Professional inheritance from the wrong place

Chapter 451: Returning to the Chapter Human Species

"Stronger than God of War Artosh"

After hearing Jibril's words, Bram looked at Lu Qiming beside him who was being entangled in various ways by Laila, the queen of the sea dwellers, with a face full of disbelief. You must know that Artosh, the god of war, has the strongest concept of spirit, because the most Strong, so the strongest.

But now, Jibril actually said that Lu Qiming is stronger than the god of war Artoxiu. Doesn't that mean that Lu Qiming is the strongest existence besides the only god special map.

Thinking of this, Bram couldn't help becoming hot inside. Following such a god, it must be a breeze to solve the current situation of vampires that Lu Qiming told him before.

As for whether Jibril will lie to herself, Bram has no doubts at all, because the creator of the Flügel is Artosh, the God of War, it is impossible for her to deceive herself with such false words, let alone Azri next to her. Neither Er nor Raphael objected.

"Okay, this kind of thing is not important. The important thing is that I will solve the imminent genocide crisis of the vampires as agreed, and you only need to hand over the vampires' race chess" to me."

Lu Qiming pushed aside Laila Loreira, who looked like an idiot beside her. Ever since the Sea Dweller became his everything, this guy has completely let himself go, wanting Lu Qiming to continue treating her like before.

"Yes, but if you want to be recognized by the 'Race Chess', you must go through the witness of the covenant, so Mr. Lu Qiming, we still have to play a game with the bet agreed by both parties."

As he said that, Bram carefully raised his head and looked at Lu Qiming. This was the only chance for the vampires to get rid of the oppression of the sea-dwelling species in thousands of years, and let the vampires have a new way to live.

"It's very simple. I bet everything about the sea dwellers, and you, Bram, bet everything about the vampires. The game is the simplest guessing game. The game participants, you and I, win two out of three rounds. .”

Lu Qiming looked at Bram and smiled lightly. As for the fact that the "race chess" of the opponent's race must be obtained through games, Lu Qiming knew it a long time ago. The thing that the game was born from.

"Yes, I, Bram, accept the game challenge as the sole agent of the vampire and swear an oath to the covenant!"

"Swear to the Covenant."

After taking the oath, Lu Qiming and Bram came together face to face, and started a game of guessing the best of three games. As for the result, of course, Lu Qiming won and successfully got the vampire's race chess.

"Qiming, are we going to conquer that race next?"

Just when Lu Qiming put away the game of blood-sucking species in front of him, Azrael stepped forward and looked at Lu Qiming and asked softly, where did she know about the human species and the elves from Lu Qiming before, and also That is to say, Azrael couldn't wait to conquer the remaining races, and then witnessed Lu Qiming challenge the only god Tetu.

"Let's go back to Alzia, the kingdom of human species first. After all, I have to settle the matter of sea-dwelling species and blood-sucking species first."

Lu Qiming rubbed Azrael's hair, and then looked at Bram and Laila Loreira in front of him. Regarding the matter of sea dwellers and elves, since Lu Qiming agreed to them, he had to Let's solve it first.

And more importantly, Lu Qiming intends to spread the fact that he has conquered the three major races of Flügel, Sea Dwelling, and Vampire in the world of Disbod, so that his plan can be carried out smoothly in the future. .

"Solve the problems of sea dwellers and elves?"

Azrael raised her head and looked at Lu Qiming curiously. She also knew about the problem of sea-dwelling species and blood-sucking species, but she had no idea what solution Lu Qiming would use to solve it. Leaving aside the blood-sucking species, it was only the sea-dwelling species that reproduced every time. It is not easy to solve the matter of having to let the male partner die.

"You will know later, now bring Avant Heim here."

Lu Qiming didn't explain anything, but asked Azrael to bring Avant Heim here, and then asked Bram and Yamira to bring all the sea dwellers and vampires of Oceande up.

At noon, the golden sun shone on the blue sea, and white seagulls flew over the sea. Suddenly, the whole sea began to shake, and the calm sea began to rise continuously. In the next second, a huge city flew from the sea. out.

In the sky, under Azrael's command, Avant Heim was heading towards the Human Race Kingdom at high speed, and in the tallest building of the Flügel Kingdom, Lu Qiming was wearing a white coat with a face full of He looked indifferently at Laila Loreira, the queen of sea dwellers who was trapped on the bed in front of her.

"woo woo woo woo!"

On the big white bed, Laila's body was struggling constantly, but the golden chains on her body completely fixed her, no matter how hard she struggled, it was completely useless. Lu Qiming, who is indifferent and ruthless in a white coat next to him, is exactly the scene of a mad scientist's experiment.

"Amila, is it really okay for you to watch here?"

Outside the room, Bram looked at Laila who was struggling inside, forced to endure the idea of ​​rushing in, and looked at Yarami, the acting queen of the sea dwelling species beside him, but when he turned his head, he realized that Yarmila Jibril has completely sealed her perception with magic.

"Bram, do you need it?"

On the side, Jibril with a magic circle around her head raised her hand to look at Bram and asked, in order to prevent herself from rushing in and disturbing Lu Qiming because of Laila's innate charm, Jibril Lil and the others directly chose to block perception.


Bram quickly replied when he heard Jibril's words. As for why they were here, and why Lu Qiming and Laila would look like this, it was entirely after Avant Heim left Oceande just now.

Lu Qiming said that there is a way to solve the problem that the sea-dwelling species must suck up the male partner's soul if they want to multiply (meow), and then he directly brought everyone here, and Lu Qiming's solution to the problem of the sea-dwelling species is also very simple, As the queen of sea dwellers, Laila has the ability to absorb the souls of a small number of male partners to breed (meow) the next generation.

In the original book, after Sora and Shiro won the game of sea dwellers, Laila, the queen, used part of the soul in Sora's hair to conceive her and Sora's daughter.

But now, what Lu Qiming has to do is to analyze the ability of Leila Loreira with the ability of the [alchemist] profession, and then copy it, transform it, and engrave it into the blood of all sea dwellers. Whether it is the current sea-dwelling species or the sea-dwelling species born in the future, they will be able to reproduce (meow) the next generation with a small amount of souls.

"Okay, I'm going to start, and you, can you match your image of a top-notch beautiful girl, don't be so (meow)?"

Lu Qiming looked at Laila, who was tightly tied up in front of him, looking at him expectantly. It was obvious that the normal way of being tied up was made by her current appearance, making it look like Lu Qiming was playing some kind of (meow) mood .

"woo woo woo woo!"

"never mind!"

Looking at Laila who became more and more excited, the chains were wetted by the crystal liquid at the corner of his mouth, and all the curves of his body could be seen at a glance due to the struggle before, Lu Qiming gave up struggling, and a ball of emerald green flames ignited in his hand, and then directly pressed on Laila pull on the body.

In the blink of an eye, the emerald green light completely covered Laila's body, and all the information about Laila's body appeared in Lu Qiming's mind following the challenge of the flames.

Compared with the body and soul structure of ordinary sea-dwelling species, the body and soul of Laila, who is a queen, are completely different from ordinary sea-dwelling species. The key to a generation.

As the queen, after obtaining the soul of her male partner, Leila will use her own strength to complete it during the pregnancy period and give birth to a new generation, while other sea dwellers do not have this ability.

They can only absorb all the souls of their male partners and obtain a complete soul, so that they can give birth to a new generation at a time.

"All right."

Under the curious gazes of Jibril and the others, Lu Qiming in the room suddenly raised his head and arms, and the emerald green flames covering Laila's body in front of him all gathered in Lu Qiming's palm and condensed into a mermaid-like seed.

"Qi Ming, who is this?"

The door opened, and Jibril and Yamila all walked in, curiously looking at the seed in Lu Qiming's hand, and they felt a strange aura on it, which was somewhat similar to Laila, but completely different.

"A seed, the result of my transformation using Laila's body and soul as a template, and then Yamila, you will plant it in Oceande, where it will absorb the 'elves' from the seabed as nutrients to grow, and when it grows After the big fruit bears, as long as you swallow the fruit, you sea dwellers will have abilities similar to Laila's in the future."

As he said that, Lu Qiming threw the fruit in his hand to Yamila in front of him. Looking at Yamila who caught the seeds with a face of surprise, Lu Qiming had to sigh that gourmet cells are really a good thing, as long as the seeds are removed The genes contained in it can modify its essence at will.

"Thank you, Qiming!"

Yamiya holds the seeds in her hands tightly. This is the hope for the future of their sea-dwelling species. If the sea-dwelling species had this 6000 years ago, it would not be wrong. It should be a blood-sucking species and it will not become what it is now. The only one A male vampire has to pretend to be a loli.

As for why she knew Bram's real gender, of course Jibril told her out of the curiosity of the fun-loving people.

"Amila, what are you thinking?"

On the side, Bram stared at Yamila, just now he suddenly sensed a deep malice, and it was coming from Yamila.

"It's okay, it's okay, the blood-sucking species will still be the covenant of our sea-dwelling species in the future, the best kind!"

After hearing Bram's voice, Yamila quickly shook her head and said that nothing happened. After all, since the only god Tetu made the covenant, the sea-dwelling species can develop so well, which is entirely due to the vampire species.


Bram glanced at Yamila in front of him, snorted softly and brushed his head to the side. Now that the covenant with the sea-dwelling species has been terminated, he can't bother to care about this evil blood-sucking species with only one male guy left!

"Okay, you two stop fighting, Alzia has arrived."

At this time, Lu Qiming on the side stopped the two people who were arguing, and turned his head to look outside. The appearance of Alzia, the capital of the human race kingdom in the distance, was gradually enlarged.

"Let's go! It's time to solve the problem of vampires."

Saying that, Lu Qiming walked towards the outside, and Bram in the room quickly followed up, staring at Lu Qiming's back, expecting how he would solve the problem of vampires, after all, the growth of their clan must be To suck the blood of other races.

At the same time, Sora and Bai are looking confidently at the thirteen Ex-Machina girls in the human palace. In the past few days, Sora has experienced various strategies of these Ex-Machina girls. Way, although Shikong has experienced many difficulties that cannot be described in words.

However, they finally won the game at this moment, proving that he was just Sora, not the Rick the Ex-Machinas loved.

As for how Sora won the game, it was entirely because he collected all kinds of information about Rick from their mouths when he was attacked by ex-Machina girls in various indescribable ways these days, and then relied on Bai's Top-level intelligence and computing power have successfully proved their identity in many ways.

"Then, according to the covenant, the winners this time are me and Bai, and you must unlock your hardware locks."

In the room, Sora looked at the Ex-Machina girl in front of him and said with a serious face that in order to collect information about Rick from the Ex-Machina in the past few days, he has simply experienced hellish suffering.

Every moment is attacked by the Ex-Machina girl with the content he quietly spread on Erziane's (meow) son. As for why I say it is hell, of course it is because this time the hero is not him .She's the heroine!
"According to the covenant, all the Ex-Machinas agree with this defeat, and hereby all the Ex-Machinas release the hardware lock."

Sophia, the purple-haired big sister of the Ex-Machinas, looked at the sky in front of them. At this time, they had already confirmed that the sky in front of them was not the Rick they loved, and according to the covenant, they did not succeed in conquering the sky. Follow the covenant and release the hardware lock in the body.

"Okay, now the problem of the Ex-Machinas is solved!"

Sora and Shiro finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the Ex-Machina girl in front of him had indeed unlocked the hardware lock, so that the Ex-Machinas would never again be exterminated because of the hardware lock. You don't need to be regarded as the protagonist of this (meow) heroine!
"The hardware lock can be released, please, all the air and ex-machina species will be mated (meow) to breed (meow) a new body."


In the next second, Sora, who was looking relaxed, turned his head mechanically and looked at the playful Ex-Machina girl in front of him, how could he do this?

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