Professional inheritance from the wrong place

Chapter 422 What's the matter, I'll pay attention next time!

Chapter 422 What's the matter, I'll pay attention next time!

In the slightly dim corridor, the silver-white moonlight shone through the window on the girl's white skin. Her pretty body was only covered with a thin layer of sheets. Coupled with the girl's panicked expression, she was pure and innocent. The intertwined feeling of temptation gives the girl a strange sense of beauty.

"Right or not"

"Oh? I remember I didn't order this kind of service, did I?"

Lu Qiming looked at the panic-stricken girl in front of him with a vicious expression. The ambiguous eyes made the already shy and panic-stricken girl even more at a loss for what to do. She subconsciously raised her hand to prove something, but when she raised her hand just now, she suddenly felt I feel cold.

As the breeze blew past, the girl lowered her head with dull eyes, her white skin under the moonlight exuded a faint brilliance, like the world's top jade.

"Ah~ Don't look. Woooooo!"

The next second, the girl's mournful cry sounded, she hugged her body with both hands and squatted down fiercely, and quickly picked up the quilt beside her.

Suddenly, two rays of light flashed, and the girl raised her blushing cheeks to look over, only to see that the door of the next room opened at an unknown time, and Sora and Shiro were holding up their mobile phones to snap shots at the girl squatting on the ground.


"here you go!"

A few minutes later, Sora and Shiro put away their phones with satisfaction, and praised the girl on the ground with a thumbs up.

"what happened?"

The girl, the former heir to the kingdom, Stephen raised her head and looked at the brothers and sisters in front of her with big blue eyes full of tears. It was obvious that she was knocking on the door of the room the tavern owner said, but why was it a strange man who opened the door? And made her become like this?

"What do you mean, do you mean that you knocked on the wrong door?"

Kong was taken aback when he heard Stephen's words, and then looked at Lu Qiming beside him. Coupled with Stephen's current appearance, he probably guessed what she was doing here. She must have lost completely in the previous game. Coupled with his previous reminder, I wanted to come to him and ask him why he didn't expose the other party when he knew he was cheating.

Then, when looking for him, he accidentally knocked into Qiming's room next door.

"This kind of thing doesn't matter at all! Compared to this, why didn't you tell me the truth when you knew she was cheating? Obviously, as long as it is revealed, I can win!"

After finishing speaking, Stephen looked angrily at the two blank siblings in front of him. It was because she lost the previous game that she became what she is now. The most important thing is that her grandfather left her the most precious thing, the human race. The kingdom of Alzia is gone.

Most importantly, she never had another chance to prove that Grandpa wasn't what people called 'The Fool'!
"The eighth part of the covenant, if there are illegal actors in the game, will it be regarded as defeat once they are exposed?"

Kong took out his phone and looked at the ten covenants above. He was sure that the eighth covenant would be regarded as a defeat if he found cheating, but the other party used magic, and even if they knew this as ordinary people, they didn't prove that the other party used magic. The ability to cheat.

Because humans can't use magic, they can't know what kind of magic the other party is using, so even if Sora said that the other party used magic to cheat, then the other party can completely deny it, because you have no way to prove that the other party cheated.

And cheating that cannot be proven is not cheating. Even if you have already discovered it, this is the tragedy of the human race.

"That's right, thanks to that, I lost, I lost the selection of the king, everything is over!"

Stephen didn't realize the meaning of the empty words. Now her mind is full of losing the heir to the throne after losing the election, and she can no longer prove her grandfather's reputation and protect the kingdom of Alzia that their family guarded in the past.

"in other words"

"Because I was very unwilling to lose... so I blamed others."

The next second, Stephen, who was crying, suddenly froze. He raised his head and stared blankly at the two siblings in front of Blank, recalling what he had just said. It was indeed because Blank hadn’t told the opposite party about the cheating before that she failed. It was all his fault.

However, they are just strangers who have just met, and there is no need for the other party to do this kind of thing for her. Stephen, what are you doing!Could it be,
Have you lost even the last pride and persistence of the royal family?

"That's right, I can't even see through that level of cheating, lose everything, and get angry at the end."

"Okay, empty!"

Just when Kong wanted to continue to taunt Stephen to make her angry like in the original book, and lost her mind to find out information in a game, Lu Qiming reached out to stop him from continuing, after all, they don't need to play such small tricks now.

The most important thing is that when Lu Qiming looked at Stephen, he remembered her ancestor, the girl who led the human race to survive and established the current Alzia.

"My perfect plan failed before it even started!"

"Okay, are you sure that your plan is not because you think that if you miss this opportunity, you might not get a girlfriend for the rest of your life?"

Lu Qiming looked at Kong with a face full of loss and thoughts with a speechless face. Lu Qiming had already perceived Kong's thoughts clearly, and he didn't even need to perceive it. After all, Lu Qiming remembered clearly what Kong did in the original book Chu.

"Brother, didn't you say that you don't need a girlfriend, as long as you have Bai?"

Suddenly, Kong, who was thinking about it, felt Bai's death staring from behind him, and turned around to look at Bai like a machine. The next second, Kong performed a 360-degree somersault and knelt in front of Bai under Stephen's shocked gaze.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to be brave, because it's impossible to attack my sister! What's more, I'm only 11 years old, and my brother is also at that age. I have desires and desires, okay?"

In the dim corridor, Kong tightly hugged Bai's thigh. Ever since he saw Lu Qiming bring a beautiful older sister back to the room, Kong had been imagining when such a good thing would be his turn. After all, everyone They are all traveling through different worlds.

Since Lu Qiming can do it, can he do the same, and this is a real fantasy world, so it's not impossible to have a beast ear girl
"Okay, there are still people here, you have to play for a while, go back and play slowly, now it's time to get down to business, don't forget your purpose."

Lu Qiming looked at Kong and sighed deeply. This guy simply doesn't know how to be blessed. With Bai, he can completely satisfy various attributes such as sister control, lolicon control, and cultivation control.

"Well, I see."

Kong nodded and stood up, looking at Stephen in front of him. At this time, he couldn't see the previous appearance at all, and his face was full of strategizing confidence.

"Hey? What are you talking about?"

Stephen looked at the sky in front of him and Lu Qiming and Jibril who were looking at her, and always felt that something was wrong.

"So, Miss Stephen, are you here to find us to find out how that person cheated today, or did you blame us for losing as before, or do you want to win back the king you lost? Identity taken away again?"

"what do you mean?"

Stephen raised his head and looked at Kong in front of him, not understanding what he meant. After losing the king's election contest, she was no longer eligible to participate, but Kong's tone seemed as if there was still a chance?
"Of course we will take part in the king election contest instead of you and become the final winner!"

Kong stretched out his hand to touch his white hair, and looked at Stephen with a wanton smile on his face. Since they want to challenge the only god Tetu together with Lu Qiming, the most basic thing is to at least become the king of the human species. !

"Participate in the king's election contest, how is this possible, it's too late now, after the final final tomorrow, the king's coronation ceremony will begin, how can it be too late!"

Stephen was taken aback when he heard Kong's words, and then shook his head vigorously. It is simply impossible to participate in the king's election contest now, and it is too late in time!
"Really? I don't think it's too late, it's better to say that the time is just right!"

As Kong said, he turned his head and looked out the window. For him, as long as the game is not over, there is still a chance for the final result. Since there is a chance, even if there is only a [-]% possibility, he will not let go.

What's more, he already has a 100% way to let the other party accept the challenge, and then defeat her. In this game, the victory will only belong to their brother and sister!


"Nothing is impossible, they are brothers and sisters who will never be defeated!"

Lu Qiming raised his hand and stroked Stephen's hair, and looked at the two siblings in front of him. In their field, Lu Qiming never thought that the Blank siblings would lose, and there was him there?
"Qiming is right, so now Stephen, shouldn't you take us back first?"

Kong walked over and patted Stephen on the shoulder, the profound justice firmly attracted Kong's gaze, but Kong still moved his eyes aside with great perseverance.

"Go back? Where will you go?"

Stephen was taken aback when he heard Kong's words, looked up at him and asked blankly.

"Of course I will go to the palace, otherwise is it here?"

After finishing speaking, Kong took Bai to the outside and walked out. Stephen hesitated and followed after seeing this. Now she can only choose to believe them. After all, she lost everything after losing the king's election contest, even If tomorrow sky can't win the game as he said, then she can't go back to the palace where she grew up.

"Let's go, let's go together."

Lu Qiming turned his head and said to Jibril, and then followed directly. Lu Qiming was still very interested in the documents that were recorded in the palace, and it happened to be able to learn information that other races in this world did not know.

As for asking Jibril, that's fine. If it's the top six races, it's okay. Lu Qiming, who is below the upper races, doesn't think Jibril will know much. After all, no dragon will understand the way of life of ants. .

But the human race is completely different, because they are the weakest existence in this world, so they must understand all the information that other races can get.

After a while, the Alzia Palace ushered in a group of brand new guests. Many maids looked at Lu Qiming and his party curiously, especially when they saw Jibril, they all showed scared expressions. They didn't understand why the Flügel She will be here.

"Stephen, where's the bathroom?"

In the gorgeous palace, Kong turned his head to look at Stephen and asked impatiently, since he came to this world, he has not taken a bath, not to mention that he is in the kingdom now, is there a maid in the bathroom like in the comics? Sister. Hey!


Stephen glanced at Lu Qiming and Jibril next to him, and seeing that they had no intention of going, he turned around and led Sora and Bai towards the other side.

"What? Jibril, are you planning to go too?"

Lu Qiming looked at Jibril, who had been staring at the direction Sora and the others left, and smiled slightly. He knew that Jibril must have wanted to study Sora and Shiro's body in another world that was full of unknowns to her.

"Qiming, do you want to go together?"

Jibril looked at Lu Qiming with sparkling golden pupils and asked, Lu Qiming had been studying her fairy corridor before, so should it be her turn now?

"Well let's go!"

Lu Qiming nodded after a little hesitation, definitely not because of any weird ideas, he just fulfilled his promise, after all, he agreed to Jibril's matter under the witness of the covenant, and he just followed the covenant, that's all!

When the sun slowly rose in the sky, the golden sunlight shone on Lu Qiming's face. After instinctively taking the arm that was pressing on his body aside, Lu Qiming sat up and looked at Jibril who was still sleeping next to him. , last night the two of them 'studied' from the bathroom to the room, and did not finish their research until midnight.


"Jibril, are you awake?"

Lu Qiming looked at Jibril, who slowly opened his eyes and looked lazy like a kitten, and smiled lightly, and then stretched out his hand to gently stroke the pink wings beside him. the same!


Jibril raised her small head and glanced at Lu Qiming, then sat up in a daze and looked around, the golden sun shone on her body, a pair of pink wings waved lightly, her whole body exuded a faint light , with a strange charm.

Just as Lu Qiming was admiring Jibril, there was a sudden knock on the door. Seeing this, Lu Qiming glanced at Jibril next to him. After Jibril recovered, he walked over and opened the door.

At the door, Kong Zheng looked at Lu Qiming with resentment, and behind him, Bai and Stephen looked into the room with blushing faces and curious eyes.

"I said, what are you three doing? Today is not the last day of the king's election contest. If you don't prepare to participate in the contest, what are you doing here?"

Lu Qiming looked helplessly at the three people in front of him, wondering what they were doing?
Obviously, I had set up a sound-proof barrier last night, and it was impossible for them to notice it with their abilities. That's right!Sound barrier?
In the next second, Lu Qiming realized it. It seemed that he forgot to set up a sound barrier last night. No wonder they looked like this.

"Well. I'll pay attention next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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