Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 99 It is said that sea bears hate octopuses

Chapter 99 It is said that sea bears hate octopuses
"Wait, you mean, sea bears took them away?"

The mermaids had previously spoken Common Language to communicate with sea snakes, and he naturally understood it. He was very familiar with Common Language, and he was sure and certain that he had heard the word "sea bear" mentioned repeatedly by these mermaids.

"Yes, Mr. Octopus, there are sea bears near us, but they have never been interested in mermaids and sea snakes."

Neither the mermaid nor the sea snake was on the sea bear's hunting list. They speculated that it should be because of the King Kong shellfish, but this did not mean that the two mermaids were safe.

When the sea bear opens the King Kong shell and finds that there is no shell meat inside, only mermaids and sea snakes, there is a high probability that it will think that they stole its food and attack it.

The way sea bears open King Kong shells is also very peculiar. They will not pry open it or use any tricks, but will choose to use their teeth to bite through each other's shell from above.

From the perspective of the sea bear's thinking mode, this behavior is to prove that he is very powerful.

However, spirit beasts like sea bears don't have a stable place to live. They don't build their own tribal homes like mermaids. Anywhere in their territory can be their resting place.

The sea bear is a solitary soul beast. The strength of this sea bear is not weak, so the territory is not small. It is too difficult to search this area. If they disperse, the strength of the mermaids is not enough to deal with the sea bear. If they do not disperse, it will be too late search.

So they need to find a way to lure the sea bears out.

"I'm going to search, Mr. Octopus, please stay here with the mermaids. If you successfully lure that sea bear out, I will leave it to you to deal with it. That sea bear's cultivation base is at most tens of thousands of years old. , shouldn't be a problem."

The soldiers split into two groups, and Z decided to look for it by himself. Even if he lost a hand, the sea bear was no match for him.

He knew very well that no matter whether he found the sea bear or the sea bear was lured out, he would have to fight anyway, and grabbing food from the sea bear's mouth was an act of declaring war.

After the octopus Zan nodded, Z went to the sea bear's territory, and the mermaids began to look for something that could attract the sea bears.

And Octopus Zan made this call to Salino, the sponge. He remembered very clearly that the sponge had a soft spot for this kind of thing, and collected a lot of things that were absurd in his eyes.

"In short, that's it. Lord Yvonne's order is to bring back all the mermaids of Nine Snakes. Do you know how to lure the sea bears out?"

"Oh, there are many ways to do that, but let me tell you first, this is what a sea soul beast I know heard from another sea soul beast he knows."

"Stop! Please tell me the conclusion directly!"

Interrupting Sponge Salino's matryoshka speech, he now just wants to complete the task, and then go back to take a nap, instead of discussing the origin of sea bears with Sponge Salino.

Sponge Salino also sorted out his thoughts. Ordinary sea soul beasts would only avoid such brainless and violent soul beasts as sea bears, so the sea soul beast that nestled in a circle just told him how to avoid it. sea ​​bear.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the evasion method is reversed, it is a good way to attract sea bears.

"Okay Octopus Zan, you remember, sea bears hate music, you can play music to attract it.

Bright flashes are their prey, and you can create some light to draw it out.

The sea bear sees stomping as a provocation, so stomping vigorously will draw it over. .

Avoid cheese, especially in chunks.

You can use soul power to make clothes into a wide-brimmed hat, preferably like a fool, or a skirt, or clown shoes.

By the way, you can also scratch it like a water monkey, which is the biggest stimulus for sea bears. "

Sponge Salino quickly compiled a set of methods to attract sea bears, but as he explained the methods one by one, Octopus Zan's face became a little distorted.

"Are you sure you didn't tease me?" These methods became more and more strange, no matter how they sounded, they were very abnormal.

And now he doubts that the sea soul beast Salino the sponge is talking about is himself. How can ordinary sea soul beasts know about cheese? There are no cows in the sea, and no one knows how to make cheese.

If the teleportation array hadn't researched the magic power output ratio of the teleportation cheese, Octopus Zan wouldn't even know there was such a thing as cheese.

"How is it possible? I'm serious. By the way, sea bears hate running, crawling, and lameness. All of these can irritate it. If it's really dangerous, you can draw a circle to prevent sea bears."

"Anti-sea bear circle???"

"Yes, remember, it must be a perfect circle, not an ellipse."

"Why can you stop the sea bear by just drawing a circle? Do you need to input soul power or something?"

"No, no, it's just an ordinary perfect circle. As for why it works, I don't know. Emmmmm, there is actually one more thing."

"What's the matter, tell me now."

"According to anecdotes in unreliable grapevines, sea bears hate octopuses.."

After thinking for a while, Sponge Salino still said the last point, and then, what he heard was the busy tone of the phone bug, and it was obvious that Octopus Zan had hung up the phone.

"Octopus Zan is really anxious, but I haven't told him that the sea bear's voice will attract sea rhinos. Forget it, it shouldn't matter. Octopus Zan will definitely be able to handle it."

But on the other hand, Octopus Zan's attitude is completely different.

"If I find out that you are lying to me, I will turn you into frozen tofu when I go back."

In the sea bear's territory, the mermaids tried to attract the sea bears with some bloody smell, but they failed, and there was no news from Z for a while, so Octopus Zan decided to try the method of Sponge Salino.

He felt that the statement that sea bears don't like octopuses was the other party's hint to him, and he had to do it himself.

Wide-brimmed hats, shoes, and skirts are all very simple, so he changed into a strange outfit amidst the crowd and strange eyes.

"Do you have any musical instruments? Anything that can make a sound is fine."

If it is another race, the question of octopus praise will definitely not be answered, but mermaids are different. Mermaids are good at singing, and they also have some musical instruments made of conch and shells.

So a conch flute made of ivory snails was handed over.

"Mr. Octopus, now is not the time to play the flute."

The mermaids of Nine Snakes thought it was very strange, but because of Z's instructions before leaving, they still followed Zhang Yuzan's request.

"It's okay, this is a sea bear lure method told to me by an unreliable sponge."

Then Octopus Zan used his soul power to radiate light into the sea area, and played the conch flute in his mouth at will.A few feet trampled on irregularly, the hat on the head was worn backwards, and the body was writhing and scratching like a water monkey
 The degradation isn't over yet Restore tomorrow (maybe tonight)
(End of this chapter)

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