I slay demons and demons with poetry

Chapter 696 New School System

Chapter 696 New School System
"Your Highness, it is too sudden for you to do this. Although we are in Jinshi realm, do we really have no chance with Xuanyuan Academy?"

In front of the mountain gate of Xuanyuan Academy, a group of students who came to visit Song Mu were taken aback when they heard Li Dong's words. Li Dong just told the students that Xuanyuan Academy's new regulations, children, scholars, and students will be selected for admission. Jinshi already has great power, and should serve the world, not stick to one academy.

"Your Highness, we all came from thousands of miles, waiting to learn from Master Song, so there is really no room for maneuver?"

Faced with inquiries from a group of literati, Li Dong bowed his hands apologetically, and said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, this is not a random decision. The master and all the teachers have discussed this matter. Xuanyuan Academy was established for scholars all over the world, but what it really needs to do is to cultivate powerful scholars for the Wen Dynasty."

"You are all talented people. You are already a strong person at the Jinshi level, and you should seek breakthroughs while doing your best for the Wen Dynasty."

"Of course, the Master did not intend to reject you. You have traveled thousands of miles to study. In the next month, all the masters of the Academy will give lectures in the Academy every day. You will be able to solve your doubts when you listen."

"In addition to this, the academy also selects the best for Jinshi and above, and enters our academy to teach."

Everyone finally relaxed when they heard this, but they frowned slightly at the moment, especially those Jinshi literati, many of whom were talents from Jiangnan West Road, and had a natural admiration for Song Mu. When I came to study, but found that I was not qualified, I naturally felt resentful and puzzled.

It was only under the enlightenment of Li Dong, the king of Qi and the principal of the courtyard, that everyone was at peace, and those young talents and candidates were also mixed.

Because from the above, there are requirements for the admission of students from all realms of the academy, and now it seems that the decision is not entirely based on the grades of the articles, so that they don't know what will happen in the future.

It's just that this was Song Mu's helpless move. How could he have imagined that Xuanyuan Academy would attract so many scholars in such a short period of time.

Thousands of scholars have recently poured into this small Shiyang County. Even if Xuanyuan Academy is opened in the mountains, ten thousand mu of mountains and forests can be developed in the future, but now it cannot accommodate so many students.

This was news that made the students sigh, but at the moment Li Dong said it to everyone again.

"You don't need to be so discouraged. Xuanyuan Academy is discussing the teaching methods in the future. There may be many changes in it, and maybe some rules are not as good as you want, so it is not the Xuanyuan Academy."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone raised their eyebrows one after another. This was the first news they heard about the academy after they came to Shiyang County.

Moreover, according to what Li Dong said, Xuanyuan Academy will be different from other academies in this world, which aroused everyone's interest for a while.

And in the academy at this time, Song Muzheng showed the academy rules that he had listed these days in front of all the teachers in the academy, and everyone checked them one after another, frowning for a while.

"Academy charter? What is this?"

At present, Qin Gang looked at the rules listed on the several sheets of paper in front of him, including the charter of the academy, the rules of procedure of the academy's decision-making body, and the management rules of the academy.

Song Mu looked at the crowd and said calmly this time.

"This is something that Song has summed up after many years of contact. Combined with the situation of the academy in the world, I have made some innovations, and I also want to make some changes in the academy. It's just that the things in it are somewhat immature. Please help Song Some polish."

The regulations that Song Mu took out were actually the university regulations of the previous life. Song Mu applied it to the current situation, and made a slight modification to make the best use of it.

Song Mu now carefully introduced many sections of the charter. Among them, the student management, teacher management, academy goals and other aspects were introduced to everyone, and it was dazzling for a while.

Among them, Song Mu talked emphatically about this college that gathered the three major realms of children, scholars, and juren. Song Mu specially emphasized an important theory of later generations of universities.

That is, academic freedom, academic autonomy, and academic neutrality.

Song Mu wanted to create a completely different environment when cultivating talents in Xuanyuan Academy.

Respecting teachers is indispensable, but among them, what is more important is the yearning and pursuit of knowledge. In short, it is to open up all possibilities for all students.

What Song Mu wants to do more is to make this place a place that students yearn for, a truly ideal place.

"This kind of open teaching, I understand teaching students according to their aptitude, but why are there such subdivisions in the subjects?"

At present, Qin Gang carefully flipped through the pages in his hand, and listened to Song Mu's refreshing remarks. Seeing that the division of disciplines on it was all-encompassing, which was more diverse than the subjects set by the Taixue, he just frowned at the moment. He asked with a frown.

Song Mu said with a smile.

"My lord, do you remember when you were teaching in the East Palace, when you were studying in the royal family?"

Qin Gang was also taken aback when he heard Song Mu's question, thought about it carefully, and then spoke.

"At that time, the students usually respected me, but when teaching every day, there were always some people who were slack, a little cautious, and even a little bit sleepy."

Song Mu nodded slightly at the moment, and continued to explain softly.

"This is the difference I set up in this subject. There are hundreds of kinds of knowledge in the world. For my study, I can also choose the Four Books and Five Classics. Besides the six arts of a gentleman, how can I not learn?"

"Know the world by reading a lot of books, and only then can you know the real situation of the four borders. There will be differences in the future, but you will never be stretched."

"Is that the case, or is there a master but not a master?"

Someone asked a question immediately, Song Mu just said with a smile.

"On the contrary, this is the best way to learn."

"A sage in the world is not a doctor, he must be proficient in one or several of them, and if he wants to be proficient in them, he must be a prophet."

"Know how it is, how you know yourself and choose it, this is to choose the way and be good, so before choosing the way, learn a lot, and you must know what you are good at."

"Choose the way and be precise."

At this moment, everyone reflected on this sentence, but gradually their eyes showed a bit of surprise, and they all looked at Song Mu, but nodded slightly at this moment.

And Qin Gang laughed a lot when he heard Song Mu say this, and looked at Song Mu with admiration.

"Jing Zhao, I didn't expect you to be so careful, you can change through observation, you are a good teacher!"

"The ancient way of teaching students according to their aptitude is such a way of choosing the way that is unsurpassed. I think I should try it boldly."

Hearing that Qin Gang nodded first, the other people immediately put aside those concerns in their minds. In fact, they were also curious about what changes Song Mu's unconventional teaching method could bring to Xuanyuan Academy.

After all, the person in front of him is the one who wrote the "Three Character Classic" and countless articles to teach students.

Seeing everyone nodding, Song Mu looked relieved at the moment, bowed his hands to everyone, and said in a deep voice at this moment.

"Then please wait and see."

"The ancients' words are broken before they are established. Xuanyuan Academy is willing to set a precedent for the teaching of literature and Taoism. If it can be achieved, it should live up to the literature, the dynasty, and the expectations of scholars all over the world."


 Thanks to book friend Lemon 125V6 for the monthly ticket support~~
(End of this chapter)

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