flat.

"The minister agrees to buy grain."

As Naoe Ketsuna bowed his head on behalf of the Uesugi, the Uesugi retainer group was completely defeated in this battle to buy and grab food.

Uesugi Terutora proudly raised his eyebrows at Shiba Yoshigin, but Yoshigin knew that the trouble had only just begun.

First of all, he has to complete the plan to store [-] shi of grain in Echigo, which requires the purchase of [-] shi of grain in various places.

In troubled times, this matter is not easy to handle.If the military ration gap cannot be plugged, the Uesugi retainer group will have an excuse to reintroduce the ration plan.

Secondly, even if the gap in military rations is filled, the greed of the people cannot be stopped.

How to prevent grain grabbing in the Kanto Raiders is another problem.

Finally, because of the grain purchase plan, the Hokuriku Road trade route, which was originally extremely profitable this year, is likely to disappoint the Echigo Samurai.

Last year's [-]% quota has been increased to [-]% this year, but the income has not increased much.Now that the money is not in hand, each family has not felt it yet.When it was time to check out in autumn and winter, some were noisy.

Right now, Yiyin has a lot of troubles on his head, so he can only solve them one by one.

As Uesugi Terutoro persuaded Uesugi's vassals to officially approve the grain purchase plan, Yoshihiro also began to issue orders.

"Big Bear Chaoxiu."


"The Hokuriku Road Grain Purchase Plan is officially launched, and you are in charge. At least a purchase quota of [-] shi is guaranteed, and the actual storage must not be less than [-] shi.

Power, I give you.Food, you give me. "

"Hey! I don't dare to let the imperial platform down, and I will do my best to share the Lord's worries."

"In addition, go to Xinkai Port and order Takada Yono to complete the acquisition task of the other half of [-] koku.

Nearly a few roads away, there must be a lot of food loss.If the storage is less than [-] stones, let her find a way to make up the gap. "


"The most important thing is rice. If the purchase is really not enough, other crops such as raw wheat and corn can also be harvested, but it should not exceed one-tenth of the total.

In addition, the soybean feed needed by war horses and livestock is indispensable, do you understand! "

"Hi! Your servant understands."

(End of this chapter)

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