
Chapter 159

Chapter 159
Tan Bai will never forget, just yesterday, when more than [-] Ming army sentry cavalry were spying on the camp, and he led the Ba Yala soldiers in the camp to chase that group of Ming army sentry cavalry.

However, it was stopped by about one armored Ming army sentry cavalry. Although they wiped out these broken Ming army knights, they had no time to pursue them, and finally asked the Ming army sentry cavalry to bring the army back.

What impressed him most was that the sentry cavalry of the Ming army who led the team dismounted calmly after being cornered.

When he turned around, a huge grenade in his hand had already ignited. The moment it exploded, the calm expression on the face of the Ming army sentry cavalry was forever engraved in his heart.

At that time, several Ba Yala soldiers who rushed forward to capture the sentry cavalry of the Ming army were killed and injured on the spot, and the flying flesh and blood fell on Tan Bai's face and body. Looking back now, I still call him I have lingering fears.

In history, Tan Bai was not an ordinary character either. He was from the Manchuria Tara clan and belonged to the Manchurian Zhengbai Banner.

In the fifth year of Qing Tiancong, he went out to attack the Ming Dynasty and besieged the Daling River. Zu Dashou sent more than a hundred horsemen to break out of the encirclement. People, 24 horses were obtained.

In the eighth year of Qing Tiancong, Jigong was awarded the title of Niulu Zhangjing.

In the following years, Tan Bai did a lot of meritorious deeds. In this year's invasion of the Qing army, Tan Bai followed Yue Tuo's command and crossed Qiangziling.

In the ensuing campaign, Tan Bai led the Bayala soldiers to make many military exploits, defeating the governors of the Ming Dynasty Zhao Guangzhang, Fan Zhiwan, and the army of Wu Sangui and Bai Guangen, the commander-in-chief, and advanced to the third-class Jialazhangjing with their meritorious service.

In the third year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, Tan Bai was promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he followed Prince Su Hao Gexi to challenge Zhang Xianzhong. He repeatedly defeated Zhang Xianzhong's soldiers.

In this world now, Yuetuo's army failed to rush to Julu, so he only sent Baya Latuojia Lazhangjing Buyantu to lead an elite group, and supervised the Zengchuan Kongbu under the command of Huaishun King Geng Zhongming, and the Han Army Banner Niuluzhangjing Hua Yingchun's soldiers and horses came to reinforce Dorgon.

Tan Bai followed Jialazhangjing Buyantu to Julu.

Although Tan Bai is now the most cautious and sober one in the Eight Banners Manchurian Zhenghong Banner Baya La camp, but like most Manchurians, he has a bad appearance and is not tall, but he is quite stout and has a big mouth. , is a mouth full of yellow teeth.

He was also wearing a fine mercury armor, riding his horse in the tide-like camp of the Qing army, rolling towards the camp of the Xuanda army on the opposite side.


The Qing army stepped forward in layers, densely packed, and the black flags of various colors rolled with the wind. They were getting closer and closer, pressing all the way from ten miles away, five miles, four miles, three miles, two miles.

When the Qing army marched to about two miles away from Jiazhuang, the Qing army formation stopped like a tide on three sides, and the horn sounded again and again, their formation separated, and countless thick and thick shield chariots pushed out in front of the formation.

Among those shield chariots, the rows in front are full of that kind of sophisticated shield chariots, with wheels and baffles, wrapped in thick cowhide, and splashed with water.The shield carts at the back are tied together with rough wood to form a rough wooden shield.This kind of wooden shield was used by Abatai under Shunxiang Fort in the ninth year of Chongzhen.

Most of the densely packed Tartar coats are also wearing armor, but it is not neat, and there are many damages. You can tell at a glance that they are all newly pulled from my dead soldiers after the invasion of Ming Dynasty.

They pushed those improvised shield carts up, and behind them, there was a mass of Qing army archers.

Behind them, followed by teams of heavy armored infantrymen of various banners. The first few rows of them all held large shields and all kinds of heavy short weapons in their right hands. .

These heavy armored infantry are the main force of the Qing army's breakthrough!

Finally, there are countless Baya soldiers of the Qing army riding on horses, acting as the supervisory team. They are all elites of the Qing army's various banners, and they will not easily participate in the battle.

The Qing army encircled them from three sides, and for a while, it was still unclear which side they were attacking.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War Ji Pian" said: "Soldiers are deceitful."Therefore, what can be shown is not possible, what is used can be shown not to be used, what is close can be shown to be far, and what is far can be shown to be near.

When the two armies are at war, they must encircle three ques and one. This is to leave a way of survival and urge them to break through and flee, lest the enemy have no way to escape after the siege, and instead will fight to the end.

When attacking the city, we must attack on three sides, so that the enemy does not know the direction of our main attack, so we can only divide our troops equally to defend everywhere. Our army can change the direction of main attack at any time according to the strength of the enemy's defense, and grasp the initiative on the battlefield.


The sergeants of Xuanda stood ready, watching the densely packed armored vehicles of the Qing army slowly approaching in the distance, one could imagine that there would be a fierce battle in the future, and everyone clenched their guns, swords, shields, and spears tightly.

The sergeants operating the guns had also aligned the cannons, adjusted the gun positions, and blocked the front with large car boards, so as to give the Qing army a surprise attack.

Seeing that the Qing army had moved forward for about half a mile, Zhang Cheng said to Lu Xiangsheng on the watchtower: "Duchen, the red cannons can be fired, so that the tartars will not dare to be too rampant."

Hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng retracted the binoculars, smiled and said to the banner of the soldiers beside him: "Send the order."

There are three six-pound red barbarian cannons on the walls on both sides of the east gate of Jiazhuang. They have already been transported to the cannon positions on the walls by the sand ramp built in advance, and all the gunpowders have been loaded.

With the passing of the flag, Jia Zhuang's east wall was busy for a while, and the angle and direction of the muzzle was re-adjusted.

The command flag was waved, and there was a crackling sound like a huge thunder. A round of solid iron ball shells weighing several kilograms roared, cutting through the fierce cold wind, and flew towards the formation of the Qing army a mile away.

At this distance, the six Hongyi six-pound guns of the Supervising Biao Battalion installed on the wall of Jia Zhuangzhuang can already hit it, and they only need to raise the muzzle slightly at a certain angle.

The shooting range of these six-pound guns is between three hundred and one thousand paces, and the best shooting distance should be around five hundred paces.

Amidst the whistling sound piercing the sky, hot iron balls weighing several jins fell from the air one by one, or hit the shield carts that the Qing army was pushing forward, or smashed into the advancing Qing army formation, they Bounced and rolled on the frozen hard ground, directly leading out paths of blood.

The shield chariots of the Qing army were newly built overnight, and many of them were not strong. They might be able to block the bullets fired by the Ming army's firecrackers, but in front of these six-pound Hongyi cannons, the shield chariots seemed too fragile.

As long as they are hit by several kilograms of solid iron bullets fired by the Hongyi cannon, they will all burst open immediately, and the pieces of wood and sawdust will be shot in all directions. Those coated ahas pushing the shield carts will fall to the ground crying and howling .

Their limbs and heads were covered with splintered sawdust, and the blood flowed horizontally. Even the archers of the Qing army hiding behind the shield carts were mostly scarred, especially those who were hit by the iron bullets, and their limbs were torn apart. .

The array of archers and heavy armored infantry behind the Qing Army shield chariot is even denser, and it is difficult to miss it. A few iron bullets were shot directly into the array, leaving corpses, limbs shattered, and blood mixed with unknown soldiers. Juice, flowing around.

The killing effect of this Hongyi cannon on long-distance dense arrays is really good. Of course, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is too heavy. Just take the six-pound cannon as an example. After more than [-] kg, it is really difficult to carry it for long distances.

(End of this chapter)

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