Chapter 736
At this moment, Song Mu is immersed in the world created in his mind by this book and his thoughts.

The surrounding words are still flashing, and as the words change, Song Mu's understanding of these sentences becomes clearer.

In just a moment, Song Mu felt that the contents of this book had completely entered his mind, and such a mysterious scene made Song Mu exclaim in surprise.

Joy suddenly rose in Song Mu's heart, and he sat down cross-legged in the dense mist, and the miasma around him was agitated again. The next moment, the words written by Tao Ze kept flickering, and Song Mu had already begun to taste carefully. the content of this.

In this volume of books, Tao Ze fully described his understanding of mind power, and gradually described a beautiful world he could create with mind power.

Tao Ze believes that all kinds of power in this world are born through the stars, but this power of thought is the only kind of strange power that can only evolve from the human race.

It was made with the help of external forces, but what it shaped was the human race's own thinking scene.

After all, in a foreign land, the literati who exerted their thoughts are like the creators in it, and they are in control of every plant and tree. This is something more precious than miracles.

And after the human race obtained such strange things as mind power, it also evolved it. Through poetry to shape a foreign land, it can show its power in it, and it also allows the human race to have more than just literary power. possibility.

But in Tao Ze's understanding, the power of thought is not just that, this mysterious power actually has a wider use, it should not only be used to create a powerful foreign land, but should be divided into various stages. At each stage, the form of expression and possible evolution of thought power will be different.

The power of thought, that is, the power of the spirit, is the most empathetic thing for the human race. On the battlefield, the generals wave their arms, and the soldiers behind them are like a rainbow, which is the infection and extension of the spirit.

In addition, the shaping of the foreign land by the power of thought is given by the literati to the open artistic conception of the poems, and then unfold the scenery in any place through the power of thought, so it is a self-contained school, and the fighting power is fierce.

In addition to these two situations, there is also a situation where the power of thoughts evolves to the extreme. The poetry and the power of thoughts blend with each other to achieve an extreme balance, thus outlining an immortal space, just like Pangu opened the sky and recreated the world.

Song Mu's expression also changed when he saw this place, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

The white jade scroll, as well as the scroll that Tao Changqing used, actually have such abilities. It turns out that the root of all these can be found from here.

Song Mu, who was already quite touched by the power of thought, had to admire it a lot at this moment. Tao Ze was able to think of so many things a hundred years ago, and was regarded as a standard by the Tao School of Poetry, which already showed his extraordinary talent.

It's just that it's a pity that such a genius died in vain in the sect's internal strife, which is really embarrassing.

Continuing to read the article, Song Mu also saw more possibilities of mind power.

Tao Ze said frankly that the power of thought is not only possessed by literati, but it is difficult for ordinary people to turn it into a power that can be controlled, but if it can be used by all people, the world created by the power of thought will respond to the four words that the mind will make everything happen.

So many ideas are so wonderful, and Song Mu is also amazed at this moment.

At this time, Song Mu thought of the "New Method of Mind Power" left by his ancestors.

The two books, in fact, have a kind of similarity, which made Song Mu even more excited. At this moment, when he thought about it, the "New Method of Mind Power" appeared in his mind, and it was also unfolding in it at this moment. Read it again Song Mu's eyes suddenly lit up with the content.

At this moment, the use of thought power and imagining intertwined a very gorgeous scene in Song Mu's mind. These scenes were connected together, but there was a sudden change in Song Mu's heart.

The thought power began to boil at this moment, and Song Mu's mind suddenly began to change.

In this dense space, Song Mu only felt that his thought power was constantly transforming into all things as if he had thought at this moment, dissipating and reuniting in an instant, and after each change, Song Mu had more awareness of his thought power feeling.

After savoring it carefully, Song Mu only felt that the power of thinking in his mind had increased, and he could have such a strange change after just reading the book for a day.

But this mysterious scene didn't end there. After the flashing words were gradually remembered by Song Mu, other words appeared on it again.

The fonts of these characters are different, and even the colors are different, but the content displayed above is the perception of this book by later generations.

When these sentiments are constantly flashing, they will not be imprinted in Song Mu's mind immediately at this moment, but let Song Mu take in everything in a glance. perception.

If it was the author Tao Ze's words before, then what appeared in front of Song Mu now is the various comprehensions of many literati for hundreds of years. It is not dazzling, but more reverent in the heart.

These words seem to communicate the past and the present, allowing Song Mu to have a deeper understanding of this "Nian Li Yi Jie".

When he was excited, Song Mu looked at the dense mist again. At this moment, the various comments on it made Song Mu suddenly interested.

At the moment, the power of thought turned into a brush, and Song Mu swiped the ink in the dense mist.

"Thinking power transforms all phenomena, and he will surely reshape the world in the future!"

Song Mu wrote a few words, and the next moment, they were swallowed by the mist, and then merged into it, turning into a word and rolling in it.

And after Song Mu finished writing this sentence, Song Mu also suddenly found himself withdrawing from it.

At this moment, what appeared in front of my eyes was already the scene of the library hall, the surrounding lights were flickering, and it was extremely quiet.

Song Mu looked down again at the book in front of him, which had been gently closed at this moment.

In a trance, Song Mu slowly got up, but found that the power of thoughts in his mind had increased a lot, and even a little bit ready to come out at the moment. Song Mu recited a poem casually, and the scene of the library hall in front of him began to change, and the fragrance of birds and flowers came over his face.

But just stretching out his hand gently, the flowers and plants are growing wildly, and the surrounding scene is changing rapidly. Song Mu is already aware of this strange land.

As soon as the thought stopped, the strange land in front of him dissipated completely. At this moment, Song Mu looked joyful and muttered to himself.

"In this case, it's a bit like a domain."

With the power of the domain, foreign lands can move at will, and the places they reach can be firmly controlled.

Just observing this book made him have such amazing progress. Song Mu felt a little hard to calm down at the moment, and looked at the book again, bending down to pick it up at this moment.

"Senior's imaginative thinking is justified and well-founded. I hope that one day, the younger generation can reveal this situation to the world."

Song Mu said solemnly, put away this book carefully, and wait for the day when all these dreams can come true.


 Thanks to book friends ZHUHONJI and Kong Xuzi for their monthly support~~
(End of this chapter)

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