Chapter 9 Research
Having molested Xue Nai, Yi Yin was in a good mood, and decided to rest for a few days, and wait for Yang Nai to come back before going to the village to bring back the autumn harvest.

The village is not far from Sibo's house, and it is clustered along a stream to form a natural village. It is not far downstream from the stockade of Sibo's guardian mansion, and the name is called Xicun.

Generally, Chinese villages are named after the land in the village, such as Xintianzhuang and Zhitian Village.

Perhaps because they felt that their ancestral property had been lost too much, the Shiba family, who was really shameless, did not ask for the village to be called Shiba Village.

Because it is based on the river, it is simply called Xicun.

There are two harvests a year, wheat in summer and rice in autumn.

It was not long after the autumn harvest, and according to the rules, a village woman should come to the Guardian Mansion to say hello, and asked Shiba Family Governor to send someone to pull the grain into the warehouse.

There are not so many warehouses in the village to store grain, and there are things to cover it outside.

But after a long time, it is inevitable that birds will be pecking at the rain. If there is a loss, it is difficult to explain, so I will come to ask for instructions repeatedly, so that I can get rid of it as soon as possible with peace of mind.

But after that night at Shiba's house, no one from the village came back.

Is it because he is afraid of fighting Ji Warrior adults, or has other thoughts?Yiyin is hard to say.

A few servants at home are useless. Most men in this world take care of their wives and children, and keep themselves safe.

The ones who can be used are Yang Nai Xue Nai. They have to be given some status and armed before they can go to the village to question and reprimand them.

Rural women are afraid of authority but not virtue, Yiyin has no choice but to understand.

Although I can fight as well as women in this world, but people just look down on men in their hearts.

You may not pay attention to you when you go, I don't know if there will be any aftereffects if I really kill a few Liwei.After all, the foothold is not stable now, and stability overwhelms everything.

Taking advantage of these few days, he had a good rest and had the energy to study his own system.

This is a dumb system. Except for the electronic sound that sounded when Oda Nobuyu was killed last time, there has been no follow-up sound until now.

Think of it in your mind, and indeed an interface will appear.

Kill Rating: 100
Host: Yoshihiko Shiba

Title: Governor of the Shiba family (pseudo) (A famous family without women, the ridicule from behind far outweighs the respect from the front.)
Strength: 5 (Teacher Saitama’s training method makes you as strong as a woman, friendly reminder, it’s better if you’re bald)
Dexterity: 4 (boars are only slightly more agile than you)

Intelligence: 6 (experiences in previous lives give you a self-knowledge that most people don't have)

Charisma: 8 (Can rely on face for food)
Legendary events (history that future generations will enjoy watching):
Oath of Difficulties and Eight Sufferings (Spoel Edition): Your little thought becomes an inspirational story that people pass on orally and resonates with a history that has not yet happened. (Traditional samurai with a conservative personality will increase their first encounter favorability, and a certain character's first encounter favorability will be max)

From the perspective of the system, the Siba family without a daughter has lost mainstream recognition, and the title bonus of the Siba family's son is gone.

I don't know if I will feel ugly when I meet Oda Nobunaga next time, Yoshihiro thought.

According to the text analysis after the data, the number 5 should be the average value of women in this world.

Because men are generally useless, Yiyin who has reached strength 5 already has the strength standard of women.

Agile should refer to flexibility and response, right?A little below average for women in this world.

The above-average intelligence should be due to the experience of the previous life, but it does not look optimistic.It shows that there are many smart women in this world, and they need to be more cautious in doing things.

Charm is your most important attribute now, right?No matter which society, appearance can be eaten as a meal.

I don't know what the comprehensive consideration of charm is. From the previous make-up and clothes + 2 points of charm, a large part of charm is the appearance.In other words, look at the face.

Legendary events should be another bonus, which is divided in addition to the four attributes.

I didn't know much about the Japanese Warring States in my previous life, but Oda Nobunaga was an important part of the Japanese Warring States. Following her should be able to trigger several legendary events and enhance my own legendary event bonus.

I don't know what the triggering condition is.Seven difficulties and eight sufferings are Buddhist sayings, and Japanese Buddhism is prosperous.

I borrowed it to swear to revive the Shiba family, and I should have done what someone would do unintentionally.The initial favorability is max, I hope to be a powerful woman, and I can eat soft rice.

The interface is basically understood, so the problem now is. . .kill value. . .

The killing value is obtained after killing Oda Nobuyu. So, if you want to get the killing value, you have to kill someone?
This made Yiyin very uncomfortable, although he was already mentally prepared for the fact that he had to kill people in order to survive in troubled times.

But wanton killing in order to get help from the system goes against his personal values.

He is not a mentally ill murderous maniac who can convince himself that he kills for survival.

However, wanton killing and harming innocent people in order to get rewards from the system seriously touched his bottom line as a person.

And what's the use of killing value?After trying it, none of the four attributes can be selected.

You can't use the killing value to convert it into attributes to enhance your own strength.So where is the killing value used?

He observed the interface carefully, and found that the top of the interface, the upper left corner of the interface window, displayed. .

normal state

With a thought in his heart, he clicked on it with his mind, and a drop-down menu appeared: Normal Mode. . .killing mode. . .insight mode. . .

After trying to click on the killing mode carefully, the electronic sound sounded again.

Does it switch to killing mode?yes/no (costs kill value 1 per second)

It turned out to be used in this way. After seeing that he only had a kill value of 100, Yiyin decided to dig into the insight mode.

Is it converted to insight mode?yes/no (costs kill value 1 per second)

In this way, the system has two special modes, which need to consume 1 killing point per second to realize.

I don't know the specific content, but literally, the killing mode should be to improve one's combat effectiveness, and the insight mode should be to improve one's observation ability.

Yiyin didn't know if he was thinking right, because the killing value was too low, and it only took 100 seconds to fully open it, so let's keep it for now.

There will be no danger of going to the battlefield for a while, so there is no rush.

I am only 14 years old, my body has not yet grown, and my current physical level is only equivalent to that of an ordinary woman.

Eat well, exercise well, and you should be stronger.

While studying, Yang Nai came back.

Came back in only two days?Is 100 Wen not enough to spend?Shouldn't it?

Yangnai came to see Yiyin as soon as he came back, a standard Dogeza with an unspeakable expression.

"Yang Nai, is something not going well?"

"No, Lord Yiyin, things are going very well...

I only stayed for one night in the tavern under Qingzhou City, and the news spread the next day. I originally wanted to go to a few nearby cities, but who would have thought of it. .

The news is going faster than me, so I'm back. "

(End of this chapter)

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