I slay demons and demons with poetry

Chapter 701 Finding Forged Broken Sword

Chapter 701 Finding Forged Broken Sword
"However, just after Xuanyuan Academy settled down, Jingzhao, you will travel far away. I don't know what plan you have in the future?"

"Thinking about Jingzhao, he took Qingqing to go around and see the scenery of Wenchao, which can be regarded as making up for the regrets of these years,"

Hearing Song Mu's answer, Gu Chengxiu nodded immediately, and Song Mu asked the other party along the topic. Are there any Confucian scholars in the world who can visit now, but Gu Chengxiu took a sip of tea and looked at Song Mu.

"There are many Confucian scholars in this world, but most of them live in seclusion and quiet places. If you are studying, you can take it easy, at least it will be inconvenient to be clear."

"According to what the old man said, it's okay for you to travel around and see the scenery now, but if you really want to study, it's not appropriate."

Song Mu was taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Gu Chengxiu in puzzlement at this moment. He felt that Gu Chengxiu's sudden denial was surprising. Although he is now in the realm of a bachelor, he is already regarded as a great literary talent.

But when there is enough knowledge in the world, the higher you go, the harder it is to go up. This study is actually an opportunity.

However, Gu Chengxiu's denial made Song Mu a little puzzled.

"I know you feel a little surprised, but the old man asks you, after you come back, do you know how much the world has changed?"

Gu Chengxiu immediately asked Song Mu, and Song Mu lowered his eyes slightly.

The development of the Wen Dynasty in the past ten years can indeed be regarded as the prosperity of the country and the people's safety. After Li Mo'er took over the power, except for a war in southern Xinjiang, he ordered the Wen Dynasty to recuperate. There has been a considerable change in her opinion of Li Mo'er.

When he was in Yuzhang City, Song Mu failed to discuss current affairs excessively with the officials, and he mostly gave lectures every day, which was somewhat negligent.

"I also ask Grandpa to explain Jingzhao's doubts."

Song Mu cupped his hands and said to Gu Chengxiu, Gu Chengxiu let out a little breath and said in a deep voice.

"Today's Wen Dynasty, in the eyes of others, is indeed living and working in peace and contentment, and everything is quite satisfactory."

"But in the eyes of literati like me, the Wen Dynasty is still a little bit of the time when the former emperor was here."

Song Mu raised his head immediately upon hearing this, and Gu Chengxiu didn't care that such remarks would spread, so he just continued talking with Song Mu.

"Your Majesty has worked hard to rule it out, but it has buried hidden worries. The matter of Shizong has changed now, and this strategy of controlling the barbarians, although steady, has begun to show signs of decline."

"With the abolishment of the Zongguo Law, His Majesty gathered all the talented people in the world, and almost separated from Shizong. Although there have been no demon disturbances in the past two years, it is difficult to find Shizong's children in the world."

"There is also the strategy of conquest. The eastern border has been stable for more than ten years. Although the military equipment has not been slack, but the soldiers are good at fighting without training, especially the enemy in the East China Sea. In the past years, they have caused a lot of life on the land of the eastern border. "

Hearing this, Song Mu paused for a moment. He was concerned about these things, but he didn't feel so bad. He was about to explain, but Gu Chengxiu continued.

"The old man told you these things, not because he is short-sighted, but because of these things, there have been new changes in this Wen dynasty."

"Do you know that a few days ago, there was a debate in Jiangnan Dongdao. The topic of the debate was the pros and cons of the School of Poetry. Thousands of students were arguing endlessly over this."

"And your Xuanyuan Academy was completed, and the Sifang Academy community is not all friendly to it. Your practical theory is even said to be deceptive, and it is a big treason."

"Even many Confucian scholars among them have doubts about you."

"So, it was His Majesty's instruction that Qing Tianwei came forward to explain it to you."

"Grandfather, this..."

Song Mu also showed surprise on his face, but he didn't know about this matter. In this Wen Dynasty, there was already such a wave of things about himself.

"Actually, it's easy to understand that Muxiu is bound to be destroyed by Lin Feng, not to mention that you just happen to carry another identity."

Song Mu was silent, knowing that he was a guest elder of the Shizong, and the purpose of visiting him was to give him something to rely on, but now he has become a target to criticize him.

It is common for scholars to have thoughts, but such a sudden movement has already made Song Mu feel that something is wrong.

Although I am a bachelor, I want to come here, but someone has a different view of me.

But at this moment Song Mu didn't show this worry on his face, he just nodded cautiously, and said to Gu Chengxiu in a deep voice.

"Grandfather taught, Jingzhao naturally obeyed, and will act more carefully in the future."

Gu Chengxiu just nodded. Among them, he can only give some advice as a person who has experienced it. As for the future, he can only believe that Song Mu can deal with them one by one.

Early in the morning of the second day, after Song Mu visited several great literati in the city, he went to the nearby market.

Song Mu still planned to go to Tian's blacksmith shop once. Chuanze might be a bit tasteless to himself today, but after all, it was his first military weapon, and it was a gift from his master, so he naturally refused to give it up.

It's just that Chuanze was broken into many pieces at the beginning, and Song Mu didn't know if he could reforge it.

Soon Song Mu found the Tian family blacksmith's shop on the bazaar. It was still the same as before, with several shirtless men banging on the ironware in the hot charcoal-burning shop.

And Song Mu quickly noticed a man with frosty temples next to the shop. He was sitting on a chair smoking a pipe, and he didn't forget to urge several apprentices to work harder on forging farm tools and weapons.

This person is none other than Tian Qianduan, the son of Tian Bailian.

"Guest officer, I don't know why you came to build..."

Tian Qianduan also caught a glimpse of Song Mu from the corner of his eye, and hurriedly got up to greet him, but suddenly stopped, and then stared at Song Mu with wide eyes.

"You are... Song Zhuangyuan!"

Tian Qianduan immediately recognized Song Mu, and immediately revealed Song Mu's identity. Song Mu also immediately said with a smile.

"Brother Tian, ​​I haven't seen you for a long time, but now something is different."

Tian Qianduan hurriedly cupped his hands towards Song Mu, and everyone beside him also looked over, and Tian Qianduan had already invited Song Mu to the courtyard behind the shop.

Song Mu walked by his side and spoke immediately.

"Second brother Tian, ​​Mr. Song came here this time because the Chuanze that your father built for me was broken and unusable due to the battle. This time, he wants to ask your father to help me forge another civil soldier. I don't know..."

When Tian Qianduan heard this, his face was suddenly a little frustrated, and then he looked at Song Mu and said apologetically.

"This is going to break the goodwill of the number one scholar. My father has gone west two years ago."

Song Mu also paused in his footsteps, but soon his face was relieved. In this world, it is already difficult for ordinary people to live a long life. The other party has lived for ninety years, which is considered a long life.

But in this way, his plan fell through, which made Song Mu feel a little pity, so he said unwillingly.

"Then I don't know if you can..."

Tian Qianduan shook his head, the loneliness on his face was even worse at this moment.

"I have buried the craftsmanship of my ancestors, and now I can't even successfully forge a Jinshi Wenbing."

Song Mu immediately grinned, but then frowned suddenly, and asked Tian Qianduan again after a while.

"Then please can you try to restore my Wenbing, it doesn't matter if I raise a Wenbing, after all, Song just wants to keep it as a thought."

Tian Qianduan just nodded, and Song Mu gave out the fragments of Chuanze in his hand, and then agreed on a day to pick up the sword, and then left.

Just after leaving the shop, Song Mu immediately turned into the alley next to him, then set up a strange place beside him, and closed his eyes.

At this moment, the voice of Jie Zezhu suddenly echoed in Song Mu's mind.


(End of this chapter)

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