Chapter 768
The Song Clan made a series of actions in the next few months.

Recruiting the children of the Poetry School from the School of Ci, forming a partnership with Du's School of Poetry, and absorbing Meng Tong to practice in the school, a series of actions, coupled with the cooperation of Xuanyuan Academy, solved the problem of the lack of disciples in the school in a short time .

Then there were books donated by the imperial court, printed by Yingxuefang, publicized by the Practice Society, and supported by a group of officials from Jiangnan West who grew up under Song Mu Fuze.

What's more, Song Mu has been famous for decades, and Song's Ci School is an existence that countless people yearn for.

In this way, the Song Ci School ushered in a golden period of development, which not only relieved the urgent needs of the Ci School, but also finally allowed Song Mu to breathe a sigh of relief and focus on himself.

Now Song Mu, who is an eighth-rank university scholar, has already been regarded as the peak combat power in the Wen Dynasty, but when he fought Song Liwen that day, Song Mu also knew that he was lacking. If his strength could not be improved, he would meet him in the future It will only be a more brutal battle.

For this reason, Song Mu is also working hard to find his own way of breakthrough.

That day Song Mu walked out of the study, but now he sighed and sat in the courtyard, muttering to himself.

"Sure enough, as Yan Lao said, at this point, every time you move forward, it will be difficult."

Song Mu also expressed a little helplessness about this at the moment. At this level of strength, he can break through no longer just reading books, and the library in his mind contains a large number of books, which is enough to benefit him for a long time.

Right now Song Mu was not going to worry about this anymore. Yesterday Li Dong said that Xuanyuan Academy's women's college was completed, and Song Mu also decided to go to see the situation.

This kind of women's college was completed only because of the joining of Du's School of Poetry. Song Mu also hoped that women would also become the mainstay in Song's School of Poetry in the future.

Right now Song Mu was about to go out, but the next moment Song Mu's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Because at this moment, Song Mu suddenly felt the literary power surge in his waist, and when he looked again, he found that it was the movement from the white jade scroll.

The next moment, a familiar voice sounded in Song Mu's mind.

"Your Excellency can be regarded as awakened. During the period of your deep sleep, it made me a little worried."

Song Mu said so in his heart at the moment, but Jie Zezhu who woke up just opened his mouth to explain.

"I just felt some changes again. This time I realized something in the stars, but I never thought that such a long time had passed."

"Your Excellency said you were worried, but you don't know what it is?"

That Jie Zezhu immediately asked a question, but Song Mu also sighed lightly at that moment, then looked around, turned around and returned to the study.

Sitting in the study, Song Mu spoke.

"To be honest, I received a message from Yaozu a few months ago."

"The powerful member of the East China Sea Monster Clan told me that it has discovered the secret of the core of the star in my body, and wants to kill it quickly."

Song Mu said with a full face of emotion, but Jie Zezhu was surprised when he heard this, and Song Mu asked.

"I would also like to ask Your Excellency, is it possible for outsiders to spy on the core of the star hidden in the white jade scroll?"

That Jie Zezhu was silent at the moment, and then spoke.

"If it also has a star similar to this one, I think this kind of induction will definitely exist."

Song Mu was startled when he heard this. He was sitting upright at the moment and asked in a deep voice.

"Then what you mean is..."

"After all, this star is not the only one. I have a relationship with the star, and I can sense many stars in this world. These things are connected with each other, and there will be an endless and wonderful connection."

"If it also has such a star, it has been cultivated for many years, and over time, it will definitely be able to feel the existence of other stars."

"Even if there is a mysterious space barrier, I don't think it is impossible."

Song Mu fell into silence for a while, according to what Jie Zezhu said, so what the Dragon God said was true.

And for Song Mu, this is really a dark night with a bright pearl, which will be watched by all parties.

But soon after, Jie Zezhu's voice sounded again.

"However, this is not inevitable. For example, today, when I sense the location of the star, it becomes blurred when it is a little farther away. Even with the help of the star, I may not be able to accurately know it."

One sentence immediately pulled Song Mu back from the abyss. Song Mu's expression brightened immediately, but immediately he said with a wry smile.

"Your Excellency may have underestimated that Dragon God. He is a mysterious figure beyond the realm of Confucianism. How do you compare?"

But at this moment, only Jie Zezhu's cold snort came from Song Mu's mind.

"Don't think of me as too useless. Although I was almost annihilated back then, it was because there was no sky star to accompany me. Now I am nourished by the sky star. I am different from that day."

"At this moment, my level of strength should not be weaker than what you call a great Confucian."

As soon as these words came out, Song Mu was also taken aback for a moment, and then he spoke in disbelief.

"Your Excellency, do you have such strength now?"

Jie Zezhu responded, but at the next moment Song Mu suddenly found that the white jade scroll on his waist had become very hot. At this moment, he quickly reached out to take it off, but saw a red light flashing out of it.

The rainbow light was extremely hot at first, but after a while it was only dazzling, the light flashed in front of Song Mu's eyes, and the next moment it fell on Song Mu's pen holder, and the light gradually became dim.

Song Mu looked intently, but saw a sudden change in the light, and the dazzling red light turned into a beautiful bird.

The whole body of this bird is fiery red, but blue flames rise from a pair of eyes, and the bright red tail feathers gradually change, just like a phoenix reborn from nirvana.

Seeing this situation, Song Mu also stood up immediately, but the fire bird in front of him spoke out.

"How do you feel about me now?"

Song Mu calmed down and let out a deep breath at this moment.

"Your Excellency can transform into such a form? Could it be that Your Excellency was once a monster pill?"

But Jie Zezhu said while flicking his feathers.

"Perhaps, after this deep sleep, I have such abilities. Maybe this thing is called the Golden Crow?"

"Golden Crow?"

Song Mu paused, and looked at the other party now, but at the moment he didn't know how to respond.

"Then Your Excellency..."

"Master Song, it's a bit awkward to call me like that, why don't you call me Xing from now on."

As he said that, Jie Zezhu jumped off the pen stand, looked at Song Mu with that agile gaze, and said.

"I have some things this time, and I need Mr. Song's help."

Song Mu didn't know, but Na Jie waved his wings, revealing the claw under his body.

"This Golden Crow's body seems to have changed a lot. I have a vague feeling that if I can grow three claws, it's time for me to go to the promised land."

Song Mu paused, but said with a slight frown.

"But I don't know what you need me to do?"

"Shards of the stars, massive amounts of shards of the stars."


 Thank you book friend ZHUHONGJI for your monthly ticket support~~
(End of this chapter)

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