Chapter 755
When Song Mu opened his arms and landed on the square with all his strength, the surrounding vibrations came to his ears for a moment, making Song Mu feel even more dazed at the moment.

This was a scene that Song Mu had imagined countless times in his mind in the past. This scene was just like the mood he had when he became the number one scholar at that time.

All the eyes from around were amazed and admired, and everyone was cheering for themselves.

I have become the focus of everyone's attention, and all this is admiration from the heart.

At this moment, Song Mu stood on the square, his eyes swept over the people around him, and his expression was touched for a moment.

This life has been running around for more than [-] years, escaped from death countless times, and carried on the great wish of the ancestors and masters, all for today.

The sound of the bronze bell came to the ears at this moment, and there was already a ritual official from the sect, who was guiding Song Mu forward.

The front of the square here leads to the main hall of the Song Clan of Ci, where the establishment of the Song Clan will be announced, and Song Mu will also write an inscription for this number one Ci Clan in the world, so as to boost the world Student morale.

Song Mu walked forward alone under the notice of the ceremonial officer. At this moment, on the long road paved with white marble, both sides were full of literati from all over the place, and countless of them were familiar with each other. .

At this moment, these people were also watching Song Mu moving forward, and seeing Song Mu's high spirits at this moment, everyone was full of admiration.

Everyone in the world imagines that the literature and Taoism will stand upright, and everyone in the world wants to make contributions and establish a school.

But throughout the ages, such characters are heroes of the country, which are hard to come by in a hundred years, but today, the person in front of him is this hero who is the best in the world.

This literati who is the most famous in the world is not only capable of both civil and military skills, but also has a heart for the world. With such a towering sect, it must be extremely dazzling in the future.

Some of them took this as an opportunity, and hoped that after the establishment ceremony, they would have a chat with this high-spirited Song Mu, so that future generations would be able to join the Song Clan of Ci, and they could get a glimpse of this in the future. Wait for Albert.

It's just that at this time they suddenly noticed that Song Mu's forward steps stopped for a while, and then he walked towards the crowd next to him.

At this moment, everyone looked at one after another, but they saw Song Mu bowing his hands towards one of them, and that person was Yan Fu.

The two seemed to have exchanged a few words, and Yan Fu walked out with a smile on his beard, and then Song Mu bowed his hands towards the crowd on both sides, and several people walked behind Song Mu.

Everyone saw who those people were, the great scholar Yan Fu, Qi Wang Li Dong, the great scholar Qin Gang, and Song Mu's two Jinshi sons, as well as several people who were in the Jinshi Juren realm.

At this moment, they were following Song Mu, walking on the road to the main hall of Song Clan Ci.Everyone had a bit of excitement on their faces, but they all held their heads high.

This long road has a special meaning, but at this moment Song Mu recruited all these people to go forward together, but it also showed the situation.

People around all cast their eyes on the person among them, but at this moment they also understand it in their hearts, and they are even more envious.

These people are the background of the Song Clan's Ci School in the future. This newly established sect already has transcendent strength.

Not only that, but many people's eyes fell on the position near the two sides of the main hall. Standing there are representatives of various poetry schools, and some people have counted carefully in their hearts. The towering poetry schools in this world today No one was there.

It was the Tao Shizong who was extremely secretive. The person who watched the ceremony sent this time was actually a saint just like Li Du Shizong.

This kind of situation has already shown that they attach importance to Song Mu invisibly, and it has also made everyone realize what the Song family's Ci School will be like in the future.

At this moment, Song Mu didn't care about these things. He walked forward together with his close friends and family members, and Song Mu felt a little excited in his heart at this moment.

That proud hall stands in front of him, this is the hall of the Song Clan's Ci School.

The place under his feet is his sect.

This was an extremely exciting honor, and it also made Song Mu understand that from now on, he would also shoulder a heavier burden.

As a poet of the Wen Dynasty, there are thousands of expectations gathered, and the long road is still long.

Before Song Mu walked slowly to the main hall, there were already countless people gathered around. Song Mu stood still and turned to look around at this moment.

The faces of countless people came into view, and Song Mu was deeply moved for a while, and the sound in the scene gradually stopped, and after a while, everything was completely silent, only the clear and crisp birdsong in the mountains occasionally sounded.

Song Mu cupped his hands towards the surroundings immediately, his face surging, and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Song, for coming to watch the ceremony. This time, Song's Ci School is completed, and Song is very moved!"

"Thanks to the grace of the Holy God, my Song family in Shiyang has accumulated for hundreds of years, and this day finally comes. This is the glory of my Song family, but it also depends on the favor of scholars all over the world."

"The journey of Ci writing has been extraordinary now. Song also hopes to do something for this. In the future, he will work with you all for my literary dynasty, and then explore the literary way!"

Cheers erupted all around, and many people looked at each other in blank dismay, but at this moment they understood the great wish Song Mu had in his heart, and everyone had great expectations for the Song Clan.

At that moment, the official of ceremonies stepped forward to read the royal text, announcing the establishment of the Song Clan of Ci in the world. After Song Mu received the imperial decree, he stepped forward at this moment, and bowed his hands with all the saints who came to watch the ceremony.

"Sovereign Song, after today, I will have to wait and see."

Du Keqin stood on one side, smiling and handcuffing Song Mu at the moment, with infinite hope in his eyes.

"Song does not dare to live up to the saint's expectations."

Song Mu said in a deep voice, at this moment he and the people around him clasped their hands, and there were pens, ink, papers and inkstones lined up on the table in front of them, and everyone looked at them one after another.

It has long been an unwritten rule to inscription on the opening ceremony of the sect, and today everyone wants to see what kind of poems Song Mu will make in order to be worthy of the status of today's Song family's Ci sect.

Song Mu took a deep breath at this moment, and immediately took a step forward.

Looking at the prosperity in front of him, Song Mu's mind once again flashed the past years, waking up in a desolate home, bravely climbing the road of literature and Taoism, studying the world with his master, and fighting countless demons in the world.

Today's prosperity comes from yesterday's suffering, and Song Mu's heart is filled with emotion.

The next moment, Song Mu held the ink pen in his hand, and his eyes suddenly became extremely focused, and the ink fell on the paper at this moment.

As the words fell, someone next to them immediately began to read aloud, and the people around them also listened attentively.

"Hungry mice around the bed, bats dancing on the lanterns. On the house, the pine wind blows the torrential rain, and the torn paper windows talk to themselves."

The Shangque Ci was first completed, and everyone paused after hearing it. At this moment, they only felt that they saw a desolate place from the words, but immediately looked at each other in blank dismay. At this moment, it was clear that this was Song Mu's past years.

But now Song Mu is still writing like a dragon and snake. When he wrote the last sentence, he paused slightly, but there was a sudden firmness in his eyes, and he wrote heavily.

"I spent my whole life in the north and south of the Yangtze River, and when I came back, my face was full of glory. I was clothed with autumn night and dreamed, and there were thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in front of me."

With the completion of the lower gate, at this moment, I can only see the intense literary spirit rippling on the paper, and at this time Song Mu raised his eyes slightly, looking at the people around him at this moment.

Everyone was at a loss when they heard this que ci. Some people only felt that they heard a bit of sadness, but some people heard the scene of Song Mu's life.

The last sentence of Wanli Jiangshan suddenly made people feel that Song Mu still had the ambition in his heart.

Song Mu looked at the Ci in front of him at the moment, and felt quite emotional in his heart.

This was originally Xin Qiji's miserable and helpless work, but at that moment when thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, he felt that the miserable meaning suddenly dissipated.

Today, the school of Ci is towering, but I can't stop my footsteps. After all, I always look up and see it. Try thousands of miles.

Song Mu took a deep breath again, and at this moment swiped ink to fill in the title of the poem.

"Qing Ping Le Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains in Front of My Eyes"

The title of the word stood up, and the next moment everyone saw a sudden vibration on the page, and then a burst of violent literary energy gushed out.

Everyone exclaimed one after another. At this moment, only the words on the page suddenly floated up. The original black words were shining with golden light at this moment.

Especially the last sentence, the golden light is shining at this moment, and with Song Mu waving his hand the next moment, the page shattered, but the poem fell slowly, and fell directly into the mountain at this moment.

When the words faded away, I saw golden lights all around, and the sound of humming suddenly entered my ears, and a large formation of mountain guards had risen in front of my eyes.

The words were formed in an array, and everyone felt the sudden abundance of literary power around them, and they all exclaimed for a while.

Song Mu looked at the situation in front of him, and his expression was filled with emotion.

"From now on, in the Wen Dynasty, there will be a Ci School named Song's Ci School."


(End of this chapter)

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