
Chapter 13: The Platform Calls to the Battle

Chapter 13: The Platform Calls to the Battle
In Beijing City, inside the imperial palace, on the platform behind the Jianji Hall, Lu Xiangsheng had just finished answering Emperor Chongzhen's strategy for defending against the Tartars.

After listening to Lu Xiangsheng's reply, Chongzhen really looked embarrassed, and said with a wry smile: "What Aiqing said is indeed a desire to seek the country, but unfortunately Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting are doing their best to wipe out the intruders, and now they are expected to win in one battle. It is really inappropriate to transfer him into the aid at this time.

If you recruit civilian volunteers according to Qing's words, it will be difficult to fight the captive cavalry without training, and it is also difficult to raise food and salaries. "

Lu Xiangsheng still knelt on the ground, lowered his head, and said in a firm tone: "Even if Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting's soldiers and horses cannot be transferred to Beijing for the time being, the foolish minister is still willing to lead the reinforcements of Guanning, Xuan, Da, and Shanxi Luqin Kings, and fight with the east. A battle between the captives will surely make the captives fearful, and they will not dare to act recklessly in our land of Jifu."

Hearing this, Chongzhen's mind was a little heavy, and he was silent for a long time, staring at the top of Lu Xiangsheng's black gauze hat with no expression on his face, meditating as if there was something difficult to decide.

Lu Xiangsheng just bowed his head and knelt down below, not daring to raise his head. Seeing that the emperor hadn't spoken for a long time, he continued: "Now the country is in danger and the Lord is worried. How dare the foolish minister not be so heartless as to repay His Majesty's great grace? But declare , Da, and Shanxi soldiers and horses have just arrived in Changping, and the soldiers' salaries and food grains need to be provided in time."

Chongzhen woke up from his thoughts, and just said lightly: "But Aiqing is willing to accept the appointment, and he will go to the king of Qin and spare no effort to share my worries. As for the section of military pay, I will order Yang Sichang and the ministers of the household department Try to help."

"My lord, thank you for your long live grace!" Lu Xiangsheng kowtowed again.

Chongzhen then asked some questions about Changping King Qin's army, as well as the defense situation of Xuan, Da, and Shanxi towns, but in his heart he was extremely hesitant about fighting against the Tartars.

On the one hand, Chongzhen knew that Lu Xiangsheng's loyalty was absolutely certain, and it was not unreasonable for him to insist on fighting Donglu.

But on the other hand, Chongzhen was very afraid. He was afraid that if he started a light war with Donglu and was defeated in another battle, the only elite frontier army that the imperial court could fight at this point would be lost. In that case, The overall situation of the Ming court was even more difficult to sustain.

After pondering for a while, Chongzhen then continued: "Aiqing has worked hard to suppress the thieves in the past years, and repeatedly played skin skills. But the power of the Eastern captives is far from comparable to that of the thieves. Aiqing must be cautious."

"When using troops to fight, it is important to be cautious. But from the perspective of the foolish minister, among the rogues, Ruo Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng are likewise armored cavalry, with a well-organized regiment, and many powerful soldiers under their command. ,

Tang Zhi'an and Shi were not allowed, but the officials in the court denounced their strength, and the court did not know it well.

Now, if someone exaggerates in front of His Majesty how elite and ferocious the cavalry are, they are just trying to find a way to discuss money and land. "

Emperor Chongzhen was silent for a while, and after a long while, he said: "I am tired from the long journey, and I need some time to recharge. At present, the captive cavalry is in full swing. The sharp edge is also very sharp, Ai Qing can temporarily avoid the sharp edge of the Luqi, and always be prudent, and must never fight with the Luqi waves."

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard the emperor say "Don't fight with Lu Qilang", just like a ladle of cold water suddenly poured on the top of his head in the hot summer, which made him feel mixed in his heart.

Just when Lu Xiangsheng was about to desperately continue to make a heartfelt speech to the emperor.

Emperor Chongzhen suddenly said in a cold tone: "After several days of traveling and traveling to the capital, Aiqing must be exhausted, so let's go back and rest.

As for the matter of fighting and defending the captives, Aiqing can discuss carefully with Yang Sichang, Gao Qiqian, etc., and see how to proceed. "

Seeing that the emperor had already said this, no matter how resentful Lu Xiangsheng was in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything more, so he had no choice but to kowtow to thank him and resign.


Lu Xiangsheng came out from the platform at the back of the Jianji Hall, and just as he walked outside the Youshun Gate, he saw a young eunuch chasing him at a trot. He told Lu Xiangsheng that the emperor had given him wine and food at the Zuoshun Gate, and Lu Xiangsheng followed suit. Followed by the little eunuch, he turned to the east and ran towards Zuo Shunmen.

As usual, the emperor bestows food and wine on his ministers, which is just a form of appreciation. Generally, there are only four kinds of dishes, and you can't eat them seriously; On the ground, and before eating and after eating, you have to kowtow to thank you.

However, in the feudal era, this kind of reward from the emperor was often regarded as the emperor's special favor, and it was a rare and supreme honor. Generally, you may not encounter it once in a lifetime as an official in the capital. The same is true for senior members of the first rank and first rank.

Lu Xiangsheng was so moved that there were tears in his eyes, and he kowtowed to the residence of the northern emperor to thank him, shouting long live, and at the same time, he also faintly felt in his heart that the current emperor was inclined to lead the battle again.

Lu Xiangsheng had just finished eating the food and wine given by the emperor, and the Emperor Chongzhen sent the eunuch Wang Chengen, the supervisor of ceremonies, over to interrogate Lu Xiangsheng on his behalf. , what is the sign?
Just like those famous military commanders in ancient times, in addition to being proficient in military tactics, Lu Xiangsheng also pays attention to divination and meteorology, and he is also very superstitious.

I saw him looking up at the sky for a while, a bit unclear whether he read it in the "Han Jing" or in the "Wang Qi Jing" of the Tang Dynasty. This kind of celestial phenomenon reflects the meaning of the main dynasty The treacherous ministers are in power and deceive the Lord.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiangsheng sighed secretly in his heart, but he didn't dare to tell the truth, so he said to Wang Cheng'en immediately: "Your Majesty, I have asked the prince to play back for the students. This celestial phenomenon is a must for defeating the enemy." A sign of victory."

Wang Chengen didn't say much, he turned around and entered the inner palace to report to the emperor.

But Lu Xiangsheng was worried that the emperor would have any other inquiries, so he didn't dare to leave immediately, so he waited at the Zuoshun gate for an appointment for a meal, and the eunuch Wang Chengen came out from the inner palace as expected.

He conveyed the emperor's oral order to Lu Xiangsheng: "Although the heavens have a sign of defeating the enemy, Aiqing must still be extremely cautious. How to deal with the military, Lu Xiangsheng must quickly discuss with Yang Sichang and Gao Qiqian in detail."

After Lu Xiangsheng knelt down to accept the order to thank him, he came out from Zuoshunmen. At this time, his heart was extremely heavy. Although he himself was still determined, he was somewhat confused about the future expectations.

He left Zuoshunmen, then turned back to the court to find Minister of the Ministry of War and cabinet minister Yang Sichang, and the two returned to Yang Sichang's cabinet office together. It happened that Gao Qiqian, the director of the military, was also waiting for Yang Sichang here, and the three of them were in the office. Let's talk about how to follow the order to discuss the defense of the Tartars this afternoon.

In the end, it was tentatively agreed that after lunch that day, the three of them would go to the tower of Andingmen, the east gate of the north wall of Beijing's inner city, to discuss the strategy of defending against the Tartars.

Although it is inappropriate to talk about the secrets of the war against the Tartars in the cabinet office, Lu Xiangsheng still heard from the simple conversation that Director Jun Gao Qiqian really had the same tone as the cabinet minister Yang Sichang, and he was very happy in his heart. Afraid of fighting with the Eastern captives.

Throughout the morning, the attitudes of the Emperor Chongzhen, his cabinet minister Yang Sichang, and the military supervisor Gao Qiqian towards the battle with the Tartars made Lu Xiangsheng very uneasy, like layers of haze oppressing his chest.

 Today's second update, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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