Chapter 732
On the way home, Xiang He and Chang Daru already had an earth-shaking opinion of Song Mu. In the land of Pengze, what Song Mu did made them feel that Song Mu already had extraordinary courage.

And they finally knew the content of what Song Mu showed the Black Dragon King.

What it said is indeed sea transportation, but more importantly, it demonstrates the irreversibility of all this. While the fear of the sea is gradually disappearing among the people of the Wen Dynasty, their yearning for a wider sky is gradually being stimulated. .

However, Song Mu has contributed to this. Today's clauses have no immediate effect on Wenchao, but for Wenchao's future, there are a lot of possibilities.

What amazed Xiang He and Chang Daru even more was Song Mu's magnificent lyrics and ten shocking words, which he wrote without fear in the face of danger.

And soon the three of them flew back into Chang'an and headed straight for the imperial city. When they landed again, the three of them were all in high spirits.

Li Mo'er in the main hall had been waiting for a long time. With the help of Qi Watching Technique, she could see the luck floating in the southeast direction, but immediately felt that the luck of Wen Dynasty was even worse. good development.

Soon the three of them entered the hall, Li Mo'er spoke before the three of them stood still.

"Master Song, I don't know what's going on this time?"

Song Mu cupped his hands towards Li Mo'er and said in a flat voice.

"Return to Your Majesty, this negotiation has achieved results, and three conditions have been reached with the Black Dragon King of the East China Sea..."

Song Mu narrated this eloquently, and Li Mo'er was overjoyed when he heard this, and nodded again and again.

"It's so good, I know Master Song can do this, so it will be a blessing to all the people of our Wen Dynasty."

After the words fell, Xianghe who was beside him also took a step forward, but now he added some details of this incident, and among them, what he said about the poems and Song Mu scrolls also shocked Li Mo'er.

Li Mo'er knew that all these ideas were not easy to come by, but she also noticed Song Mu's hands and feet in it. The content of the scroll was slightly biased, but Li Mo'er did not reveal it, this time she just nodded in appreciation.

After finishing speaking, Li Mo'er wanted to immediately draw up an order to announce these things to the world, and even more so to make Song Mujia an official, and she looked very enthusiastic about it.

But Song Mu spoke with Li Mo'er this time.

"Your Majesty, I don't have much interest in these things. If Your Majesty really wants to reward, I hope His Majesty can open the Royal Library Pavilion and let Song have a look."

Faced with Song Mu's words, Li Mo'er naturally nodded immediately, and this time, Xiang He and the two were also praised.

Afterwards, Li Mo'er waved Xiang He and the others to retreat, then waved his hand, and something came towards Song Mu in front of the hall.

"Master Song, this is something that was sent by someone from the Tao School of Poetry not long ago. Let me pass it on to you. This time can be regarded as the icing on the cake."

Hearing this, Song Mu reached out to take the floating object at this moment. When he saw the words on it clearly, Song Mu suddenly raised his eyebrows.

What was written on it was "A Solution to Mind Power", and the name of the author on this quaint book was actually Tao Fengming's master Tao Ze.

Song Mu looked up at Li Mo'er, but Li Mo'er said something calmly.

"Master Song, this book was sent by Tao Sheng. He said that Tao Lingdong and other great Confucian scholars had a lot of insight into what you said in the Tao School of Poetry, so I specially presented this article. It seems quite precious."

"If it can be achieved, it will be of great benefit to Mr. Song."

Song Mu held the book tightly and said to Li Mo'er.

"Song Mu thanked Tao Sheng, and he will certainly live up to His Majesty's expectations."

Saying so, Li Mo'er's expression moved slightly, and she seemed to think of something again at this moment, and said to Song Mu in a harmonious voice.

"Song Chengming seems to have returned to Chang'an today. If you want to meet your father and son, you should have a good chat. I won't stay here anymore."

"However, Song Aiqing is a scout for the Wen Dynasty, and she also has the talent to manage the world. I hope Master Song will hold your hand high. Don't let me lose my talent again."

When Li Mo'er said these words, he was extremely helpless, and Song Mu's expression moved slightly when he heard these words, but at this moment he also understood the meaning of Li Mo'er's words.

Li Mo'er used to be unable to recruit herself like that, but now Erlang is an official in the court, but she is a little worried that Song Mu, the father, will affect this son to make the same choice as herself.

This made Song Mu rather surprised, this always solemn and solemn Li Mo'er still had such thoughts, outsiders may feel a little surprised when they see it.

But Song Mu didn't show much, he just cupped his hands and said.

"Most of the [-] generations of the Song family have Wen Chao as officials, and they all hope to solve His Majesty's worries and problems. It is Song's honor that the dog can be valued by His Majesty!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mo'er also nodded in satisfaction, and immediately waved Song Mu back.

Holding the book in his hand, Song Mu walked quickly outside the imperial city, even expecting to find a quiet place immediately, carefully reading the article in his hand.

If Song Mu could lose his composure and be extremely excited in the current Wen Dynasty, it would only be hearing that the people of the Wen Dynasty were well and healthy, and that this might benefit his own strength and realm.

The book suddenly given by Tao Shizong was another surprise for Song Muzi when he went to Pengze to negotiate with the Black Dragon King.

Tao Shizong and his party, Song Mu also mostly knew about Tao Fengming and his master Tao Ze, but at that time he was reading books in Tao Shizong's library.

Song Mu read all the books in a library, but he couldn't see Tao Ze's works. After reading some articles written by Tao Fengming at that time, Song Mu also gradually knew that Tao Ze might be extraordinary.

But I didn't expect to see such a book today. The book written by Tao Ze is actually related to the power of thought.

The extremely mysterious power of thought has long opened the door to a new world for Song Mu, and the ever-changing changes after that have also given birth to thousands of longings in Song Mu's heart, which makes Song Mu full of interest in the book in his hand.

As soon as he left the imperial city, Song Mu stopped a carriage and headed towards his residence at the moment. Sitting in the carriage, he had already opened the book to take a look at the situation.

The title page was a handwritten sentence, but Song Mu immediately raised his eyebrows when he saw it.

"Mountains and seas exist in a single thought, and this thought acts as a power to transform all things into sentient beings, which is the true divine power in the world."

The signature under the words was Tao Lingdong's name, and just one sentence aroused all kinds of yearning in Song Mu's heart.

Unfolding the pages of the book again, Song Mu gave a sudden pause.

On the page of this book, there is actually a blank space, and when I flip down, there is no word on it.

This "An Explanation of Mind Power" is actually a book without words.

Song Mu frowned very much at this, and the carriage had already arrived at the residence, so Song Mu put his mind back and got out of the carriage, thinking about the mystery.

The next moment, a surprised voice came from Song Mu's ear.


Song Mu paused, turned slightly, and looked up.

The person who came was Song Chengming who hadn't seen him for many years.


 Thank you book friend Pig Ronnie for your monthly ticket support~~
(End of this chapter)

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