Chapter 762

Song Liwen looked at the phantoms that suddenly changed in front of him, and his face became more frightened.

Only now did he finally realize that Song Mu's ever-changing methods were more terrifying than he thought.

Although I was able to restrain the other party's literary strength and righteousness, I never thought that the other party's mind power would open up, and the power was even more terrifying than that year.

Song Liwen, who stood up again, pretended to be shocked and looked at it. At this moment, he was eagerly looking for the opening of this foreign land. As long as he broke free from here, the situation would turn around again.

But before Song Liwen found a flaw, those phantoms in armor were already coming towards him.

The attack came at the next instant, and every time these phantoms, which were cloaked in strength and sharpness, fell, the earth would shake and the mountains would shake. among.

The ability to swallow literary power lost its effect here, and at this moment Song Liwen roared in his heart again and again.

Several phantoms struck alternately, and the next moment those phantoms swung their long swords one after another, and the phantom's sword tip directly pierced all parts of Song Liwen's golem.

The demon energy that condensed the golem loosened at this moment, even on the verge of slackening!

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Song Liwen also roared suddenly at this moment, and the broken golem also roared at this moment, but Song Mu's cold snort responded to all this.

"Arrogant and bloodthirsty, you should have known this day!"

Song Mu's voice sounded in the mouths of several phantoms surrounding the golem, and the voice reached Song Liwen's ears, which stimulated Song Liwen's nerves even more.

And at this moment, Song Liwen only saw sword poems rising from the virtual images beside him again, those words shone with strange light, and when the smile was on the virtual images, a sense of sharpness came out of his body.

Those phantoms also immediately waved their weapons, sword lights rushed out, and all of them landed on the golem without missing a beat.

The turbulent attack was mixed with violent vibrations, and it was suddenly saved. At this moment, Song Liwen finally couldn't hold the golem. At this moment, there were streaks of light shining from the hideous golem, and the next moment, the devilish energy dissipated.

The palms of several phantoms were all moving towards Song Liwen's body, but at this moment Song Liwen suddenly withdrew all his magic power, and red light shone in his bewitching eyes.

"Damn Song Mu, damn! Damn!"

Song Liwen shouted suddenly, looking at the palms falling from the sky at this moment, those blood-red eyes showed madness, and the next moment he reached out and hammered his chest violently.

Blood spat out from its mouth, and the sound of devilish energy suddenly wrapped it, but it began to stir violently.

Song Liwen snorted, and the devilish energy mixed with blood was sucked into his body fiercely, and immediately his whole body began to turn red, and water vapor rose from his body!

Seeing this, Song Mu also paused suddenly, because at this moment, Song Mu had actually detected the evil spirit in Song Liwen.

More and more violent demonic aura!
When Song Mu took a closer look, he saw that Song Liwen's figure began to swell violently, and at the same time, various fine hairs began to grow all over his body.

The Yaoqi didn't know when to wrap it, the color was bright red, but Song Liwen let out a fierce roar, and then laughed crazily.

The sound shook the entire foreign land, and the palms of several phantoms fell at this moment, but they only slapped away the monster aura on their bodies.

Under the demonic aura, there is an extremely strange figure.

This body has sharp claws, the chest is brown and black hair, the lower body is a tiger body, and a tiger tail is still swinging behind it.

Suddenly there was a howl of a wolf, and on top of the monster body was a wolf's head with ferocious fangs, but the hundred-foot-foot monster body curled up slowly.

However, Song Mu noticed that the demonic aura on his body was still rising, and he was not weaker than a demon emperor at this moment. His heart froze, and he urged his thoughts again, and the phantoms shot without hesitation!

But in the next moment, there was a roaring sound that resembled a man and a wolf, and all I could see was the demonic aura above the monster body, and a pair of long wings suddenly spread out behind the hideous and terrifying monster body!
The eagle's wings were exposed, and the monster body at this moment looked even more crazy and strange. The bubbling monster energy was vibrating in the strange world, but the next moment, the wind and clouds were stirring, and the monster body soared into the sky.

The eagle wings whipped up a gust of wind, and at this moment the demon body directly rushed towards one of the phantoms.

The sharp bear claws fell, and the tiger's tail swept away suddenly. The phantoms suddenly retreated under such brute force attacks, and cracks were exposed in an instant.

Song Mu continued to urge the phantoms around him to launch a series of attacks, but the attacks swept away, but the next moment they were directly blocked by Song Liwen's demon body.

At this moment, what Song Liwen displayed was not a virtual image, but a real body, with a demonic and overbearing aura.

"Song Mu, I underestimated you, but today's strange land can't trap me!"

Song Liwen roared and said, a bit of determination flashed in the eyes of the demon body, and the next moment it became more demonic, and at this moment it rushed towards Song Mu's two phantoms again.

Phantom faced the attack, but was grabbed by Song Liwen the next moment, soaring into the sky, and then roared fiercely.

The eagle's wings fluttered and countless attacks fell, but Song Liwen flew high with wings.

The wolf head spat out an attack, and hit the sky directly, faintly about to shatter.

Song Mu raised his head and stared, his expression stopped immediately, and he no longer hid his figure, standing on top of a phantom, raised his head and shouted.

"Go away!"

Song Mu immediately turned over in his hand, with the long sword in his hand, and completed every line of poetry again.

What was written at this moment was Tao Yuanming's poems, and the foreign land suddenly became more solid, and phantoms on the ground jumped up one after another at this moment, several lightsabers closed together, and drew a line to attack Song Liwen's demon body.

Seeing this, Song Liwen was anxious, but the action of bombarding the sky with his hands never stopped. The next moment the sky was rippling, and the daytime scene suddenly disappeared.

The night shrouded again, but Song Liwen had no time to be happy, Song Mu's attack came suddenly, a strong light bloomed on the monster's body, and Song Liwen roared to the sky.

The roar shook the sky, Song Liwen was terrified at this moment, he didn't want to fight any more, he tried to escape with the pain, but he heard an angry reprimand from behind.

"Where do you want to go today?!"

Song Liwen looked sideways slightly, but saw several phantoms standing in the dark sky at this moment, and Song Mu stood impressively in it, surrounded by words at this moment.

The next moment, Song Mu waved his arm, and the countless words rushed out, and at the same time, a chain of words began to rush out from among the phantoms, heading towards Song Liwen one after another.

But at this moment, these phantoms are full of literary power.

Song Liwen's eyes widened, but he didn't have time to think about the reason, his figure fled away quickly, but the next moment his figure stopped suddenly.

Because right in front of him, a phantom appeared at some point, and that phantom slapped his palms, severely interrupting his fleeing figure.

But all this was not over yet, Song Liwen suddenly found that several phantoms appeared around him again, and after the phantoms arrived, they formed a faint encirclement.

Those fast-moving text chains also entangled at this moment, this time intertwined with these virtual images, and turned into a cage, covering Song Liwen.

Song Liwen fluttered his wings immediately, and was about to break through again, but suddenly there was a red light flashing on those chains, and the monster energy touched it, and it was instantly eroded!

At the same time, Song Mu had already arrived in front of the virtual image, and was glaring at Song Liwen at this moment.

"Today I will kill you!"

"I do what I say!"


 Thanks to book friends Zhenyan, Tianhuangxing, Elegant Sword--Chengying, Wannian Cat Demon, Flying Feather in the Snow, book friends 20180407112917780, and Kuangfeng Yiye for their monthly support~~
(End of this chapter)

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