
Chapter 438

Chapter 438

Outside the north gate of Mi County, the hungry people who were kidnapped by the bandit Yu Dazhong were rushing into the city, but they were suddenly stopped by the horse thieves who rushed over.

Wang Mude from Beidawangzhuang, Dengfeng County was wearing a ragged padded jacket, his face covered with dirt, and he was caught among the hungry people. He was rushing towards the city of Mi County when he saw several horse thieves running. He wanted to stop, but was caught by the crowd behind him. Pushing forward, unable to stop.

"Ah... ah..." A miserable howl came from the front.

It turned out that the horse thieves saw the hungry people crowding each other and didn't listen to orders, and didn't talk nonsense. They chopped or stabbed with long knives and carbines in their hands. In an instant, seven or eight hungry people fell to the ground screaming.


There was a bang, and after the smoke cleared, a ferocious face full of stubble appeared in front of Wang Mude's eyes, which made him back away again and again in fright, but when pushed by the people behind, he jumped forward again.

A cold light flashed, and the long knife in the horse thief's hand was firmly pressed against his chest. The point of the knife pierced through the worn-out cotton jacket, penetrated into the flesh, and a trace of bright red appeared on his chest.

Wang Mude endured the excruciating pain, stood there with his teeth bared, and leaned back as much as possible, thus saving his life.

"Go back, the whole **** go back..."

"...Go over there, form a team, mother, kill the officers and soldiers..."

"... Work harder, kill all the officers and soldiers, and feed the meat..."

Several horse thieves roared loudly, drove away the hungry people and ran to the northeast to form an formation to resist the officers and soldiers.

Wang Mude had no expression on his face, and he staggered and trotted towards that side behind the crowd. An old man in thin clothes beside him murmured tremblingly: "Isn't it said that if the city is broken, there will be something to eat? Why not?" To kill the officer..."


Before he could finish speaking, a horse thief ran up and swung his long knife, and chopped off his head. A stream of bright red blood splashed all over Wang Mude's face, but he remained indifferent, still trotting forward, but his tongue Stretching out his mouth and greedily licking the fresh blood around his lips, it seems that he is not so hungry.

In the back, the horse thief was still cursing angrily: "You talkative old bastard, you'll end up like this if you slow down, it's going to be...you're so stupid..."


Zhang Chengfang and Zhang Jintai rushed to the front. Both of them held a pistol in their left hand, but they still held the reins to control the horse and rushed forward. The pistol in their right hand was raised flat and aimed at the opposite side. A step thief.

"嗖...嗖...嗖..." A few arrows were shot at sparsely.

Zhang Chengfang and Zhang Jintai didn't dodge, they just lowered their bodies slightly, and covered the arrows with the brims of their iron helmets. They both wore their helmets and armor, and their lives would not be in danger if they hadn't been hit by arrows.

Zhang Cheng saw everything in his eyes and was very satisfied with the performance of the two adopted sons. When fighting on the battlefield, personal skills are important, but more important is the fighting spirit, fighting spirit, bravery, and dignified battle formation.

As for the bandits on the opposite side, he didn't take it seriously. Perhaps Zhang Cheng would still treat Li Zicheng's old elite with caution, but now he was fighting against Li Jiyu's new gang of bandits, so he didn't care.

This group of thieves is nothing more than bullying and bullying the local soldiers and government servants who have not been trained for a long time, but the nearly [-] elite cavalry of Lin Fangping, Ma Sanzhuang and others under his command are all Julu who have killed Tartars.

What's more, the horses are strong, and the sergeant's armor and armament are complete. As long as two of them rush back and forth to disperse the army of the bandits on the opposite side, the rest will be newly attached to the bandits and the people who are coerced will not immediately scatter.

"Kill, boys, rush over, and then kill him with a carbine, and kill all the thieves!"


Yu Dazhong led the horse thieves back a little more, and opened a distance of about a hundred steps from the infantry battle formation in front. He thought that these officers and soldiers were just passing by, and they only had more than [-] horses. How dare they really fight against thousands of horses? , not to mention that there are more than ten thousand troops of their own in the east and south of Mi County.

But he had just finished leading the horse thieves into formation, when he heard a burst of "bang bang bang...", the battle formation formed by the horse thieves in front was instantly broken, and the more than two hundred cavalry officers and soldiers went straight to him rushed.

Yu Dazhong glanced left and right, and saw the hungry people on both sides being driven by bandits on horseback, gathering in front of him, he rode his horse and shouted: "Rush up, there are few officers and soldiers, and the partners surround them to death..."

Roaring furiously, he rode his horse forward, all the horse thieves were old bandits and fleeing troops from various places, and they had seen some world experience, especially those who attacked the city and the village in this year often fought against the officers and soldiers.

Although I felt that these officers and soldiers today were slightly different from those I encountered in normal times, I never cared about them. After all, there are thousands of people on my side. Take it.

They all howled angrily, and rode their horses to meet Zhang Cheng's troops.


Wang Mude ran forward amidst the crowd of hungry people, he didn't dare to procrastinate, because he knew that this group of thieves could do anything, even though he hated these thieves in his heart, he could only let them drive him around , just because he wants to live.

His face, which was already covered in dirt, was covered with dark red bloodshot eyes, looking extremely terrifying. He only had a long wooden stick with a sharpened end in his hand, and he held it tightly. This was already his last property.

Seeing the thunderous hoofbeats and the billowing smoke and dust coming from the opposite side, he didn't dare to stop, let alone stop, even if he ran a little slower, he might die instantly.

In today's world, human life is not worth as much as a pig. In such a day, when will it be big? Will no one be able to stop this gang of thieves who kill thousands of knives?
Suddenly, there were bursts of explosions in the distance, and Wang Mude's footsteps were also suffocated. With a "whoosh", a hungry person beside him fell to the ground, and a bloody arrow spurted out from his neck. Just right into his gaping mouth.

Wang Mude was staggering forward and running desperately, swallowed this big mouthful of blood in a panic, and suddenly felt the blood in his chest churning, he knew that if he spewed out this mouthful, he might die here .

He hastily opened his mouth wide and inhaled vigorously, barely able to suppress the bloody breath rising from his chest. While he was secretly rejoicing, a spear flew towards him, sticking close to his neck and piercing through a hole behind him. between the breasts of the hungry.

The hungry man was as thin as a stick, but his eyes were wide open, as if the eyeballs were protruding from the sockets, and he raised his hands forward out of thin air, revealing a trace of unwillingness and disbelief.

Wang Mude turned around and looked at the plight of the hungry people. He, who had always been numb, suddenly felt a little bit of panic. He suddenly saw the horse thieves who were supervising the battle from behind and urging them to come forward.

He hurriedly turned around to look, but was pushed back again and again by the hungry people in front of him. Only then did he see the officers and soldiers in the distance rushing forward.

They all had iron helmets and red cloaks fluttering, and they easily rushed past the obstruction of the thieves in front like menacing gods, and saw a burst of smoke rising, and there were repeated explosions.

The horse thieves, who were still like hell devils before, fell off their horses one after another, while the cavalry of the officers and soldiers on the opposite side did not stop.

(End of this chapter)

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