Chapter 434 Long-lost pain!

Suddenly there was a ripple in the pure white, dead silence world, and a rule called covenant came here. In an instant, Lu Qiming noticed that the divine power in his body began to weaken continuously, and degenerated into a power called magic power, which was so powerful that it could strike The broken world's body also began to weaken synchronously, but all these were appearances. If he wanted to, he could break through the restrictions from the covenant in an instant.

Just do this, then the victory of this game will belong to the opponent.

"This feeling is really nostalgic!"

Lu Qiming lowered his head to look at the magic power emanating from the center of his palm. This kind of power used to grow with his weak self. Since he became a god in the dark bullet world, he only felt its existence again when he came to the game life world.

"However, that's enough!"

In the next second, Lu Qiming held two swords in the palm of his hand. The blades were pitch-black, covered with golden holy scriptures, and a dagger with a blood-colored pattern appeared on the spine. A faint blood-colored mist shrouded the blades. Just staring at it With the existence of him, a bloodthirsty desire could not help but emerge in his heart, and the blood in his body began to flow rapidly.

On the opposite side of Lu Qiming, Azrael also noticed this situation. The eyes of some weak Flügel behind him became blood red, and the aura they emitted gradually became crazy and bloodthirsty, and the blood in their bodies turned into a faint mist. Come.

"Raphael, be careful, there is something wrong with those two daggers!"

As Azrael said, the wings behind her spread out instantly, the light above her head shone dazzlingly, and the magic circles that had been prepared before floated in the midair, and the dark lightning bolts flew directly to land with her arms. Qiming!

From the beginning to the end, Azrael never thought about giving Lu Qiming the opportunity to attack in advance, because she knew that although Lu Qiming was restricted by the covenant, his strength was only the same as hers, but his combat experience and skills would not change. , so she must thoroughly understand the principle of strike first!
Moreover, just now Azrael instinctively realized that Lu Qiming could not be allowed to continue, otherwise they would not even have a chance to resist in the next battle!

"As expected of a family known as God-killing Weapons, what a terrifying fighting instinct."

Lu Qiming, who was about to continue adding buffs, raised his head and looked at the black lightning that was close at hand and smiled lightly. A layer of white stance appeared instantly. With the sound of explosions, the white stance began to vibrate continuously, but it still completely blocked Aziz Lil's attack.

In the next second, before the magic residue from the explosion dissipated, suddenly a scythe burning with black flames appeared around Lu Qiming's body. The long black blade easily split the fine lightning in the air, with a strange whistling sound Chop it down.


The sound of shattering glass rang in Lu Qiming's ears. The white stand in front of him began to shatter little by little under the powerful attack of the scythe. The sharp blade broke through the crack little by little. A few people outside, led by Azrael, The Flügel looked at Lu Qiming who was surrounded by them with a bloodthirsty grin on his face.

"The fun begins!"

At this moment, a blood-red full moon appeared in the sky, and the blood-red moonlight illuminated the whole world. At this moment, Azrael felt uneasy in her heart, and the war scythe in her hand became more and more forceful.

Although she didn't understand what Lu Qiming wanted to do, there was only one thing she knew, that is, as long as she got rid of Lu Qiming now, no matter what he wanted to do, he would have no chance!
In the next second, the white force field in front of Lu Qiming was completely shattered, turning into pieces and disappearing into the air, and several war scythes also slashed towards the deadly position on Lu Qiming's body without hesitation, but the pitch-black battle scythe The sickle went straight through Lu Qiming's body.


"It's an afterimage!"

In an instant, the many Flügel who were besieging Lu Qiming understood what had happened. He left here the moment they were about to hit Lu Qiming, because the speed was too fast, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

"Where did you go?"

Azrael swiped the scythe in her hand, and the phantom in front of her was directly shattered, and then she opened her perception to look for Lu Qiming's figure, but she didn't know if it was because of the bloody moon in the sky, her perception was greatly reduced Due to the restrictions, I couldn't find where Lu Qiming went.


At this moment, there was a scream from behind, and in an instant Azrael turned her head and saw that Lu Qiming ran to where she didn't know when, and those Flügel who had been affected by the gods and fell into madness before were constantly was killed by it.

"Bastard! Go to hell!"

At this time, just when Lu Qiming threw down the Flügel that had been torn in half, a Flügel with blood-red pupils stared at him, and his mind, which was originally affected by the divine judgment, became a little clearer. The dark red wings spread out violently, and the all-out Sky Strike appeared directly in front of the two of them.

Afterwards, the Flügel hugged Lu Qiming frantically, and even if she died, she would pull Lu Qiming along. Even if she couldn't kill him, she would still cause a little injury, so as to give the Flügel a greater chance of winning in this game. !
"The right choice, but unfortunately it is useless."

Lu Qiming looked down expressionlessly at the Flügel who was hugging him tightly, completely ignoring the sky strike that was falling from above his head, the next second the Flügel who was hugging Lu Qiming seemed to have discovered something, his face was full of disbelief He looked at Lu Qiming's squirming clothes.



Suddenly, the sound of the body being pierced was heard, and then the severe pain that even the Flügel could not bear appeared, and the screams echoed in everyone's ears. At this time, the Flügel who was hugging Lu Qiming had changed She became a hedgehog, the long silver-white thorns running through her body were covered with blood, and fine lightning lights kept shining. ,

In the air, there was a scorched smell, and the Flügel who hugged Lu Qiming turned into charcoal in the next second, and with Lu Qiming's slight movement, the charred Flügel turned into pieces and fell down .

It sounded like a long time, but in fact it was only a short moment. The Flügel, who was still alive, died in Lu Qiming's hands like this, and even his body was turned into powder.


In the distance, Azrael looked at the dead Flügel and yelled, and the aura on her body became more violent. Although she knew that the dead companions in this game were not really dead, it was the first time in 6000 years that she saw herself trying to die. The existence of being a younger sister died in front of her like this, but Azrael couldn't help but want to crush Lu Qiming to pieces!

"Miss Azrael, calm down!"

At this moment, Raphael on the side grabbed Azrael who was in a berserk state. If Azrael rushed over now, she would definitely be affected by Rafini's last sky strike. If Qiming took the opportunity to kill her, they would really lose!
"I know!"

After taking a deep breath, Azrael glanced at the remaining Flügel, and then looked at Lu Qiming who was not far away and completely covered by the sky strike, raised the scythe in his hand and pointed it at Lu Qiming, and The Flügel at the side also understood what she meant.

Some of the Flügel directly flew into the sky, all the 'spirits' in their bodies were mobilized, and the halos above their heads lit up one after another, forming an incomparably huge magic circle in the sky, which was dozens of times more terrifying than Raffini's dying blow before. The double sky strike appeared instantly.

On the opposite side, after killing the Flügel who was hugging him, Lu Qiming raised his head and looked at the Sky Strike that was close at hand. Just when he was about to use the power of the 'Moon Arc' to leave, his body suddenly shook violently. The space was directly distorted by the terrifying gravity, and the body involuntarily fell downward.

Immediately afterwards, more restrictive spells appeared around Lu Qiming, completely locking his body in midair, and the surrounding space was completely distorted into a cage, and even the ubiquitous bloody moonlight was suppressed. Completely isolated, Lu Qiming was trapped in it, and even his thoughts began to freeze a little bit.

"It's really an excellent fighting ability!"

Lu Qiming, who was rigidly frozen in mid-air, looked at Azrael who was staring at him in the distance, and the Sky Strike flying from above again. To be honest, he didn't expect that his 'moon arc' would be shot Restricted in this way, but the most outstanding among them is the powerful fighting instinct of the Flügel.

In just a short moment, he realized that Lu Qiming's random movement was not by space, but by the moonlight everywhere, and he found a way to restrict Lu Qiming!

In the next second, Lu Qiming's eyes turned completely black, with countless black lightning intertwined in it, his body seemed to be caught in the turbulent flow of space, dense wounds appeared continuously, and a large amount of blood spattered out, but was shrouded in The surrounding black lightning shattered and gasified.

"How long has it been since you got hurt?"

In the pitch-black space, Lu Qiming slowly raised his arm. The originally strong arm was covered with wounds, and even the flesh and blood in many places had completely disappeared, revealing the white jade-like bones inside, with strands of golden lines on the bones. Exudes a faint light.

"Hey ha.. ha ha ha long-lost pain!"

Deep, maniacal laughter rang out, and at this moment, the corners of Lu Qiming's mouth curled up into an extremely terrifying arc, his wanton smile was covered with hideous wounds, golden red blood dripped down the wounds, the real murderous aura was like A tsunami generally rushes out of the body, and endless undead howl in it.

In an instant, the pitch-black space around Lu Qiming turned blood-colored. The sky strikes of nearly a hundred Flügel with all their strength were directly shattered by Lu Qiming's murderous aura, and then the endless murderous aura directly submerged the whole world, and countless undead wailed in the murderous world. , fight!

And the nearly one hundred Flügel who lost their power after a full blow were immediately surrounded by endless undead, and were torn to pieces bit by bit amidst their bloodthirsty roars, so their flesh and blood were eaten up by the endless undead.

"Hey. Hahahahaha. Let's fight to our heart's content and become a part of me!"

In the blood-colored world, Lu Qiming raised his head slowly, staring madly at the remaining Flügel on the opposite side under his blood-red pupils. The fleshy strands on the incomplete wounds were constantly wriggling, blinking at the wounds on Lu Qiming's body Has fully recovered.

"... This guy, how many lives have been slaughtered?"

On the opposite side, Rafael stared blankly at the crazy and bloodthirsty Lu Qiming opposite. She used to think that the Flügel, who belonged to the god-killing weapon family, was the most ferocious race, but seeing the murderous and full-bodied race that drowned the entire world The souls of the whole world.

At this time, Raphael suddenly felt that other races considered the Flügel the most ferocious race to be completely careless. Compared with the guy opposite, their Flügel is simply the most peace-loving race.

After all, their Flügel kills thousands of other races at most, but the guy on the other side probably didn't have such a murderous aura by directly slaughtering several worlds, even after killing the opponent, he didn't even let go !

"Sister Azrael, it seems that there is only one final blow!"

In the next second, Rafael turned his head and looked at Azrael with a serious face. Now the feeling of Lu Qiming opposite her was becoming more and more terrifying. Even when she was facing the gods, she didn't feel this way. It's like facing the abyss directly!

Even, Raphael wasn't sure if she would have the courage to make a move in a while!

Azrael glanced at Lu Qiming, who was roaring wildly, nodded and raised his arms. The next second, the phantom species Avant Heim appeared above Azrael's head. · Huim is a fantasy species, but its sole agency is in the hands of Azrael.

That is to say, it is also a part of the Flügel, so it is also one of the participants in this game, and if it wants to exert the most powerful Sky Strike, it also needs the assistance of Abant Heim. The Flügel Kingdom on it is itself a Sky Strike amplifier!

"Everyone is ready, this blow will be the end!"

Azrael flew above Avant Heim, and in an instant countless magic circles emerged from Avant Heim, and the remaining Flügel flew to the corresponding positions with excited expressions. The elf 'desperately injects into it.

Although the current Lu Qiming is terrifying, even giving them a sense of despair, the desire to fight that has been suppressed for countless years still gives them a high fighting spirit, and they were born as god-killing weapons, and their current opponent Lu Qiming can be regarded as It is the strongest god they have ever encountered!

Under the instinct of killing gods, the power and desire of all the Flügel are fully activated. Even if they die, they will die on the road of killing gods, not to mention that they, as weapons of killing gods, do not resist dying on the way of killing gods.

On the other side, Lu Qiming also noticed the movements of the Flügel species, but now he had no intention of stopping them at all, but the smile on his face became more and more crazy, and the tyrannical aura ravaged everything like mad hair.

Behind him, a big golden sun rose slowly, and the roaring undead under the golden holy light roared one after another. The aura on his body became more and more terrifying, and at the same time, the aura on Lu Qiming's body also began to soar rapidly!

In the next second, Lu Qiming's voice echoed in the whole world like an abyss, and the endless magic power directly penetrated the sky. Under the terrifying power, the whole world began to collapse, and black cracks like canyons appeared in the void, violently The turbulent flow of the void rushed out of it, but was instantly crushed by Lu Qiming's endless magic power!

On the opposite side, a huge sky strike covering half of the world slowly emerged. The terrifying fluctuations and Lu Qiming's magic power collided, and the world that had already started to collapse cracked open with a click, completely stepping into destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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