I slay demons and demons with poetry

Chapter 774 Conspiracy Revealed

Chapter 774 Conspiracy Revealed
The bright red lake water spread rapidly, and the sudden change in front of him made Song Mu's heart tense, but his expression became even more serious, and his figure immediately stepped forward.

Song Mu tried to pull out the star from the middle, but he didn't expect that when he went forward, Song Mu felt a pulling force coming from his body.

Looking back, it turned out that the surrounding lake water was constantly clinging to his body.

Not only that, when the blood-red lake water stained his whole body, Song Mu immediately felt a little restless in his heart.

Even faintly, there is a kind of tyrannical thought surging in my heart.

This feeling immediately made Song Mu realize that something was wrong.Immediately, Song Mu immediately released a few bursts of awe-inspiring righteousness, which wrapped around Song Mu's body and quickly wiped away the blood redness of the lake.

But before Song Mu could go any further, the bright lake water around him rushed towards Song Mu again, and Song Mu also set off immediately, breaking free from the lake water immediately.

Breaking free from the lake, Song Mu immediately glanced around, and at the moment Song Mu also saw that the lake, which was originally illuminated by the blue light of the stars, had turned red.

Even from this point of view, there is a kind of ferocious terror in it.

But Song Mu was immediately attracted by the shaking of the mountains and the ground in the cave.

All I saw was a bright firebird walking through the cave, while beside it, a huge centipede was in a hurry, and flames rose all over its body, which made it very angry.

But immediately the surface of the lake changed again, red tentacles protruded from the blood-red lake surface, and they all moved towards the Zheze Pearl in the cave.

And the sudden appearance of the tentacles of the lake also made the centipede demon emperor gasp, and immediately yelled at the lake.

"Xiao Ren, this guy is not simple!"

"If you want to do it, hurry up!"

The centipede demon emperor yelled angrily, and the monster aura in his body was even more rippling.

Seeing this, Song Mu wanted to do something, but he never thought that there was a low laugh coming from the lake.

"Don't worry, but it's on par with us, with the blessing of this magical skill, just watch!"

As soon as the words fell, the water in the lake was churning, and suddenly there was a mist rising in it, and the red mist filled the whole space, but Song Mu suddenly realized that something was wrong.

There were shadows flickering inside, and then several tentacles rushed straight out, their tops were extremely sharp, and all of them were heading towards Song Mu's chest at this moment.

Song Muzhou's writing strength was rippling, and the chains of words came out, colliding fiercely with these spikes, but found that the chains of his own words collapsed in an instant.

But the tentacles in it rushed towards Song Mu wrapped in the mist.

Seeing this situation, Song Mu's expression froze, and he immediately gave a stern shout, and the turbulent righteousness around him blossomed.

The same crimson light flashed, but the mist retreated wildly as if it had encountered a natural enemy, and there was a sudden exclamation in the mist.

"Hao Ran upright?"

The voice of the Demon Cultist paused for a moment, then suddenly let out a sharp shout.

"Kill him, he can stimulate the righteousness!"

But at this moment, Song Mu immediately lifted into the sky, and at this moment, he and the Golden Crow turned into a stream of light, heading towards the passage of the cave.

But he never thought that the centipede demon emperor had already arrived there first, and directly blocked Song Mu's retreat with his huge body.

"If you want to run, I'm afraid it won't be so easy!"

The centipede demon emperor said so, but Song Mu's body flickered immediately, and several spikes rushed into the position where he was standing just now, and the voice in the mist was equally cold.

"But it's just a Hanlin, otherwise with such awe-inspiring righteousness, I would have thought you were that Song Mu!"

The person from the Devil's Cult said so, but Song Mu's face changed slightly after he stood still again.

In order not to reveal his identity during this trip, Song Mu has always been hiding his strength.

Even in the face of such a situation, Song Mu only showed the peak state of Hanlin.

The reason why Song Mu is like this is because once his identity is revealed, he will inevitably attract monsters to surround him. All the monsters in this world want to kill Song Mu quickly.

Therefore, even though facing a dangerous situation at this moment, Song Mu just looked at the Jie Zezhu, and then his figure rose suddenly.

Seeing that Song Mu was about to leave the cave at the top, the monster all exclaimed at this moment, and the centipede demon emperor rushed straight up, and the demon cultist also shouted angrily, urging the monster to move. Blood mist all around.

The two forces rushed towards Song Mu even more crazily, but Song Mu immediately unleashed a series of powers, and together with the Golden Crow, hit the cave above his head.

During the shaking, the dome began to collapse, and the demon power came again, but at this moment, Song Mu broke a hole in an instant like a god.

Reappearing between this piece of heaven and earth, Song Mu was stunned.

It was already sunset and the sun was setting, but looking around from the sky, Song Mu saw that the mountain forest under his feet was filled with red mist everywhere.

Even the mist has emerged in the extreme distance, and the originally clear mountain stream has now turned into thick bloody water.

"It seems that they have done something extraordinary with that star."

At this moment, the Golden Crow transformed into the Pearl of Exhaustion spoke next to Song Mu, but Song Mu seemed to be thinking of something, and turned his head to look at the other side at this moment.

The city at the foot of the mountain is currently being surrounded by blood mist.

"not good!"

Song Mu exclaimed suddenly, and was about to leave immediately.

This bloody mist is mixed with the power of tyranny. Once the people in that small city are infected, it will be a terrible disaster.

If all the people in a city were possessed by demons instantly, Song Mu knew that it would be a tragedy on earth.

But before Song Mu shot away, two forces suddenly appeared in the forest, and they rushed towards Song Mu.

The power was extremely complicated, Song Mu just stretched out his hand to fight back, but found that his retreat was suddenly blocked by the opponent.

The monsters were floating in the air at this moment, and the person from the black-robed Demon Sect stood in the blood mist and looked straight at Song Mu, as if he wanted to see Song Mu thoroughly.

"Who are you?"

The person from the Demon Cult was speaking, but the Demon Emperor beside him was a little impatient, and said sharply immediately.

"Why bother talking nonsense with him, if this guy spreads the news, I'm afraid it will ruin our good business!"

"We cannot afford this responsibility!"

"I know!"

The member of the Devil's Cult immediately replied, and at this moment looked at Song Mu again, but the aura on his body rose again.

"If he can't escape, I still want to catch him to eat blood!"

As the man said so, his expression suddenly became extremely violent, and he unleashed a series of attacks in an instant. Song Mu did not show any weakness, and immediately fought with him.

Song Mu still restrained his strength, and cooperated with the Golden Crow, trying to gain the upper hand in this battle.

The struggle between the two sides aroused a huge commotion between the forest and the sky, but at the next moment, Song Mu suddenly heard a commotion in his ears,
Sensing that something was wrong, Song Mu immediately turned his head and looked to the other side, and Song Mu saw the direction of the small town, which was now full of flames.

Song Mu's eyes widened suddenly, but the Demon Cult's man burst out laughing.

"It seems that the method of the Holy Son is indeed useful. It can incite a city of people in an instant. It is really a miracle!"

But before he finished speaking, the words of the Demon Cultist suddenly stuck in his throat.

Because at this moment, the aura blooming from the Hanlin literati in front of him has been rising steadily.

That terrifying aura waved over, it was actually the level of a bachelor.


 Thank you for the monthly support of the book friend Sunset Land~~
(End of this chapter)

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