Chapter 694
Not many days later, a piece of news quickly spread in Wenchao Tianxia. It said that Song Mu, the number one scholar of Wenchao who hadn't heard from him for ten years, was reborn recently.

After returning home, he announced an important news to the Quartet.

The academy established by the Song family in Shiyang in their hometown has now been renamed Xuanyuan Academy, and Song Mu recruited talented people from all over the world, enriched the academy's teachers, and opened its doors to cultivate literati for the Wen Dynasty.

As soon as the news spread, it immediately attracted the attention of thousands of people.

After all, the name Song Mu has been well-known in Yu Wenchao these years.

Almost every news about Song Mu immediately caused a commotion in the Wen Dynasty, but the last time this kind of news about Song Mu was ten years ago.

That was the news that came back from Xijiang at that time. During a battle for treasure, Song Mu also appeared in it, and the song "Manjianghong" written on the spot was full of murderous aura, and his talent went straight to Jiudou.

Afterwards, it was remembered by many Confucians, and it was spread in Wen Dynasty. The content of the Ci is exciting, and some people even commented that it is the number one Ci for Wen Dynasty literati.

Not only that, this article even inspired the soldiers of the entire Wen Dynasty to a certain extent. The words were full of enthusiasm, and reading made the readers even more enthusiastic, and they almost wanted to throw their pens into the army and serve the country with enthusiasm.

This word has completely established Song Jiudou's reputation. If we only talk about poetry, Song Mu is already a saint in many people's hearts.

But after this poem, Song Mu disappeared without a trace. If all the great scholars hadn't said that Song Mu had left safely, the shocking news of Song Mu's death would have happened again.

And this time Song Mu came back, and within ten years, his realm had climbed to the level of a bachelor.

This kind of breakthrough is jaw-dropping, and some people even think that it is a bit strange, and have made a connection between this matter and the vision of heaven and earth that appeared not long ago.

It's just that the rumor in the news was that a great Confucian was born, and Song Mu's level of strength is far from that, so this has not attracted too much attention.

However, what Song Mu said about Xuanyuan Academy, in the eyes of scholars in the Wen Dynasty, meant that Song Mu wanted to recruit more students, and the scholars all over the world almost immediately fell into a boil.

If it is said that this world has been a top-notch literati for decades, Song Mu must be well-deserved. Now Song Mu's remarks can be quoted from the classics, and he is already a legendary figure.

It's just that this kind of legendary figure, apart from serving as the prince Shaofu, has no intention of accepting apprentices, which makes many scholars sigh.

But now that the will is dark and the flowers are bright, countless scholars have not verified the authenticity of this news after it has just spread, and are now heading towards Jiangnan West Road.

For a time, the names of Shiyang County and Song Mu were very popular.

Song Mu, who was in Shiyang County, was also amazed at the huge wave brought about by his words.

In the past, Song Mu's prestige could attract many young students to respect and follow him, but now that Song Mu has been successfully promoted to a bachelor, he has already stood on a peak of Wenchao Wendao, which makes people feel different up.

Many people came here because of their reputation, and they also came here because of their strength.

As a result, Shiyang County suddenly had a wonderful scene. For a long time, many foreigners with strange accents appeared here one after another, and all of them were well-mannered. The people who inquired this time were Xuanyuan Academy and Song Mu's news.

Xuanyuan Academy was also a busy mess because of this, and Li Dong had to face so many students who came to study every day, and he was also devastated for a while.

Song Mu also did a lot of mediation for this, but this day he received two important people at home.

In the courtyard of his home, Song Mu was pouring tea for the two old men in front of him.

One of them is Li Dong's master, Qin Gang.The other one has a dark complexion, but he is Tao Fengming's old friend, Shen Tiancai, the secretary of agriculture in Lin'an.

The two went to Shiyang County together today, and Song Mu also greeted them at the pier, and respectfully invited them into the house.

"Jing Zhao, we haven't seen each other for many years, but in the blink of an eye, you are about to walk in front of us."

Qin Gang took a sip of tea, and said jokingly at the moment, while Song Mu said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, you've broken me. Song Mu just broke through by chance. Your Highness must be very happy to know that you came here today."

Qin Gang stroked his beard, but Shen Tiancai beside him also said with a smile.

"Jing Zhao, you are still so humble. After so many years, you have reached the point where Brother Lan Xian can't touch you. You are really awesome."

Shen Tiancai said this with emotion, but at the moment Qin Gang also spoke directly to Song Mu.

"Don't talk about that, we came here today because we heard that the Ni Xuanyuan Academy was completed, to recruit talents from all over the world, and to cultivate literati for the Wen Dynasty."

"I don't know Jingzhao, do you think, we two old bones, but come here with a shy face, I don't know what we can do?"


"This... this is really beyond Song's expectation, it is really an honor for Song Mu!"

Song Mu paused suddenly when he heard this, and looked at the two of them again, got up immediately, nodded his head, and said hastily.

"If the two adults can teach in my academy, it will be a blessing for the talented people in the world. To be honest, Song has been having a lot of headaches teaching the mountain master of this academy these days. The two adults will solve my urgent need. "

Song Mu was overjoyed at the moment, Xuanyuan Academy was completed, and Song Mu had indeed attracted the attention of scholars all over the world by virtue of his personal prestige, but he was alone. If he really wanted to become a good place for cultivating literati, the teachers must also be extraordinary.

In order to find such famous teachers, Song Mu even wrote a lot of letters to Wenchao Sifang, but he did not expect two famous teachers to come immediately.

"If the two adults don't dislike it, we will discuss the matter immediately. It is a place that scholars yearn for two of them to teach in Xuanyuan Academy."

Both of them smiled when they heard this, stroked their beards one after another this time, and nodded in agreement.

Immediately after, Li Dong also hurried over. Seeing the old teacher again, he felt sad for a while.

But at this time, everyone suddenly heard the sound of gongs and drums coming from outside the door, and the movement echoed in the city. The next moment, the grandson of the family ran in and said loudly to Song Mu .

"Grandpa, the county magistrate is here!"

"Grandpa said it's good news!"

When Song Mu heard that, he got up immediately, and Li Dong and others next to him also had a meal, but now he said hastily.

"It should be the news of Chun Wei, Jing Zhao, a happy event is coming!"

Song Mu was also a little nervous and excited for no reason. At this moment, he hurriedly bowed his hands to several people and went out together. When he got outside the door, he saw people's heads moving in the alley, and an official rushed towards them with the red seal in his hand high.

"Duke Zhuangyuan, congratulations, the master of the noble house, Song Yu Chengming, has won the honor list in this subject, and the top three in the imperial examination!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience, and everyone looked at Song Mu with surprise.

The top three in the palace examination is Jinke Tanhua.

The Song family actually produced another Jinshi.

Two generations and three Jinshi, each won the number one scholar, Tanhua and Shijia.

Standing behind Song Mu, Qin Gang suppressed the shock on his face this time and muttered to himself.

"Father is a university scholar, and the two sons are both Jinshi. The Song family in Shiyang is going to be famous all over the world."


 Thanks to book friends 20170408192633065 and Firefox V Charm for their monthly support~~
(End of this chapter)

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