different warring states of japan

Chapter 889 His first time

Chapter 889 His First Time

Oda Nobunaga raised the corner of his mouth, understanding Maeda Toshiie's thoughts.

She wanted to untangle the Takeda family, transfer the Hojo family's military power, and let Takeda Harunobu suppress Matsudaira Motoyasu's expansion.

The Takeda family wants to rush out of the Koshin mountains, Kitakamisugi and Nanbojo are all powerful enemies, and Imagawa Shima, this soft persimmon, is her must-take target.

Matsudaira Motoyasu wanted to develop, but was blocked by the Oda family in the west, so he could only go east with all his strength, and took the Enjiang country and Suruga country of the Imagawa family.

Neither of them had a choice, they had to overwhelm each other in order to accomplish their strategic goals.

Oda Nobunaga couldn't help applauding and said.

"Inuchiyo, what you said makes a lot of sense.

This East Meinong Conquest went smoothly beyond my expectations, and the change that I mentioned to you before can already be put on the agenda. "

Maeda Toshiie's complexion remained unchanged, he kowtowed to the ground.

"It's all up to His Highness Oda's orders."

Maeda Toshiie's situation is very embarrassing. She is Shiba's retainer, but she has sought refuge with Oda Nobunaga for development.

Oda Nobunaga is constantly testing her loyalty and wants her to maintain her influence in the Shiba family, which makes it very difficult for Maeda Toshiie.

She must improve her status in Shiba's family to ensure that she is worth being used.

It is also necessary to show a sincere devotion to Oda Nobunaga, so that this ambitious female master can use her with peace of mind and give her benefits to strengthen herself.

Among them, if the scale is slightly inadvertent, all previous efforts will be wasted.

This time Oda Nobunaga was clearly tempted and willing to sell food.But he talked about him from left to right, and brought up the matter of changing again.

Maeda Toshiie remained calm, expressing a submissive attitude.Oda Nobunaga looked at her for a while and said.

"I hope you go to Gushang County and help me take care of those Dongmei Nong Wujia, and don't cause trouble."


"Since you are willing, then change the [-] stones of Mount Hachiman. Take back the [-] stones you have in the barrel."

Oda Nobunaga froze for a moment, finally shook his head, and stopped talking.

Maeda Toshiie's eyes moved.

Maeda Toshiie controls the territory of [-] stones in the southern part of Owari, including [-] stones of the Shibazu land and the other [-] stones of the Hazama territory.

[-] stones say more, not more, and say less.It is equivalent to adding her [-] Shi Zhixing, and kicked Maeda Toshiie out of the core area of ​​Owari's Oda.

Gujo-gun, where Kaiyi is located, is a mountainous area that borders Echizen and Hida countries.The Oda family was busy grabbing land in the Nobi Plain in the south, and temporarily ignored the trembling Mino Samurai in the mountains.

Oda Nobunaga sent Maeda Toshiie here to guard against foreign forces in the north, and also to subdue the old Mino party inside, so there is no need to worry about her collaborating in the Nobi Plains.

This is three birds with one stone.

The stone height of the territory has increased a lot, but it is really not a good thing. It is both useful and defensive to Maeda Toshiie.

Moreover, Oda Nobunaga's changes are very interesting. She took away the territory of Ozama, but she hesitated to speak about the [-] stone Shibazu land.

Originally, Maeda Toshiie knew very well that Oda Nobunaga was declaring her power through changes.But the fifteen hundred stones didn't move, which made her a little confused.

Shiba Yoshiyin handed over Owari Shiba Ling to Maeda Toshiie for management, of which [-] koku were Maeda Toshiie's place of knowledge and practice, and [-] koku were Shiba's warehouse.

Oda Nobunaga changed these lands casually, which in itself was a show of domineering behavior, but she did it anticlimactically.

Of the [-] stones that Maeda Toshiie took over, three thousand stones were Chiyoshi Oda Nobunaga's letter to Shiba Yoshiyin.

She moved [-] shi in the narrow space of the barrel, which was obtained by Shiba Yoshiin's military exploits.And the other fifteen hundred stones were Shiba Yoshiyin's sleeping with her, which was able to preserve Shiba's ancestral land.

Either Oda Nobunaga simply changed all the three thousand stones, which is tantamount to declaring that he can move the territory entrusted to Shiba Yoshiyin at will, and has established a firm political stance.

Either don't move the three thousand stones, and only move the [-] stones obtained by Maeda Toshiie's military exploits, and distinguish between the two to show respect and goodwill to Shiba Yoshiyin.

But now she has changed the land obtained by Sibo Yiyin's military exploits, but left the fifteen hundred shi that she got by sleeping with her unchanged.

What does this mean?
Maeda Toshiie felt a turmoil in his heart, and Oda Nobunaga said with a half-smile.

"I agree with the purchase of grain, and your changes will be completed this winter."

Maeda Toshiie bowed down to thank him and was about to resign, but Oda Nobunaga suddenly spoke again.

"Inuchiyo, do you know why I didn't move the fifteen hundred stones?"

Maeda Toshiie shook his head silently.

Oda Nobunaga rubbed his slender fingers, glanced at Maeda Toshiie, and said slowly.

"The signs of recent chaos are already looming.

The six corners and three good families are in civil strife, which is a godsend opportunity.But the generals in Kyoto are strong and fragile, but their abilities are really hard to compliment.

The vassals and the local powerful faction were all panicked by her, but she was still struggling.The water in this shogunate is too deep for her to control. "

Oda Nobunaga was silent for a moment, then continued.

"I will go to Luo. Sooner or later, I will definitely go. This time, I will not let him run away again.

I won't move the thousand and five hundred stones. This is the territory he bought in exchange for sleeping with me, and it should be his first time.

At that time, he was very attentive, and I was very satisfied.

I will go to Kyoto, sleep on his body, and conquer his heart, so that he can never escape my control. "

Maeda Toshiie was silent for a while before asking.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Oda Nobunaga looked at her with deep eyes.

"Give up, he belongs to me and will always belong to me."

Maeda Toshie smiled softly.

"Isn't His Highness Oda's ambition to become a man of the world?"

Oda Nobunaga sneered.

"I want to be a part of the world, and I want to sleep with Shiba Yoshihiro.

I still say the same thing, you do things for me well, with a name of a million stones, this life can be expected.

As for what you shouldn't think about, just forget it completely, so you can do it yourself. "

Maeda Toshiie kowtowed to the ground and left.Oda Nobunaga looked at her back, wondering what he was thinking.

A few steps out of the castle tower, Maeda Toshiie suddenly stopped, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.The Banners who followed beside her turned pale with shock, and she motioned to keep silent.

Maeda Toshi wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, looked at the blood stains on his fingers, and suddenly smiled.

"Sure enough, the city is still not enough, it really makes me feel so uncomfortable."

She said calmly to Banner behind her.

"It's just biting your lower lip, don't make a fuss."

Maeda Toshiie opened his mouth, put his thumb in his mouth, and licked the blood on it, carefully and thoroughly.

Tasting the taste of her own blood, she recalled in her mind the scene of sending Shibo Yoshihiro to Oda Nobunaga's room back then.

"Yes, it's the first time. Sorry, very sorry, it's all my fault."

She mumbled to whom she was apologizing, with a hint of crying in her voice, and continued to walk forward step by step.

Banners behind her looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring not to follow, but also not daring to follow too closely, and followed her forward slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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