Chapter 789

"Brother Song, how could I have imagined that you actually took me and escaped from there."

"I didn't expect Wang to see the sun again."

In the dense forest, there are two figures walking through it at this moment, it is Song Mu and Wang Fusheng.

Wang Fusheng was following behind Song Mu at this moment, his face was filled with joy for the rest of his life.

But immediately he also sighed slightly, turned his head to look at the forest behind and said.

"It's just that I still haven't been able to rescue those people. Those people entered the pilgrimage, but they don't know what will happen."

Song Mu was calm when he heard this, and now he just said with a smile.

"I think Brother Ji Sheng doesn't need to worry too much about these things. I can bring you out, so naturally I have the power to go to that holy pilgrimage. I heard that the city has also been destroyed. Some people must have escaped."

Hearing this, Wang Fusheng suddenly looked at Song Mu, joy flashed in his eyes, he let out a sigh of relief, and saw his half sleeve again.

At this moment, his gaze swept over Song Mu, and he stopped suddenly, bowing his hands respectfully towards Song Mu.

"This time I also thank Brother Song for saving my life. Wang will never forget it."

Saying so, the other party was about to bow down to Song Mu, but Song Mu immediately supported the other party with a stroke of force, and then said with a smile.

"Brother Ji Sheng, why do you do this? You and I are both from the Wen Dynasty. This time, it's just a righteous act."

Having said that, Song Mu turned his head to look forward, then stretched out his finger and said.

"Brother Ji Sheng, let's hurry up with me and go to Diannan Mansion quickly. It's been a long time since this time, maybe your excellency is already happy with a son."

Hearing this, Wang Fusheng's expression was also suddenly moved. At this moment, he also thought of his wife and children at home, his eyes flickered, and he nodded quickly.

"Brother Song is right, I should look forward."

Having said that, the two of them continued to move forward, and their respective steps were a little faster. At dusk, Song and Mu finally passed through the mountains and came to the foot of a big city.

This is Diannan City, the important city of Diannan Prefecture, and it has a famous name here.

Zhennan Pass.

This is an important base of the Wen Dynasty in the southwestern border, and it can be said to be a hub. For this reason, the Wen Dynasty stationed [-] troops here, and the military equipment is extremely complete.

Song Mu and Wang Fusheng looked at the tall city in front of them at the same time, with a bit of bewilderment on their faces at the moment, but Wang Fusheng took the lead and led Song Mu forward.

However, the two of them had just arrived at the gate of the city, and there was a queue here to urge the people out of the city. The gate of the city was about to close at dusk, and the people waiting in line to enter the city were also extremely anxious at the moment.

Song Mu and the two stood in the line, and the soldier also saw the two men's literati's attire, and hurried up to verify their identities at this moment, and then deliberately took the two aside to inspect and enter the city in advance.

"You two adults, please go through these three verifications one by one before entering the city."

Song Mu paused when he heard this, and Wang Fusheng, who was next to him, was also surprised, and asked at this moment.

"Excuse me, I have been traveling through the mountains and forests these days, but I have never seen such a situation. I don't know if this is..."

The soldier only said that it was business, and asked the two to check into the city quickly.

Song Mu didn't say much at the moment, he just stepped forward to inspect, and in front of him were three soldiers holding three things, waiting for Song Mu to stretch out his hand to inspect.

The three procedures are to test the identity by dripping blood on the crystal in the past, and then drip blood on a stone slab. The slate is dark and thick, but Song Mu can recognize that the writing on it is the great Confucianism. Demon slayer article.

But it wasn't enough to finish these, and the soldier asked Song Mu to put his palm in front of a cage again.

Suddenly there was movement in the cage, and then a sharp beak was stretched out, pecking at Song Mu's blood, and he was very cheerful at the moment.

Only then did Song Mu see clearly that there was a beautiful bird in the cage, a creature that was very sensitive to human blood, especially the blood of the literati of the Wen Dynasty.

After going through these three procedures, the soldier saw nothing wrong, so he saluted Song Mu respectfully and let Song Mu go inside.

Wang Fusheng, who followed closely behind, also walked into the city, but after experiencing such a scene, he was somewhat puzzled.

"I had never seen such a scene when I left the city. These soldiers seemed a lot more nervous."

As he spoke, he looked at Song Mu and asked with some doubts.

"Brother Song, it seems that something big happened?"

Wang Fusheng asked curiously, Song Mu also lowered his eyes slightly at the moment, and he naturally understood the situation.

Such a troublesome inspection is obviously related to the blood demon cause.

Only things that confuse the inspection methods of the human race will attract a city to use so many methods for inspection.

It's just that Song Mu was puzzled that the court should know about the news of the blood demon, but it was only a few days, and it caused such a big city to behave like this, whether something has happened in it.

Song Mu raised his head immediately and decided to investigate.

And when Wang Fusheng saw that Song Mu didn't answer, he was a little embarrassed for a while, but he came up to Song Mu and bowed his hands, and said respectfully.

"Brother Song thinks this is the first time he has come here. If you don't mind, you can stay at home with me today."

"It can be regarded as giving Wang this opportunity to treat him well."

Song Mu just smiled slightly when he heard this, and then said with cupped hands.

"Thank you, Brother Ji Sheng, for your kindness. It's just that Mr. Song has other things to do when he comes here this time. If we want to have a chance next time, let's toast again."

Hearing this, Wang Fusheng was slightly astonished, and hurried forward to continue talking to Song Mu.

"Brother Song, this is..."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly noticed a sudden change in the coercion on Song Mu's body, and his aura had become unpredictable at this moment.

The sudden appearance made his eyes widen, and he was speechless for a while, but Song Mu just said with a smile at the moment.

"This trip to the holy pilgrimage, your Excellency has my unyielding style of literati. Song is quite pleased. If there are intelligent children in the family, they can send them here to study."

As he spoke, Song Mu sent a wooden sign into the opponent's hand, but Wang Fusheng just looked at Song Mu at this moment, not knowing what to say for a while.

After a moment of recovery, he realized that Song Mu had disappeared. At this moment, he looked at the token in his hand, and there were four characters engraved on it.

Xuanyuan Academy.

Wang Fusheng's expression froze, and at this moment he suddenly raised his head and muttered to himself.

"Xuanyuan Academy, Song... Could it be..."

Wang Fusheng was terrified for a moment, and now he was respectfully saluting towards the distance on this street.

At this moment, Song Mu flickered a few times in the city, and then immediately found the mansion in the Southern Yunnan Prefecture. At sunset, Song Mu walked towards the mansion.

The soldiers guarding the gate of the government office immediately stepped forward to block it, while Song Mu took out a post and asked the soldier to pass on the message.

"Excuse me, let the magistrate take a look and say that Song is here to discuss something important."

The man saw Song Mu's extraordinary aura, so he rushed in to report at this moment, and after a while, a middle-aged man in a red robe ran out of the government office in a hurry.

Seeing Song Mu standing at the door, he immediately bowed and said in salute.

"Guo Darui, the magistrate of the Southern Yunnan Prefecture, did not expect that it was Song... Your Excellency came here in person, and I am disappointed to welcome you."


(End of this chapter)

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