Chapter 708

Song Mu paused after hearing the sudden news from Jie Zezhu, and asked in disbelief.

"Tianxing, there is actually a Tianxing here?"

But Jie Zezhu said to Song Mu with a somewhat uncertain tone.

"I'm not sure if it is, but the feeling is very weak, it seems that the power in it is only slightly stronger than the star on your body."

As soon as these words came out, Song Mu suddenly turned his head to look at the dragon that had turned into a stone statue, and immediately remembered what the other party said.

The other party said that its mission was completed, and it was covering for an emperor.

Song Mu paused in his heart, and immediately felt that something was wrong, and immediately moved towards the southwest.

"Where is the star that day, and how far is it from here?"

Jie Zezhu could only give a general idea, but at this moment Song Mu saw the tide of beasts surging below.

Those birds and beasts were all walking through the mountains and rivers at this moment. Song Mu raised his figure again, and finally saw the movements of these beasts clearly at this moment.

They are rushing out of the mountains and rivers, heading towards the territory of the human city.

Song Mu stopped in the air, looking at the distant city, which was Yingzhou City, but at the moment outside the city, there were streaks of light flashing.

"This beast tide is going to Yingzhou City."

Song Mu frowned deeply, but at this moment, Dao power suddenly rippled from his body, words flashed in that power, and then landed on this piece of land the next moment.

The moment it touched the ground, these words seemed to feel something, and at this moment they turned into starlight and moved forward quickly against the ground.

Looking from the sky, I could only see innumerable golden light spots falling from Song Mu's hands, and the light spots spread rapidly on the ground.

And in the next moment, these fast-moving words were just like the scene when Song Mu was fighting the water monster before. They found the nearest monster and rushed into its body.

After being invaded by these words, monsters below the level of monster soldiers began to explode one after another.

In just a moment, blood flowers suddenly bloomed on the darkened ground.

These blood flowers went all the way, just crossed the mountains for a moment, stepped across the plains, and reached the foot of the city.

Song Huaitong just waved the inkstone in his hand, and it turned into a sky-reaching boulder and fell hard, smashing dozens of monsters into meatloaf.

And the next moment he saw a golden light flashing above the monster that rushed in front of him, and the next moment the monster's body began to swell violently, and it exploded in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Blood splashed, but Song Huaitong saw one of the words flash out, and then quickly jumped into the body of the next monster.

There were explosions one after another, but Song Huaitong could feel a strong breath of literary power in the strong smell of blood.


Song Huaitong looked towards the distance at this moment, and saw the last dots of stars waved down by a figure in the distant sky, which turned into a long rainbow and left.

Outside the city of Yingzhou, Nazhizhou and others also saw this scene, and those golden characters wiped out the rushing low-level monsters in an instant. .

"Is this the method of a bachelor?"

Someone let out an exclamation, and at this moment, he was also very happy. He looked at the other person, but he could no longer feel the aura of the monster dragon.

There was a flash of horror in everyone's eyes, but at this moment they said with a bit of fear and emotion.

"So how strong is Song Zhuangyuan?"

At this moment, Song Mu had already crossed the mountains and rivers and came to a mountain forest hundreds of miles away from the city of Yingzhou.

Here, there are still a large number of monsters gushing out of it, but the difference is that Song Mu can feel their panic.

Birds and beasts flew past, while Song Mu was suspended in the air, looking at the forest in front of him.

"Is it here?"

"Let me see what the hell happened here."

The next moment Song Mu's figure appeared in this mountain forest. At this moment, the forest is dense and there is no wind, and the silence here is terrifying.

Song Mu glanced around, and then found a strange place with Nian Li.

Song Mu took a few steps forward, looked at a huge rock protruding from the ground, and stretched out his hand for a flash of literary power.

The rock collapsed, but Song Mu immediately saw a huge vertical hole under the rock.

Song Mu probed in with his mind power, but only sensed the changes outside the hole at a distance of several hundred meters.

There was actually water below, the water was calm, and it looked like a deep pool.

Seeing this situation, Song Mu frowned immediately, but at this moment, Jie Zezhu's reaction became more and more violent, and he said to Song Mu immediately.

"Just below, the induction is getting stronger and stronger."

Song Mu looked into it, looked sideways slightly at this moment, then let out a deep breath, and jumped in without hesitation.

In the next moment, a piece of writing paper was exposed, and flames rose from it, while Song Mu's whole body had condensed a lot of writing power, wrapping himself layer by layer, and slowly falling down.

Soon Song Mu reached the surface of the deep pool in the cave. Looking up, there was only a little light left at the entrance of the cave, but when he looked around, endless darkness came into view.

Song Mu felt a little vigilant in his heart, but he confirmed it with Jie Zezhu again.

"It's just under this deep pool, would you like to go down again?"

Na Jie Zezhu asked Song Mu, and Song Mu smiled faintly, looking at the dark pool of water under his feet, and said calmly.

"After all, Your Excellency has forged a Hanlin Wenbing for me, so I have to go down and investigate this time."

Saying so, Song Mu's figure gradually submerged into the water. In this dark space, that point of light gradually became dim, reflecting in the deep pool.

Song Mu's body just submerged in the water, although Wen Li blocked the water, Song Mu still felt a cold feeling.

The chill could actually penetrate this literary energy and invade Song Mu's body, and it was not until Song Mu channeled his righteous energy that he finally dispelled the chill.

At this moment, Song Mu's figure is also constantly falling. In this dark environment, Song Mu is completely relying on his own thoughts to search around.

This deep pool is far wider than I imagined. No matter what outsiders imagine, how would they know that there is such a mysterious place under the ground deep in the mountain.

Just as Song Mu's body continued to descend, Song Mu suddenly looked down at his feet, and the next moment Song Mu saw a faint blue light suddenly flashing in the dark pool.

When the rays of light rippling, Song Mu immediately felt his literary strength shake, and that Jue Zezhu was also very excited at the moment.

sky star.

Song Mu immediately cheered up, and at this moment, his body fell down quickly. After only a moment, Song Mu finally saw what was under it.

It was a faint blue crystal, which fell at the bottom of the deep pool, surrounded by rocks, but it revealed a faint blue light, which looked very mysterious and different.

Song Mu immediately reached out to take the crystal, but the next moment Song Mu's body suddenly rippled towards the surroundings.

The wave of Wenli rushed into the dark pool quickly, but Song Mu's eyes swept across it quickly.

The next moment, in Song Mu's eyes, a huge figure slowly drifted past in the dim light. The body was as long as a dragon, and at this moment it suddenly exuded a fierce monster aura.

"Demon King!"

Song Mu yelled angrily, and at this moment, all his strength was released, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.


 Thanks to book friends 150704134329926, Yang Hanqiu Huijuan for their monthly support~~
(End of this chapter)

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