Chapter 896

In the Kanto area, the relationship is so complicated that sometimes even the locals themselves don't understand the relationship between each other.

From the Bando Bahei family during the Emperor's court period, to the royal family during the Kamakura shogunate period, and the Kamakura Gongfang family after the establishment of the Ashikaga shogunate, the relationship between each family is extremely chaotic.

Let’s not talk about the distance, just say that after the establishment of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the first generation general Ashikaga Takashi took the eldest daughter as the heir to the shogunate.

She was afraid that the Kanto samurai would break away from the control of the Ashikaga shogunate, so she sent her second daughter to the Sagami country and enfeoffed the ten Kanto kingdoms, called the Kamakura government.This is the history of General Kanto, Kamakura Ashikaga.

Excluding the Kai country in the mountains, the Izu country on the edge, and the main jurisdiction of the Kamakura Ashikaga family, it is the Kanto Plain in the traditional sense, and the eight neighboring countries of Guan Yashu.

Takashi Ashikaga was afraid that the Kamakura government would not be able to suppress the local area, so he invited her husband's family, the Uesugi family, to help him as the head of the Kamakura Ashikaga family.

It's a pity that Takashi Ashikaga worked so hard to suppress the Kanto samurai family.As a result, the Kamakura Ashikaga family who had gained too much power quickly became dissatisfied.

After only two generations of work, the Kwantung general led the Kwantung Wu family to rebel.

Afterwards, although General Ashikaga in Kyoto quelled the rebellion, the balance of the Kanto Plain was also broken, leading to chaos from then on.

The Uesugi family is the housekeeper of the Kamakura government, and Kanto is in charge of the consulate.After several generations of reproduction, the Uesugi family split into four branches.

The two strongest of them are the Inuxuan Uesugi family and the Yamauchi Uesugi family, who have been vying for the position of Kanto governor.

After that, Inuxuan Uesugi's family fell, and Uesugi's family in Yamauchi dominated.At this time, Ogiya Uesugi's family rose again, and the two families continued to fight.

The rise of the Uesugi Ogidani family is due to the help of the Ota family, the housekeeper of her family, who assisted the main family to make things happen.The Nagao family is the housekeeper of the Uesugi family in Yamauchi, and is also a large Kanto family.

As a result, the Kamakura government, the Yamauchi Uesugi family, the Ogaya Uesugi family, together with the Ota family and the Nagao family, all these important ministers, formed a pot of porridge in the core area of ​​the Kanto Plain.

The Yamauchi Uesugi family occupies Ueno, North Musashi.Ogiya Uesugi's family occupies Sagami, Minami Musashi.The Kamakura government had lost Kamakura a long time ago, and was lingering in the Furukawa area of ​​Shimosōgu.

The fights of each family were extremely enjoyable, and the martial arts of the Kanto countries gradually got rid of the rule of the Kwantung generals and the Kwantung leaders.

The Echigo Nagao family, the Nishi Ueno Nagano family and other local nationalities took advantage of the opportunity to overcome themselves and became self-reliant, which weakened the strength of the Kanto rulers.

At this time, Hojo's family came in to pick peaches.With the bravery of three generations, he took down the Kwantung generals and killed two Uesugi families, which severely shocked the Kwantung Wu family who had been in chaos for more than a hundred years.

Facing the powerful Hojo family, the Kanto samurai did not unite.Some took refuge in the Hojo family, some rebelled against the Hojo family, and the internal friction became more serious.

The Nagao family is one of the Hachihei clan in Bando. It was a famous family in the era of the Kamakura shogunate. At this time, it has also been divided into three families.

One is the Echigo Nagao family, the other is the Shirai head office, and the other is the Ashikaga Nagao family.

Shirai, Sosha, Ashikaga Castle and other Nagao families are no more distant than the Echigo Nagao family.They have successively become the housekeepers of the Uesugi family in the mountains, and they have all been famous for a while.

Fortunately, the two Ueno branches of the Shirai Headquarters said that they faced the threat of the Hojo family and were willing to seek refuge with Terotora Uesugi for self-protection.

And the territory of the Nagao family of Ashikaga Castle is in the Shimono country, and has not yet been threatened by the Hojo family.

Her family is the Nagao family, and now the Echigo Nagao family is renamed the Yamauchi Uesugi family, returning to the Kanto Plain.The side branch of the common people became their own masters, and her family didn't want to lose face!

The Hojo family has not reached the Shimono country for a while, and the Ashikaga Nagao family is also undecided to seek refuge with Uesugi Terutora, so let's perfunctory for now.

As soon as Uesugi Terutora heard what Uesugi Jingxin said, he knew what the Ashikaga Nagao family was up to, and he didn't bother to pay attention to her family's petty thinking.

The two Uesugi families were wiped out, and Uesugi Kensei fled to Echigo. It has been nearly two years now, and the Hojo family has been digesting the territory of the Uesugi family in the Ueno and Musashi countries.

Terutora Uesugi held the banner of the Uesugi family in the mountains, and wanted to fight back to the Kanto Plain. The main focus was the old collars of the two Uesugi families in Musashi Ueno Sagami Sangoku.

For the other neighboring countries in the Kanto region, for the time being, we must focus on unity.Uesugi Terotora will pretend not to see the small thoughts of the Nagao family in Ashikaga Castle for the time being.

She said.

"If you don't mention the Nagao family in Ashikaga Castle, what's the response from the other families? Can they win over?"

Uesugi Jingxin smiled wryly.

"Ueno Musashi and the two countries have always been in chaos. Now that there are no two Uesugi families, and even a nominal leader is missing, it is even more chaotic.

In Ueno country.The Nagano family of Minowa Castle is your ally and supports our army going south. The Nagano family of Stable Bridge City has chosen to surrender to the Hojo family.

The Ota family of Iwafujo Castle expressed support for our going south, and the Ota family of Edo Castle has joined the Hojo family for two generations.

Fortunately, the two Nagao families from the Shirai Headquarters stood up, but the Numata family seemed to be in trouble again. "

Teru Uesugi's tiger eyes showed a fierce look.

"Didn't Numata Xiantai swear that he would definitely stand by my side? This guy wants to go back on his word?"

The Nagano family, the Nagao family, and the Ota family mentioned by Uesugi Keishin are all influential families in the Kanto family.

The Tone River waterway runs through Ueno Musashi and the two countries, and it is the most important logistics channel for the Echigo army to go south this time.

The threat of the pro-Hojo family must be eliminated in order to ensure that the future is not lost.The Numata family where the problem occurred was at the source of the Tone River.

The Numata family is a descendant of the Miura clan and one of the Bando Hachira clans.

The territory of the Numata family was the first stop of the Echigo army going south. It crossed the Sakado Castle and crossed the Echigo Mountains. It was her family's territory.

In particular, her family's home city, Numata Castle, and the branch city, Walnut Castle, are key cities that control the upper reaches of the Tone River.

Xiantai, the governor of the Numata family, was bribed by Teruo Uesugi with a lot of money long ago, and he took refuge here.Now that the Kanto strategy is about to start, she said something went wrong at home?What a mess!
It is a joke to send troops to the Kanto Plain and have an accident at the first foothold.Uesugi Terutora was smiling, but his eyes were cold and murderous.

It's better for Numata Xiantai to settle her own family affairs, otherwise Echigo Dajun will have to help her settle it.

Seeing that the lord was furious, Uesugi Jingxin kowtowed to the ground to plead guilty.She is also innocent in this matter, who knew that such a moth would come out of the Numata family who negotiated first.

Tone River, also known as Bando Tai Niang, is a river that runs through the two countries of Ueno and Musashi.

In ancient times, Kanto was called Bando, Tai Niang means the eldest daughter, and the eldest daughter of Kanto also shows the importance of Tonegawa to Kanto.

The Tone River has been flooded and diverted all the year round, and the Edo Ota family once thought about treating it.But the Tone River is turbulent, and it is impossible to succeed only by downstream efforts.

But if we try to divert people from the middle and upper reaches, given the current war situation in the Kanto Plain, it is even more wishful thinking, and we can only give up in resentment in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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