different warring states of japan

Chapter 894 The Premonition of Breaking

Chapter 894 The Premonition of Breaking

Seeing Daxiong Chaoxiu's expression quickly relaxed, Yiyin smiled wryly.

The second public tax rebate is a trivial matter, and the shrinking business profits of Hokuriku can also be solved.But Teruhu Uesugi's aggressive pursuit of love is really shaking the ground that cuts off the foundation of the Kanto Chamberlain.

Not to mention that Yoshihiro himself didn't want to befriend him, even if he was willing, how would the Kanto servants deal with those samurai who were at odds with the Uesugi family?Wash it off?
Uesugi Terutoro will one day understand that Shiba Yoshigin never thought of becoming attached to her.Everything is to perfunctory her and use her to complete the strategy of Kanto.

No, maybe she understands now, just pretending not to understand.Numbing myself, touching myself, dreaming a dream that I don't want to wake up.

But this matter cannot be dragged on forever, there will always be a day when it will completely collapse.Yiyin's headache was about to split, and his mind was in turmoil, but he couldn't think of anything to do.

Will Terutora Uesugi be hostile to him?Will the two sides meet each other?Yi Yin recalled her calm smile, and his heart was touched.

I did come here to complete the task, but now I really like you.

Yi Yin shook his head.

Thinking of those Ji warriors who slept with, those unresolved love debts, knowing that I can't be a good husband and a good father in this world of women.

I'm sorry, Uesugi Terotora, I'm just a cousin, a slut, we are impossible.

His eyes turned to be firm, and he said to Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"What His Royal Highness Uesugi says, what Uesugi's retainers think, don't bother.

The Guandong Chamberlain should do its own thing well. Our goal is to calm down the Guandong Plain and restore a clear world here.

As for the rest, we will talk about it later. "

Big Xiong kowtowed at Chaoxiu and agreed, feeling at ease.

The thinking of the Imperial Palace is very clear. Those words of Uesugi Terutora in the government office's review are indeed a conspiracy to frame the Imperial Palace.

It's really wishful thinking, even the general's men dare to attack.It is really shameless that the Uesugi family wants to use the method of Shiba Uesugi's relationship to swallow the Kanto servants and monopolize the fruits of the Kanto Raiders.

The current forbearance of Yutai is all for the success of the Kanto Raiders, temporarily perfunctory the delusions of the Uesugi family.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu secretly sneered.

When I go back, I must make it clear to everyone that I cannot fall into the tricks of the Uesugi family and make it difficult for Yutai.After the success of the Kanto Raiders, slowly settle accounts with the Uesugi family.

It's not that I didn't report, the time has not yet come.The Kanto Office is not a soft persimmon that the Uesugi family can take and grab. Let's wait and see.

Shiba Yiyin closed his eyes and sighed, Daxiong Chaoxiu bowed his head in thought, and the room was silent for a while.


Just as Okuma Asohide was reporting Naoetsu-related matters to Shiba Yoshigin, Naoe Ketsuna was also speaking to the lord Uesugi Terutora in the castle tower of Kasugayama Castle.

"The money and food returned by the second lord is a trivial matter. No matter how dissatisfied the Shangyue samurai family is, it can't be compared to the middle and lower samurai families who occupy [-]% of Echigo's land.

The Echigo Plain covers the entire Chuxiaetsu, and almost all the local samurai can benefit from the water conservancy construction, and the Echigotsu has no strength to fight against the general trend.

The real trouble is in Naoetsu.Because of the grain purchase plan, there will be almost no increase in taxes and markets in Zhijiangjin this year, and the income will be the same as last year, which is a predictable result.

However, the total volume of goods on the entire Hokuriku Road trade route has at least doubled.The two countries of Vietnam, China and Noto, and even Echizen and Kaga can gain a lot of benefits.

I worry that many people will be dissatisfied with Echigo. "

Uesugi Terutora sneered.

"These stupid guys, do they think that buying food and robbing food is just changing a word? Buying food needs to be exchanged for something.

They are too greedy.

In the spring of Yuezhong, my family has already obtained the land east of the Kurobe River in Yuezhong.The Kanto Raiders started after autumn, and the land of Ueno Musashi was in sight.

It's not that Hokuriku's commercial profit has declined, it's just the same as last year. Are they still not satisfied?What are you thinking about? "

Naoe Ketsuna sighed.

"It's easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it's hard to go from extravagance to frugality. People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and the nature of martial arts is like this.

Life is getting better and better, but there are more and more dissatisfied people.You and Yutaisuo are riding on the back of a tiger, if you are not careful, you will be killed. . "

Naoe Jingzuna's words stopped abruptly, Uesugi Terutora glanced at her and sneered.

"Tiger back? This group of native chickens and dogs are also worthy of being called tigers? Without me, without Kenshin, they are just a bunch of scum fighting in Echigo's den.

I know what you want to say, the contradictions of Echigo's duopolitical politics are getting more and more intense, and the Uesugi people can't bear it anymore, right?
This is why I discussed with Mr. Kenshin that the Kanto Raiders must be launched this autumn.Unable to hold back internally, we must fight abroad and use the land of the Kanto Plain to ease conflicts. "

Naoe Ketsuna bowed and said.

"Your Highness is wise, and the Imperial Palace is wise. It's just that in Echigo, it's the conflict between the Kanto servants and Echigo's guards.

Once they entered the Guandong Plain, and the Guandong leaders were involved, things would be even more difficult. "

Uesugi Terutoro glanced at her and saw that her face was sincere, but her forehead was sweating, so she probably said this with a trembling heart.

Naoe Ketsuna is the head of Uesugi's retainer group, and many things can still take care of the overall situation.What she was talking about was actually one of the biggest troubles in samurai politics, the overlapping of power between the local government and the central government.

The Echigo Kingdom is not included in the Ten Kingdoms of the Kanto, and it is not considered the jurisdiction of the General of the Kanto. Many things can be justified.

For example, Uesugi Terutora took down the hereditary Echigo guardian of the Uesugi family in Yamauchi, and ruled the Echigo country as a guardian daimyo.

On behalf of the shogunate, Yoshihiro Shiba established the Kanto Chamber of Commerce as the central agency for the shogunate to manage the Kanto imperial family. The conflict between the two sides was not too intense.

But once entering the Kanto Plain, politics becomes complicated.

The Ten Kingdoms of Kanto is the territory of the Kanto generals. The Kamakura Ashikaga family has been a semi-independent force in the guardian system since the first Ashikaga shogun, only lower than the Kyoto Ashikaga family.

Uesugi Terutora was a hereditary servant of the Uesugi family in Yamauchi, and the Kanto governor entered the Kanto Ten Kingdoms.

If Yoshihiko Shiba still cooperates in the name of the Kanto Chamber, the political status of the two parties will not be the central versus the local, but the Kyoto Ashikaga versus the Kamakura Ashikaga.

It is very difficult for the Kanto Servant, who represents General Ashikaga, and the Kanto Governor, who represents General Kanto, to coexist peacefully.

Although the two sides still have superiority and inferiority in the guardian system, after the Kwantung General rebelled, the ten countries of the Kwantung were in fact no longer under the control of the shogunate.

At the beginning, the Lord Gongfang in Kyoto personally kicked Kamakura Gongfang out of the guardian system and expelled him.Now Shiba Yoshigin is going to use the name of the shogunate to cooperate with the Kanto governor to attack the Kanto Plain.

In the eyes of the samurai in the Kanto Plain, isn't Terutora Uesugi, the leader of the Kanto, a leader and a traitor?

Uesugi Terutora smiled.

"I inherited the Uesugi family in Yamauchi, and I was in charge of the Kanto military service, which was recognized by General Ashikaga in Kyoto, and I was not very recognized by the Kanto samurai family.

Besides, I was born in the Echigo samurai family, and those people in the Kanto Plain also regarded me as an outsider. "

(End of this chapter)

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