Chapter 691 Ten Years
Song Mu galloped all the way to the east. Although he just passed by at high speed along the way, it also caused vibrations below, and even some powerful monsters flew into the sky to visit.

It's just that after realizing the realm of Song Mu's great scholar, these monsters hesitated a little, and Song Mu had already escaped a hundred miles away.

During this period, Song Muduo avoided several sacred cities of the monster tribes, and then casually wiped out a few monsters who acted recklessly. He had already passed through the vast desert and saw the human pass in the western border.

Looking at the passing pass below, Song Mu also remembered the past years. When he entered the Hanlin realm, it was similar to today, but time passed, and this time Song Mu's realm was longer.

With a bit of emotion, Song Mu didn't stop, and at this moment, the light went straight into the hinterland of the Wen Dynasty, which naturally alarmed several parties, and as Song Mu revealed his identity, the human literati who came to investigate were both surprised and happy.

Surprised that this person is already a scholar at such a young age, and happy that this person is a legendary figure in the Wen Dynasty, the number one scholar of the Song Dynasty and Song Mu Song Dynasty praised by countless people.

At this moment, Song Mu's heart was like an arrow, and after hastily handing over his hands, he speeded up and headed home. However, the news that Song Mu became a bachelor spread quickly around the Wen Dynasty, which was very shocking.

The 47-year-old Song Mu actually has the realm of a bachelor, which is beyond the summary of a genius.

The mountains and rivers at Song Mu's feet receded far away, and soon he went upstream along a river, and a familiar scene suddenly appeared in front of Song Mu.

Seeing that small city again, Song Mu felt even more excited. This time, Song Mu fell straight down, and at this moment he fell downward with coercion.

The officials in Shiyang County had already sensed the changes in the sky, and they all took off into the sky, and saw a figure with a huge coercion descending.

But when they saw who was coming, they all let out an exclamation at the same time.

"Master Song!"

At this moment, Song Mu was standing in the sky in his robes, and when he fell slowly, the coercion of literary power was also washed away, and the expressions of the officials of Shiyang County also changed suddenly.

They could all feel that Song Mu in front of him had become stronger, and the aura emanating from his body made them quickly realize the situation.

"Bachelor level."

Some officials exclaimed, and the other officials looked at each other in blank dismay at the moment, not knowing what to do for a while, they just watched Song Mu slowly land on the top of the city.

Song Mu landed on the tower, looking at the bronze stele engraved with the ancestor's articles in front of him, but now he bent down.

"Thank you ancestor Dawen for clearing up the confusion, Jingzhao is able to have what he is today."

After prostrating, many officials from Shiyang County appeared behind Song Mu. The county magistrate tremblingly stepped forward to hand in hand with Song Mu, just checking Song Mu's identity as a matter of routine.

After the blood drop was confirmed, the other party immediately stood on one side with lowered eyes, and Song Mu slightly bowed his hands towards the crowd, and then his figure flickered again, and the next moment he had arrived at the gate of the Song Family Ancestral Hall in the city.

All the officials were stunned by the flashing scene, but they all quickly followed.

At this moment, the people in the city also noticed the difference in the sky just now, and they were extremely surprised when they saw Song Mu who suddenly appeared in front of the ancestral hall.

Especially when I saw a group of officials rushing over, all of them were reserved and excited, it was even more unclear.

Soon someone learned from the official that Song Mu in front of him was now a scholar and literati, second only to the literati in the realm of great Confucian saints, but the common people were confused and trembling.

In Shiyang County, which has been peaceful for so many years, a scholar of the university has appeared again.

And for a bachelor who doesn't know the destiny, someone couldn't help sighing.

"The number one scholar of the Song Dynasty will one day...become a saint."

Everyone in the square was thinking about it for a while, but Song Mu had already stepped into the ancestral hall, and now he worshiped and offered incense in it, and then walked out slowly.

When Song Mu had just walked out of the ancestral hall, many people rushed over from outside, and an old man in front was walking forward with the support of others.


"Jing Zhao!"

Song Mu opened his mouth immediately, the person who came was Song Mu's second uncle Song Liangda, but now Song Liangda is more than seventy years old, his complexion is a little old, and his figure is a little thin, but his eyes are quite lively, and he is looking at Song right now. Mu, however, asked.

"Jing Zhao, can you take the tourmaline of the Song family's culture with you?"

Hearing this, Song Mu immediately took out the cultural tourmaline inherited from the Song family from his body, took a step forward, knelt down in front of Song Liangda, and presented it with both hands.

"Nephew don't dare to forget, please ask uncle to check."

Song Liangda just reached out and touched Song Mu's hand, and then nodded repeatedly.

"Sure enough, it's my Jingzhao, okay, I'm back."

"Jing Zhao, but is it really like what your lord said, you are in the realm of a bachelor?"

Song Liangda asked again hastily, with a trembling tone in his voice.

Born in a family with a cultural background, Song Liangda knows that the realm of literati is difficult, and his nephew is a clever nephew who has entered the realm of the Imperial Academy at a young age and is already well-known in the world. Now he hears that he is entering the realm of a bachelor, which really makes Song Liangda a little excited and unbelievable.

Song Mu nodded slightly at the moment, and said slowly.

"Thanks to the ancestor Fuze, Jingzhao was lucky enough to reach the realm, and he has not replied to a letter for ten years abroad, Jingzhao is ashamed!"

Song Liangda hastily supported Song Mu, but at the moment he just kept talking.

"It's good to be back. There have been a lot of changes in the family over the years. Go back with me and meet the younger generation."

"Our Song family now has a grand scholar."

Song Liangda led Song Mu all the way to the house, and when he reached the door, there were already a lot of people gathered here.Among them, there are many neighbors and relatives, and several familiar faces have aged a lot, and there are also many young faces, but it makes Song Mu feel that time is making people old.

After exchanging a few words with several elders in the neighborhood, Song Mu also hurried to the house, but now he walked into the house, but he couldn't help being a little dazed.

In the courtyard, a woman with a slightly haggard face stood, and beside her stood a beautiful woman, and beside them stood three young children, who were staring at Song Mu with wide-eyed eyes. .

Song Mu paused suddenly, and then walked in slowly.


When Song Mu uttered these two words, he felt a lump in his throat for a moment. The beauties he had been with were now showing their age, which inevitably made Song Mu feel a little sad. He walked forward at this moment, but he didn't know what to say.

Gu Qingqing was also looking at Song Mu. They hadn't seen each other for ten years, and the years had left hard marks on their faces.

Although she heard that it was Song Mu's return just now, Gu Qingqing still held back and went out immediately. Instead, with the help of her daughter, she redressed her hair and waited for Song Mu's return at home.

Ten years later, the day of parting is still in front of our eyes, but after such ten years, Song Mu realizes what he missed again.

Song Mu walked up to Gu Qingqing, gently wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes, and said softly.

"Qingqing, I'm back."

"Husband, in the future, will there be such a day of waiting for return?"

Gu Qingqing asked such a question softly, with trembling words mixed with reluctance, but Song Mu gently embraced him in his arms and said softly.

"Not again."

The two hugged each other, but the relatives standing beside them watched silently, and many of them wiped away their tears slightly. Only the children in the courtyard looked at Song Mu curiously.

Song Mu didn't know that in the past ten years, Song Huaitong had successfully passed the Jinshi examination, and now seven out of [-], he is an official under his grandfather Gu Shifan, and has two sons and a daughter, all of whom are sent home to study in private schools.

The second son, Chengming, went to Chang'an to take the exam this year, and he has not yet engaged in marriage. The third daughter, Yiqing, has just passed Chichi's age and is studying at home.

In the blink of an eye, the Song family in Shiyang has opened up, and the children are outstanding, showing a thriving family.


(End of this chapter)

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