Professional inheritance from the wrong place

Chapter 459 The mission given from the beginning!

In the tide-like crowd, Lu Qiming drifted with the current like a leaf floating on the water, but looking at the pairs of eyes full of longing and the face full of tears beside him, Lu Qiming didn't bother to struggle and let himself be caught by the crowd. The crowd was overwhelmed.

It wasn't until an hour later, after Lu Qiming was hugged by the first generation of the cursed sons present in turn, that the little guys calmed down, and then they noticed that their own juniors who were not far away were staring dumbfounded. In an instant, they wiped the tears off their faces one by one, and then looked over there with a majestic look.

"Mom, grandma is staring at you!"

A little loli opened her watery eyes and looked at her mother who was covering her mouth tightly, her face flushed and discussing something with an aunt, and her little finger pointed to the majestic grandma beside her, but At this time, little loli's mother didn't notice her precious daughter's voice at all.

He was discussing something in a low voice with his girlfriends who grew up together, and from their gossip-like expressions in excitement, one could roughly guess what they were talking about.After all, for them, the appearance of their grandmother just now was nothing short of a miracle.

It was the first time for them to see their grandmother in such a state, and there were many new-generation sons of the curse who were discussing the same topic as the two of them, and there were even dead guys who recorded the previous scenes , seriously discussing whether to add it to the teaching materials of the Cursed Son Empire.


At this time, the little Lolita suddenly saw something, with a frightened expression on her face, she quickly stretched out her hand and tugged at her mother's skirt, but unfortunately, the little Lolita's mother who was discussing was just casually looking at her precious daughter, After casually taking out a lollipop and stuffing it into the little Lolita's mouth, she discussed it with her girlfriend again with an excited face.


"Hundred flowers!"

At this moment, I have been holding the little Lolita's arm with a big hand, and then directly hugged her, and then a familiar face appeared in front of the little Lolita, the handsome face was full of helplessness and fear, full of With palpitations, he looked at the figure approaching not far away.


Little Loli tilted her head and looked at her father puzzled, wondering why he didn't let herself remind her mother.

"That's too late!"

As he said that, Little Lolita's father looked at his wife with complicated eyes, as if he was saying his last farewell, and then resolutely turned around and took his daughter to the distance, at least he had to protect her Your own little padded jacket!
"Hui, what are you talking about? Can you add me?"

Just a few seconds after Little Loli left with her father, the cold and terrifying laughter rang in the ears of Little Loli's mother, and she was instantly gossiping with her best friend about how their grandmothers looked like children before. The two of them stopped for an instant, and sweat burst from their foreheads and flowed down their white and tender skin.

The gossip-filled smile on his face began to become distorted, and it took a few seconds for the whole person to complete a simple turn of the head like a machine, and then saw his grandmother with a kind smile on his face.

"Grandmother, what are you talking about? Hui doesn't know?"

Little Lolita's mother, that is, Hui, is looking at her grandmother innocently at this time, as if she is a child who knows nothing, but from her trembling thighs and her almost crying voice .Totally proves one thing, the kid is terrified!

"Oh? That's right, Hui, you don't know, so why don't grandma tell you, by the way, in the daily study manual compiled into the empire?"

Youli tilted her head and looked at her good-natured granddaughter, the smile on her face became more and more harmonious, and her tender white palm gently stroked her trembling head, this look seemed extremely harmonious to those who were not familiar with her. Friendly picture, but anyone who is familiar with Youli knows that she is looking for a good place to pinch the opponent's head.

"Grandma. Grandmother Hui will be a good boy in the future, I won't dare again!"

Hui felt the touch from her grandmother Youli on the top of her head, and she couldn't help but recall in her mind that when she was just an adult, when she participated in a battle with her grandmother for the first time, she saw with her own eyes that her grandmother directly crushed the head of a top powerhouse of the starry sky behemoth family like this screen.

Hui's thighs felt weak when she thought that she was being caressed by her grandmother in this way. Although she couldn't die if she was headshot, after all, her grandmother wouldn't crush her own soul, but it hurt!

"Really? Nahui, you will be a good boy in the future!"

Youli stroked her great-granddaughter's little head more and more gently, and even gently straightened her somewhat messy hair. Looking at the well-behaved great-granddaughter Youli in front of her, her smile was extremely kind.

"Youli, stop playing, brother Qiming will call us again."

At this time, a young girl walked up to Youli, with her indifferent face, coupled with that of Yujie's face and aloof temperament, as well as her blood-stained palms and white dots between her fingers, she looked like a majestic queen .

"Well, come right away."

As he said that, Youli patted Hui's head lightly, turned around with a gentle face and followed his companion towards Lu Qiming, sighing that she was indeed her great-granddaughter, and the touch was really good.

"Are you all right?"

Hui stared blankly at the departing grandmother, her big eyes full of confusion. She thought she must be dead this time, but she didn't expect it to be so fine.

"Huh~ It's okay, it's okay!"

In the next second, Hui took a deep breath, and kept patting his towering 'justice' with his palms. His pale face was full of gratitude for surviving the catastrophe, and then he turned his head to see how his girlfriend was doing. After all, the one who just called my grandmother away was my best friend's grandmother.

It's just that Hui, who just turned his head, saw a headless corpse. Bright red blood was constantly gushing out from the place where the head disappeared, like a small fountain. There is still a little white liquid under the feet.

"Qianxia, ​​go all the way, I will always remember you, and I will never forget you!"

Youli looked at her good best friend who grew up with her like this, her eyes could not help showing a trace of sadness, she stretched out her hand and patted the shoulder of her good best friend's headless corpse, just said so, but in fact she There was no expression on the smiling face at all.

"I said Hui you, you have time to do this kind of thing here, why don't you help me treat it?"

Qian Xia's soul floating in mid-air looked at her best friend who grew up together with a speechless face. This guy has time to tease himself, so why can't he heal himself? You must know that Qian Xia's recovery has been weakened by her grandma Extreme, otherwise the mere headshot damage would be completely recovered in the blink of an eye after her recovery.

"No, I refuse, who knows if Grandma Li Nai will blow my head off after you cure me!"

When she heard the request from her best friend, Huilian rejected her without any hesitation. After all, she had always been afraid of Grandma Reina since she was a child. Besides, she managed to escape the crisis of being headshot by her grandmother. Healed Qianxia, ​​which resulted in being shot in the head by Grandma Reina, thanks ah!
Thinking of this, the expression on Hui's face became more determined, and then he raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead. After putting down his hand, he saw her husband who was looking at her in horror not far away. When her husband looked like this, Hui couldn't help showing a little doubt, and just wanted to ask him what happened.

But she saw her husband covering her daughter's eyes, and talking to herself with the corner of her mouth slightly open.


When Hui just wanted to ask her husband what he wanted to say, a sound similar to 'click' appeared in his mind, just like the feeling of a watermelon split in two when cutting a watermelon, and then Hui felt that his vision began to become strange, The pictures seen by the two eyes began to be different.

"Hahahaha! Hui, I didn't expect you to be worse than me!"

In the next second, Hui's head was evenly divided into two halves, and it fell directly in his footsteps, and the unconscionable laughter of his best friend came from beside his ears.

And not far away, Youli, who was walking towards Lu Qiming, didn't notice the movement here, raised his white and tender palm to look at it, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more gentle.

".During the time I was away, what did these little guys learn?"

Ahead, the corners of Lu Qiming's mouth twitched as he looked at the new-generation cursed sons in the distance who had either been headshot or split apart, as well as the first-generation cursed sons who were walking towards him with gentle faces. Lu Qiming couldn't help but began to wonder. What happened while you were away.

How come all the cute little girls I used to become like this?

"Brother Qiming, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Li Zi, who heard Lu Qiming muttering to himself, came over and stared at Lu Qiming with big eyes.

"It's nothing, but I have to say something. After Lizi, you have to be more ladylike. How can girls play headshots? You have to learn this from your sister Ah Yin."

Looking at Lizi in front of him, Lu Qiming thought it was because he didn't let Lizi and the others learn what a lady should do before he left, so he didn't say much. He just shook his head and called Ah Yin out, telling them to learn more in the future silver.

"Yeah, I know, brother Qiming!"

Li Zi looked at A Yin beside him, although he didn't understand why Lu Qiming said that suddenly, he nodded obediently.

"Leave it to me without worry! Master!"

Ah Yin looked at Lu Qiming seriously, and promised to teach Lizi and the others, as if teaching them the gods, and perfectly teach Lizi and the others how to kill a lady. After all, being a lady must be graceful!

"Brother Qiming, what do you want us to do?"

At this moment, a small and cute figure suddenly flew from mid-air and threw itself directly into Lu Qiming's arms. Rice grains hung on Lu Qiming's body like a koala, looking up at him with his little head raised.

"Well, Li Keli is about to take the last step, Mi Li, you all have to leave this world temporarily."

Lu Qiming looked down at the koala-like rice grains in his arms, and wondered if the little guy didn't want to grow up. After 10 years, he still looked like a lolita when Lu Qiming left.

As for Lu Qiming summoning the son of the curse, just as he said, it is to prepare for Keli to take the last step. After all, the whole world will be turned into Keli's wealth, whether it is rice grains, the others or Mebis. As well as Yakumo Zi and the others, they all have to leave this world.

"Leave this world? I know!"

Mi Li looked at Lu Qiming above her head. Although she didn't know why she had to leave, she didn't ask why. In her opinion, as long as Brother Qiming said it, it was correct.

"Brother Qiming, are we all leaving?"

At this moment, Qianshou Xia Shi walked up to Lu Qiming and asked softly, she also heard what Lu Qiming just said.

"Well, everyone in the entire Cursed Son Empire is about to leave. Please inform Xia Shi about this. After that, I will send you all to my kingdom of God."

Lu Qiming looked at Qianshou Xia Shi in front of him and nodded. This was one of the reasons why he sent his consciousness back this time. Otherwise, when Keli took the last step, if someone accidentally took the entire Cursed Son Empire as a It is not good to eat the information, so it is better to send it back to the Kingdom of God in advance.

"I see."

After finishing speaking, Qianshou Natsushi turned around and waved to the new generation of cursed children who had just recovered not far away, and told her about it when she came over, and someone would arrange it later.

"By the way, do you want to keep that guy Keli?"

After seeing that Qianshou Natsushi had arranged for the Cursed Son Empire, Lu Qiming turned his head and called out to Keli who was playing with Connor and Yakumo Orange, and then pointed to Zack, the king of the starry sky behemoth clan in the distance.

"Well, no need for Dad, this is its mission."

After hearing Lu Qiming's words, Ke Li understood what it meant. She raised her head and looked at Zach who was still sleeping not far away. As Li said, this is its mission.


Seeing this, Lu Qiming nodded and didn't say anything more. After all, this was Keli's choice, so Lu Qiming would not interfere.

At this time, the Zerg queen who was in the crowd seemed to understand something, with a struggling expression on her face, her eyes kept wandering on Lu Qiming and Ke Li. When she saw the sleeping Zach, the Zerg queen seemed to understand. What, the struggling expression on his face disappeared completely, just like Zach who chose to pretend to be asleep at this time, this is their inescapable mission.

"Brother Qiming"

Suddenly, Qianshou Xia Shi walked up to Lu Qiming, hesitated for a few seconds and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say when he opened his mouth.

"Xia Shi, this is their mission, and after that they will live in another way."

Lu Qiming lowered his head to look at Qianshou Xiashi in front of him, and gently stroked her hair. Lu Qiming knew that this little guy with a superior IQ in front of him had already understood what Lu Qiming had said to Keli before, but it was precisely because of this that Qianshou Xiashi That's why he hesitated so much.

Because, in the entire world of black bullets, all races except the sons of the curse will become Keli's merits. This is the mission given to them by their creator Lu Qiming since their birth.

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