Chapter 718 On Shizong

"Comparable to the Heavenly Star in the Heavenly Star Palace?"

Hearing Jie Zezhu's words, Song Mu's expression changed immediately, and he asked immediately.

"Your Excellency is serious?"

"Of course, my perception of the celestial fragments is not wrong. Speaking of which, I have also sensed it, but its position was erratic for a while, and it turned out to be traveling in the sky."

"The human race's use of the stars is somewhat unexpected."

Jie Zezhu spoke in admiration, but immediately urged Song Mu to investigate the situation and see the existence of the biggest star in the human race.

Song Mu shook his head and rejected it directly. This kind of star must be the deepest secret of Tao Shizong. No matter what method he uses to investigate, it will definitely arouse the Tao Shizong's resentment and suspicion.

Song Mu didn't think Tao Shizong could trust him that much.

Jie Zezhu didn't refute this, but she was still a little interested.

Song Mu ended his conversation with the other party, and now he just kept this matter in his heart, and then got up and left the Zangshu Pavilion.

As soon as he came out of the Zangshu Pavilion, immediately the Tao family disciples who were waiting came forward to hand in hand with Song Mu.

"Song Zhuangyuan, the suzerain said that if you come out of the Zangshu Pavilion, please go to the Taoyuan Hall to talk about it."

Song Mu remembered Tao Lingdong's explanation to him before he entered the library, so he nodded and asked.

"I don't know how long I stayed in there?"

"But January is not a long time."

Hearing this, Song Mu was stunned. It took him only one month to read the books in the five-storey pavilion, which surprised Song Mu a little.

This may be due to the improvement of his mental power, which has greatly improved his ability to read books.

Song Mu only nodded slightly at this matter, and then followed the other party away.

Walking in the Shizong at this moment, Song Mu's eyes are still looking around.

The scene of the poetry competition that day made Song Mu feel a little strange towards Tao Shizong, and in January in the Zangshu Pavilion, Song Mu was completely convinced by the brilliant literary talent of Tao Shizong, and for a while It's also mixed flavors.

And the disciples and common people of the Dow School of Poetry still look so indifferent and serious now. Although there is a vibrant scene everywhere, but after a long time of contemplation, it will give people a stiff feeling. It's just a little more calm, and it looks very elegant.

Song Mu quickly followed the other party to a hall at the top of the mountain. Looking up, this tall hall was called Taoyuan Hall, standing among the mountains, which seemed to complement each other somewhat.

Song Mu walked towards it more than before, and just as he stepped into the spacious and bright hall, Song Mu saw the figure of Tao Lingdong.

Not only that, but in this empty hall, on the other side is a scene of clouds and mist in the sky, and at the moment Tao Lingdong is sitting in the hall, and there are two other figures sitting beside him, they are all immortal, all dressed in The realm of strength is thick, and they are all in the realm of great Confucianism.

Song Mu understood that these were the three great Confucians of the Tao School of Poetry.

Song Mu's expression suddenly became extremely solemn. At this moment, he straightened his clothes again, and then walked slowly inside.

"Song Mu has met all the saints."

Standing in the hall, Song Mu cupped his hands and said to the three of them. The three of them who heard the voice turned their heads to look at him. Their gazes quickly fell on Song Mu, but they actually looked at Song Mu impatiently. look up.

Song Mubie felt a little awkward as the gazes of the other two great Confucians glanced around, feeling that they were not looking at themselves like this, but measuring a rare and precious object with their eyes.

Song Mu bowed his hands to the three of them again, and Tao Lingdong stood up with a smile, and walked forward quickly to talk to Song Mu.

"It seems that Song Zhuangyuan has finished reading in Zangshu Pavilion. Based on this calculation, it seems that there is only one month. Could it be that Zhuangyuan has already read all the ancient books and articles in it?"

"Song was lucky enough to learn the method of speed reading. Although it is a little bit like swallowing dates, the collection of classics by your sect really convinced Song Mu."

Song Mu said neither humble nor overbearing, at this moment his eyes swept over the three of them, and he immediately asked Tao Lingdong.

"Tao Shengyan has an important matter to discuss with Song, but he doesn't know why?"

Tao Lingdong remained silent, this time he just invited Song Mu to sit down at the side. Sitting in the hall above the mountain, watching the clouds and mists in the distance, it is very refreshing.

Tao Lingdong immediately poured tea for Song Mu, and when the fragrance of the tea overflowed, the other party spoke to Song Mu.

"Today, I discussed the situation of Shizong with two senior brothers. I don't know what Master Song thinks the world's Shizong will be like in the future?"

Song Mu raised his eyes slightly, glanced at the calm faces of the three, and said with a smile.

"Naturally, the prosperity is even more prosperous. Poetry in the world is timeless and new. The ancient poems have a charm, and the new poems have a sharp edge. They are the source of the prosperity of the Poetry School."

The three people who heard this immediately laughed twice, and it seemed that there was a sense of joy at the moment, and Tao Lingdong even stroked his beard and said.

"It's a good sentence that lasts forever. This sentence has reached the heart of the old man."

As he said that, Tao Lingdong's gaze met Song Mu again.

"Then I don't know if the number one scholar thinks that I, the Tao School of Poetry, will go far in the future?"

Hearing this, Song Mu stopped holding the teacup in his hand, and put down the teacup slowly. At this moment, he just looked up at the other party, and then looked thoughtful.

After a while, Song Mu shook his head with a full face, and said helplessly.

"So Song doesn't dare to make random judgments."

"Oh? That's interesting."

After Song Mu said this, Tao Lingdong immediately raised his eyebrows and sighed, but at this moment the other party still insisted on speaking.

"Song champion, don't be restrained. We talked about this a lot in the past, but we most want to hear what others have to say."

The two people next to him also nodded, and one of the great Confucian scholars also spoke at this time.

"Song Zhuangyuan, Li Du Shizong, should have told you about the predicament of the world's poets, right?"

"So for so many years, we have mostly been thinking about the situation."

Hearing this, Song Mu's face was stunned at this moment, and he nodded slowly, his eyes were slightly lowered, and his face was thoughtful.

When Du Keqin talked with Song Mu, he said that thousands of poems are still declining, and one word is booming. The reason is that the development of poetry and prose in the School of Poetry has come to an end. It will be difficult to support in the future.

And what he said at the beginning was Ci Sect, a new sect in a new era.

It's just that through these years of experience, Song Mu also deeply understands that the establishment of a school of poetry is not something that can be achieved with a single word, and the hardships involved are much more difficult than establishing a school of poetry.

And the reason is very simple, the origin of the words are mostly things that entertain the people, so it is difficult for them to be elegant in an instant.

Although the proliferation of ci works has the meaning of prosperity nowadays, but for the common people, this is not necessarily the case.

The School of Poetry has always needed the magnificent foundation of the people. If the people praise poetry, they must encourage future generations to do it, but with Ci, it lacks this heartfelt reverence.

And in these years, the schools of poetry all over the world are also actively seeking changes, and the children of the schools of poetry have written a lot of lyrics, but it is difficult to become a big one for a while.

Among them, there are many proud sons of heaven, but they are still just a drop in the ocean

After a while, Song Mu finally spoke.

"The School of Ci should be established, but unlike the School of Poetry, its skin and flesh are different, and its muscles and bones are complete."

Song Mu said so, but the three of them frowned slightly, and they were all thinking about each other at the moment.


(End of this chapter)

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