Chapter 415 Elkia!

"It smells delicious, bro, look over there!"

"Look what I found, three white, tender and lovely big fat sheep!"

"Hey! You three, robbery!"

Just as Kong was gulping down the century soup in his hand, three men emerged from the grass not far away. They were wandering nearby looking for prey before they suddenly smelled a scent full of temptation, and instinctively followed suit. Followed the direction of the scent and chased after him.

Sure enough, as they expected, they followed the scent and found three big fat sheep that looked easy to get. The three robbers immediately rushed in front of Lu Qiming and the others aggressively, talking about robbery with grim smiles on their faces.

"Big brother! That's almost finished!"

Just as Kong was watching the bandit appearing out of nowhere with a puzzled expression, a thin guy like a bamboo pole on the opposite side suddenly pointed at the last mouthful of century soup in Kong's hand and yelled.

"Hey! Kid, didn't you hear? You have been robbed by us now, and what you have in your hands is also a bet. Don't drink any more, at least keep the last sip for us!"


Kong was a little confused by the three robbers in front of him, are they sure they didn't come to make a joke?

They kept talking about robbing, but they didn’t even have weapons in their hands, and it’s fine if they don’t have weapons. Since just now, they have completely acted like they don’t want to use force or want to use force to rob, but they can’t do anything about it. Action.

Suddenly, Sora remembered what the guy named Tetu who claimed to be a god said before. Everything in this world is determined by ten covenants, and the first of them is to prohibit all killing, war, and plunder. In other words, because This is what these bandits look like in front of this rule?

Thinking of this, Kong's heart is still full of confusion. After all, he was just an ordinary boy, or the kind who only dared to hide at home, and it was unbelievable for him to suddenly face such a situation. Things, still can't believe it easily.

After all, the people in front of Kong are human beings, those creatures who say they obey the rules, but turn around and trample the rules they made themselves under their feet for the sake of profit.

For this reason, Kong decided to test the opposite side, if
"The three of you are planning to rob us, right? Then according to the second article of the covenant, all disputes must be resolved with games, which means that if you want to rob us, you must win us in the game!"

After finishing speaking, Kong stared at the three robbers in front of him, and squatted down slightly to maintain the posture of avoiding the attack of the three in front of him and running to Lu Qiming's side, but the next second the three robbers on the opposite side took out Something made Sora let go of part of his vigilance.

On the opposite side, the three men who were talking about robbing took out a pack of playing cards from their pockets and put them in front of the sky as they should. The man called the boss had a dark, rough face full of confidence. smile.

"This time, we will use poker to decide the outcome. The bet is everything on the three of you, as well as the soup left in your hand!"

"Ah, this is really such a way of robbery!"

Kong stared blankly at the bandit in front of him who was holding a poker card and grinning. He didn't know why he suddenly felt that the three guys in front of him were actually here to make a joke, but it was exactly like this. Feeling as if this world is more suitable for them, someone subconsciously ignored that he had just been in this world for less than half a day.

"Sarcasm! Then according to the covenant, both parties must have mutually agreeable and equal bets. That is to say, if you lose, everything about you will also be ours. Let the game begin!"

Seeing the young man with the strange gleam in his eyes with the corners of his lips curled up, the three robbers looked at each other, feeling deeply uneasy in their hearts. Could it be that this robbery is going to fail again?
'No!They have failed to rob several times in a row, and even failed to rob an eight-year-old girl last time. If this continues, they will definitely starve to death! '

On the side, Lu Qiming, who was teasing the little loli in his arms, raised his head slightly to look at the three funny robbers not far away who had already become profusely sweaty. These three guys also appeared in the original novel, and in just a few seconds The time was won by the blank brothers and sisters, who didn't even have pants.

As for now, Lu Qiming doesn't bother to care about it. With Yikong's strong insight into people's mind and analysis ability, coupled with his never-beaten strength in major games, those three funny robbers still want to win. If they can do it It turns out that Lu Qiming is going to start 'Wu Shuang' to cut Tetu and grab the star cup.

A few minutes later, Kong walked to Lu Qiming and Bai with all the robbers' belongings. He had already learned some information about this world from the three funny robbers just now.

A long, long time ago, the gods seized the absolute dominance of the world and the only god seat, and waged an eternal battle with their families and creatures. The long and tragic war wiped out the sky, the sea, the earth, and the stars.

But suddenly, the war was lonely before the winner was decided, so the only god who retained his strength at that time and had been standing by, won without a fight and sat on the throne of the only god.

That is an existence that used to be called the God of Games.

At that time, the god of games, who sat on the throne of the only god, asked the gods and tried his best, violence, force, and all power to pile up a tower of corpses. You who claim to have intelligence answer me!
What is the difference between you and the mindless beasts?
In the collapsed world, any kind of refutation is meaningless, and then the only god Tut forbids all killing and plundering in this world, and said so.

O sixteen races claiming to possess wisdom!

Use your reason, wisdom, talent, resources, build a tower of wisdom, and use your own intelligence to prove it!

"Is that what they told you, Sora?"

Lu Qiming raised his head and looked in front of him. He told himself and Bai Zikong what he had learned from the three robbers before, and smiled lightly. Then he raised his head and looked into the distance. There was one of the sixteen races, the human beings at the bottom. The location of the species.

It seems that everything is just like the original book. Tetu didn't tell everyone the facts of the great war, but Lu Qiming can understand this, after all, human beings are too fragile for other races.

Even in this world that relies on games to solve everything, if other races know that the star cup they have fought for is actually obtained by the human race that they never cared about, it is just because the human race's body cannot accommodate the star cup. Cup, let Tetu take the lead.

Then the major races will definitely target the human species for various reasons such as dissatisfaction and hatred, then the vitality that Rick and Shubi worked so hard to win for the human species from that war will disappear, after all, it is just playing games. No Elven corridors, people who cannot use magic will also be crushed by major races.

And the so-called games also include war games.

"Qiming, do you think what they said is wrong?"

Bai raised her small head and looked at Lu Qiming. She was smart enough to sense something was wrong from Lu Qiming's expression, as if the news that came out of nowhere was wrong, and Lu Qiming knew what really happened in this world.

"No, part of what they said is correct, but it's not the time to tell you the rest, and I won't tell you, if you want to know, you can find it yourself later, you can think of it as a decryption game .”

Lu Qiming looked down at Bai in his arms, and didn't tell them what really happened. After all, it's more interesting for them to discover this kind of thing by themselves. Would it be boring if Lu Qiming directly told them that they didn't see each other?
"A decryption game? It's very interesting!"

The corners of Kong's mouth curled up slightly when he heard Lu Qiming's words. This incident seemed very interesting, and Kong was actually a little curious about what happened in the past. After all, why would some gods be allowed to stand by in a great battle where the gods blocked everything? .

After all, Kong doesn't think that any gods are idiots, and he allows himself to stay out of the battle to maintain his strength. As long as he is normal, he will kill this kind of person as soon as possible, so as to prevent himself from being spectated while doing everything he can. People can easily get it.

Unless it is the so-called God of Games, other gods don't know about his existence before he gets the star cup. Or
Thinking about it carefully, the information full of various mysteries made Sora feel more interested, and now that Sora has been determined, everything in this world is decided by the game, it seems that everything has become more interesting than the previous world!

"Okay, now is not the time for you to think about these things, let's go to the country of human species in this world to see."

At this time, Lu Qiming stood up and interrupted Kong's thinking. When Lu Qiming was playing with the three hilarious robbers in Kong, he had already found the location of the human race kingdom, Alzia Kingdom, which was not far from them. .

Although according to Lu Qiming's observation, the so-called Alzia Kingdom currently has only one capital, Alzia, and the others have been lost to the orcs by the previous generation of kings, and Lu Qiming also saw that the new capital city is being held A king election contest.


Sora and Shiro looked at each other and nodded. They also want to see the humans in this world, especially at this time, Sora has realized that this is a different world, that is to say, the beast-eared girls and elves that once only existed in fantasy , Angel. How could the Blank brothers and sisters who are serious nerds bear it!
"Wait! Brats!"

"At least let us beat you up!"


At this time, the trio of Doubi and robbers who noticed that Lu Qiming and the others were about to leave quickly started shouting.

"Three funny comparisons!"

Lu Qiming looked at the three Doubi robbers who were crying and fussing and shook his head helplessly, and directly waved his hand and flew towards the sky with Kong and Bai.



In the sky, Kong and Bai looked excitedly at the ground and the clouds beside them, like children, looking at the ground flying past below and the clouds beside them. The clouds around them brought a slight coolness with their palms, and many beasts galloped past on the ground. Towns full of different world styles appear on the horizon.

In less than a minute, the previously small town grew rapidly, and Lu Qiming landed at the gate of the city with a blank stare under the surprised eyes of many humans.

"What race is this?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not human."

"But why do people from other races come here, don't they look down on us humans?"

At the gate of the city, people looked at Lu Qiming and the three who were approaching and began to discuss, and looked at them with vigilance and vigilance, as well as a trace of envy that could not be concealed.

After all, among the sixteen races in this world, it is well known that the human race has no elven corridors and no strength. Even the orc race, which is only one rank higher than the human race, can easily kill hundreds of humans with its strong strength species, not to mention other powerful races.

Even the human species in the past were not considered by other races as beings with the same intelligence as them. It was not until the appearance of the unique God Tetu that the human species appeared in the racial rankings.

"Qiming, why do they look at us like this?"

Kong raised his head and looked at those human beings not far away, showing a puzzled expression. Even gods and giant dragons appeared before, and they just flew over in an ordinary way. Why did they look like this.

It stands to reason that in this world with magic and gods, isn't this kind of thing normal?
"Oh! I forgot to tell you that the humans in this world are not races created by the gods, so they don't have elven corridors in their bodies. In other words, the humans in this world are no different from you. They are all weak and powerless. chicken.

As for what the Elven Corridor is, you can think of it as a magic engraving of a magician or a ghost horn of a ghost clan. In short, you cannot use magic without this thing. "

Lu Qiming turned his head and explained to Blank, then ignoring the eyes of those people, he led the brothers and sisters of Blank into the capital of the human kingdom, Alzia. What's the matter with Qiming?
"Ha! Qiming, do you mean that the human beings in this world don't know magic like in comics and novels, that is, Bai and I can't learn magic?"

After listening to Lu Qiming's words, Kong Kong turned his head and asked, you must know that he had imagined how handsome he would look after learning magic just now in the sky, but now Lu Qiming told him that he could not learn magic!
"Well, in this world without the Elven Corridor, it's true that you can't learn and use any extraordinary power, but this is very simple for me. As long as you are willing, I can help you have the power to smash mountains with one punch."

Said, Lu Qiming slowly looked at Kong and Bai, his deep voice was full of temptation like a devil from hell, even under Lu Qiming's voice, Kong and Bai seemed to have seen themselves flying into the sky and hiding from the ground, omnipotent .

"However, you also know that it is impossible for humans in this world to use magic, so you just need to go beyond the limits of humans."

"Qiming, what exactly do you want to do?"

In the next second, Kong blocked Bai behind him, and looked at Lu Qiming with vigilance. He never believed that there was any free lunch in the world, or that the free one was the most expensive, and the ghost knew what Lu Qiming said What will it look like when it surpasses human beings.

"Brother, Qiming is teasing us!"

At this moment, Bai stretched out his small hand to pull Kong's clothes, his small head stuck out from behind Kong, and Sanwu looked at Lu Qiming with a playful smile on his small face.

"Bai you found out."

Seeing this, Lu Qiming didn't feel the embarrassment of being frightened by the children, and smiled lightly at the space in front of him.

"Okay, what I told you before is indeed true, but you don't need to turn into weird things. Do you remember the century soup I gave you before? What I'm talking about is the power of that world, a kind of It is called the power of gourmet cells, and this power can be strengthened entirely by eating."

"Is there such a good thing?"

After listening to Lu Qiming's words, Kong froze in place, with a hint of envy in his eyes, this ability to become stronger by eating and drinking is simply amazing!

"Of course, but it's not enough right now. Your physical fitness is still too weak to adapt to the gourmet cells at all, but it's okay. I'll just give you more good things to eat later."

After finishing speaking, Lu Qiming took the two brothers and sisters of Blank into Alzia. As for giving the two brothers and sisters of Blank food cells, Lu Qiming didn't care too much. Anyway, the protagonist who has changed so many worlds by him no longer knows. How many.

And how could Lu Qiming really let the blank brothers and sisters take risks as ordinary people, the world is the most free from fighting and killing, but with the weak bodies of their two brothers and sisters, Lu Qiming was afraid that one day they would stay up late and die suddenly.

But the most important thing is that Lu Qiming intends to hand over the Star Cup to the Blank brothers and sisters after finishing the final trial and resurrecting the two of them. Lu Qiming doesn't want them to be like Rick because ordinary people can't hold the Star Cup.

As for Lu Qiming keeping the star cup, but that thing is of no use to him other than completing the final trial. His own strength is not weaker than the so-called only god, and the reason why he didn't take the star cup forcibly now is just that Because of forcible snatching, Tetu will definitely be expelled from this world.

As for the completion of the final trial, this thing is completely useless. After all, this thing is only useful in the world of the game life, and it is useless for Lu Qiming to bring it to other worlds. It is better to give it to the blank brothers and sisters.

"Okay, I still have something to do next, so you can take Bai for a stroll first, and I will find you guys later."

After finishing speaking, Lu Qiming walked directly in a certain direction. Kong and Bai glanced at each other and then walked towards the place similar to the tavern they had seen before. stopped before.

Lu Qiming came here mainly for the Flügel Jibril who settled here. She will be the beginning of Lu Qiming's competition for the star cup. As for the blank brothers and sisters, Lu Qiming does not intend to disturb them too much.

Anyway, with Sora and Shiro's personalities, after knowing that the King's Tournament is going on, they will definitely get involved.

Coupled with the ten covenants stipulated by Tetu in this world, Lu Qiming didn't have to worry about the life-threatening danger of the blank brothers and sisters at all.

(End of this chapter)

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