Chapter 1

Fang Nan who woke up leisurely was a little dazed.

Eating hot pot and singing songs, my soul is gone?
If you wear it with your soul, you can wear it with your soul.

Seeing that he was about to reach the age of forty, and he had no relatives and no reason, and when he encountered such a good thing as a soul wearer, he said that Qin Shihuang touched the wire-it is not an exaggeration to win numbness!

But can you arrange a better venue?
What's the matter with the sound of gunfire and shouting and killing around me?
Fang Nan, who was lying face down in the bomb crater, was full of depression, and at the same time, he quietly pulled the mud on the ground to cover his head.

"As long as I survive this life-and-death situation, I have the confidence to survive in this unknown world." Fang Nan thought.

It's a pity that the sky didn't go as planned.

Fang Nan, who was diligent in burying himself, was finally found. Faced with a gun barrel pressed against his back, his whole body tensed up.

"Ba Ga, raise your hands, don't pretend to be dead." A sharp voice came from behind.

Taking two deep breaths, Fang Nan, who couldn't avoid it, slowly raised his hand, turned around in a kneeling position with his elbows on the ground, and glanced at the skinny boy who pointed a gun at him.

Thirty-eight big cover?

After discovering that the original owner of this body was actually beating a little devil, Fang Nan's face no longer had the fear of facing death.

He even showed a creepy smile, "If you die, you have to take a little devil away!"

As if to cooperate with Fang Nan, the thin little devil in front of him grinned the moment Fang Nan smiled.

From Fang Nan's point of view, this smile was so ferocious and cruel.

"court death!"

With a loud shout, Fang Nan arrived first, grabbed the barrel of the gun in front of him, and pulled the little devil closer.

In the little devil's flustered eyes, he stretched out his right hand again like lightning, grabbed one of the little devil's right hands, and pulled it with a sneer, "Kacha", a shrill scream resounded through the field.

"Male Gobi, if you miss me, I'll kill you first, you bastard!"

While Fang Nan was yelling, he hooked his left foot and threw the [-] cover on the ground to his hand. He raised his gun and shot the little devil who had dislocated his right arm and was lying on the ground grinning and tearing from the pain.

"I'm rough, no bullets?"

Fang Nan, who repeatedly pulled the trigger but did not see a single bullet flying out, panicked.

At the same time, the skinny boy lying on the ground shouted with tears in his eyes: "I'm rough, Fang Nan, I'm Wu Gao, I'm just kidding with you, why are you taking it seriously, ouch, I'm rough, it hurts like hell Me!"


Fang Nan was even more confused. He aimed his gun and looked around. Then he saw a person in a T-shirt in the distance and a camera under a sun umbrella.

I saw a palace at the foot of the mountain. That palace looked familiar. It seemed to be the Qinhuang Palace in Hengdian.

Realizing that this is the production crew, and he made an own mistake, Fang Nan relaxed, and sat down on the ground, a flood of memories flooded his mind.

This is Blue Star.

It is a parallel world of the earth, the similarity is 99.9999%
The original owner of the body he occupied the magpie's nest was also named Fang Nan, born in 79, 22 years old, no regular job, currently the lowest extra in the crew.

The family organization of this man was not different from his own.

Today is July 2001, 7.

Fang Nan is like going back to 20 years ago.

"Someone is here, help, help, my arm is broken, my arm is broken!"

Fang Nan sat on the ground at the stall of fugue, and Wu Gao, who was dressed as a little devil, cried at the top of his voice.

"Stop barking, it's just dislocated, I'll help you connect it."

The shout disturbed his thoughts, Fang Nan patted his buttocks and got up, and before the crew arrived, he clicked twice and connected Wu Gao's right arm.

He is comparable to the original owner of this body.

But his luck was much better.

In his previous life, when he was out in the society as a teenager, he met a good master who taught him the orientation of human bones and taught him a set of boxing techniques called dog boxing.

The name of the dog boxing is not good, but it is the real boxing method against the enemy.

Relying on this set of boxing techniques, coupled with acquired hard work, he has worked his way from an extra to the director's position in more than ten years.

It's a pity that I haven't filmed a movie as a director, but because I drank a lot of wine with the investors, I'm no longer famous.

This is probably called extreme joy begets sorrow!

"My brain exploded? Why are you howling like ghosts and wolves?"

When the production staff finally arrived, they cursed at the two people in the pit, but Fang Nan pretended not to hear, and helped Wu Gao out of the pit.

He has been in large and small crews for more than ten years, so don't know too much about the upper and lower structures in the crew.

The extras are at the bottom of the crew, and they will be scolded if they get in the way.

The veterans who have been on the crew all the year round will choose to keep their self-esteem at home before joining the crew. It is too easy to be brought into the crew.

"Damn, Anan, what do you think we should do about this? His right arm is swollen, so he probably needs to go to the hospital."

Staying away from the aggressive scene, Wu Gao looked at the blue and white right arm and yelled at Fang Nan.

The original owner was not familiar with Wu Gao, but he had introduced him to work a few times and shouted "head" in front of him.

But this matter, Fang Nan felt that he was indeed suspicious, so he said: "I know what I did, Wu Gao, don't try to blackmail me, give you 100 yuan, let's forget about it, what do you think?" Sample?"

In Hengdian Film and Television City in 2001, there were not so many imitation buildings, not so many film crews, and there was not even an actor's union. Not every day there was a filming, and 100 yuan was enough for them to earn for several days.

Wu Gao was a little inexplicable, he couldn't figure out why Fang Nan changed his temper and dared to call "Wu Gao" in this short time?
Is this too much work for him recently?
Earn a lot, people start to drift?
He looked Fang Nan up and down, but didn't find any major changes in Fang Nan. Wu Gao licked his shriveled lower lip, and said, "I look like a beggar?"

"What the hell, do you really want to blackmail me?" Fang Nan put his arms around the cuffs of his costume and stared at Wu Gao in a daze.

There was no advantage in the previous life, so it's fine to be a submissive person.

Now that they are all reborn, how can they still be controlled by Wu Gao, a broken group leader?
He still doesn't believe it.

"Oh, Angkor, what are you doing?"

"Angkor, something to talk about!"

While the two were arguing about the compensation, some extra performers under Wu Gao either came to help Wu Gao, or stayed not far away to help.

"What are you doing standing together? Don't you want to call it a day and get paid?"

The production crew spoke, and the crowd around Fang Nan and Wu Gao dispersed. Fang Nan and the others were not afraid, they were afraid of offending the production crew.

"100 is 100, bring the money." Wu Gao looked at Fang Nan maliciously while speaking.

Fang Nan took out his trouser pocket and took out a handful of odd banknotes. After counting 100 yuan and handing it over, he pushed away all the money that Wu Gao had brought, and sat down in a shaded place by himself.

A small character like Wu Gao doesn't deserve his attention at all. What he cares about is what to do in this life and how to make money.

It seems that he doesn't have the ability to write novels. He has read "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and so on, but he probably can't write the beginning of an article.

Not to mention lottery tickets, never bought one.

Even if you have bought and remembered the number, it is not bad if the number is half right at the moment the ball is played.

Start your own business?

It's harder.

In his previous life, he had been on the set all the time and had never done business at all. If the original owner of this body had left him a large sum of money.

He can also rely on his memory to invest in those projects that can make money in future generations.

It's a pity that the original owner is a pauper, a pauper who is as timid as a mouse, and dare not utter a word after heatstroke.

Be a star?
Write those songs from the meeting to make a debut as a singer?

While thinking about this, Fang Nan opened his hands and touched the contours of his face.

Thick eyebrows and big eyes?

Not bad, not bad.

Square mouth and big ears?
Well, let's count the stars or something, it's just the supporting role who is born with good looks.

After thinking about it, Fang Nan slapped his thigh, and sighed "ah". He seemed to be unable to do anything other than go the old way and look for opportunities to film.

Fortunately, he has enough experience in this area. If he is more lucky and catches a few coal bosses, he is confident that he will go further in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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