Professional inheritance from the wrong place

Chapter 427 Power from another world!

Chapter 427 Power from another world!

In an era more than 6000 years ago, the gods led their families to compete for the sole dominance of the world. The tragic war broke out all over the world. The stars were shattered, the sun was extinguished, and the sky was covered by endless dust. Everything on the ground fell into withering.

Under such circumstances, human beings who have no power of resistance are forced into a desperate situation by various powerful races, and can only hide underground or in caves to survive, on the verge of extinction.

And in this case, Rick, the young leader of the human species at that time, met Shubi, a girl from the Ex-Machina species, on the way to find supplies for survival. Please Rick tell her about the existence called 'Heart'.

In the following time, Shuby's innocence and sincerity made Rick gradually let go of his guard. In the almost hopeless world, boys and girls rely on each other. For the existence of the heart.

However, at that time, Rick had already learned from Shubi the reason for the war between the gods and the major races. For the absolute dominance of the world and for the star cup, their choice was to use all the gods except themselves. Kill all the gods, so that the remaining god will become the only god and get the star cup.

For the continuation of the human species and to save this desperate world, Rick has a brand new plan in his heart, that is to take the star cup before the gods and become the only god!
Because Rick discovered that killing other gods is not the only way to obtain the star cup. The so-called star cup is actually a conceptual device born from the elven corridor. Can make the star cup appear!
For this reason, the first ten covenants were born. Under the leadership of Rick and Huby, many human races began to act for this plan. Under the guidance of Rick's plan, the battlefield among all races began to migrate towards the center of the continent, and finally gather together.

There, all the powerhouses of the entire world are gathered, and Rick will use their power and then rely on Hubby to transfer it to directly penetrate the stars and make the star cup appear.

However, at the last moment of the plan.
Speaking of this, Lu Qiming turned his head and looked at Jibril who was obviously starting to feel a little guilty. This was the guy at the beginning.
"Qi Ming, what's wrong?"

On the side, Kong and others looked at Lu Qiming who had stopped and Jibril who was obviously guilty with puzzled expressions. They didn't understand why they said it well, why didn't they say it?

"Huby, died at the last moment of the plan."

"Huh? Hubby's dead?"

"How is it possible? If Shubi is dead, how can the final plan be completed with the power of the human species of Rick?"

Kong, Bai and the others looked at Lu Qiming in disbelief. From what Lu Qiming said before, everything in Rick's plan was ultimately based on Shubi. If Shubi died, then Rick It is impossible to complete this plan with the power!

"Well, Hubby is indeed dead, and the guy who killed Hubie is right in front of us, don't you think so, lovely Miss Jibril?"

As he said that, Lu Qiming pulled Jibril who was about to run away beside him, and everyone's eyes followed to look at Jibril, especially Stephen, the two brothers and sisters blank, and Kurami. Jibril's gaze has become strange.

"That, who told me that I was too boring at the time, and it was the first time I met an Ex-Machina who would beg for mercy. I couldn't help but want to keep such a precious head, and we were still enemies at that time. !"

Jibril looked at everyone's increasingly dangerous eyes and quickly began to explain. In fact, when Lu Qiming mentioned Shubi's name just now, Jibril was familiar with it. When Lu Qiming mentioned the final location of the battle, Jibril had already She completely remembered the Ex-Machina that she considered a cherished species back then.

After all, the original Jibril went all out to kill Hubby, and in the end, her strength was exhausted, and her upper body shrank into a loli system.

"Okay, after all, Jibril and Hubie were enemies at the time. Since they were enemies, they had to do everything possible to kill them, but thanks to Jibril back then, Hubby killed all of them before she died. Everything was stuck in that 250 seconds, sharing her 'heart' with the Ex-Machinas."

Lu Qiming lowered his head and looked at Jibril in front of him. To be honest, Rick's plan was successful, and Jibril made a great contribution. After all, it is almost impossible to successfully deflect the power of the gods with Shubi alone.

However, it was precisely because Shubi shared his "heart" with all the Ex-Machinas in the last 250 seconds before his death, that Rick was able to finally kill Artoxiu with the help of the entire Ex-Machinas. , and then successfully penetrated the planet and the elven corridor, allowing the star cup to appear.

"Wait, Qiming, what you said earlier was that Shubi shared her 'heart' with all the Ex-Machinas before she died. Doesn't that mean that the entire Ex-Machina has Shubi's 'heart'? Does that mean that the entire Ex-Machina is Rick's wife?"

At this moment, Kong rubbed his chin and looked at Lu Qiming curiously. He had also read the records about the Ex-Machinas before. This is a mechanical race created by Fanlou, the god of suspicion. Usually, it acts alone as a connected body. , and each connecting body contains the observing body, the analyzing body, the designing body, the fighting body, and the connecting intelligent body that coordinates the whole connecting body.

Theoretically speaking, it is a race that is completely integrated and can continuously learn and strengthen.

In other words, if Sora understands correctly, the moment Shubi uploads his own "heart" to the Ex-Machina, that "heart" belonging to Shubi will be downloaded by all individuals in the entire Ex-Machina and save.

In other words, in just a moment, the entire Ex-Machinas would be equivalent to becoming Rick's wife?

".You really are a little clever ghost."

The corners of Lu Qiming's mouth twitched and he looked at the curious Kong beside him, as if he remembered correctly that there were 23 Ex-Machinas surviving after the war, but because the surviving Ex-Machina possessed the 'hubi 'heart, so there has been no breeding (meow) race, resulting in only twelve bodies left.

By the way, in addition to analyzing life body data and combining their own data to reproduce (meow), Ex-Machinas can also transform their bodies according to needs to achieve cross-race reproduction (meow) apart from the same race.

The next second, Lu Qiming's gaze towards Kong became strange. If he remembers correctly, the remaining twelve mechs of the Ex-Machina have transformed their bodies into a form that can reproduce (meow) with humans, and They who have synchronized Shubi's memory and personality should find Sora soon and ask Sora, who looks exactly like Rick, to reproduce (meow).

". Qiming, what's wrong?"

Looking at Lu Qiming's strange gaze, Kong always felt a bad premonition for some reason.

"It's okay, it's okay, but from now on, the Ex-Machinas will be entrusted to you, and I will pay the highest respect to the Ex-Machinas!"

Lu Qiming shook his head and walked in front of Kong, and patted him on the shoulder meaningfully. Now there are only twelve ex-Machinas left, but because they have Shubi's memory and heart, apart from Rick Wai later accepted the same Sora as Rick.

In other words, for the sake of the Ex-Machines, Sora will have to work harder in the future, everything is for the future of the Ex-Machines. Damn it!Sure enough, I'm still envious!


Kong looked at Lu Qiming in front of him in a daze, wondering if it was an illusion, he always felt that Lu Qiming in front of him seemed a little envious of him. The problem is, Kong doesn't know what he can envy Lu Qiming?

"Qiming, the Ex-Machinas finally helped Rick complete the plan and get the star cup."

At this time, Bai who was on the side suddenly walked up to Lu Qiming and pulled his clothes, raised his small head to look at Lu Qiming and asked.

"Well, after Shuby's death, Rick became the will of the Ex-Machina with Shuby's memory and "heart". Relying on the ability of 'analyzing the attack received and deploying corresponding imitation weapons' possessed by the Ex-Machinas, Ke successfully obtained the power to penetrate the planet and realize the star cup, but "

As a human race, Rick did not grasp the power of the Star Grail. The moment he touched the Star Grail, his body began to disappear under the power of the Star Grail. Tetu, the god of games, appeared, replacing Rick with the sole right to rule the world."

"By the way, the so-called ten covenants were also born out of Tut based on the covenant left by Rick."

Speaking of this, Lu Qiming turned his head and looked at Kong and Bai beside him. Their current physique is a little stronger than that of the abandoned house when they first came to this world, and there is no possibility of mastering the Star Cup at all. Lu Qiming had one last thing to do before leaving.

".Qiming, do you want to tell us that with the bodies of ordinary people Bai and I, there is no possibility of grasping the Star Grail at all, and we may even die the moment we touch the Star Grail like Rick did?"

At this time, Kong already understood why Lu Qiming suddenly told them what happened in 6000 years. He wanted to tell him and Bai that it was impossible for their ordinary bodies to withstand the power of the star cup. die.

"Well, so in order for you and Bai to control the star cup smoothly in the future, you have to give up the bodies of ordinary people and surpass human beings, which is commonly known as not being human."

Lu Qiming looked at Sora and Bai who completely understood what he meant and nodded in satisfaction, completely oblivious to the strange gazes of Kerami and Stephen beside him.

"Qiming, when you say not to be human, don't you intend to transform us into some monsters?"

As he said that, Kong couldn't help thinking about the various monsters he had seen before that were transformed by metamorphic (meow) scientists. If they were really like that, then he would rather not have a Star Cup than become that kind look!

After all, he still wants to talk to a girlfriend, and then he can do such and such things
"I said, what are you thinking about, Sora, if you want to become a tentacle (meow) monster, then I can also grant your wish!"

On the opposite side, Lu Qiming looked at Kong's little expression that went from panic to a hint of anticipation behind him. As for what he was thinking in his heart, Lu Qiming knew what this guy was thinking right now without any perception.
"Ahem! Qiming, what did you say?"

When Kong mentioned Lu Qiming's voice, he immediately kicked away all the messy things in his mind, but he still looked at Bai next to him with a guilty conscience, and he saw Bai staring at him with a puffy face.

"Okay, Sora and Bai eat this."

"Qiming, what is this?"

"It smells so good!"

Kong, who was still thinking about how to coax Bai Bai, suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, and turned around involuntarily to look at the source of the fragrance, only to see two fist-sized fruits in Lu Qiming's hands exuding a faint fragrance. Light, countless patterns are engraved on the surface of the fruit.

Just seeing this fruit, Sora's heart is filled with endless longing, his body and inspiration are constantly longing for it, wanting to snatch it and eat it, and beside Sora, Sora also looks similar to Sora , but both of them resisted the desire to take the fruit directly from Lu Qiming's hands.

"Do you still remember the world I told you before? It is the world where you can become stronger just by eating all kinds of delicacies. This is the 'gift of the gods'. In another world, I am based on 'food cells' The created things, after you and Bai eat them, will give birth to your gourmet demons according to your system.

In addition, based on the 'God's Gift', even without the star cup, Kong and you are enough to grow to the level of gods, but I will leave enough top-level delicacies before I leave. At that time, the physique was enough to master the star cup, and he could directly become the only god in one step. "

As he said that, Lu Qiming smiled lightly and placed the two 'Gifts of the Gods' in his hands in front of Kong and Bai. When Kong and Bai looked at each other, they stretched out their hands to pick up the fruit in front of them and ate them.

In an instant, endless rays of light gushed out from Sora and Bai's hearts, Sora and Bai's bodies were involuntarily suspended in midair, and warm currents began to flow from their hearts to their whole bodies.


On the side, Stephen watched Sora and Shiro, who were suspended in mid-air and gradually enveloped in white light, ran over quickly, looking at them worriedly.

"Don't worry, Stephen, they're fine, they're just accepting the power of the 'God's Gift'."

As he said that, Lu Qiming took out two more 'Gifts of the Gods', one of which was handed to Stephen in front of him, and the other was thrown to Kurami who was looking at him not far away.

"This is?"

Stephen looked at the fruit in her hand. The tempting fragrance made her instinctively want to swallow it, but she still resisted and raised her head to look at Lu Qiming. She didn't understand why she was given this?

"For you, I have a lot of these things, and Stephen, you don't want to grow old feebly in the next hundred years, and Sora and Bai will still look like they are now, right?"

As Lu Qiming said, taking advantage of Stephen's inattention, he raised his hand and stuffed the "God's Gift" into her mouth. As for Kerami on the other side, seeing this, the moment Lu Qiming turned his head to look over, he consciously He ate the 'God's Gift' in his hand.

In the next second, the bodies of Stephen and Kurami also slowly flew up like two blank brothers and sisters, and began to accept the power in their bodies.

"It's done, Jibril, let's go. We need to discuss the rest of last night carefully with you. In addition, you need to be punished for killing Hubby."

After confirming that Kong and the others had no problem, Lu Qiming turned around and looked seriously at Jibril, who was staring at Kong and the others with a curious face and panting heavily. Lu Qiming didn't respond to this. For Jibril, this kind of power from another world is just like Yuyuko seeing a world made up of delicious food, and she can't stand it at all!
"That. That enlightens me. I want this too!"

Jibril wiped the crystal from the corner of her mouth, turned her head and pulled Lu Qiming to look at him eagerly, the wings on her back kept shaking.

"Understood, I'll give you one later. By the way, Phil and the others will ask you to take care of them."

After speaking, Lu Qiming took Jibril and disappeared directly in place, leaving only Phil who was curious and worried looking at the four balls of light floating in midair.

(End of this chapter)

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