Chapter 757
The voice suddenly resounded, and everyone in the mountain gate was stunned.

The next moment, the big formation that the sect had just fallen was touched, but under the impact of such monster energy, it seemed to be shaking at this moment.

Song Mu looked up, and his face was gloomy for a while, because Song Mu was very familiar with this voice, even the saints next to him frowned, and the next moment they looked into the dark cloud, only to see that there was already someone in it. A figure was revealed.

It was the black water demon boy.

At this moment, the black water demon boy's gaze became much sharper, even faintly more coercive, and at this moment, its gaze quickly fell on Song Mu.

"Congratulations, Sect Master Song."

Song Mu didn't say anything, but Yan Fu next to him stepped forward at the moment, looked directly at the other party and said in a deep voice.

"Black Water Demon Boy, today is the opening day of my Song Clan's Ci School. If you dare to act recklessly, this old man will definitely fight you."

The black water demon boy in the sky smiled faintly when he heard this, his eyes swept over Yan Fu, but there was a bit of contempt in his eyes, and he spoke immediately.

"I think you are the newly promoted Confucian of the Wen Dynasty, but if you fight with me, you may not be ready."


At that moment, another voice sounded, and the person who spoke was that Tao Lingdong, looking at the Black Water Demon Boy, he said with displeasure.

"Heishui, if you mess around today, I wonder if this old man is qualified to fight with you?"

Hearing those words, the black water demon boy stood on top of Song Mu's formation, and at this moment only sneered a few times, but the evil spirit around him gradually dissipated, and then he just looked down and said in a deep voice.

"I'm too lazy to argue so much with you. I came here today to give gifts."

As the black water demon boy said so, something suddenly appeared in his hand, it was a crystal clear crystal ball, with amber light shining in it.

"Today, I would like to congratulate Song Zongzhu for the success of Ci Zong."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions were stunned. Song Mu also stepped forward slightly with a serious face, and said with cupped hands.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to receive a congratulatory gift from Donghai once my School of Ci was established. Song was a little curious."

The black water demon boy just showed an evil smile, and the next moment he threw the crystal ball over with his hands.

Seeing the crystal ball flying towards Song Mu, this time it was also a source of strength, a righteous aura immediately enveloped it, and the crimson light wiped away the demonic aura in the next moment.

Seeing Song Mu's actions, the black water demon boy just snorted coldly at this moment, and Song Mu had already held the thing in his hand, and was aroused in front of everyone at this moment.

Just when the crystal ball was activated, there was a sound of dragon whistling, and the sound shook the surroundings. At this moment, the expressions of all the guests in this sect changed, and the power in their bodies could not help agitation.

Even the expressions of the saints standing beside Song Mu changed, and the power on their bodies came out majesticly. Yan Fu turned his head abruptly, this time looking directly at the black water demon boy, and immediately shouted angrily .


"Don't worry, I, Donghai, won't use indiscriminate means to kill people. Besides, you, Song Mu, are not so easy to be killed."

The black water demon boy said something lightly, but at this moment his body suddenly rose into the air, and at the same time he opened his mouth and said to Song Mu.

"Song Mu, this is what my dragon god said, you have to keep it."

"See you next time, I want to learn about your awe-inspiring righteousness."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the black water demon boy disappeared here immediately, and the dark clouds in the sky also dissipated immediately. Everyone was stunned when they saw this situation, but then they thought of something again and looked at Song Mu one after another.

All eyes were focused on the radiant crystal ball in Song Mu's hand.

Everyone heard what the black water demon boy said just now.

The roar of the dragon may have come from the Dragon God of the East China Sea.

Dragon God of the East China Sea, this is a monster that the world has never seen with its own eyes, but it surprises all literati.

Back then, the literati of the Wen Dynasty devoted themselves to the pursuit of this peak of writing, and when they were about to reach the peak, they encountered the Dragon God of the East China Sea, whose power was rippling, and everything turned into nothingness.

That is the ultimate power that has never been obtained in the world. With one breath, the mountains and seas are broken, and the world is turned upside down.

But these legendary monsters sent such items specially today.

The roar of the dragon on it had dissipated at this time, but there seemed to be a strange power in that roar. When the power rippled, everyone felt that the power around them was surging uncontrollably. Difficult to recover.

The dazzling light was still shining on the crystal ball, and it was reflected on Song Mu's face at this moment, and Song Mu was also looking at it with all his attention at this moment, and there was a change on his face for a while.

Several people around him noticed the change in Song Mu, and they all came forward one after another.

Song Mu also immediately raised his head and looked at everyone, then pushed the crystal ball in his hand forward.

Everyone looked puzzled, and looked intently at this moment, and when they saw the content above clearly, they also took a breath of air the next moment.

Written on it are eight big characters.

The war between the two clans begins today.

The horoscope is eye-catching, rushing into everyone's mind in an instant, and making everyone feel unbelievable for a while.

But seeing the words clearly again, Tao Lingdong and the others immediately looked at each other, and at this moment they all saw a little shock in their eyes, and then worry.

How could everyone have imagined that the monster clan of the East China Sea actually made a declaration of war on this day.

Moreover, these words were spoken by the Dragon God. In this way, there will be a bloody battle between the two clans.

In this era, there will be turmoil again.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the next moment Du Keqin stepped forward, pushed the crystal ball into Song Mu's arms, and whispered to Song Mu.

"Jing Zhao, this matter is no small matter, please don't make too much noise, I will inform the imperial court immediately to see what is going on outside of the Kyushu."

Saying this, the others nodded one after another, this time Tao Lingdong also looked at Song Mu, and said in a deep voice.

"Sovereign Song, if this is true, there will be great chaos in the world after this, but you should not pay too much attention to it. The matter of Ci Zong is related to the future of our Wen Dynasty."

Song Mu also nodded cautiously, and said in a very serious manner at this moment.

"You saints, please rest assured that this matter, Song Clan Cizong and I will do our best to prevent the demons from succeeding in this way."

Everyone nodded one after another, and immediately flew into the sky, only to disappear in the next moment as streams of light.

Several saints left suddenly, causing all the guests in the sect to look different, and they were alert for a moment that there might be changes, but when they looked at Song Mu again, they saw him bowing his hands calmly.

"But it made everyone laugh. After the enmity between Song and this demon clan, today he was taken down by someone."

"You don't need to worry, my Ci Zongli is not based on a false name, but on our strength."

Song Mu comforted everyone in this way, and immediately called everyone to go to the main hall to continue preparing for the dinner.

The sect was calm for a while, Song Mu stood outside the hall, looking into the sky at this moment, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

"It seems that this time, it is really immortal."

Song Mu frowned fiercely, but the expression on his face became even more gloomy.

Because when he activated the crystal ball, when the sound of Long Xiao spread, a sentence rushed into Song Mu's mind.

That's what the Dragon God said.

He said that Song Mu holding the pure sky star is the first disaster of the monster clan, and it will be eliminated in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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