I slay demons and demons with poetry

Chapter 777 Looking for Song Liwen

Chapter 777 Looking for Song Liwen
"It seems that on this trip, what we have to do is not just to find the fragments of the stars."

Standing in the revived city after the catastrophe, Song Mu said these words helplessly in his heart.

This trip to search for the fragments of the sky star was already a stressful event for Song Mu, but he did not expect that besides this event, there would be such a blood demon cause.

The terror of the Gorefiend may be related to the fate of thousands of people in the Wen Dynasty in the future, and Song Mu did not dare to be careless.

"My lord, if you hadn't rescued me this time, my place might become a rare place in the future."

In the small town, County Magistrate Bao stepped forward with a pale face and bowed to Song Mu. After the crisis of demonic obsession, he tried his best to prevent the people in the city from becoming demonic, but even though he and a group of officials used all means, It's just protecting a small area.

This kind of blood mist and bloody water are existences that even great Confucian articles can hardly deter.

Fortunately, at such a time of life and death, Song Mu's appearance saved everything here.

Song Mu just looked at the other party at the moment, nodded slightly and said.

"Lord Bao, this matter is no small matter. The spring in the back mountain is connected to a cave in the mountain. It is the place where the monster makes trouble. My lord will have to think of a way in the future."

Song Mu warned the other party that if this kind of monster hiding place were to come again, this small town would definitely not be spared.

Bao Mengcheng nodded immediately when he heard this, but he still looked at Song Mu and said.

"I'll arrange manpower to deal with this matter immediately, and now I've also sent a letter to the government office. I think it won't be long before this kind of matter will attract the attention of the higher-ups."

Saying this, he saw Song Mu handing over something, and when he saw the envelope in front of him, Bao Mengcheng was suddenly confused.

"This is because the demons teamed up to harm the people of the Wen Dynasty. I have already passed on this matter, but this place is remote after all. If there is another incident, it may not be able to quench my thirst."

Having said that, Song Mu was about to hand over his hands and leave immediately, but Bao Mengcheng looked at Song Mu, and couldn't help asking.

"Dare to ask my lord, but the world-famous Lord Song Musong?"

Song Mu, on the other hand, just turned around, stepped into the air in three steps, and left a word in his ear.

"There is no need to speculate on this matter. You should guard this city well. The article I handed over to you can be opened and activated in an emergency. It will be safe."

Hearing these words, Bao Mengcheng suddenly trembled a little. At this moment, watching Song Mu turn into a light spot and go away, he quickly looked at the envelope in his hand.

Reaching out and slowly opening it, one of the pages unfolded, and what was written on it was "Song of Righteous Qi".

Bao Mengcheng looked up at the sky again excitedly, his face was full of reverence, and he immediately bowed respectfully.

At this moment, Song Mu was already flying in the sky, heading towards the west.

The Golden Crow beside him also spread its wings and galloped, and the words were heard in Song Mu's ears.

"Your Excellency really want to go west this time?"

Song Mu looked at the Golden Crow, but nodded silently at the moment.

Jie Zezhu was not overly surprised by this, but just showed a little bit of thought, and then said to Song Mu.

"The power I can use now is not as good as yours, so be careful in everything."

For Jie Zezhu's sudden concern, Song Mu was a little surprised, but this time he just cupped his hands and said.

"Thank you very much. If you can return safely from this trip, Mr. Song will concentrate on finding the fragments of the sky star for you."

But Jie Zezhu just opened his mouth and continued to ask.

"It's useless to talk too much. Your Excellency, do you have a goal when you go west?"

At this moment, Song Mu's eyes turned slightly to the continuous mountain peaks on the west side, and his eyes gradually became deep.

"If the cause of the blood demon cannot be found out, Yu Wenchao must be in serious trouble."

"And to find out these things, and even solve this matter once and for all, I think only Song Liwen knows."

Jie Zezhu immediately understood the meaning of Song Mu's words. At this moment, the two figures turned into streamers and galloped across the sky.

Soon Song Mu passed through the dense forest, crossed the steep mountain, and came to a place inaccessible.

Song Mu covered up all the aura on his body again, this time walking slowly through the mountain forest with Na Jie Zezhu.

After so many days, Song Mu finally stopped and looked at a village in front of him.

It was a barbarian tribe living in the mountains and forests. Under the cover of the forest, it was a little bit populated.

At this moment, in an open space among the tribe, barbarians with animal heads and human bodies were gathering together, and in front of them were dozens of human races bound by chains.

These people included men, women and children, and they were all in a panic at the moment. Even from Song Mu's perspective, there was a Juren literati among them.

It's just that the face of the other party is pale, and half of his arm is missing, and his whole body is full of energy and blood.

These humans were all captured by the barbarians from the border of the Wen Dynasty.

Although the barbarians have reached an agreement with the Wen Dynasty, it is difficult for the human race to govern this southwest area, not to mention that the tribe is tens of miles away, which is the domain of the demon race.

There is a city controlled by the Demon Cult, called Holy Pilgrimage.

Although it's called Pilgrimage, the city is wrapped upside down by a dark curtain, and it is rumored that there will be no sun in it.

And the human beings captured by these barbarians will all be sent to the pilgrimage.

As for how to send it, in such a wild place, the fate of human beings is self-evident.

All these news were learned by Song Mu from Na Xiao Ren's mind, and the reason why Song Mu spent a lot of time to come to such a barbarian tribe was to find Na Song Liwen.

In Xiao Ren's mind, this devil's holy son was badly injured because of the fight with him, and in order to restore his strength, he was looking for blood food everywhere.

The barbarians made this business with them, so Song Mu decided to follow the place where these humans were sent, and maybe he could find Song Liwen.

It's just that Song Mu looked at the barbarians below, and felt a little heavy in his heart at the moment.

Seeing the human race suffering in such places and being unable to rescue them, Song Mu felt helpless.

Standing on Song Mu's shoulder, Jin Wu looked at all of this, and then spoke immediately.

"There is the power of the stars in the Devil's Cult city, and there are also terrifying existences."

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, Mr. Song knows how to measure it."

Jin Wu turned to look at Song Mu, as if he didn't know the truth of the words, but Song Mu had already stood up and looked at the barbarian tribe.

Among the tribe, a leader-like figure was waving to other barbarians. At this moment, a barbarian team drove these human tribes away one after another, and then headed towards the mountain under the watchful eyes of other barbarians.

"They set off, and I have to prepare."

The golden crow was clear, and the next moment it turned into a ray of light and sank into Song Mu's white jade scroll.

Song Mu also immediately changed his attire, and turned into an ordinary-faced Juzi at this moment, randomly took out a military soldier in his hand, and disappeared into the forest in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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