Professional inheritance from the wrong place

Chapter 479 - The Death of Ibuki Suika

"Ah la la! Cuixiang, you should care more about yourself than Yongyi."

At this time, Yakumo Zi stepped forward and patted Ibuki Suika on the shoulder, pointed to the front with a wicked smile on her face, and the remaining dragon spirits roared and flew towards this side, For a moment, the entire pure white sky was covered by huge dragon wings.

"The fight has begun!"

Ibuki Cuika casually glanced at Yakumo Zi, her seemingly petite body took a step forward, her violent aura soared into the sky, her scarlet eyes looked at the many dragon spirits flying in front of her with madness, the corner of her mouth was split open A terrifying arc.

"Three steps will kill!"

The legs were slightly lowered, and the left arm was raised slightly to make a gesture of accumulating power. The space in front of her began to shatter a little bit. In the next second, Ibuki Suika flew out directly as a streamer. In an instant, the whole world seemed to be imprisoned.

boom! boom! boom!
Suddenly, bursts of huge roars reverberated throughout the pure white space, and the figure of Ibuki Suika appeared behind many dragon spirits at some point, and all the dragon spirits behind her were pierced through. Due to the growing force in their bodies, all the fine seeds exploded, turning into balls of flesh and blood fireworks.

"How is it possible that nearly a hundred compatriots were killed in such a simple moment?"

A dragon spirit looked at the petite figure in front of him in disbelief. You must know that the dragon scales and bones of their dragon spirit are stronger than any material on the ground, and because each dragon scale of the dragon spirit is condensed Huge elves and hundreds of millions of dragon scales formed a terrifying magic barrier.

Even for the gods, it is not so easy to break the defense of their dragon spirits, and it is not easy for Artosh, the god of war, to smash the defense of nearly a hundred dragon spirits in one go.

"Hey, hey! What are you talking about, simple? Please, this is the meaning of our Four Heavenly Kings of the Ghost Clan!"

Yibuki Cuixiang looked at the many dragon spirits in front of her who were staring at her with dragon eyes. It was obvious that she did this kind of thing with a full blow. Why did it seem to them that it was a very simple thing? working hard, and
"It's very hard, my fist is still hurting!"

As she said that, Yibuki Suika raised her red and swollen fist. To be honest, she really didn't expect the bodies of these dragon spirits to be so hard. Originally, according to her idea, she would strike with all her strength, not to mention cutting through them directly. The large army of dragon spirits had to sweep hundreds of dragon spirits no matter what.

But now it is, just killing nearly a hundred dragon spirits, and most of them are self-made. They just penetrate the body of the dragon spirit and inject part of their own power into it. That is to say, Ibuki Suika's blow seemed direct Nearly a hundred dragon spirits were killed, but in fact, most of those dragon spirits died because of the expansion of their own internal strength.


Just when Ibuki Cuika was thinking about it, the dragon spirit who spoke before and the compatriots beside him looked at each other. Even now they knew that Ibuki Cuika's blow just now was just a coincidence. Next As long as they are more careful, Ibuki Suika will definitely not be able to do the same thing again.

However, even so, Ibuki Suika's powerful strength completely exceeded their expectations. For this reason, the few dragon spirits present directly burned their vitality and launched a blow at the cost of their lives, wanting to directly solve it here. Yibuki Cuixiang.

Anyway, they are in the game now, and they will not really die, and even if they really die, they will not hesitate in exchange for the victory of the dragon spirits.

"Damn it, you guys can't afford it!"

Faced with the collapse of several dragon spirits at the cost of their lives, even Ibuki Suika couldn't hold back. The battle had just begun, and we agreed to fight happily together, but you guys just risked your life, it's hard to play Get up!
But she said that she couldn't play, but in fact, Ibuki Suika's expression became extremely dignified at this time. Even she felt an unprecedented death crisis in the face of the collapse of several dragon spirits at the cost of their lives. After all, Even if she is stronger than ordinary dragon spirits, it doesn't mean that these dragon spirits are weak, let alone their attacks at the cost of their lives.

At this time, Ibuki Suika only felt that her body was completely imprisoned, and infinite rays of light sounded from all directions, and a series of extremely terrifying attacks completely surrounded her, and death was imminent.

In the next second, the whole world began to vibrate violently. A pitch-black sun rose in the center of the world. The endless light and heat completely destroyed everything in its path. The terrifying shock wave directly blew away many dragon spirits. fly.

If it wasn't for those few dragon spirits who warned the other companions before launching the collapse, many dragon spirits would have died under this blow.

When everything returned to calm, a huge black hole appeared in the center of the original pure white world. The terrifying gravitational force devoured everything around, where even space could not exist, like a giant beast that devoured everything. As for Ibuki Suika and Those few dragon spirits have long since been fried.

"Cuixiang is just playing around."

Fujiwara Meihong stared blankly at the huge black hole in front of her. What happened just now was so sudden that no one could react. When they did, they only saw a dark sun appearing in front of them.
"Hahaha! Now Cuixiang was so angry that she finally had a chance to fight as much as she wanted, but she just disappeared."

On the side, Ibuki Hana, another four king of the ghost clan, looked at the black hole in front of him and laughed. To be honest, she didn't expect that Ibuki Suika would leave the battle in this way, and she could use this incident to laugh at Ibuki Suika Hundreds of years.

".Bastard Hua Fan!"

In another dimension above the pure white space, Ibuki Tsui stared at Ibuki Hana fan who was laughing at her, and then grabbed the gourd on her waist and took a big sip. Long Jingzhong was looking at Suika Ibuki and Hana Ibaraki who was laughing below him with a look of confusion.

After all, in their view, the death of their companion means that the chance of winning the game is reduced, but how could Ibaraki Hanagi in the game below start laughing like this? Don't look like you're smiling.

'Aren't we playing a game? '

In the next second, the dragon spirit who was the first to trigger the collapse tilted his head and looked at Suika Ibuki next to him, and then at his companions.

"Hey! Those guys over there, come and drink with me!"

Suddenly, a small hand grabbed the dragon spirit who was tilting his head, and directly pulled him to the front forcibly, and then Ibuki Suika's slightly displeased little face appeared, and directly stuffed the wine gourd in his hand into it. In the mouth of a dragon spirit.

Ibuki Cuixiang didn't feel anything about these dragon spirits who killed herself, or because they killed herself, Ibuki Cuika recognized them and invited them to drink together.

After all, for the ghost clan, if you can ask you to drink together, that is a good friend. As for the displeasure on Ibuki Suika's face at this time, it is just because of the chance to fight to the fullest, but it ended because of her own carelessness.

I saw that in the small wine gourd, a continuous stream of wine was poured into the mouth of the dragon spirit. In just a few seconds, the wine that could fill a lake was all drunk by the dragon spirit. Even with the powerful physique of the dragon spirit, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

After all, the liquor of Yibui Cuixiang wine gourd is all the top-notch wine in Lu Qiming's country. Even Lu Qiming himself dare not drink like Yibui Cuixiang, let alone the dragon essence.

Down below, the battle between the two sides became more and more intense. The Flügel hunted and killed the dragon spirits in units of 100 people. Every moment, the dragon spirits died under the siege of a large number of Flügel, but as the price, the besieged Flügel also More than half died.

On the other side, the fighting style is completely different. Hundreds of dragon spirits are roaring and attacking continuously, but there is only one enemy in front of them.


A dragon spirit was torn in half, and bright red blood gushed out like a waterfall. Kazami Yuka looked at the many dragon spirits above with a wanton smile on her face. The original red and white skirt had turned blood red , her face was covered with the blood of dragon spirits, and dozens of corpses of dragon spirits had piled up like a mountain at her feet.

"Have you seen the flowers blooming on the flesh and blood?"

A maddened voice sounded in the calm, Kazami Yuka smiled and threw the corpse of the dragon spirit that had been torn in two in her hand to her feet, raised her head and looked at the many dragon spirits above and asked, and in that faint The scarlet essence murderousness under the smile drowned everything around like an ocean.


Above, many dragon spirits were slightly taken aback when they heard Kazami Youxiang's words, not understanding what she meant, but in the next second, the pupils of the dragon spirits narrowed to the extreme, and countless magic spells lit up on their huge bodies, The magic of hundreds of dragon spirits is connected together to build an extremely strong magic shield.

"Flowers in Gensokyo!"

And just at the moment when the magic shield was formed, Kazami Yuka from below sounded like the whisper of death. Starting from her feet, countless bright red flowers began to spread wildly towards the surroundings. In the blink of an eye, the whole land was covered by bright red flowers. Covering, the torn corpses of dragon spirits became the best flower fertilizer, creating a sea of ​​bright red flowers.

In the endless sea of ​​flowers, Kazami Yuka raised her palm with a beautiful smile, and the terrifying magic power formed a substantial beam of light soaring into the sky. In an instant, under the desperate eyes of hundreds of dragon spirits, the magic shield they built seemed fragile. It shattered like glass, and then a magic cannon swept across and all the dragon spirits turned into nothingness.

"Youxiang's commotion is really big, it should be serious."

On the other side, Lu Qiming, who was holding a dragon spirit with one hand, was also attracted by the movement there. He couldn't help but turned his head to look there, and saw a magic cannon piercing the sky, even Lu Qiming opened up The pure white space specially used for this game was pierced, and even the black hole in the center that was blasted out by Beng Xiao was shattered.

In the outside world, a huge space hole suddenly appeared above the sea surface, and a terrifying magic cannon flew out of it, and the sea below was directly evaporated, and the bottom of the sea, which had not been exposed for hundreds of millions of years, appeared in this way for all the watchers. ahead.

And the most frightening thing is that the power of this magical cannon is completely weakened and flies forward. If this continues, the continental plate adjacent to this sea will be directly evaporated without accident, and countless lives living on it will also be destroyed. die.

"It's really powerful, the existence of another world."

Just when the magic cannon was about to fly over the mainland, a figure appeared in front of the magic cannon. Tetu looked at the flying magic cannon with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth. Seriously injured or even killed directly.

In the next second, Tetu waved his hand lightly, and the time of the whole world fell into a standstill. The magic cannon that was flying towards the mainland in front was also imprisoned. When time flowed again, the magic cannon had turned into a light spot , and Tetu's figure has also disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

"Sure enough, that guy Tetu has been peeping all the time."

In the pure white space, Lu Qiming's eyes looked at the direction where the magic cannon flew out with a strange light, as if he saw what Tetu had done before, but Lu Qiming was not at all surprised that Tetu had been peeping. If it were different, he would do the same.

"Brother Qiming, what's wrong?"

At this time, Connor's cute and innocent voice sounded, and he looked at Lu Qiming with a pair of big eyes, and his small face was full of curiosity.

"Nothing, just a voyeur."

Lu Qiming lowered his head and lightly touched Connor's small head, and casually smashed the dragon spirit that was still struggling in the other hand into the ground, and the dragon spirit that was still struggling and roaring just now fell There was no more movement, but the instinctively still twitching dragon wings proved that he was still alive.

"Is it the same as Sister Zi?"

Connor tilted his head to look at Lu Qiming and asked. Regarding the three words voyeurism, Connor immediately thought of a certain gap monster named Yakumozi. After all, when she usually played with Keli and the others, eight Yun Zi can always pop up suddenly.

"Well, that's the kind."

Lu Qiming thought for a while, looked at Connor seriously and nodded, completely ignoring a certain head protruding from his chest.

"Ah la la! Brother Qiming, can we say this is slander?"

Yakumo Zi, who only had one head, looked at Lu Qiming with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, completely ignoring her strange appearance now. After all, if an ordinary person sees this picture of a head growing out of her chest, she might be scared to death on the spot. Even if this head is a beautiful girl.

"No, it's true!"

Lu Qiming looked at the head in front of his chest with a speechless face, then raised his head to look at the headless corpses hanging from a few dragon spirits not far away, finally Lu Qiming chose to ignore Yakumo Zi, and turned to the side Connor beckoned, and turned to look at the fainted dragon spirit beside him.

"Connor, you have to remember clearly in a while!"

"Got it, brother Qiming."

Connor obediently ran to Lu Qiming and squatted down, staring at the dragon spirit in front of him carefully, while Lu Qiming took out his magic weapon and began to unravel the dragon spirit little by little in front of Connor. Plane and analyze his structure.

After a while, the original complete dragon spirit has become neatly arranged parts, and some even cut the soul of this dragon spirit into molecular size in order to let Connor see clearly. Most fundamentally, he showed Connor his structure.

"Do you remember clearly?"

Lu Qiming casually put the chopped soul in a bottle, and turned his head to look at the materials beside him, who were seriously looking at the ingredients in front of him.

"Well no."

After hearing Lu Qiming's words, Connor closed his eyes and thought about it carefully for a while, then opened his eyes with a trace of disappointment and looked at Lu Qiming slightly shaking his little head, she still didn't understand something.

"It's okay, let's take our time."

Seeing Connor like this, Lu Qiming couldn't help but patted her little head, and casually grabbed a dragon spirit from the battlefield and continued to explain it to Connor while dissecting it. Looking at this familiar movement, he knew that it was no longer It's the first time.

The reason why Lu Qiming did this was to lay a better foundation for Connor to transform into a dragon spirit in the future, and then evolve the most perfect dragon spirit on this basis. After all, although the dragon spirit is powerful, but in Lu Qiming It seems that there are still many absent.

And what he's doing now is to study everything about the dragon spirit species clearly, and according to Connor's opinion, transform the dragon spirit species into the most suitable plan for Connor.

The last step of this plan is the need. One of the three dragon kings [Conglong] Lai Jinleifer.

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