I slay demons and demons with poetry

Chapter 742 Prepare for Debate

Chapter 742 Prepare for Debate
After staying in Chang'an for a while, Song Mu couldn't bear the disturbance, so he also flew away from Chang'an and headed straight for home.

The reason for doing this is also because Song Mu wants to find a quiet place to digest his newly improved literary level.

So this time Song Mu's return was silent, Song Mu didn't want to be disturbed by all parties, especially in the current situation, with Song Mu being conferred the title of Ci Zong, Shiyang County immediately became the attention of countless literati and students in the Wen Dynasty They came to Shiyang County from all directions, eager to get closer to Song Mu.

If they were to know that Song Mu had returned to Shiyang County, it would definitely cause a shock immediately, but it would disrupt Song Mu's plan.

Therefore, after Song Mu quietly came to Shiyang County, he lived in seclusion at home, and only a few close people knew about Song Mu's return.

"Master, when you come back now, it's a good time to take a look at the current situation of Xuanyuan Academy. There have been many changes in the academy over the past year, especially the granting of the imperial court to Master. The mountain gate is almost broken by someone."

"The current Xuanyuan Academy is also famous."

At home in Shiyang County, Li Dong immediately came to visit after hearing Song Mu's return. He was chatting with Song Mu about the current situation in the house, and his eyebrows were beaming for a while.

Song Mu just listened to the other party's introduction of the current situation, nodded slightly at this moment, and then spoke to the other party.

"It seems that the academy is on the right track. I don't know how the style of study is now?"

"According to the master's instructions, several lectures and debates will be held in the academy every month. The students actively participate in it, and it is also very lively."

Li Dong talked to Song Mu like this, but he frowned slightly, and continued talking with a slightly lonely expression.

"It's just that after the incident in Lin'an Mansion, the situation has changed a bit. During those days, the disciples in this academy discussed it fiercely, and it even aroused the indignation of everyone in several lectures. For this matter, I spent a lot of time with all the masters. It took a lot of effort to finally suppress it."

"It's just that these students' blood is surging, and if they press down, they don't know whether it is good or bad."

Hearing this, Song Mu also raised his eyebrows, which was expected by Song Mu. After all, most of the students who came to Xuanyuan Academy to study agreed with Song Mu's theory, so they were naturally filled with righteous indignation about this kind of thing.

Speaking of this, Li Dong also looked up at Song Mu and said.

"Master, I don't know what can you do to deal with this matter?"

"Now that you have created the School of Ci, you are famous all over the world. These countless students also respect you very much. At this time..."

Song Mu also nodded silently at this moment, and spoke now.

"Your Highness is right to be thinking this way. Speaking of which, when I was in Chang'an, His Majesty was also in the court for a round of this matter. At that time, I also felt that this matter was inappropriate, so I agreed to resolve it myself."

Li Dong's expression changed when he heard this, but he didn't expect Song Mu to take over this matter alone, and it seemed that he was going to concentrate on solving this matter this time.

Li Dong was confused for a while, but Song Mu explained.

"I don't know when this dispute of schools has broken away from the dispute of rationality. These students are eager to learn, but it is really regrettable that this dispute of schools wastes all their energy."

Li Dong nodded solemnly, this was something that Li Dong was extremely distressed about, and Song Mu was willing to deal with it, so Li Dong felt relieved.

After all, Song Mu's prestige is in full swing now, and he has a detached position in the hearts of these students.

Song Mu, on the other hand, was contemplative at the moment, before speaking to Li Dong after a while.

"I've also thought about it for a long time. This matter can't be achieved without persuasion. Since it is a dispute between schools, let's have a fair debate between schools."

"A school debate?"

Li Dong straightened up, looked at Song Mu with interest and said.

"But master, are these schools willing to come?"

Song Mu nodded, his eyes were very calm at the moment, and he spoke immediately.

"For the matter of Lin'an, there must be a surge of thoughts in various schools. Such an invitation must come back."

"It's only natural that there are many schools of thought in Wen Dao today, but after all, everything changes and remains the same. Some disputes are really unnecessary."

"I also hope that this time the barriers in everyone's hearts can be resolved, and Wen Chao's writing will be smooth in the future."

Seeing Song Mu's emotional words, Li Dong also knew at this moment that Song Mu must have full confidence in this matter, and immediately nodded heavily, with a lot of expectation on his face.

"Then I will start preparing immediately and wait for that day to come."

Song Mu also nodded with a smile, looked at Li Dong again at this moment, and asked.

"Speaking of which, the Xuanyuan Academy has been improved under His Royal Highness's management. During that period, I hardly asked any questions. I wonder if His Highness has any doubts about this academy?"

Hearing Song Mu's question, Li Dong frowned slightly, and then said to Song Mu.

"The current situation of the academy is the result of the master and all the masters teaching each other with all their money. But speaking of it, I do have one thing, I am quite confused, and I would like to ask the master to explain it."

Song Mu signaled Li Dong to continue.

"This is actually a group of craftsman's books that Huaitong sent from Yingzhou not long ago, saying that they are the words of the master, and the net can pass on this ingenious thing in the academy."

"In this case, we need to hire a few craftsmen to teach, and we don't know anything about them. Why do we need to learn from the academy and what use is it to our practice?"

Song Mu's expression was calm when he heard the other party's doubts, and he just nodded and said.

"The matter His Highness said was indeed what I told Huai Tong to do, as for what happened..."

"Your Highness, let me ask you, why do all the scholars in the world study so hard?"

After a moment of silence, Li Dong cupped his hands and said.

"Naturally, those four sentences that the master once said are the supreme truth for the scholars of our Wen Dynasty."

Song Mu nodded immediately when he heard such an explanation.

"Since what His Highness said, reading is for the life of our people, that is to say, everything we do should be for the sake of the common people in this world?"

Li Dong raised his head, but immediately nodded in agreement, while Song Mu continued.

"Then His Highness should also know that the current situation of the Wen Dynasty and the common people in this world, but if we try our best, can we save it?"

Li Dong paused and looked at Song Mu.

"When I meet a monster, I can fight to the death with all my might, but the people of the Wen Dynasty, in front of that monster, are nothing but a pile of blood and no threat at all."

"In this world, not everyone can control Wen power, so is there really no power that ordinary people can control, that can at least guarantee their safety for a while?"

Li Dong was stunned for a moment, but couldn't speak for a while, while Song Mu was just looking far away at the moment.

"All I want to do is to hope that this academy can study this amazing skill and create that kind of iron and wood weapons, so that at least the weak people of our Wen Dynasty can have the strength to fight."

"Not only that, but in the future when the Song family's poetry school will stand up, this ingenious knowledge should also be a knowledge that disciples must master."

Hearing this, Li Dong's eyes flashed with astonishment.


 Thanks to book friend Xueyin Poppy and book friend 20220407173200469 for their monthly support~~
(End of this chapter)

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