I want to be emperor

Chapter 1162 The low-key and mysterious royal family

Chapter 1162 The low-key and mysterious royal family

The prince Luo Li was different from the princes in many dynasties who only had a title, but did not control much actual power.

Luo Li, the crown prince of the Chu Empire, began to actually take charge of some affairs and gain actual power from the early days of his administration.

As time went by, the affairs that Prince Luo Li was responsible for became more important, his power became greater, and he became busier.

In the late 1920s, he began to observe government. By the 40th year of Chengshun, Prince Luo Jian had basically visited all the ministries in Gyeonggi Province. He also went to Yingtianfu Yamen to observe government for a period of time to understand the operation of local institutions. and the handling of local affairs.

In the 40th year of Chengshun's reign, Prince Luo Jian temporarily left the administrative agency and went to various military ministries to observe government affairs, and participated in commanding a large-scale military exercise.

In the 42nd year of Chengshun, Prince Luo Jian entered the Imperial Study Room to observe the affairs of the Council, and began to have real contact with the "Council", the highest-level authority in the Chu Empire. To some extent, he also became a supernumerary. The Minister of Counselor began to be in charge of many affairs.

In the forty-eighth year of Chengshun, when Luo Zhixue inspected various parts of the world, he ordered the prince to supervise the country, and took advantage of the situation to let the prince Luo Jian assist in the Council.

After Luo Zhixue completed his global inspection, although the prince was relieved of the supervision of the country, he still retained the title of Associate Councilor. As a result, the prince became a role such as the foreman of the Councilor in a sense, and directly Responsible for handling the daily affairs of many empires, and continues to this day.

The actual authority of the prince Luo Li during this period was very large, exceeding that of any prince in any dynasty... He was completely able to handle many daily affairs independently and according to his own ideas.

Of course, this also caused the prince Luo Li to become busier and busier... He used to be able to take a break occasionally when he was observing politics, but after he became the assistant to the Council of Ministers, he found that being the prince was really busy, and he was busy all day long. Lots to do.

Every day is spent meeting with ministers, holding meetings, reviewing and approving various documents, and going out for inspections. There is no time for rest throughout the year.

On the contrary, his father, Luo Zhixue, has been much freer since he asked Prince Luo Jian to serve as the assistant to the Council of Ministers. Unless there were important matters, Luo Zhixue would not interfere in daily affairs.

The current state of the empire is that Luo Zhixue continues to sit in charge and control the strategic direction and important personnel appointments, while Prince Luo Li is responsible for the implementation of these strategic directions.

At today's Spring Festival state banquet, Luo Zhixue simply asked the prince to directly host the Spring Festival state banquet, while he himself sat at the head of the table and took care of many chores.

This also gave a clearer signal to the outside world, that is, the Chu Empire will unswervingly adopt the system of direct descendants, and the status of the prince is unshakable!

Many intra-royal struggles in ancient dynasties were caused on the one hand by the unstable position of the prince, and on the other hand by the power conflict between the emperor and the prince.

The emperor is afraid that the prince will seize power, and the prince is afraid that the emperor will dethrone him... Such suspicion is very fatal.

As for Luo Zhixue, he simply laid out everything, determined his eldest son early, and completely determined this rule as a national policy, and future generations were not allowed to change it... Secondly, Luo Zhixue did not guard his son as an enemy. , but to train him when he should be nurtured, and to delegate power when he is given power, so that the prince will not be too miserable. He can only be a prince with a name but no power for a long time, and he will not cry out that there is no such thing as a prince in the world for fifty years. .

When there was no suspicion between them, and when the prince knew that he would ascend to the throne sooner or later, there would naturally be no room for many things.

Of course... Luo Zhixue was able to do this because he had absolute confidence in himself. He had enough authority to suppress any inappropriate thoughts of the prince and continue to control the general direction.

As for what future generations will do, whether they can also delegate power as readily as he did and let the prince take control of the power... This depends on the ability and mind of the future generations. Anyway, he can't control the affairs of the future generations.

All he hopes is that the system of direct descendants can continue for as many generations as possible, so that the empire can maintain high-level stability and avoid instability.

As long as there is no chaos at the top of the empire and no royal infighting surfaces, the foundation of the empire cannot be shaken.

As for whether there will be young masters and mediocre people under the eldest son system in the future... that will definitely happen, but the service participation system and the military service system created by Luo Zhixue are not for nothing... In addition to centralization, these two things In addition to the main role of imperial power, it can also maintain the stable operation of the empire.

After all...not every emperor can be so strong as Luo Zhixue, and can make all the ministers leave or stay because of his words.

In the future, the emperor and the ministers will definitely reach a certain new balance over time and restrain each other... and further, it is also very likely that a constitutional monarch will appear in the future.

And Luo Zhixue does not exclude the emergence of a constitutional monarchy in the future of the empire... It is the trend of human history and is unstoppable. If it must be resisted, the entire royal family will be crushed to pieces, and everyone in the world dares to skip the constitutional monarchy directly. Play republic.

Throughout human history, especially the modern history of various countries, this historical law can be summarized.

Things will come sooner or later, it's just sooner or later.

Therefore, Luo Zhixue is relatively open-minded. He believes in his heart that his Luo Dynasty can last for several generations, and that it will be enough to be a real-power monarchy for more than a hundred years. If changes occur in one or two hundred years, the Luo Dynasty can still maintain a constitutional monarchy. Although If you lose your power but can still maintain your glory and wealth, then that's the best thing.

In this way, it can be regarded as a gift left by him, the founder of the Luo Dynasty, to future generations.

On the other hand, if he feels that he cannot maintain these situations after his death, or may even cause turmoil and lead to the collapse of the empire, then he will not hesitate to personally abolish the Luo family and lead the empire to a republic!

Because in his heart, the Chu Empire is more important than the Luo family!

As for the Dachu Empire, it was Luo Zhixue's empire, not the Luo royal family's empire... The difference here needs to be distinguished.

Of course, this worst-case scenario will not happen. After all, his prestige is too high, and the Luo family's reputation in all walks of life is quite good. Thanks to Luo Zhixue's personal prestige, the public's support for the royal family has also increased. The senses are also very good.

In addition, Luo Zhixue has never condoned the indulgence of royal family members in recent years. In order to maintain the mystery of the royal family, the royal family members actually do not appear in public on weekdays.

The members of the royal family that people are familiar with are actually Luo Zhixue and Prince Luo Jian, plus at most the prince's eldest son, the emperor's grandson... One of them is the emperor, one is the prince, and the other is the emperor's grandson!

As for the other members of the royal family, the outside world is actually not familiar with them. Most people in the Chu country don't even know how many sons Luo Zhixue has!

In fact, some adults often go out for inspections on behalf of Luo Zhixue, and the princes who express condolences rarely make public reports, and the public is not familiar with them much.

Let's put it this way, Da Chu Chao Bao, the top-level newspaper with strong political meaning in the Da Chu Empire, currently only publishes photos of Luo Zhixue, the crown prince, and the emperor's grandson. Other royal members, including adult princes None of their photos have been published!

It is impossible to have a traditional dynasty where everyone can tell that the second prince is the most generous, the third prince is the most learned, the fourth prince is popular with the military, and the fifth prince has the support of a large financial group...

Most people don't even know how many sons Luo Zhixue has, let alone what the other adult princes except the prince are doing, what their advantages and disadvantages are!

The royal family members are still a very mysterious group of people in the Da Chu Empire, especially the princes and princesses, who are basically not familiar to the outside world.

Therefore, the people's overall impression of the royal family members is that they are mysterious, respected, and have little to do with themselves. As for whether the royal family is good or not... I have never been exposed to it, or even heard about it, and the people can't tell the difference!

This is not an effect that Luo Zhixue deliberately wanted to achieve. At first, Luo Zhixue just did not want the princes and grandsons to disturb the people. At the same time, he also wanted to avoid other princes having undue thoughts about seizing the throne. Therefore, the propaganda department was strictly prohibited from reporting , to publicize the deeds of other princes.

Newspapers do not publish relevant news and rely only on word of mouth. In fact, the circulation of information is very limited.

In the Da Chu Empire, almost everyone knew the prince's relevant information, including basic information such as age, birthday, appearance, and height.

They even know some general information about the crown prince's eldest son, the grandson Luo Guo...

But very few people know the information about other princes and grandsons.

By the way, the title of Luo Guoxi, the eldest son of Crown Prince Luo Li, is not the title of the eldest grandson of the emperor in the conventional sense, but the title of Zhenger Ba Jing. When this son was eight years old, He was canonized as the emperor's grandson by Luo Zhixue.

Luo Zhixue not only identified his eldest son Luo Li as his heir, but also directly identified Luo Li's eldest son as his third heir, further clarifying the eldest son system and completely dispelling the ideas of other princes.

It also prevents Luo Li's other sons from having inappropriate thoughts.

Speaking of which, Crown Prince Luo Jun is actually not young anymore. Born in the sixth year of Chengshun, he is actually 47 years old this year.

The eldest son of his concubine is almost thirty years old...and the eldest son of the Crown Princess, Luo Guoxu, is also twenty-six years old.

However, Luo Guoxu's education was different from that of the prince. He did not take the path of specialized education. Instead, after receiving elementary and junior high school courses from the royal teacher, he went to the 'Royal Middle School' where other princes, grandsons and many ministers' children attended. He attended high school and then entered the Guards Officers Academy to continue his studies.

After graduation, he joined the Guards and served as the First Lancer Regiment of the Guards. He was also the commander of the only nominally retained heavy cavalry regiment in the contemporary Chu Empire. He also held the rank of Brigadier General of the Guards...

Prince Luo Jian hopes to give him a normal growing environment as much as possible, instead of being like himself, growing up alone... He doesn't even have any peers to play with, and he has never enjoyed what childhood and school life are like. .

That’s why we arranged for him to attend high school, military school, and even let him serve in the Guards... Of course, this kind of service was nominal. No one would really let a young man who had just graduated to command the Chu Empire’s army. The only armored car regiment in the Guards.

Although the First Lancer Regiment still retains the name of a cavalry regiment, it actually retains a large number of tall horses. It has a true cuirassier force of about two hundred people. However, this cavalry company only Serves as a ceremonial duty and acts as a nominal escort cavalry guard.

The main force of the 1st Lancer Regiment has undergone successive reforms in the past few years and is equipped with a variety of different armored vehicles, trucks, tricycles, motorcycles and other vehicles.

It has become a first-class combat-ready armored vehicle regiment with more than 200 various armored vehicles, a large number of trucks and tricycles, and a total strength of more than 4,000 people... These more than 4,000 troops are equipped with armored vehicles, trucks, tricycles and various guns. The officers and men of the Guards are the true First Lancers.

The First Lancer Regiment has never been a show-off. Since its establishment, it has been the ace unit of the Guards that maintains first-class strategic equipment. At the same time, the regiment also dispatches combat troops overseas to perform tasks as a mixed battalion all year round. .

Through this kind of normalized rotational combat, the soldiers of the First Lancer Regiment are always maintained at a relatively high level of combat readiness and have corresponding practical experience.

Well, not only the 1st Lancers do this, but other Guards, the Army, and the Navy actually do this... They all use rotation dispatch to send troops to garrison and fight overseas in turn to avoid having a large number of troops at home. After being stationed for a long time, they lose actual combat experience and their combat effectiveness decreases.

However, the First Lancer Regiment is the only army that is regularly deployed overseas. A mixed battalion of about a thousand people is deployed overseas for training all year round, and personnel are constantly rotated.

Therefore, the structure of the First Lancer Regiment is a little more complicated. Among their more than 4,000 troops, there are about 3,000 troops stationed outside Jinling City. They serve as the core garrison force in Jinling City. The emperor can directly call them through a dedicated phone call. Drive armored vehicles into the city and suppress any dissent.

There are about a thousand people deployed for overseas operations, and they are not deployed on a fixed basis. Instead, they are deployed wherever there is war. Therefore, they travel almost all over the world to train soldiers and learn from war experience.

Plus a heavy cavalry company of more than 200 people, who still use war horses, sabers, and ceremonial breastplates. They are mainly used as a guard of honor and never go to the battlefield...

However, it is worth noting that the cavalry company of the First Lancer Regiment is not a pure guard of honor. In fact, it is a serious cuirass heavy cavalry company, which is what all the cavalry in the Chu Empire longs for. Entering cavalry company.

These cavalry members, who look like honor guards, are all outstanding members selected from the entire army, not just the Guards, but also from the army, navy and other branches.

Therefore, don’t think that they are real honor guards just because they are doing honor guard work... If necessary, they can pull out their sabers and charge you with a cavalry in minutes. They are also good at using lances to fight on horseback. Shoot from above, or fight on foot while dismounting.

These cavalry are all the best among the cavalry!

To be selected into this first lancer regiment, which is the only remaining heavy cavalry company in the empire, not only requires excellent cavalry ability, but also has very strict requirements on background, background, daily words and deeds... and even background background And the requirements for words and deeds exceed the requirements for ability.

This cavalry company is the only one in the Great Chu Empire that needs to pass multiple reviews by the Military Intelligence Department, the Internal Affairs Department, and the Guards Department of the Palace Affairs Department. The transfer of each team member needs to be personally approved by His Majesty before he can enter the service.

If not for anything else, just because this heavy cavalry often appears in front of His Majesty and the Prince, acting as an escort on important occasions... taking His Majesty on horseback when necessary.

Let's put it this way, when their sabers were closest, they were only three to five meters away from the emperor.

If you don't pass the strict review, don't expect to enter the cavalry company.

The selection criteria for the cavalry company's personnel are actually similar to those of the Imperial Guards in all aspects...

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