Professional inheritance from the wrong place

Chapter 454 The Beginning of the Plan

The elves belong to the Kingdom of Elven Gard.

At this time, in a room in the capital of the Kingdom that was exclusively for the top rich and powerful nobles, Lax was sitting on the sofa shaking the wine glass in his hand. The scarlet wine kept shaking in the quilt made entirely of top crystals, Beside Lax, two twin sisters in maid outfits stood beside them with smiles on their faces.

Behind the three of them, the silver-white moonlight shone on them through the window. A huge moon hung high in the sky. Coupled with the dim light in the room, they looked like top villains.

"I said. Lax, can you be normal next time?"

On the opposite side, Kurami's head was full of black lines, holding back his anger and looking at Lax and the twin sisters dressed as maids in front of him. Leaving aside Lax, you two used to be the eldest lady of the most wealthy noble family of the elves. , How long did it take to become like this?

Besides, don't you find it annoying that you always look like this every time you meet?

"Normal? This is not very normal. You must know that in the eyes of other people, Kurami, you and I are incompatible competitors, so there must be some atmosphere when we meet, right?"

Lax slowly raised the wine glass in his hand and took a sip. With a faint evil smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at the speechless Kurami in front of him. If a traveler here saw Lax's appearance at this time, he would definitely fall down. Take a breath of cool air and say the Dragon King crooked his mouth, it's so terrifying.

"never mind!"

Kurami helplessly looked at the twin sisters who were obediently pouring wine for Lax, and Lax who was still looking at her with a crooked mouth like a dragon king. She was powerless to complain about this, and this time she came here for a serious business .

"Lax, let me ask you, what kind of things are being built by sea-dwelling species and blood-sucking species in the kingdom of Elvin Gard?"

Speaking of this, Kurami's white and tender face seemed to be stained with a touch of red, but because of the veil on her face, other than Lax, she didn't notice it.

This is also the most important reason why Kurami came to Lax tonight. Just a few days ago, she suddenly found a large number of sea dwellers and vampires pouring into the kingdom of elves, and in just a few days, Elvin Garr A huge 'chain tea shop' has been established in every city of the Kingdom of De.

Moreover, according to Kurami's investigation, the reason why the sea dwellers and vampires can do this kind of thing so easily is that everything behind it points to Lax.

At first, Kurami thought it was Lax's plan, and took Phil to the "chain tea shop" in the capital to check it out. Even now, Kurami clearly remembers that he took Phil into the "chain tea shop" Tea shop', the eyes of residents of the nearby Elvin Gard Kingdom.

That look seemed to be saying that Kurami and Phil-sama had this kind of relationship, or that Kurami-sama and Phil-sama would also come to this kind of place
At that time, Kurami didn't understand why the residents looked at each other, but when she walked into the "chain tea shop", she saw elves, sea dwellers, or vampire girls approaching the room, and faintly An indescribable voice came, and only then did I understand what this place was.

The moment she understood what a 'chain tea shop' was, Kurami, a 16-year-old pure and beautiful girl, received the biggest blow in her life, and turned her head to question Lax.

"You said 'chain tea shop'! Didn't you already go in Kurami, and Phil already knew about it, I thought she had already told you, otherwise why did you go to the 'chain tea shop'?"

Lax looked at Kurami in front of him with a wicked look on his face. Even with a veil, Lax could clearly see Kurami's blushing face and ears. It's really cute!

"How did I know it was that kind of place, and when did you know it, Phil, why didn't you tell me?"

At this time, Kurami also reacted. After glaring at Lax fiercely, she turned her head and looked at the innocent Phil beside her. It is completely impossible for the 'chain tea shops' of sea-dwelling species and blood-sucking species to appear in all the cities of Elvin Gard Kingdom.

All, there must be the support of other people, and only she and Phil can do this, but Kurami is completely unaware of this, which means that Phil did it secretly with Lax without telling her .

"Kurami, you didn't ask me!"

Phil looked at Kurami in front of him with an innocent face, and stared at her with big eyes twinkling. All I did was to see Kurami who was now looking shy.

By the way, I want to add some knowledge that Kurami should have as an adult. After all, every time she teases Kurami, she always asks what she is doing with a simple face.

".It seems that I didn't ask."

Kurami looked at Phil who looked at him with an innocent face, and always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell. Indeed, he didn't ask Phil this time. After knowing that Lax was supporting him, Kurami also Not investigating too much.

That is, today, after the opening of the 'tea chain', Kurami walked on the street and heard people passing by talking about it, and even some nobles, so they went to have a look out of curiosity.

"Well, in fact, with your wisdom, Kurami, it's not difficult to guess why the main body is doing this. I believe Sora has told you about the sea-dwelling species and blood-sucking species."

At this time, Lax returned to a serious look. After all, the dragon king's crooked mouth before was just for fun, to tease Kurami. Fortunately, the two blank brothers and sisters were not here, otherwise he would have killed Lax. won't do that.


Kurami looked at Lax in front of him, and nodded after a moment of silence. In fact, after he calmed down, Kurami completely understood why the vampires and sea dwellers did this. It was just because they were human beings. This kind of common sense and the reserve of a girl made her a little unacceptable.

After she calmed down, she analyzed the situation of the two races after considering the situation of the blood-sucking species and the sea-dwelling species. Common sense is quite different.

Things that are unacceptable in the eyes of Kurami, in the eyes of sea dwellers and vampires, are completely necessary items for free food and reproduction, and even money can be collected, which is simply blood earning.

"Then, it's time to get down to business. Do you know about the previous plan of the main body?"

As he said that, Lax waved his hand lightly, and the magical barriers completely enveloped the entire room, completely isolating the outside world, and even the only god, Tetu, would never be able to hide it from Lax and eavesdrop.

"It's really stingy."

At the same time, a certain Zhengtai who was sitting on the throne looked at the disappearing picture in front of him, smiled slightly, and lowered his head to look at the chessboard in front of him.

"Tch! It's really peeping. That guy Tut and Mama Zi must have something in common."

In the room, Lax noticed the change of the magic enchantment, and said unhappily. Compared with him who only has the profession of [Elemental Holy Spirit], it is difficult to detect Tut's peeping unless he goes all out. After all, as Tetu, the only god, can easily control everything in this world.

"Peeping? Lax, are you saying that the only god Tetu was spying on us just now?"

On the side, Kurami heard Lax's broken thoughts, and quickly turned his head to ask, with an unconcealable shock and disbelief on his face. He never thought that Tut, the only god, would spy on them.

"Well, but don't worry, that guy can't see us now."

Lax looked at Kurami in front of him and nodded, with a look of indifference on his face. He knew that even if Tetu knew about their plan, that guy would not stop him. In the end, out of fun, he gave They cause trouble.

"Okay, about the previous plan of the ontology, he has already started, I believe you should have received the news recently."

"Well, the news that God of War Artosh has been resurrected again and ruled the Flügel, Sea Dwelling, and Vampire species has been known to the entire Disbod world, and it is said that Artosh, the God of War, has formed an alliance with humans and Ex-Machines. We are about to launch a challenge like other races, and collect the full powers of all races to compete for the star cup again."

A few days ago, the news about the resurrection of the God of War Artosh suddenly spread throughout the world of Disbod. News of the alliance between the human species and the Ex-Machina species.

Because of this news, the major races in the world of Disbod, which had been silent for a long time, became lively again, especially those races who had faced Artosh, the god of war, and immediately began to use various methods to verify the source and truth of this news sex.

In the end, all the races confirmed the news, and all the races that have not been conquered all regard the God of War Artosh as their enemy. After all, in their opinion, the God of War who used to conquer everything by relying on absolute strength, this time he actually played wisdom.

Without them noticing, they directly ruled the five major races in one fell swoop, which is simply terrifying.

"Kurami, has any race contacted you recently to form an alliance?"

Lax looked at Kurami in front of him with a faint smile. The news that the whole world of Disbod knew about the corner of his mouth was that he spread the word. As for why he used the name of God of War Artoxiu instead of Lu Qiming of.

It is entirely because, in this world, not many people know the name of Lu Qiming, but Artoxiu, the god of war, is completely different. A characteristic that feeds on war, killing, and death.

Once Artoxiu successfully took away the star cup and became the only god in the war, then all races will know what Disbod's world will look like in the future.

But now, it is suddenly reported that the god of war, Arte, has repaired and even conquered one-third of the races, so the remaining races will definitely choose to form an alliance, whether it is for self-protection or other purposes.

Therefore, Lu Qiming directly borrowed the name of the God of War Artoxiu, and it has already been hung up anyway, and everything belonging to the Flügel belongs to him, so Lu Qiming believes that the God of War Artoxiu must have no objection to this.

Of course, if the real god of war, Arto, still has opinions about the repair work, then Lu Qiming doesn't mind explaining the truth, and I believe that Artoxiu will definitely not have any opinions.

"Well, the goblins have contacted me quietly before, but I haven't replied to them yet."

Kerami said and looked at Phil who was aside, and then saw Phil took out a letter from his pocket and put it in front of Lax. It was a goblin who had quietly sent them to them the day before, inviting them to attend a meeting three days later. An invitation letter to a secret meeting, and also promised that as long as Kurami agrees to some of their demands, he will help them become the king of the elf Elven Gard kingdom.

However, at that time, Kurami did not directly agree to the other party, but said that she needed to think about it. After all, Kurami and Phil knew about Lu Qiming's plan clearly, so she needed to come back and discuss it with Lax to prevent Disrupt plans.

"Goblin species? It really fits their racial characteristics."

With that said, Lax took out an invitation letter that was exactly the same as Kurami's from his pocket, and even the conditions promised to Kurami by the goblins were exactly the same.

"it is as expected."

Kurami looked at the invitation letter on the table, without the slightest surprise on his face. It seemed that he had expected this for a long time. After all, they knew the character of goblins well, and it was impossible for them to put their chips in one place. Coupled with the cautious and thug character, this kind of operation is too normal.

Even, Kurami has no doubts that if the relationship between her and Lax is really as it seems on the surface, then once they both agree to the request of the goblins, they will definitely use it as a threat. Whoever agrees with more conditions , help anyone.

"It's all a little thing. In addition to the goblins, I also received invitations from the moonsongs, demons, fairies and orcs."

With that said, Lax took out a bunch of invitations from his pocket again. Lax was not surprised at the invitations from these races. After all, apart from the upper races, the strongest one at present is the elf who ranks seventh among the sixteen races. kind.

It is normal for them to invite themselves to form an alliance. Even Lax is very sure that the invitation letters from these races to Kurami will be delivered to her soon.

After all, since receiving these invitations, Lax has not given them a clear reply. So, even those races who look down on Kurami as a human race have to send her invitations. After all, the elves are currently On the surface of the Elven Gard Kingdom, only the two major strengths of Lax and Kurami are qualified to compete for the sole agency of the elves.

"Kurami, tell me, how about we gather all these races together, and then the two of us go to meet them?"

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