Chapter 710

In the dark cave, the red and blue colors under the deep pool are suddenly intertwined. At this moment, the reflected water surface is incomparably gorgeous. The pool water rises, and the water mist fills the sky for a while, but it turns into ice crystals and falls slowly in the next moment.

Then a shock came out of it, and then a bright light flashed, rushing out of the water at this moment, under it, a person and a monster rushed out suddenly.

The momentum of the two sides was soaring, but at this moment, I saw the man thrust out a sword, which easily cut through the body of the monster, but was hit hard by the other party's tail, but they both continued to move towards the faint blue light with their power .

That bright light is the star of that day, but at this moment, the star of the sky seems to start to shine with a stronger light.

"Don't think about it!"

Song Mu yelled angrily, waved Tunhai in his hands, and then a red light rippling out, the light of the dark dome flickered, but it came out in the next moment.

The two sides on the pool fought fiercely again, but at this moment, the white monster suddenly let out a roar. After the roar, what Song Mu saw were countless scales flying towards the surroundings.

The dots of silvery white light filled every inch of the cave in an instant, flickering on it, but the next moment it was full of light.

Powerful power quickly oscillated from it, and berserk power swept across the entire area in an instant.

Song Mu was not in a hurry to deal with it at the moment, but now he tried his best to protect himself, and the long sword in his hand drew a series of sword lights to resist.

But in an instant, the mountains shook and the ground shook again. At this point, Song Mu suddenly realized that the movement in the arena was not caused by fighting skills.

Raising his head suddenly, a sharp rock whizzed down, Song Mu swung his sword towards it, the boulder turned into two halves and smashed into the deep pool, there was a sudden boom and clatter.

Song Mu looked around immediately, but the warning of Exhausting Zezhu suddenly sounded in his heart.

"That guy took the sky star!"

Song Mu's heart trembled, his thoughts were all washed away at this moment, his figure flashed past the falling rocks around him, and he saw the white hideous flashing in the gap.

In the mouth of its slender demon body, it is holding the celestial star fragment in its mouth at this moment, and it penetrates into the side of the mountain through the scene of the chaotic cave.

Song Mu snorted coldly, at this moment Tunhai released light again in his hand, and immediately there were waves of air surging in the cave, the red light in Song Mu's hand reappeared, the long sword neighed in this one, the red light wrapped in power, Rushing into the place where the white grim disappeared.

When the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, a huge cloud of smoke and dust suddenly rose from the entire mountain forest, but in the vast mountain here, the tall trees collapsed inward one after another, and fell into a deep pit under the land.

The waves of dust soared into the sky, and the sound of the mountains and forests collapsing spread far and wide, just like the sound of thunder between the sky and the earth.

In the dust wave, two figures suddenly rushed out, and the power of both sides bloomed in the next moment, and a red figure covering the sky and sun slowly converged. At this moment, they stepped on the mountain forest and pointed their long swords at the sky.

The red phantom stretched out his hand, grabbed the body of the white monster, the lightsaber flashed, and the long lines of characters on the tip of the sword shot out in all directions, turning into a sky and covering the sky.

The scene at this moment is like the gods descending to the earth to fight, and no one dares to look directly at it.

"Song Mu, I really don't dare to fight you forever?!"

Bai Nao broke free from Song Mu Xuying's hand. At this moment, his body was full of monster aura. When he saw the sky net falling, he suddenly spit out the star, and then poured power into it from between his brows.

The next moment, I saw the demonic aura boiling on the white hideous body, and the same light flashed in the sky. The dazzling light pierced the net of words at this moment, but a terrifying figure was revealed in it.

Turning into a monstrous giant, Bai Yao raised his head and screamed, and his evil spirit turned into long silvery white lights, rushing into the sky-filled light net, and corroded it in the next moment.

But at this moment, the red phantom holding the long sword was immediately reflected in Bai Yun's eyes, and Song Mu stepped forward with all his strength!
The long sword came out again, a bit of panic flashed in Bai Nao's eyes, and he was immediately covered by Song Mu's attack fiercely and completely.

The sword light flickered, and at this moment it passed by Bai Yao's body, but Bai Yao seized this opportunity and suddenly climbed up.

On top of the red phantom, a white phantom entangled, tightly restraining the long sword held by Song Mu, the ferocious head faced the phantom, the red hair on it was wild, and the next moment he hissed, he opened his mouth and bit it down fiercely.

At this moment, the long sword also passed through the white shadow, and red light poured out from the shadow.

Half of the red phantom's body was also devoured, and the two sides finally separated again, but at this time, there was that white laughter.

"Your sword energy is very strong, but that's about it for your realm."

"Do you think that I am in this deep pool to break through with the help of this star?"

"It took me a lot of effort to find this thing, and what I have to do is a big thing."

Song Mu paused in the air, sweating profusely, and the phantom on his body slowly dissipated. Looking at the figure that was still churning in the air, his expression froze at this moment.

"What do you mean?"

Song Mu asked puzzledly, but that white grin just sneered and said to Song Mu.

"Have you forgotten that pool of water that is bitingly cold?"

"I condensed it with the power of the stars. This biting water is much colder than ice crystals."

"And under the deep pool here, there happens to be a dark river that goes straight into the Yangtze River."

"This time rushing down, this autumn cold river, I think it will look different?"

Bai Yao said so calmly, but Song Mu's eyes widened suddenly when he heard these words, and it was only at this moment that he finally realized what the other party's previous actions were.

Why did Qing Jiao destroy the sage's poems, why did he dare to attack himself directly.

It's all to prepare for this white grimace.

Song Mu suddenly looked at the black cave not far below that had been suddenly revealed. The white steam rising from it covered everything around him with a layer of frost in a moment.

The white grinning laughter continued.

"So now, do you want the star, or go find that dark river and save that Yangtze River?"


Song Mu was furious, and at this moment he raised his eyes to look at the white man, his body suddenly surged with power.

How could Song Mu have thought that this would turn into such a situation, and what made Song Mu even more furious was the other party's vicious methods.

Freezing the Yangtze River is something that has never happened in ancient times. If it is done, the life of the Yangtze River will be lost, and the land in the south of the Yangtze River may enter winter in an instant.

This blow will be a catastrophe for the Wen Dynasty.

"Donghai is a good plan. It's just that the Wen Dynasty has been standing for so many years, so it shouldn't even be clear about this."

"Invoke the power of the stars to display your innate supernatural powers, you demon emperor, you have some skills."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the surroundings. Song Mu was the first to be taken aback when he heard the voice, and Bai Xie also noticed something strange, and looked around at the moment.


As the voice fell, the forest below was surging, and then a thick ice crystal suddenly grew out of the hollow.

A towering ice tree rose from the ground, and on top of it stood a man in a green shirt, the green shirt fluttering in the wind, and his eyes were cold, looking straight at Bai Yao.

"Tao Changqing, the poet of the Tao family, has been waiting here for a long time."


(End of this chapter)

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