Chapter 772
Song Mu and the tiger demon looked at each other, narrowing their expressions slightly.

This tiger demon is already at the peak of the demon commander, and in time will surely break through to the realm of the demon king. For such places, it is indeed a threat that cannot be underestimated.

It's just that Song Mu was surprised that when his thought power swept the surroundings far away, he didn't find the other party's trace, but only for a moment, the other party appeared here.

At this moment, the group of monsters led by the tiger demon also launched an attack on the surroundings at this time. The monsters at the level of monster soldiers and generals roared and rushed towards the lieutenant and others, but Song Mu stood on the ground with a calm expression. .

A wolf demon rushed towards Song Mu, Song Mu just turned his eyes, and a pressure surged out immediately, the wolf demon let out a miserable cry, fell to the ground and died.

And this kind of situation was immediately seen by the tiger demon, and it roared immediately, and came towards Song Mu without fear of death.

Maybe it was aware of Song Mu's current Jinshi level, and he was actually going to come head-to-head this time.

Song Mu was just rippling with coercion at the moment, seeing that the group of soldiers could still handle it for the time being, he suddenly exerted force under his feet.

In the next moment, several violent streaks of power rippled in the air, and at the same time, the roar of the tiger demon sounded again, but it retreated suddenly.

The tiger demon stared directly at Song Mu with fierce eyes, but suddenly turned his feet.

After just one blow, it immediately felt the extraordinary power of Song Mu's body, and it was about to retreat at this moment.

But before it could do anything, Song Mu had already appeared beside it again, clenched his fist with his right hand, and immediately hit its head hard.

The attack driven by Wenli made ripples, and the tiger demon also smashed to the ground like a falling stone at this moment, while Song Mu in the sky released a few bursts of Wenli at this moment.

That cultural power turned into a sharp blade and rushed directly into the bodies of several other monsters in the arena. They all died, and the battle came to an abrupt end.

The lieutenants who were in the fierce battle were also shocked when they saw this situation. They looked up at Song Mu, but saw Song Mu floating down, standing in the deep pit at the moment, waving his literary power to raise the broken body. Tiger demon.

In such a situation, the minds of several people were shaken, secretly praising that this is the power of literati.

At this moment, Song Mu was just looking at the muddy tiger demon, who was already at the end of his battle. Those tiger eyes looked at Song Mu, and barely squeezed out a few words from his mouth.

"Aren't you a literati here?"

Song Mu didn't speak to the other party, but just waved his writing power to make the tiger demon a little closer to him, and said lightly.

"Is there something here that is worth your life?"

Hearing this, the tiger demon seemed to have a narrow expression, but immediately looked at Song Mu viciously, Song Mu saw that he didn't speak, so he just let out a deep breath at the moment.

And the tiger demon suddenly widened his eyes in the next moment, trembling all over, and looked at Song Mu in horror.

" are not Jinshi..."

Before the words fell, the roar of the tiger came out of his mouth, and his figure also struggled violently in front of Song Mu.

Seeing this scene, the people next to them were also a little flustered, and stopped in their tracks.

At this moment, Song Mu's thoughts had penetrated into the opponent's mind, and he was carefully searching for all the memories in the tiger demon's mind.

Soon, Song Mu threw down the tiger demon who was only breathing, and then looked up at the lieutenant and the others.

The lieutenant's face tightened, and he tried to step forward to bow his hands, but he heard Song Mu's indifferent words.

"Take this guy back and return to his command. In addition, please tell Mr. Bao that the city should be put under immediate martial law. This situation is very wrong."

The lieutenant raised his head suddenly when he heard this, but saw that Song Mu had already risen into the sky, and the next moment he turned into a stream of light.

Song Mu, who was lifted into the air, looked serious at the moment, and immediately sent out all his thoughts to explore the surroundings.

Just under the investigation just now, Song Mu noticed the details of one thing from the tiger demon's head.

It was a dark cave, with dim lights flickering in the cave, but the tiger demon bowed his head in submission.

At that moment, Song Mu saw two figures from the corner of the memory of the tiger demon.

A huge centipede, and a man in a black robe standing on top of a stalactite.

In the memory of the tiger demon, these two guys are extremely powerful existences, and it was required to guard that spring, for which the tiger demon did not hesitate to do its best.

Song Mu's mind immediately thought, the two figures were obviously monsters, and it seemed that they might be the demon king, but the demon emperor.

Outside a remote small city, such monsters appeared unexpectedly, Song Mu knew no matter what, there must be something extremely terrifying happening here.

At that moment, Song Mu's thoughts swept over every inch of mountains and rivers below him, and finally Song Mu stopped on a waterfall.

The next moment Song Mu rushed into the waterfall like a meteor, and there was a huge cave hidden under the waterfall.

Just standing here, Song Mu immediately felt a strong demonic aura.

What makes Song Mu even more vigilant is that the water from the waterfall will flow through the moat on the side of the small town. Looking back at the situation just now, this place and the spring are located on the north and west sides of the small town respectively.

Looking at the deep cave, Song Mu's gaze gradually turned cold, but at this moment, Jie Zezhu, who was lying beside Song Mu, suddenly spoke excitedly.

"I feel the power of the stars, right here."

Song Mu tilted his head slightly, and looked at the cave again, his expression became more serious for a while, and now he restrained his breath, and walked slowly into it.

After walking in for a while, a dark river appeared in front of him. The sound of running water hitting rocks was loud, but Song Mu felt a stronger demonic aura.

Obviously the centipede-like monster is among them.

And at that moment, Jue Zezhu was even more excited, and it was the guide Song Mu who was heading towards it.

Song Mu walked across this dark river, and through the deep caves, all the way to the depths of the mountain.

But at this moment Song Mu stopped, and looked at the scene in front of him together with Jie Zezhu.

There is actually a lake in this mountain. Under the lake, there is a faint blue light flickering at this moment.

That is obviously the light of the celestial fragments.

Song Mu's face is not only not happy at the moment, but he immediately looked around, and a wave of thought power came out, and at this moment, he searched all over the cave.

Song Mu, who failed to find the monster hiding, was even more puzzled, obviously the monster energy was surging beside him, which made people shudder.

But the next moment, Song Mu suddenly jumped into the air from where he was standing, and at the same time gathered a fireball in his hand, and threw it directly upwards.

The whole cave was very clear at this moment, and Song Mu finally saw the situation clearly.

On the dome, among the jagged rocks, suddenly a stone moved.

Immediately, stones surged everywhere in the dome, and when one looked closely, it turned out to be that huge centipede.

And the aura displayed by the other party at this moment is the realm of the demon emperor!
"It turned out to be a Hanlin literati, but the method was strange. The tiger demon was killed by you in an instant. Hehe, it's just that you have thrown yourself into the trap."

The centipede was wandering around the cave, with a pair of eyes, it looked overwhelming.

But immediately in the water on the other side, a black shadow emerged, condensing on the surface of the lake.

"Tubu, since he is an Hanlin, it can't ruin our business."

The black figure raised his head slightly, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes under the cloak.

This is exactly a Demon Cult literati with the realm of Hanlin.


 Thanks to book friend Zhenyan for another 5000 point reward and monthly ticket support!

  Thank you book friend Yun Guotian for your monthly ticket support~~
(End of this chapter)

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