Professional inheritance from the wrong place

Chapter 498 The essence of the system

The moment the 'Final Trial' was completed, the whole world seemed to have fallen into a stillness, and the space around Lu Qiming began to change continuously, as if it had been a long time but it seemed to be just a moment, when Lu Qiming looked around again has become completely different.

Ahead, in the dark space, stars of various colors are constantly rotating, converging into a truly 'infinite' nebula vortex, and in the center of the vortex stands a golden tree, with huge branches supporting it. The whole world.

And on the branch of the golden tree, an illusory figure is sitting on it, with white-gold straight long hair hanging behind him, a delicate and beautiful face with a mechanically empty expression, the illusory body gives people A feeling that is about to pass away.

When Lu Qiming looked over, the figure also looked at Lu Qiming, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity rose in Lu Qiming's heart. At this time, he had already guessed the identity of the figure, which was his body. The internal system, as for the big tree under it.

It is the essence condensed from Lu Qiming's origin, soul, body, occupation and so on.

"That is to say, does each of these endless stars represent a brand new profession?"

In the next second, Lu Qiming looked at the endless stars in front of him. Each star has its own power and rules. It can be said that each of them is an extremely powerful profession, but at this moment they are just waiting. With a new inheritor.

Looking at so many inheritances, Lu Qiming felt a bit of doubt in his heart. Let alone these inheritances alone are enough to create a large number of strong people. After all, Lu Qiming has a deep understanding of the powerful professions of the system.

But why, such a powerful 'system' would release the task of 'final trial' so easily and give all authority to itself.

If Lu Qiming was a little proud of completing the "final trial" before seeing so many "countless" professional inheritances, then after seeing the real "power" of the system back.

At this moment, there were countless doubts in Lu Qiming's heart. A few minutes later, Lu Qiming, who couldn't figure it out, chose the easiest way and asked the system directly.

As for whether there might be some conspiracy in the system, then Lu Qiming also admits it. After all, if there is no system, he is just an ordinary human being. How could he experience such a wonderful life? Time spent on each world experience.

At present, Lu Qiming has lived happily for 1 years. Compared with the short period of less than a hundred years for ordinary people, he has made a lot of money.

"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the 'Final Trial Mission'."

The moment Lu Qiming landed in front of the system, the system's usual mechanical voice of Yujie sounded again, but this time compared to the past, there was a slight emotional change in the voice, like relief and joy.

It's like seeing your own child finally grow up.

"Are you going to disappear?"

Looking at the 'system' in front of him, Lu Qiming seemed to understand something instinctively. He raised his head and stared at the big golden tree representing his own essence with a complex expression. The huge crown and stalwart trunk support the whole world, endless Its rhizomes have penetrated into every corner of the world.

It can be said that the big tree representing Lu Qiming's essence at this time has completely become the world itself at the moment when he completed the 'final trial', that is to say, Lu Qiming himself is the world at this time.

"Don't be sad, I am very happy to see hope at the last moment."

The system or pre-world consciousness, the mechanical expression on his face had completely disappeared at this time, and he looked at Lu Qiming lovingly, as if a mother watched her child grow up and offered her final blessings to him.

".Is there no possibility?"

Lu Qiming bit his lip, and looked at the system in front of him with a trace of sadness on his face. Indeed, when Lu Qiming traveled to the world of "Is it a mistake to find an encounter in the dungeon?" and obtained the system, Lu Qiming also I used to be full of anxiety because of the novels I read and worried about the conspiracy of the system.

However, in the later battles, Lu Qiming also figured it out. At best, he was an ordinary person, but at worst, he was a dead man. Even if there was any conspiracy in the system, at least he was paid by others.

It allowed him to have the power that he could only have in his fantasy, and he also gave him a brand new life, where he could live a wanton life, which was completely different from working as an ordinary person before.

After all, those so-called company bosses only use things like structure, overall situation, for your own good, and young people to suffer more to make big cakes for themselves, but the system directly stuffs big cakes into their mouths.

At that meeting, Lu Qiming was just thinking, anyway, it is not a job to work for someone, so why don't you work for the system, anyway, the benefits they give are real, or if you work hard, you will be reported by all races.

However, now that the 'final trial' has been completed and the moment he sees the essence of the system, Lu Qiming has already understood everything.
"As you can see, I have come to the end, my favorite child, don't need to grieve for me."

The former world consciousness gently stepped forward and hugged Lu Qiming's body, raised his hand and stroked Lu Qiming's head kindly, just like an ordinary mother saying goodbye to her child.

Looking at Lu Qiming in his arms, the corners of the former world consciousness's lips curled up slightly. The child who used to hide in the sewer with a stainless steel basin on his head, full of anxiety and fear of the unknown world, finally grew up.

"Qiming, I won't let you hear my loli voice."

The pre-world consciousness sounded with a playful voice, and then kissed Lu Qiming's forehead lightly, a ray of light shone on Lu Qiming's forehead, and Lu Qiming's consciousness began to rise continuously, expanding and blending with the whole world.

"Farewell, my child."

The former world consciousness looked at Lu Qiming who had officially started the final inheritance and smiled slightly. His illusory body began to emit a faint light, and a little light flew out of his body and merged into the essence of Lu Qiming behind him.

At this point, the former world consciousness completely disappeared and His last kiss on Lu Qiming's forehead was a ceremony of handing over everything in the world to Lu Qiming, and it was also the inheritance of Lu Qiming's final 'profession'.

This occupation is called 'World'!
In the incomparably distant past, a world was born in the sea of ​​chaos, and the nascent world instinctively sucked nutrients to grow, and due to the special and unique characteristics of the nascent world, this world soon gave birth to its own world consciousness.

Moreover, the world instinctively absorbs information from other worlds in the process of growth, and integrates these information and world rules to create a special product 'profession', but unlike other worlds, this world cannot give birth to life.

I don't know how long it will take, for countless years, the world consciousness itself just mechanically collects information from other worlds, giving birth to various professions, until a problem suddenly arises in a certain world segment of the world consciousness itself.

Why. He can't give birth to a new life?

Because of this problem, the world consciousness began to learn to think in addition to fulfilling its own profession, and with the thinking of the world consciousness, the world itself began to change. After all, the world consciousness is equivalent to the soul of a person, while the world itself is the body.

Changes in the soul allow the body to act.

In this way, the world itself begins to move, and every time it encounters a brand new world, it will observe silently, collect its information and form a new 'profession', and then look at the active life in other worlds with great interest.

Originally, everything should continue like this, but after countless years of observation, the world consciousness suddenly gave birth to an idea. He wanted to breed life belonging to his own world, to breed his own 'child'.

It is precisely because of this idea that it fundamentally violates the unique essence of the birth of this world, directly causing huge trauma to the world itself, and irreversible damage to the origin of the world.

But it is precisely because of this that after the world consciousness tried its best to repair the damage of the world itself, it discovered that although its essence is still the same, it has a brand new ability.

It is possible to attach the world itself to the origin of creatures in other worlds and give them various 'occupations', and because it is the world itself, it can easily locate and reach a new world, so far the world consciousness has started a new path.

Attached to the origin of different creatures, endowing them with various occupations, and relying on those creatures to collect new 'occupations'.

It's just that after hundreds of millions of years passed, the world's consciousness discovered something was wrong. Although the damage the world had suffered before seemed to have been repaired by him, in fact it hadn't. The world itself had been getting weaker and weaker.

And to completely repair the damage suffered by the world, the world consciousness must fundamentally reverse the world to its initial state at the cost of sacrificing itself, because the world consciousness represents the "soul" of the world itself, and the birth of the "soul" represents the growth of the world.

As long as the 'soul' is restored to its original state, the world will also be restored to its nascent state. In this way, the world itself will be completely restored, but the price is the complete disappearance of world consciousness.

And the world consciousness after realizing its own problems, began to transform its own origin to repair the world little by little, and became a brand new "system" and began to choose a brand new world successor, and the first occupation of each inheritor condensed 'The Seed of a Career'.

In fact, it is the original appearance of the world consciousness, and will gradually integrate into the world during the subsequent incubation and growth process, but only after completing the "final trial" and seeing the world consciousness itself, can it be endowed like Lu Qiming The ultimate 'inheritance'.

In the process of searching for the inheritors, the world consciousness chose countless lives, plants, animals, humans, gods, demons, and monsters. During this period, even if they failed, the world consciousness still chose to bless them and leave their own legacy for them. Inheritance can survive well.

Just like a loving mother, even if the children fail, as a mother, He still loves them and gives them the ability to survive.

As for the coquettish operations of the inheritors in the process of inheritance, like jumping across the world to brush their professions, and then get a wife with a weapon like Shen Cai and Ah Yin, in the eyes of the world consciousness, it is nothing more than a child's naughty. .

It's just that after fixing this bug, he didn't choose to take back the inheritance that had already been obtained.

Until in a certain world, a black-haired boy was chosen by Him again, and the consciousness of the world silently watched the boy grow from fear at the beginning to full of confidence, leaving his own legend in different worlds.

But now, the former teenager has fully grown up, and the world consciousness as a mother has also chosen to give herself the last and most important gift, "inheriting" the whole world to him, and then with her own blessings for the child, choose Disappeared, fully repairing the damage of the world itself.

"It's really a wayward mother."

In the golden world tree in the center of the world, Lu Qiming's body was condensed little by little, looking at the place where the former world consciousness finally disappeared, with a smile on his face, he said with nostalgia and sadness in his words, as for crying Lu Qiming would not, because his own 'Mother' pre-world consciousness He does not want this.

Because she had perfectly completed her mission and disappeared with blessings and expectations for the child, how could Lu Qiming cry? This was a denial of him.

"However, what you haven't done, what you expect, I will do it!"

In the next second, Lu Qiming raised his head and looked at the pitch-black world in front of him. Countless 'stars' revolved around his position. Apart from the 'professions' condensed in these worlds, loneliness and silence are the essence of this world.

The world consciousness in the past also caused irreversible damage to the world itself and disappeared because it wanted to change, but now with the foundation laid by him, and the world is now in its nascent state, Lu Qiming also has the sight of him , the possibility of own 'mother' wishes.

"Take this as my last farewell to you."

As he said that, Lu Qiming raised his hand and a golden Kingdom of God twirled in his palm. At the moment when he became the world itself, Lu Qiming's former body had completely disappeared and merged into the world. down.


In the next second, Lu Qiming pressed the Kingdom of God in his hand to the World Tree behind him or in Lu Qiming's real body now. In the next second, the golden World Tree shone brightly, and fist-sized golden fruits hung all over it. branches,

At the same time, tens of millions of 'planets' turned into streamers and merged into one fruit respectively, and the fruit in the center of the canopy directly merged into nine 'planets'.


In the next second, the golden fruit exploded, and brand new little elves appeared in the sky, each with a brand new profession, and Ramiris, who is the king of the little elves, directly possessed the nine complementary spirits. career.

And they will be the new and only life in this world.

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