Chapter 751
Li Dong was also surprised to see Song Mu's actions like this, but he immediately stepped forward and followed them to the depths of the courtyard.

At this moment, Wang Ruhu and a few Mongolian boys had already stood there among them, and now they all bowed their hands to Song Mu.

Song Mu also immediately cupped his hands with a smile, and then spoke to Wang Ruhu.

"Ruhu, as a teacher today, I am waiting to hear good news from you."

Wang Ruhu also immediately looked excited, and immediately talked to Song Mu excitedly.

"Returning to Master, Ruhu has screened fifteen teenagers from Shiyang County in the past year, and nine of them have achieved success in their studies, and the rest will also be able to learn in time."

"Today I am here to report back to Master."

As Wang Ruhu said this, several Mongolian children around him also came out and hand in hand with Song Mu.

These ten-year-old Mengtong were all nervous at the moment, but they also kowtowed to Song Mu one after another.

Song Mu glanced over everyone one by one, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"In that case, Ruhu, let me see how it turns out."

Wang Ruhu nodded immediately, and directed the boys to stand away in the courtyard.

At this time, Li Dong, who walked next to Song Mu, was even more puzzled when he saw such a scene. Although he knew that Wang Ruhu had recruited a group of Mongolian children this year, he never allowed himself to ask about the matter. Said it was arranged by Song Mu, so Li Dong didn't go too far to inquire about it.

Therefore, Song Lidong looked curiously at the moment, only to see these students standing still one after another, but at this moment, each of them took out the paper from their hands and began to recite the poems on it.

It was probably Wang Wei and others' poems describing the scenery. Li Dong didn't feel any difference when he heard the sound of reading aloud, but the next moment, Li Dong's eyes suddenly widened.

Because at this moment, he saw that the ground under the feet of these students had changed, and flowers and plants were exposed and blooming on the courtyard paved with green bricks.

Li Dong shook his head in disbelief, while Song Mu, who was sitting beside him, showed a somewhat relieved look on his face at this moment.

After a while, these Meng boys were struggling to recite the poems, so Wang Ruhu asked everyone to stop, but Li Dong saw that the flowers and plants that had been growing wildly disappeared immediately.

At this moment, Li Dong suddenly realized something, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Very good, Ruhu. In just one year, Mengtong can reach this level. I am very pleased with my teacher."

Wang Ruhu was also very excited when he heard these words, Song Mu encouraged him again, and took out a booklet from his hand and stuffed it into the opponent's hand.

Wang Ruhu kept nodding his head, seemed satisfied, bowed his hands to Song Mu and Li Dong, and then led the group of boys back.

Li Dong stood aside and watched the situation, but the look of surprise on his face did not disappear. Seeing the backs of those people leaving, Li Dong looked at Song Mu and asked in surprise.

"Master, is this... Nianli?"

Song Mu also turned his head to look, but nodded with a smile at the moment, while Li Dong looked at Song Mu in disbelief, and exclaimed at the moment.

"How is this possible, this is..."

"Does mental power need a talent to make a pair? Your Highness, you should have known the situation before."

Li Dong looked at Song Mu when he heard this, but still said with a look of surprise on his face.

"Master, of course I know that you have the means to give Tong Sheng the power of thought, but I thought it was Wang Ruhu's fluke, but today..."

This is also why Li Dong couldn't help being surprised. He thought that Wang Ruhu was so talented that he became a talent in Song Mu's hands because of the power of thought, but he never expected that one day, all the people Meng Tong can actually have thoughts in his body.

At this moment, shock filled Li Dong's mind, but Song Mu showed a faint smile, looked at the other party and said.

"Your Highness, let me just say it directly. I got this method from the relics of my ancestors. After decades of exploration, I have come to this day."

"In this way, it can be regarded as not humiliating the ancestors, and it can be regarded as truly seeing the majestic power of this thought."

"After thinking about it, this should also be my Song family, no, the foundation of the Song family's CI school."

Li Dong just looked at Song Mu in astonishment, he didn't know what to say for a moment, according to what Wang Ruhu said, the boys he selected could show their power of thought in a matter of time, how come this rare thing can be easily obtained in an instant.

Countless thoughts exploded in Li Dong's mind. At this moment, a scene has been brewing in his mind. After the Ci sect stands up, everyone will be in a strange situation when the Song Ci sect's children make a move. Every one of the Quartet will be the best literati in the world.

"Master, this..."

Li Dong was filled with emotion for a moment, but Song Mu looked at Li Dong again and asked again.

"Didn't Your Highness just want to ask me about the ingenuity? The reason lies in this."

Li Dong was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't understand something at this moment, but in the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Song Mu with a burning gaze.

"Master, you shouldn't be, you want people in this world to..."

Song Mu also nodded at this moment, and explained to the other party with deep eyes at this moment.

"That's right, Your Highness, this is Song's plan when he was young. Mind power is actually not as rare as writing power. Over the years, I also know some ways to transform mind power. If the world has great power Countless, with the help of ingenuity, everyone has the power to fight, so why should the demon be afraid?"

"It was only today that I finally dared to let go and do it."

Song Mu said frankly, he seemed to have seen that day in his eyes, the Song family's method of cultivating mind power spread all over the world, and the Song family's Ci School would also become a place of yearning for countless people.

Li Dong was stunned by this series of news for a while and couldn't speak. At this moment, he could only look at Song Mu. After a moment of silence, he straightened his body, and then saluted Song Mu respectfully.

"It turns out that Master has such a farsightedness. Li Dong is short-sighted. Please forgive me, Master."

Song Mu smiled and wanted to shake his head. Although this matter is beautiful, how to make it all succeed in the future has to be done in order.

But Song Mu didn't dare to imagine the day when ordinary people really have the strength to fight.

After Li Dong left, Song Mu sat in the small courtyard. Song Mu looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.

"Ancestor, master, please allow Song Mu to do such things. If the world is safe, it will be the road to great harmony."

Time flies, and for the next three years, Song Mu has been teaching in Shiyang County. Xuanyuan Academy is now well-known and has become a famous school in this world.

Among them, there are many rumors about Song Mu Cizong, but until now, Song Mu still has not expressed his position to start building Cizong, which has also caused a lot of speculation in the world.

Until this day, Song Mu was teaching a few young children to read the "Three Character Classic" in the private school of the ancestral hall. The next moment, the book in his hand shook suddenly, and the words in it suddenly flashed golden light. Not only that, but the books in the hands of the people around him also had golden light move.

Song Mu noticed the strangeness and looked outside the house, but saw a sudden surge of energy in the blue sky. At this moment, it was constantly gathering and surging in the air, and the next moment, there was the sound of thunder, like the sound of a bell. Come.

But at the next moment, countless streams of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and those streams of light continued to move, and unexpectedly, they carved magnificent characters in the sky without knowing it.

Those words are like a red cloud cover, bringing a kind of power that can block the sky and the sun.

Song Mu's eyes widened suddenly when he saw the situation, and he murmured at this moment.

"This is Lord Yan, a breakthrough."

It is often recorded in the annals of the Wen Dynasty that seven-colored flowing clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the sound of rushing thunder was like a torrent of thunder, and the words of the books in the four directions shone with golden light.


(End of this chapter)

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