I slay demons and demons with poetry

Chapter 699 Preface to Xuanyuan Scholar

Chapter 699 Preface to Xuanyuan Scholar
The blue-robed scholar spoke again, but at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, he was about to smash the jar, vowing to embarrass Song Mu.

Since what Song Mu said about the path to study is the most precious, I still don’t understand it, but I don’t know if you, Song Mu, can set an example for us, or are you just talking about it?

This was already quite provocative, and when he said it, there was silence in the arena.

Right now Li Dong was about to get up and scold the ignorant scholar, but Song Mu stopped him with his hand. At this moment, Song Mu just looked at the other party, and then scanned the surrounding people.

"It doesn't matter if it's like this. I think you all want to see Song do this kind of study?"

Everyone nodded, and many of them had more anticipation in their eyes. Although the blue-robed scholar made the audience a little embarrassed, for them, what they wanted to see more was the article written by Song Mu .

After all, many poems and articles of Song Mu have been handed down to the world, but it is difficult for everyone to see them with their own eyes.

Seeing this, Song Mu also smiled slightly, then nodded slightly, and said to everyone.

"Since this is the case, then I will also write an article. There is a lot of origin in it."

Song Mu said with some emotion this time, as if he suddenly recalled the past.

"This is something that Song's master, Mr. Huangfu, told me. At that time, when he was traveling in the northern country, he met an old man of Confucianism. He had a nephew who had studied in Chang'an Taixue, but because of his arrogance and ignorance, Practice retreats and be sent back."

"He taught him several times, and he even did not hesitate to reprimand him in front of Mr. Huangfu. At that time, he talked about the hardships of studying. After a while, both the master and the nephew were very moved."

"Today, Mr. Song wrote the original of this story, hoping to share it with all the gentlemen."

Hearing this, many people in the field stood up immediately, and they all looked at Song Mu this time, their eyes widening.

But the blue-robed scholar's expression suddenly paused, although what he said just now was indeed displeased, but now that he wakes up, he realizes what he has done.

It's just that the words have already been spoken, and the blue-robed scholar doesn't want to lose his momentum, he just looks at the scene.

At this moment, Song Mu just re-laid the paper on the desk, and then studied the ink and picked up the brush.

Qin Gang and Li Dong also got up immediately, and stood beside Song Mu to watch.

After a while, Song Mu put down his pen and began to write on the paper.

"When I was young, I was addicted to studying, and my family was poor, so I had no way to read books... It was very cold, the inkstone was hard, and my fingers could not be bent or stretched..."

Song Mu wrote slowly, and everyone looked over with wide-eyed eyes at this moment, and as someone beside him began to recite this article softly, everyone's expressions were different for a while.

What Song Mu wrote was an article about the road to study, and in this article, every sentence is straightforward, but it undoubtedly reveals the difficult situation of a scholar's study.

"Yu Li waited on the left and right, leaning over to ask questions; or when he was aggressive, he would become more respectful and courteous, and dare not say a word; when he was happy, he would ask again... ..."

When Song Mu wrote this sentence, many scholars grinned in this scene, as if seeing their former appearance, they were actually a little relieved.

Song Mu wrote down the pen slowly, and at this moment, he wrote hundreds of words on the paper with eloquence.

And as the writing of this article went down, everyone's expressions became clearer and clearer, and everyone finally saw the difference.

"If one's karma is not refined, if one's virtue is not successful, if one is not inferior in nature, then one's heart is not as good as the rest of the ear, how can others be wronged!"

But when Song Mu wrote this sentence, everyone in the scene suddenly had a serious look on their faces, and they felt a little dazed and enlightened this time.

As mentioned above, the path of learning has been replaced by persuasion, and the difficulty of learning in the past is compared with the ease of learning in later generations, but the learning is not as good as that of the predecessors, which is only the fault of one's own inattention.

When these words come out, it is already saying that one person is not specialized in learning, and he is extremely slack, and some philosophical principles have been revealed.

At the moment, someone was taken aback, this time watching Song Mu write quickly, and murmured.

"Master Song writes like this, as if Xunzi's "Encouraging Learning" and Mr. Changli's "Teacher's Talk" are in front of him."

Everyone paused, but they couldn't stop nodding their heads at this moment. When they lamented the brilliance and splendor of the story, they couldn't help admiring the subtlety of philosophy revealed by Song Mu.

And Song Mu wrote all the way down, and finally wrote the last sentence for this article.

"It is said that Yu Mian's hometown is a scholar, and Yu's ambition is also; those who slander me for boasting about the prosperity of my fortune and being proud of the villagers, don't know who I am!"

When the article was finally completed, everyone once again exclaimed.

Written in this article is already a warning to the younger generation by a literary pioneer. What is said in it is reasonable and well-founded.

Everyone has already nodded their heads, feeling that the article written by Song Mu has already been completed by everyone, and the blue-robed scholar is standing among the crowd at this moment, but bowed his head in shame when he heard these sentences.

These kinds of articles are truly written into the hearts of the people, and it is only because of the hardships of studying that they can realize this kind of truth.

Song Mu also wrote a title for this article.

Preface to Sending off Xuanyuan Scholar

Once the article was completed, there was a sudden surge of literary energy on it, and everyone was in an uproar. At this moment, they all looked at Song Mu.

But Song Mu had already bowed his hands to the crowd, and then looked into the crowd. Seeing that the blue-robed scholar bowed his head in guilt, he immediately said to the crowd.

"The success of this article depends on the care of our ancestors. Song Mou is deeply moved when I write it now. Please share with Song Mou."

Everyone bowed their hands and said yes. At this moment, they were most convinced. Song Mu also took this opportunity to bring the topic back. It seemed that all the conflicts that happened just now did not exist.

This made those in the field who were originally in the mood for trouble and chaos all grimaced, and felt a little ashamed. It turned out that the things he made difficult were all solved by Song Mu.

And Song Mu quickly turned this theme into practice again, saying that studying is for practice, and with the remarks and articles just now, it has a new idea, which makes everyone refreshed, and also knows that studying requires humility. The meaning of making things difficult is no longer studying.

So the atmosphere in this scene finally became more harmonious.

After such a day, everyone has gained a lot, and Song Mu is also satisfied with this. After the crowd dispersed, Li Dong also spoke next to Song Mu.

"Master, your lecture today is really wonderful. I think after tomorrow, there will be no more people doing such nonsense."

Song Mu also nodded, and said with a sigh this time.

"These things are actually unavoidable. Xuanyuan Academy immediately stole the limelight. The words I practiced were criticized in the Wen Dynasty. I am afraid that such academic arguments are inevitable."

"But it's okay, things like today, if there are any changes in the future, you will have a way to deal with it."

"I also feel relieved to leave all this to you."

Li Dong was taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Song Mu in confusion, but asked.

"Master, what do you mean by that?"

"Don't tell me you won't be permanently stationed in this academy?"

Song Mu looked at Li Dong and nodded.

"Yeah, after all, this journey of writing is still very long, and I still have a lot of things that I can't achieve."

"Now that I finally have this strength, I have to relieve a lot of regrets from that relationship."


(End of this chapter)

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