Chapter 425 Declaration!

"Phil, what happened?"

In a certain hotel room in Alzia, Kurami looked seriously at Phil who had bowed his head and remained silent since just now. Although she had already agreed to Lu Qiming's participation in his plan, Kurami He still wanted to figure out why Phil agreed to Lu Qiming in advance without telling her.

According to what she knew about Phil, she would never do this, no matter what it was, she would tell herself that she would never make such a decision alone.

"Kurami, I'm sorry, I can't tell you!"

Phil raised his head and looked at Kurami in front of him, thinking of what Lu Qiming said when he took her to find Kurami before, he hesitated for a while and chose not to tell her what happened before, because Phil knew that just as Kurami knew Lu Qiming Because she thought that Kurami's own life was a threat to her, she would definitely choose to resist.

Even committing suicide directly in order not to implicate oneself is something that will happen.

For Phil, as long as Kurami can live safely, she can do anything, even pay her own life for it, and Phil believes that Kurami is the same as her.

Therefore, she will never tell her what happened before, because doing so will only kill Kurami!
"Phil. You."

Kurami looked at Phil who fell into silence again, sighed deeply, stood up and walked to Phil's side and hugged her firmly. She grew up with Phil since she was a child, and she understood that once Phil becomes like this Look, it must be because of me.

Once, she was still living as a slave in the kingdom of elves, and she was often bullied by other elves because of her identity as a human race, but every time Phil would avenge herself, at that time she often saw Phil in a mess came to see him.

At that time, Kurami, who was still young at that time, would curiously ask her what happened every time she saw Phil like this, but every time Phil would fall silent, until Kurami accidentally discovered what Phil did again, Only then did she understand why she kept silent every time she asked Phil.

"Phil, we must win this time, and then give that bastard a hard punch!"


Under the golden sunlight, the two girls cuddled together and looked at each other, as if they were the most important existence in their lives, and they would give everything for each other.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sun slowly rose from the sky, under the golden sunlight, all the residents of Elzia gathered towards the direction of the palace. In the palace, Sora and Shiro were standing on the high platform watching The people below, and the palace minister beside them slowly raised the crown in their hands and looked down.

"Then, because this person won the final victory in the selection competition, no one should challenge him, right?"

After the Minister of the Kingdom finished speaking, he glanced at the silent crowd below, then turned around to look at Sora and Shiro in front of him.

"Then, according to the last words of the former king, crown the new king of Elzia!"

"and many more!"

"here we go again!"

The Minister of the Kingdom looked helplessly at Kong who stopped him by speaking out, completely confused why he still stopped him by speaking out, he wouldn't even object to his own coronation ceremony, right?
"It's not empty, it's blank, the two of us are blank together, the king is the two of us!"

Sora lowered his head and glanced at Shiro beside him, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, looked at the ministers of the kingdom and the people watching the ceremony, and said that the two siblings are one, even if they become king, they must be together.

"Unfortunately, this is impossible. According to the provisions of the ten covenants, the sole agent must be determined, so two people cannot be the agent."

After listening to Kong's words, the Minister of the Kingdom rejected Kong without hesitation. He has not heard that there are two plenipotentiary agents of that race. This kind of loss is completely impossible!
"Well, then the business will be shared, and it will be up to me."

"I have an opinion! If you become king, you will definitely establish a harem (meow), and you won't need Bai anymore!"

Kong touched his chin subconsciously after listening to the minister of the kingdom, and then glanced at Bai beside him. As far as the abilities between the two were concerned, he was still the most suitable to be king, after all, Bai was not good at socializing at all.

But before Kong could finish speaking, Bai beside him directly stopped Kong with a voice, and then raised his head and glared at Kong with a puffed face. Based on Bai's understanding of Kong, he would definitely come out of an otaku's fantasy after becoming a king Build a big harem (meow) palace!
This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed!
"Harem (Meow) Palace"

The corner of Kong's mouth twitched, looking at Bai's eyes, he couldn't help turning his head aside, he did have such a trace of fantasy in his heart, after all, he is an otaku!

Since you can't get a girlfriend, as long as you become a queen, you can openly find a princess and open a big harem (meow) palace!
"Hmph! So if it comes to the outside world, I am the king, so there is no objection!"

Looking at the guilty Kong, Bai pouted and snorted, she knew that Kong would want to do this kind of thing, so as long as she became the king, it would be fine!
Afterwards, Bai turned his head and stared at the minister of the kingdom beside him. Seeing this, the minister of the kingdom quickly stood up, raised the crown in his hand and announced again.

"Understood, then re-announce"

"I have an opinion! Wait!"

In the next second, Kong stopped the minister of the kingdom again, and walked in front of Bai with his hands on his hips. How could he give up becoming king, this is a good opportunity for him to no longer have to worry about not being able to find a girlfriend!

"My sister, it's really rare that you can joke or something. Besides, you have to be considerate of my brother, I'm already done, so there will be anything, this is the only chance for my brother!"

Kong put his hands on his hips and lowered his head to look at Bai, his eyes were full of determination, this time he will never give in, after all, this is his only chance!

"Then let's decide the outcome!"

Bai raised his small head and looked at Kong with determination in his eyes. Kong belongs to her, so she will not give up Kong to others, so she will never let him have the opportunity to open the harem!
"Hey! What the hell are you doing!"

Below, Stephen looked at the two brothers and sisters facing each other above. This is the scene of the coronation ceremony of the new king!

Can you be serious, serious?
You know, there are still so many people waiting below, and please stop torturing the minister of the kingdom, can you understand the old man's mood!

"Sure enough, it has become like this."

Beside Stephen, Lu Qiming twitched his mouth and looked at the two brothers and sisters above who wanted to have a showdown. After shaking his head, under the doubtful eyes of Stephen and Jibril, Lu Qiming walked directly towards the blank brothers and sisters.

"I said, haven't you found out yet? The covenant only says that a plenipotentiary agent is required, and there is no stipulation that only one person is allowed."

"It seems to be true?"

"It's not clearly stated there is only one person?"

Kong and Bai were taken aback when they heard Lu Qiming's words, and then the two brothers and sisters who reacted looked at each other and took out their mobile phones to look at the ten covenants above. There is indeed no rule that only one person can be allowed.



In the next second, Sora and Bai put down their phones at the same time and looked at each other, then turned around and looked at the minister of the kingdom who was stunned beside him, with wanton smiles on their faces.

"Together we will be kings!"

"Is it still possible?"

The Minister of the Kingdom stared blankly at the two siblings in front of him, and then recalled that the content of the covenant did not stipulate that only one person could be allowed, but how could two people become king together?

After sighing helplessly, he waved to the guards beside him and signaled him to bring another crown. Anyway, he is too lazy to care about what he likes now. It doesn't matter if one person becomes the king, or two people become the king. also good.

Hurry up and let him successfully complete the king's coronation ceremony!

A few minutes later, the guard delivered a smaller crown to the Minister of the Kingdom. Seeing this, the Minister of the Kingdom finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised two crowns and placed them on top of Kong and Bai's heads. The jewels on it shone faintly.

"Then, I declare that the coronation ceremony of the new kings Kong and Bai of the Kingdom of Alzia is complete, and invite the two new kings to swear an oath to your people!"

After finishing speaking, the Minister of the Kingdom turned and stood sideways, with a respectful expression on his face, while all the people watching the ceremony below put their hands on their chests and bowed down to the two people above to salute. Now their human race has a brand new king!

"Then, let's go and go back."

Kong glanced at Lu Qiming next to him, then turned his head to look at the minister of the kingdom beside him and the people saluting below, smiled slightly, took the narrator's hand and walked towards the balcony behind him.

"Qiming, when shall we go to Avant Heim?"

After the two brothers and sisters in Blank left, many human species in the hall followed, and Jibril walked up to Lu Qiming and asked softly. She knew that Lu Qiming stayed in the Human Race Kingdom only because he wanted to help Kong He Bai became the king of the human species.

Now that this matter has been completed, Jibril can't wait for Lu Qiming to conquer the Flügel or other races, and then challenge the Unique God Tetu!
"Tomorrow morning, we will leave together with Kurami and Phil. We can also go to see Elven Gard of the elves in advance, and then go directly to the Flügel."

After finishing speaking, Lu Qiming lightly stroked Jibril's hair, turned around and walked towards the balcony where the two brothers and sisters were. After all, in the world of game life, how could Lu Qiming not witness the king's declaration made by the brothers and sisters? !
After a while, Lu Qiming took Jibril to the door of the balcony, but at this moment, Lu Qiming held Jibril who wanted to go out, and Lu Qiming directly leaned against the door frame under her puzzled eyes Going up, he looked at the siblings outside with a smile on his face.

"Qiming, don't we go over there?"

Jibril pointed to the position beside Sora and Bai, looked at Lu Qiming and asked.

"It's good to be here, today's protagonist is not us."

The corner of Lu Qiming's mouth was slightly raised, and with a slight smile, he looked at the pair of brothers and sisters holding each other's palms tightly. From Lu Qiming's point of view, the feeling between Kong and Bai has surpassed that of human beings. As a life, only having the other person is complete, and you must never lose your existence!
Ahead, Kong looked at the densely packed crowd below with a look of fear on his face. The eyes that were staring at him made this Wannian family crouching super social fear subconsciously want to escape.

"Brother, are you scared?"

At this moment, Shiro who was beside him raised his head to look at Sora beside him, and clenched his palm even harder.

"Stop rambling, crowd phobia, are you and I okay with each other, I usually suppress it."

Kong resisted his subconscious urge to escape, but his body was still trembling. Even Stephen and the Minister of the Kingdom who were not far away could clearly see that something was wrong with Kong, and they all showed worried expressions.

"elder brother!"

In the next second, Bai next to him pulled Kong's palm, nodded vigorously when he looked over, and looked at Kong with proud and proud eyes.


Sora looked at Bai like this, and felt the warmth and strength of his palms from Bai!I am Bai's most proud and proud brother, how could I fail here!
In the next second, Sora's trembling body stopped, his head slowly lifted up to look at the dense crowd below, and then he took a step forward while holding Bai's palm firmly.

"Dear citizens, no! My fellow humans, we humans are under the Ten Covenants, and in this world without war, we have suffered disastrous defeats. As a result, only this last city, Alzia, remains!"

Sora's voice echoed over the entire sky of Alzia, whether it was the people gathered below, or those who were completely disappointed in the human race and never came, Sora's voice rang in the ears of all of them, one after another stopped. The thing in his hands raised his head to look at where Sora was.

However, Kong, who was aware of this, also turned his head and looked at Lu Qiming, who was looking at him with a smile on his face, then turned his head and looked at everyone below with incomparable confidence.

"Here, I would like to ask everyone, why is this? Is it because of the failure of the former king, or is it because we are the last race? Is it because we cannot use magic? Is it because we can only move towards Doomed fate?"

Kong looked down at the silent crowd below, and the next second Kong raised his arms violently, and his voice began to become agitated.

"Neither! In the past battle of the gods, in the battle with the gods, elves, orcs, and many other races, we fought and survived!"

"In the past, what was the reason why all the land on this continent was occupied by human species? Is it because we are a race that is good at violence?"

Following Sora's voice, the gazes of the people below began to change. They had never considered what Sora said, why the former human species could occupy this continent without using magic like other races.

They just attribute everything to the inability to use magic among human beings in their constant defeat, and they are the weakest of the sixteen races. It is the stupidity of the former king that made this happen.

The next second, Kong's voice sounded again, and everyone looked at him again, but this time everyone's eyes were completely different from before.

"We neither can use magic like the elves, nor have strong physical abilities like the beastmen, nor do we have the long lifespan and powerful strength like the Flügel. Is it because we are able to dominate the continent? Has it turned into a war?"

Kong looked at the gazes of everyone below, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more wanton, and he swung his raised arm and placed it on his heart. The golden sun shone on Kong and Bai. It radiates light!
"Absolutely not! The reason why we survived the war is because we are weak. No matter what era or world, the strong sharpen their teeth, and the weak practice their wisdom. Why are we desperate now?"

"That's because under the ten covenants, the strong took off their sharp teeth and learned to practice wisdom. There is nothing else!"

"Obviously the resourcefulness, strategy, and power to survive that should be the patent of our weak are all in the hands of the strong, leading to the current tragedy!"

Kong looked at the lowered heads of everyone below, the clenched fists because of unwillingness, took a deep breath and took another step forward, lowering his head to look at everyone.

"Everyone, answer me, why are you bowing your head? Repeat, why are you bowing your head?"

Down below, everyone raised their heads slowly amid Kong's voice, with inexplicable light in their eyes looking at the girl and boy above with their arms above their hearts, as if they were radiating light.

"We are weak, we are still, and we were in the past! That's right! Nothing has changed at all!"

Kong looked at the people below who raised their heads with a wanton smile, slowly raised his arms above his heart, and a confident voice sounded in everyone's minds.

"The strong imitate the weapons wielded by the weak, but they don't display their true abilities, because the essence of our weapons is the cowardice that comes from being weak and humble. It is because of cowardice that we have the wisdom to escape from magic! "

"It is because of timidity that it is possible to generate wisdom that can even predict the future from learning and experience. Repeatedly, we are weak!"

"Because you are weak, no matter what world you are in, you can bite the throats of those who think they are strong and complacent. You are a weak person to be proud of!"

At this point, Sora slowly lowered his head and looked at Shiro beside him. The two held each other's palms tightly, and at the same time raised the other arm to look at everyone below and began to swear.

"Here we are, proclaiming the coronation as the [-]th King (Queen) of Elzia!"

At this moment, the white light in front of Sora and Shiro began to gather continuously, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a glowing chess piece.

"Survive as the weak, fight as the weak, and defeat the strong as the weak, the two of us announce again!"

Sora and Shiro looked at each other, and at the same time put their hands on the pawn representing the human species in front of them.

"Just like in the past, it will be like this in the future, admit it! We are the weakest race, because we are born with nothing, so we have infinite possibilities! We are the weakest race!"



In an instant, everyone below began to cheer. The unwillingness and humbleness in their eyes turned into roars and cheers, as if they wanted to vent everything they had received.

"Okay! Let's start the game! Have you suffered a lot? Have you humbled too much? I kept you waiting for a long time, fellow humans, now! At this moment, we, Elzia, respect everyone in the world. The country declares war!"

Kong held up the chess pieces in his hands and aimed at the non-human land outside Elzia. Under the intertwined white and golden light, the oath from the human species resounded!

"Raise the smoke of counterattack and return our land!"

(End of this chapter)

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