Chapter 714 To Shizong
"Master, I think I have already understood your good intentions at the beginning, and this matter is now considered smooth."

"It's just that there are still some variables. Now, the way forward, I think, Master, you will understand what I have done."

"When that day comes true, you will be the first one, and the world will remember your merit."

Song Mu was standing between the green hills, in front of Tao Fengming's tomb, letting the breeze blow and the autumn rain patter, and muttered softly.

Next to Song Mu, Gu Qingqing and Song Yiqing were burning incense sticks for Tao Fengming, although they heard what Song Mu murmured, their expressions did not change.

And at a distance of tens of meters from Song Mu, the mountain road here is already full of people from Datian Village and the county magistrate who rushed over after hearing the news. Green smoke rose slowly.

After a while, Song Mu took the teapot from Gu Qingqing and poured it gently in front of the tomb. Song Mu lifted his robe again and kowtowed heavily again.

When he got up again, Song Mu was still standing in the same place, but his eyes were slightly lowered, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

But in the eyes of Gu Qingqing beside her, she saw the vicissitudes in Song Mu's eyes. The last time she saw such a scene was more than ten years ago when she walked out of Chang'an.

Sensing the change in Song Mu's mood, Gu Qingqing didn't say anything, but stood beside Song Mu and opened the oil-paper umbrella in her hand.

After a while, Song Mu stretched out his hand to hold Gu Qingqing's hand, the two looked at each other, and Song Mu said softly.

"Qingqing, do you think Master should be happy to see me today?"

"Master doesn't like the level of your husband's realm, what he likes is that your husband is calm and well versed in world affairs."

Gu Qingqing pursed her lips slightly, and said softly at this moment, her eyes were extremely gentle, but Song Mu's eyes were lowered slightly, at this moment, he was holding Gu Qingqing's hand a little tighter, and then he sighed.

"That should be the case, but in this world, it should be even more so. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

After Song Mu said this, Gu Qingqing was puzzled when he heard this, but Song Mu spoke to Gu Qingqing as if he had made up his mind.

"Qingqing, after leaving this time, I will send you and Yiqing home."

Gu Qingqing's expression changed.

"Husband, is there still something important to do?"

Song Mu looked at Gu Qingqing, but at this moment he was thinking about the previous incident. The incident of Bai Hao also caused waves in the Wen Dynasty. A few days after the incident, Song Mu met with Qing Tianwei again and explained the details.

Dong Hai's plan makes people shudder, but they also know that the situation has changed, and perhaps there will be changes in the world.

Song Mu also just realized that everything can be settled without being a bachelor. Strong enemies are still looking around. Song Mu can't let Donghai behave like this. When the 20-year agreement comes, there will be a big dispute between Wen Dynasty and Donghai.

No matter what, Song Mu had to do something about it.

"Of course, what I'm fighting for is for the Song family, for Master, and for myself. Today, it's time for you, for the people of heaven."

"The human race was established in Yanhuang, and it has lasted for thousands of years. The world's most vicious and evil people have survived safely, but there are thousands of people who are desperate."

"In today's Wen Dynasty, I should really do some literati's righteousness."

"It doesn't disgrace the four proverbs I once wrote."

Song Mu said so, the expression on his face slowly became firm, Gu Qingqing heard this, a little nervousness flashed across his face, but immediately chose to stand beside Song Mu, holding Song Mu's palm tightly.

"Then I'll wait at home for my husband to come back in peace."

Song Mu looked at Gu Qingqing, his expression was touched for a moment.

After a long time, Song Mu's family walked down the mountain, and the villagers and county officials who were waiting around gathered around.

Song Mu talked a few words with everyone, and then personally re-wrote the general inscription for Datian Village. With the blessing of the great scholar, Datian Village will not be a disaster of destruction in the future, so you can rest easy.

In late autumn, Song Mu finally brought his wife and daughter back to their home in Shiyang County. In addition, Song Mu also brought a monster to Xuanyuan Academy. Now that he is about to break through the realm of the demon king and guard Tao Fengming for ten years, Song Mu also gave him some blessings.

There is no distinction between good and evil in this world. For this beast, it was buried by Song Mu's parents. Song Mu also respected him, and falling behind Xuanyuan Academy is enough to deter the surrounding monsters and keep them safe.

After Song Mu stayed at home for a few days, he bid farewell to his family briefly, and then flew towards Wuling.

Song Mu is going to Tao Changqing's appointment to explore the mysterious Tao family's poetry.

Wuling here is a place name from ancient times in the Han and Tang Dynasties. It is the place written in "Peach Blossom Spring". , is the place that countless literati yearn for.

Many people have come to this Wuling, trying to find a real peach blossom here, but they all turned out to be the Nanyang Liu Ziji and returned without success.

Song Mu once asked Tao Fengming about the place of the Tao School of Poetry, but he couldn't explain it clearly. He entered the sect at a young age, and then came out angrily. and where.

However, what Song Mu said to Tao Fengming that day was to go to it, to find out the reason, and to solve many doubts in his heart.

It's just that the more he came to Wuling, Song Mu also felt a little unbelievable. The entrance of this school of poetry is in this place of discussion, but no one has found it. It is indeed a mystery.

Soon he arrived at the sky above Wuling. At this moment, he took out the token that Tao Changqing gave him, and Song Mu activated the lines on it, quickly found the direction and continued to move forward.

Although it is late autumn, the mountains here are still shrouded in clouds and mist, and even the thick miasma obscures the sight, making the surrounding mountains, rivers and villages a little faintly visible.

Song Mu fell into one of the mountain passes under the guidance of the token, and looked up at the moment.

The mist in the mountains here is rising, the birds are singing, and the scenery surrounded by clouds and mists is indeed a place outside the world, but Song Mu looked around carefully, but he couldn't see anything strange here.

Looking around with his thoughts, Song Mu still didn't find anything. The Tao Shizong's mountain gate is so secret that Song Mu looked at Zhuo's brow slightly at this moment. After thinking for a while, Song Mu still raised his hand towards the mountain and said. .

"My lord, Song Mu, was invited to come to the Tao School of Poetry to take a look, and also to see where the mountain gate is."

The voice echoed in the mountain, but soon it was quiet again, as if there was no movement, but a moment later, a figure appeared on a mountain in front of Song Mu.

It was a middle-aged woodcutter with a thick face, simple clothes, and a bundle of firewood on his back. Seeing Song Mu, he immediately smiled and cupped his hands.

"I heard that the number one scholar of the Song Dynasty came here, and I will lead the way for the number one scholar."

Saying this, the other party walked towards Song Mu. Song Mu looked at him and found that this person had a great cultivation level. When he came to Song Mu, he took out a token from his bosom and wanted to fight with Song Mu. The piece of token obtained in the hand is verified.

When they saw a match, the other party led the way and took Song Mu to the mountain.

"My lord, follow closely, don't use literary power here."

The woodcutter spoke in front, and then led Song Mu to disappear into this miasma.


 Thank you for the monthly support of the book friend Sunset Land~~
(End of this chapter)

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