literary world

Chapter 13 Farewell

Chapter 13 Farewell
8 month 10 number.

In Hengdian Film and Television City, a house in the Ming and Qing palaces, as Miao Cuihua got up after kissing Qianlong on the face lightly, the camera aimed at the two stopped abruptly.

This is the end.

The filming of "The Emperor, Fangde, Miao Cuihua", which tells the emotional story between Miao Cuihua, the emperor and merchant Fangde, has been completed.

"Finish, kill."

After the director next to the monitor stood up and applauded first, all the members of the crew showed smiles.

The filming cycle of "Miao Cuihua" spanned the hottest months of June, July, and August. Dozens of people from the crew entered the house every day, and they were exposed to the hot sun every day. old sin.

In the middle of the filming, there were accidents such as replacement of actors, leaving behind the scenes, etc., and the production crew stopped from time to time, which made director Fang Tian and the actors feel overwhelmed.

Fortunately, all this suffering is over today.

"Xiao Fang."

Fang Nan, who was bragging about how awesome the crew and photographers were, heard Fang Tian's shout, and immediately turned around: "What's the director?"

Fang Tian took the initiative to pass Fang Nan a cigarette: "Come, smoke a cigarette."

Fang Nan took it over, skillfully ordered it for the director, and then ordered it for himself.

He is an old smoker.

I smoked a lot in my previous life.

For a while, when online fans looked for celebrities who smoked in public, he was also afraid of quitting for a while.

Later, I found out that who paid so much attention to him, and since then I started smoking again, but the number has decreased a lot, and it has become optional.

"Xiao Fang, you have great potential. What do you think about the future?"

After swallowing the clouds for a while, Fang Tian asked Fang Nandao.

Fang Nan must have an idea, and he will run to the director, he will unswervingly go down this road.

He walked this road diligently for more than ten or 20 years in his previous life.

When he was in the position, extreme joy gave rise to sorrow, and all the things he had learned for so many years were in vain.

Fortunately, God opened his eyes and let him do it again, so that his efforts in the previous life would not be in vain.

Moreover, he still has so many examples of successful movies in his mind. If he doesn't make these movies famous and profitable, and live a chic life in his previous life, God will not forgive him.

Putting out the cigarette, Fang Nan said, "I will stay here in Hengdian for a while to polish."

"You are not bad, you will definitely be better than me in the future." Fang Tian nodded and patted Fang Nan on the shoulder.

Fang Nan nodded, not knowing what to say.

After getting along for the past [-] days, he already knew that "Miao Cuihua" was the starting point of Fang Tian's career as a director, but his starting point was a bit poor, and he couldn't say that the starting point changed to the end point.

Because the two producers were very dissatisfied with the director, thinking that Fang Tian couldn't control the crew, even today's finale, the producer didn't come.

"Work hard, don't slack off, and always remember that the opportunity in front of you may be the only opportunity in your life."

After Fang Tian finished speaking to Fang Nan in the tone of a senior, he turned around and walked away. After walking two steps, he brought a smile on his face and greeted another staff member.

After Fang Nan greeted Wu Jing, Wu Jing said, "When are you going to BJ, give me a call, I'll have a couple of free drinks."

"It should take a long time to go. There are more and more production crews in Hengdian, and some of them are making money." Fang Nan frowned after thinking about it, and said.

He is not well-known and has no works. In BJ and Hengdian, he is a mixed crew looking for a chance to get a job.

For example, he worked on the set of "Miao Cuihua". If he is lucky, he may be an assistant director in charge of chores in the next set. unimportant.

Wu Jing said with regret: "It's a pity, then we will meet again by fate."

Fang Nan replied with a smile, "Well, see you by fate."

The two hadn't known each other for a long time, and Fang Nan didn't have the nerve to ask Wu Jing to introduce him to the drama.

In addition, he knew that Wu Jing would go to the Hong Kong circle in the past few years, and the Hong Kong circle was too far away from him.

After Wu Jing left, Fang Nan greeted Guo Tao, another leading actor, "Brother Tao, will you go to the city with the crew later?"

"Yes, how about you?"

"I'll stay in Hengdian and continue messing around." Fang Nan said with a smile.

Guo Tao asked him: "Where do you live? Next time I will come to Hengdian to film a movie and ask you for a drink."

Fang Nan replied, "I live in a private house on the other side of Santiao Street."

"Success, wait for me to come back next time."

After a brief chat, Guo Tao turned to look for the director, and Fang Nan ran to the next staff member. glass.

After being reminded by someone, Fang Nan found out that Zeng Li was also leaving with the crew in the car later, so he went back early to pack his things.

The equipment and props were packed and loaded into the van, the van slowly drove towards Wansheng Street, the people who should be chatting had already been chatted, Fang Nan went home directly after receiving all the wages.

He participated in the film "Miao Cuihua" for 28 days. Except for the first day's wages of 80, the remaining 27 days were settled at 100 yuan per day, and the total was 3312 yuan.

In the more than 3000 yuan, there is the extra money for the first day of shaving, and it also includes overtime pay.

This amount of money is a huge sum of money for Fang Nan now.

In his memory, the original person of this body had never made so much money since he left the orphanage at the age of 14 and entered the society for 8 years.

Humming a tune and returning to the small courtyard in front of the two rental houses, Zeng Li had already packed her luggage to the brim and was checking if there was anything missing.

"It's packed?" Fang Nan asked Zeng Li in the courtyard.

Zeng Li nodded: "Almost."

"Shall I see you off?" Fang Nan wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

"Okay." Zeng Li locked the door.

Picking up Zeng Li's travel bag, the two of them walked through the alley. Just after Zeng Li returned the landlord's keys, the crew's van stopped on the small road 30 meters away from the landlord's house.

Zeng Li took the travel bag from Fang Nan's hand: "Let's go."

Fang Nan smacked his lips, the scene in front of him was so similar to the scene where Yin Tianchou sent Liu Piaopiao in "The King of Comedy", it made him almost read out "Can you not leave, I will support you".

"What the hell, what are you doing?" Fang Nan muttered unconsciously.

"Why are you swearing behind your back again, and this time you're speaking Cantonese, thinking I don't understand?" Zeng Li, who was a few meters away from Fang Nan, turned around and raised eyebrows.

Fang Nan was depressed, and urged: "Hurry up and go, you misheard."

While denying it, he walked to Zeng Li's side in three steps and two steps, grabbed the travel bag and walked towards the van. Zeng Li, who was on high heels, hurriedly followed in small steps.

Watching Fang Nan skillfully open the back of the van and stuff the travel bag, Zeng Li suddenly said, "What's the calling number?"

"What?" Fang Nan didn't hear clearly.

"BB machine number!" Zeng Li said angrily.

"They call it a pager and a BP machine, but they have to call it a BB machine!" Zeng Li slandered with dissatisfaction.

"Oh, BB machine number, my number is easy to remember, 126-8868866."

"Write it down, let's go, I will introduce you to a job when the time is right." Zeng Li said and jumped into the car.

The van left slowly, and before Fang Nan could turn around, there was an arm waving like a white lotus root outside the window.

 There should be another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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