Chapter 744
Song Mu walked on the mountain road, followed by thousands of people and students.

Surrounded by everyone, Song Mu finally arrived in front of Xuanyuan Academy.

Today's Xuanyuan Academy has been expanded, but the mountain gate is not as impressive. On the contrary, from here, you can vaguely see the scene in the academy, a huge square, several long-dragon-style school buildings, winding corridors Pavilions stand among the twists and turns, and the library in the depths of the academy is shining brightly under the sunlight, and the plaque written on it also faintly reveals golden light.

In front of the mountain gate, the inscription "Words are used to carry the Tao, and virtues are carried" written on a boulder is very eye-catching and unusual, giving people a sense of solemnity and solemnity unconsciously.

It's just that seeing Xuanyuan Academy again, Song Mu actually felt a sense of enlightenment. He also took a deep breath at this moment, and immediately walked forward.

At this moment, the mountain roads around the academy were crowded with people, and they all watched Song Mu walk to the mountain gate of the academy.

In front of the mountain gate, Li Dong was already waiting with a group of teachers from the academy, and there were also many academy disciples in uniform standing around them, all of them looked respectful.

"Welcome Master Song back to the academy."

For a while, everyone bowed their hands and said, Song Mu also nodded slightly and then walked into the academy under Li Dong's signal.

Li Dong walked beside Song Mu and said softly to Song Mu.

"Master, the arrangements have been made now, but there may be too many people here."

As Li Dong said, his slightly frowning eyes looked at the students and common people who followed closely around him. He felt a little tricky for a while, but Song Mu calmly talked to the other party.

"It doesn't matter. Today's event is important after all. People in the world hope to witness it. Let's open the mountain gate and let everyone witness it."

When Li Dong heard this, he nodded solemnly to make arrangements, while Song Mu continued walking forward with Qin Gang and others.

Today's Qin Gang has also changed into a bright red robe, with a neat crown and hair. At this moment, he stood upright and twirled his beard and walked beside Song Mu. His eyes met Song Mu's, and he spoke.

"Jing Zhao, this time the situation is different from the past. The old guys here are not so easy to solve."

"Master, Mr. Song understands that today is a debate among a hundred schools of thought, and there must be constant debates. When it comes time, I will ask Master to say a few words, and smooth things over for me."

Qin Gang just stroked his beard and smiled, nodded and said.

"The old man is now teaching at Xuanyuan Academy, and if he is fortunate enough to participate in such a debate, he will naturally not let go of such an opportunity."

"However, today you can gather the literati from the world school, and what they value is actually your talent and learning."

As he said that, Qin Gang also looked at Song Mu, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"Jingzhao, let's see you fighting against the Confucians today, and you will be famous in history in the future."

Song Mu just smiled and cupped his hands, but the next moment he looked at the martial arts field in front of him, Song Mu also restrained the expression on his face, and walked forward with his head held high.

At this moment, in the extremely spacious martial arts arena, many shelves have been set up around, and there are also many students standing on this square, and they even crowded shoulder to shoulder for a while.

And when these people saw Song Mu's arrival, they all turned around and saw that many people saluted Song Mu with excited faces.

Song Mu also bowed his hands towards the crowd, and continued to go in steadily.

Walking into it, Song Mu also saw the freshness in it clearly, and his footsteps paused slightly.

I saw that in the center of the square, this place already covered with mats, there are already many people sitting at this moment, many of them are old men with high spirits, sitting cross-legged contentedly, seeing Song Mu coming Slightly opening his eyes, even some people turned a deaf ear to it, even unwilling to do it.

And beside them, there are quite a few literati and students sitting neatly. These people wear the same robes, and they are all imposing, and they can be recognized at a glance as members of this school. They are very special in this place. bright.

Song Mu glanced over these people, and knew that today's school debate was to argue with these people.

But apart from these people, Song Mu also saw some different figures.

These people are literati from Shizong, and there are many descendants from aristocratic families. Song Mu saw a few familiar faces among them, and he was stunned at the moment.

In this debate, Song Mu did not invite these people.

But soon Song Mu was relieved of this, this kind of debate has already shocked Yu Wenchao, and these poets and children of aristocratic families who have always been exploring the way of writing will never miss it.

Song Mu bowed slightly towards these people at the moment, and then stepped into the field.

There was a lot of people around for a while, but when Song Mu stood still and looked around, the voices of these people fell down one after another at this moment, and then pairs of eyes looked at Song Mu one after another.

Song Mu looked around, with a calm expression on his face, he cupped his hands and said loudly.

"Thank you for coming to my Xuanyuan Academy today and participating in this school debate. Song is very grateful."

"Today's Xuanyuan Academy's grand meeting is Song's. Over the years, he has heard many conflicts between schools in this world. Not long ago, there was even a bloody dispute. It is really distressing."

"Song Mu was obsessed with cultivation, but he ignored this matter, but Song never asked his master to give his strength to Wenchao, and to find the path to the perfection of our human race. Therefore, today Song Mu is determined to do this. Do something."

While Song Mu was speaking, the people around were all listening intently at the moment, only those from the schools looked calm or disdainful, but they didn't interrupt Song Mu's words indiscriminately.

"For this reason, Song Mu thought of a lot of ways to try to solve the dispute, but in the end he was still biased and could not be regarded as the right way. Therefore, after thinking about it, Song thought that the best thing was to get along with everyone. The school held a literary meeting together to discuss the literary and moral affairs of this school, and also solved the heresy, and found common ground and made progress together, helping our Wen Dynasty to prosper."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of those people from the school were twitchy. The word "seeking common ground and making progress together" made their eyes shine, but this time they also understood what the debate was going to be like.

At the moment, Song Mu also bowed his hands to the surroundings, asking the representatives of these schools to stand up and speak, and introduce the origin of this school and the knowledge it follows.

Someone stood up immediately, and among these people, many of them were celebrities of the Wen Dynasty, and they were well-known literati. Such a speech naturally caused a shock in the field, and Song Mu also took this opportunity to get to know the heroes among them .

The first person to stand up to speak is the descendant of Confucius, and Yan Shenggong of the Hanlin realm Confucianism. As a saint, he follows Confucianism and Taoism. It is the purest sage school. It advocates respecting Confucius, Limeng, and requires disciples to explore and develop the ancient books of the sages. , very prestigious in the north of the Wen Dynasty.

Then there are many schools from various regions of the Wen Dynasty, all of which have made some achievements, the Poetry School of Zhongzhou, the Scenery School of Bashu... They are all gathered here today, and we can also see the prosperity of the Wen Dynasty School .

Among them, Song Mu also saw the retro faction from Lin'an Mansion. The representative of this faction was an old man surnamed Qian named Qian Jun. Therefore, the retro school in China is very prosperous.

This Qian Jun's words were gentle and profound, and he quoted the words of the sage in three sentences, but his eyes were a little sharp, and he looked a little displeased when he glanced at Song Mu and the students of the middle practice school. Even a little gloomy.

After such a speech, there was a lot of discussion in this field, and the speeches of many schools also opened the eyes of the students.

Seeing that all the schools had been introduced, Song Mu also took over the topic, and now he bowed his hands respectfully to everyone and said.

"Sure enough, my Wenchao school's style of writing is prosperous, and it sounds quite emotional now. I think it must be a wonderful day to come to this school's debate today."

Saying so, someone spoke at the moment.

"Sir Song, I have talked about the feelings of each school, but I don't know what is the situation of Master Song's practical school?"

After the voice fell, everyone turned their heads to look at him immediately.


 Thanks to book friends Xueyin Poppy and En is calling me for their monthly support~~
(End of this chapter)

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