
Chapter 1136: He is expected to have a hard time succeeding

"The rules for fighting against thieves in Zhongzhou: First, set up camp to facilitate attack and defense; second, set up camp carefully to prevent enemy attack; third, check the terrain to fight for dangerous points; fourth, know the host and guest to predict the odds of victory!"

The opening chapter gave four important rules concisely and clearly, which completely covered all the basic elements of camping, marching, and fighting. Zhang Cheng nodded in approval and continued reading.

"Entering the south bank of the river is a war zone. All camps of the Yongyi Army must abide by the 'camping rules'. No matter whether there are enemy traces around, they cannot simplify their operations...

1. Where to camp, avoid being low-lying and humid, where stagnant water is difficult to escape; avoid being flat on the ocean, as it is easy to be attacked by enemies on all sides; avoid being on a mountain that is too low, as the off-site mountains are high, making it vulnerable to enemy counterattacks; avoid being on a slope with half the surface, where cannons can easily penetrate Hard to guard against.

2. The place to camp must be wide and flat at the top and steep on the sides. However, it is most rare to have steep sides. It would also be good if one or two sides could be steep.

3. The method of choosing a location for a camp is to first choose a dangerous place with mountains on its back and water on its back. It is best to choose a place with mountains on its right and a swamp on its left in front. However, it is difficult to choose such a good place. However, if there is a side blocking water in front, left or right, it is easy to choose. Defending against the enemy is actually a good place to choose. As for choosing a place that is convenient for chopping wood and carrying water, the way to collect water is the most important. If it is cut off by thieves, it cannot be defended and must be abandoned immediately.

4. Every time each battalion arrives at a place, regardless of wind, rain, cold or heat, as soon as the team arrives, they immediately dig trenches and build walls. They have half an hour to complete the work. Before the completion, they are not allowed to rest, and they are not allowed to forcefully fight the thieves.

5. The wall must be eight feet high and one foot thick; no door panels or bamboo wood are needed to build the wall. The inside and outside are built with grass and earth blocks, and the middle is tightly sealed with earth. Every foot long, a long strip of small trees must be spread across the building to prevent it from falling apart after rain. Eyes for guns and cannons must also be left, and a sub-wall must be built inside for people to stand on. place.

6. The trench must be more than one foot to five feet deep, the deeper the better, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom; the soil taken out of the trench must be covered with a distance of two feet; it must not be too close, and it must not be piled high, lest it will still flow into the trench during heavy rain; The flower fence should be made of thick wood, about five feet long, and the soil should be buried about two feet deep. The side soil should be built solidly, so that it cannot be climbed or shaken. It can be two or three layers, or five or six layers.

7. Every time a camp is built, walls, trenches, and hedges are all indispensable. The camp wall should be high but difficult to climb; the trench should be deep but difficult to cross; and the flower fence should be high so that it is difficult to approach quickly.

Although fortifications, walls, and earthen cities have different names, they all belong to the category of walls. Pools, trenches, and horse pits are not very wide or long, and are covered with soil; plum blossom pits are randomly dug deep pits, about four or five feet in length, with no fixed size. Although they have different names, they all belong to the category of trenches.

A wooden city is a round row of standing timbers, surrounded by a city; a wooden fence is also tied with standing timbers, and does not have to be all around; the ones nailed randomly are called plum blossom stakes, and the ones nailed in layers are called flower fences; the powerful ones of the antler trees are called horse stakes; the railing wood , there are crossbars in the middle, which are pierced with small wood diagonally to support the ground; ground thorns, which are sharpened with bamboo wood and nailed to the ground, are also called iron caltrops and iron caltrops. Although the names are different, they all belong to the category of flower fences.

The camp wall can be built with only one layer, but two or three layers of trenches are better; as for flower fences, five or six layers are optimal.

8. A battalion should have two doors. The front door should be large and the back door should be secluded. The military tent in the camp palace should be facing the front door, with a corridor in the middle, which should be wide. The soldiers' tents should be set up on both sides of the corridor, with the front door built in front and the back door built in the back. , the left part is tied to the left, the right part is tied to the right, and the rest are in the middle of the army; the distance between the two tents is slightly wider to leave a way for water and fire; there should be several toilets outside the camp, preferably far away, and there should be at least two toilets in the camp, specially prepared For night use. For gunpowder, dig a cellar, cover it with a straw shed, and coat it with mud, still placing the gas eye to prevent moisture.

Every camp of the Yongyi Army must follow these "camping rules" and must complete it within an hour. Even if they are invincible in person, they must not slack off! "

Most of these contents are in the original "Courage of Brave Military Drills", but some necessary modifications and refinements have been made in order to be more suitable for fighting against bandits. Most of these contents come from Qi Shaobao's "New Book of Ji Xiao" and "Military Training Records".

Of course, there are also some contents that remain in Zhang Cheng's memory about Zeng Guofan's tactics against the Taiping Army. However, his memory is very fragmented, so it can only be regarded as some ideas. The specific expression depends on everyone's brainstorming. Wei Zhice , Sun Shixiang, and Hu Yiwen deserve the most credit!

Yong Ningbo continued to look down and saw the "Marching Rules" below. The specific content is as follows: "Every time you break camp and set off, it is most important. Do not be careless. You must strictly abide by the 'Marching Rules' and never underestimate the enemy." …

1. When breaking out of a camp, 70% of the troops must be used as a reserve force to prepare for an attack, and 30% of the troops must be used as escorts to escort the entire camp's grain, fodder, and baggage.

If the thief is in front of me, then 70% of the team will go in front, and the baggage and heavy vehicles will go in the middle, with 30% of the team behind to protect them; if the thief is behind me, then 30% of the team will go in front to open the way, and the heavy baggage and heavy vehicles will go forward, leaving behind Seventy percent of the team were at the rear to prevent the thieves from attacking.

If there are several battalions traveling together, each battalion must lead with 70% of its troops, and must march in separate classes. Teams from one battalion are not allowed to blend into the team from another camp, and large and heavy vehicles are especially not allowed to mix into each other's teams from other battalions. And the 30% of the team that is responsible for escorting the husband is also dedicated to escorting the camp's heavy vehicles. No chaos in each camp is allowed. Anyone who violates this will be punished by the superior officer.

2. When breaking out of camp and marching, vanguard sentry riders must be sent out in all directions, especially the sentry riders in front, or sentry officers, team commanders, or commanders, or corps commanders. Those who are good at observing the terrain and detecting thieves must be selected. In other words, go ten or twenty miles ahead of the main team and investigate carefully. First explore the valleys and swamps, secondly explore the dense forests and trees, and thirdly explore the villages and villages. There is a fear that there may be bandits stationed and ambush.

Each team should have no less than ten men and horses when going out. Whenever there is a fork in the road, send one person to explore it. If you encounter a transition across a bridge, you must be especially cautious. You are afraid that after the team crosses the water, they will encounter thieves and take over. It will be easy to advance, but it will be difficult to retreat. .

3. When each battalion is marching, a team of rangers must be sent to guard the rear. After all the carriages and horses have passed, there is a fear that the sick people may be left behind, the soldiers of the battalion may cause trouble behind, and the rangers may become disorganized and lose their names. Noisy.

In the end, there was a strict order. Each battalion of the Yongyi Army must break out of camp in Zhongzhou and march at most forty miles a day, and as little as twenty or thirty miles. It depends on the official roads along the way, as well as the movements of surrounding bandit soldiers and the places where they are stationed. Commander-in-Chief Yongning ordered that the march should not be hastened, just like the rules, no violation should be allowed. "

Zhang Cheng carefully read through the stack of manuscripts one by one, and saw that the next part was the "Combat Rules", which also clarified how to deal with the same bandits when fighting, so as to avoid chaos in the face of battle.

"1. When setting out, the team should be divided into three major branches, and a few more small branches should be temporarily divided. Wherever they encounter houses, one branch must be separated to prevent ambushes; behind the hills, one branch must also be separated; in the woods, one branch must be separated even more Branch out.

2. The team should occupy the high place on the hillside and line up in formation, as motionless as a mountain. The battalion officers should move around to boost the morale of each unit, and also look for high places to keep a lookout for the bandits.

3. The word "stable" must be used when fighting. The thief screamed but I didn't respond. When the thief came to charge, I didn't move. I strictly guarded the array and only defended with cannons, muskets, and bows and crossbows. When the thief rushed forward, I formed a formation with swords and shields, attacked with spears, spears, and clubs, and used muskets and bows to find gaps. No matter how many times the thieves attack me, they will always defend like this. After holding firm for two hours, the thieves will be exhausted and our division will definitely win. If the thieves are exhausted and collapse, we can let 30% of the cavalry pursue them. At first, only If you pursue them but do not kill them, you can shoot them with blunderbuss and bows in order to drive them away, making their formation chaotic and invisible. Only when the thieves are really defeated can you pursue them with all your strength.

4. Five hundred elite soldiers must be left in the front team to prepare for the charge of the thieves; five hundred elite soldiers must be left in the rear team to prepare for our rescue and defeat; and five hundred elite soldiers must be left in the middle team to protect the baggage. If the front team encounters a small setback, the elite troops of the rear team will attack to save the defeat; if the front team wins, the elite troops of the rear team will not move, waiting to walk at the tail end of the team to be prepared for emergencies and not to rush out lightly. 5. If the thief does not enter the shooting range, artillery and guns are not allowed to be fired. Anyone who violates the rules will be beheaded immediately and his superior will be punished. When fighting with swords, shields, spears and spears in close combat, the thief must make the first move, and I will move second. Wait until the first blow has passed. When I hit the future twice, I can poke his head once, which is just right to kill him. "

The articles were listed in extremely detailed terms, and Zhang Cheng carefully considered each word and every sentence. He must know that once these regulations are formulated, they will serve as the fundamental principles for the battle between Zhongzhou and the intruders. However, they must be issued to all battalion generals in the entire army. The official knows that it is easier to make it difficult than it is.

Sun Shixiang and Hu Yiwen were different from other generals in that their residence was next to Zhang Cheng's camp, so they did not rush back. Instead, they stayed with Liu Chengzu, preparing to follow Zhang Cheng's review opinions and deal with the situation. The "Operation Regulations" undergo final revisions.

At this moment, when he saw the satisfied look on Zhang Cheng's face, he interjected and said: "Our division has this camp rule. No matter where each battalion is assigned, or the situation is urgent, you only need to strictly abide by this rule and march three or four times a day. In ten miles, it takes half a day to travel and half a day to build a camp. You can take food and medicine with you. You can set up camp and build forts everywhere. Between work, rest, hunger and fullness, you can conserve your physical strength and sympathize with the hardships. Use this to use your troops. The thieves in Zhongzhou will be in chaos. Why? I’m so sad!”

Hu Yiwen also echoed, "According to this 'rule', our teacher will be able to stand invincible in the battle against bandit Li, and achieve the effect of defeating the enemy without being defeated by him!"

"This is also a hopeless solution. Wasn't it forced by Thief Li?"

Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng shook his head and smiled bitterly and continued: "Zhongzhou is rotten and full of thieves. Even if there are some counties without thieves, it will be difficult for us to have enough food to supply our army. But tens of thousands of soldiers cannot go hungry and fight against thieves. That’s why we have to fight steadily and don’t underestimate the enemy and advance rashly. Not only will it be difficult to supply food and grass, but once the battle is defeated, the casualties will be mine, Xuanzanzhen Erlang!”

Zhang Cheng put down the manuscript he was holding, turned around and looked at the north window, sighing: "Since ancient times, soldiers have to eat food, which is a natural and natural thing. Today's emperor does not want to send hungry soldiers to fight. Looking at the actual situation in Zhongzhou, drought Locusts are raging, hungry people are everywhere, and bandits are rampant. Which state or county still has enough food to feed my army? "

"Even if some states and counties can still provide some money and food, it is too much money and not enough food."

Zhang Cheng stood up and walked out of the tent, blew the evening breeze for a while, and then said: "The reason why I have been reluctant to cross the river with the whole army is because I am waiting for grain and grass from Shanxi and Datong, and Zhang Duchen is supervising the transportation. Jibei and Shandong Liangmo.

By then, the two places of Yuanwu and Fengqiu in northern Henan will become the basis for our division to fight against the bandits in southern Henan. With the "big river fleet" in my hands, grain, grass, gunpowder and artillery can be transported continuously across the south bank of the river. Even if we cannot defeat the enemy in one battle, Thief, that can also drag him down under the city of Kaifeng! "

"My uncle has decided on the strategy. Our division is marching and fighting in Zhongzhou. We have to prepare our own food and baggage. We bury pots and make rice every day. We don't need to ask for rice supplies from the state or county, so we have no worries. The soldiers can only travel forty miles a day, less or two , Thirty miles, there is no sign of fatigue. How can Thief Li be undefeated by doing this?"

As soon as Sun Shixiang finished speaking, Liu Chengzu continued from the side: "If the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty imitated my master's method and advanced steadily step by step, how could there be thieves today?"

Hu Yiwen couldn't help but sigh and interjected: "Hey. The imperial court is incompetent, corruption is rampant, the official treasury is exhausted, the officers and soldiers in each town are already short of pay and food, and they are deducted by the generals who are greedy for money and drink the blood of their soldiers. How can we have the fighting spirit and the energy to prepare our own food and go into battle?”

He then looked at Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng in front of him with admiring eyes, and then said: "Looking at all the officers and soldiers in the world, Xuanfu is unique. Not only is the salary paid in full every month, but also every time he goes to war, How can other generals learn to prepare enough food and fodder by themselves and not rely on the imperial government to prepare for war?

This is all due to Yong Ning Bo's divine power, who made drastic changes in the Xuan Mansion. Otherwise, our Xuan Mansion would have followed the footsteps of the generals in Biezhen. If they went to war, they would have no pay, and if they did not fight, they would be blamed by the court, and they would be in a dilemma. He was even defeated and died, just like the two governors of Shaanxi, Fu Zonglong and Wang Qiaonian. "

Zhang Chengfang originally rarely spoke in front of everyone, but now he couldn't help but interject: "Or maybe he is like Zuo Liangyu, who avoids fighting with his troops, only picks the weak ones, and doesn't seek credit when things happen. Just to protect myself.”

Uncle Yongning and Zhang Cheng listened to what they said to each other, but smiled and said nothing. He walked lightly to a high earth platform in front of the tent, slowly climbed to the highest point and looked down at the north bank of the river. of a campfire.

At this moment, it was just after Xu Shi, and it was getting late. Although it was not dark yet, the scenery a little further away could no longer be seen clearly.

Looking around, there are also stars on the river, and many moving lights and shadows can be vaguely seen, moving from east to west, like a strip of light hanging on the north bank of the river.

"Uncle, with such a large fleet on the river, it is very convenient to transport troops and horses, or to replenish food and military supplies. It is the lifeblood of our division and ensures that our division will never have to worry about running out of food."

In the end, Prime Minister Sun affirmed: "Although my uncle was far-sighted and considered things first, General Chen Zhong also contributed a lot!"

Zhang Cheng looked at the stream of lights coming from the east on the river and said: "Li Thief has now come up with the idea of ​​running a foundation land, but he has not yet decided whether to choose Henan or Shaanxi."

"Uncle, where do you think Thief Li will choose as his foundation?"


Zhang Cheng smiled dryly and replied to Sun Shixiang: "Actually, after Li thief first attacked Kaifeng, he should have conquered prefectures and occupied counties in Ruzhou Prefecture, the south of Henan Prefecture, the north of Nanyang Prefecture, etc., and established officials to manage the people. Think of it as the foundation.

The funny thing is that he prefers his hometown and wants to grow in Zhongzhou so that he can return to the poor and remote land of Shaanxi and become king. He is really short-sighted. I predict that it will be difficult for him to achieve great things! "(End of chapter)

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