literary world

Chapter 135 The Actor Is Ready

Chapter 135 The Actor Is Ready
On New Year's Eve, they faced off against Zhang Dabezi and answered countless New Year's greetings text messages.

In the next few days, Fang Nan was free.

But no matter how free he is, he doesn't dare to surf the Internet anymore. It's really cool to turn passive into active.

Too arrogant is not a good thing.

As the old saying goes, 'If you walk too much at night, you will meet ghosts'!
One day it will be ugly if it is too ugly to be generalized.

Therefore, during the spring break in the next few days, he will either hold AK and kill all directions in the CS world, becoming a game player in the CS world.

Or put a beach chair in the yard to bask in the sun, and tease two black cats of the same style, one big and one small, by the way.

I don't know if these two black cats are wild cats, anyway, no owner has found them yet.

This annoys him enough.

He is used to being alone, and he is not used to having two cats in the house.

It's okay to wake up in the middle of the night with a pair of eyes like sapphires.

What made Fang Nan even more angry was that the big black cat really had three meals a day without interruption.

Otherwise, Fang Nan would have no temper at all, and his father would be ashamed to see him when he served him.

Not to mention shit and shit.


Gao Yuanyuan: When will "Tomato" be filmed?When will you let me audition?

Fang Nan: It's "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and not "Tomato". Be upright and come to audition on the eighth day of the lunar new year.

Gao Yuanyuan: Hey, hurry up and finish filming before the opening of the Cannes Film Festival in May, or I will ask for leave!

Fang Nan: Got it.

Gao Yuanyuan: See you in three days.

Fang Nan glanced at Gao Yuanyuan's new message, but did not reply, Baba clicked on the text message from Zeng Li.

Zeng Li: I showed your photo to my mother.

Fang Nan: What did your mother say?
Zeng Li: It's okay.

Fang Nan: Then I will continue to work hard.

After replying to the message, Fang Nan pursed his lips, feeling flattered in his heart, "It's okay, that's good, if it's okay, I'm not satisfied, at least I won't be in a hurry to urge the marriage."

After chanting, Fang Nan was not annoyed that his brain circuit was different.

He happily hugged the little black cat that opened its eyes and rubbed it.

The Spring Festival holiday passed by in a flash, and when there were more people passing through Wukang Road with large and small bags, the staff of Tangtang Film and Television also returned to the company one after another.

She's thick-skinned, her family lives in Pujiang, and she brought her children here on the first day of the new year.

Fang Nan used a lot of red envelopes.

But with his wealth, the hundred and ten yuan red envelopes are no longer a big deal, they are given one by one.

All the staff of Tangtang Film and Television add up, but there are more than 100 people, and less than 200 people.

There are also staff who can mess around and bring rare medicinal wine from their hometown to Fang Nan.

This kind of staff, Fang Nan will not treat them badly, and will send a slightly larger red envelope.

At the beginning of the new year, everyone sat in the yard to bask in the sun, bragging, and teasing the cat. Cai Yinong, who was carrying a suitcase, arrived.

After the discerning person took her luggage, Cai Yinong went straight to Fang Nan.

"Why didn't you tell me about such an important event as "No. [-] Under Heaven"? Do you know who called me on New Year's Eve?" She said angrily.

Fang Nandao: "When I was writing the script, I didn't expect to shoot "No. [-] Under Heaven" in the first half of the year, right? I rushed to the first half of the year."

As for which leader called Cai Yinong, there is nothing to ask.

It's nothing more than the leadership of their industry.

Cai Yinong asked again: "How much is the production fee for "No. [-] Under Heaven"?"

In the past few days, she has learned about the before and after of the live broadcast on New Year's Eve.

Fang Nan is still that Fang Nan.

I feel bad about something.

But it wasn't his turn yet.

Fang Nandao: "Maybe frame it, think about at least 1000 million!"

"1000 million! You can't get me out even if you sell me!" Cai Yinong dropped the sentence, bypassing Fang Nan and entering the conference room.

Fang Nan eagerly said "cut" to Cai Yinong!
It's not that he just joined Tangtang Film and Television, knowing that Tangtang Film and Television is rich.

Not to mention last year's "Nobody's Name", just "Legend of Sword and Fairy" made a lot of money.

The merchandise of "Sword of Immortal Sword" is particularly popular. There are pencil cases and exercise books filled with photos of various characters in the play.

Of course, piracy is rampant these days, but copyright profits are still there, and not a lot.

Cai Yinong just searched and searched. He only wanted to go in and not to go out every day, like a miser.

Or it is a small investment with big returns.

If you want her to invest money, you have to pull it slowly bit by bit.

On the first day of work on the sixth day of junior high school, Fang Nan dispatched all the crew to watch the location.

Contact bungalows, golf courses, and even banks.

On the eighth day of the lunar new year, Tang Tang Film and Television Company, who had been working for two days, ushered in a large number of actors who auditioned for "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

Among them, the biggest names are Gao Yuanyuan and Huang Xiaoming.

Fang Nan was quite surprised that Huang Xiaoming could come. After all, he wasn't considered a decent role, and he even thought of a backup actor.

Shen Teng and Wei Xiang went to the audition hotel together.

Fang Nante was satisfied with Shen Teng's greasy and chubby face and medium-length hair. When they first met, he kept giving thumbs up.

As for the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks in the movie, Fang Nan also picked them out from the group performances in Hengdian and Pujiang.

In order to find suitable crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, he provided two messages to many group leaders.

[-]: Approximate size, weight, age

Two: One of them has squinting eyes, and his face is not good-looking
Therefore, the two recruited are pure group performers.

The crouching dragon and phoenix chick itself is not funny, the reason why this stalk is so popular with the audience.

It is because of the strong contrast between the crouching dragon and phoenix in the movie and the real resourceful crouching dragon and phoenix in history, which left a deep impression on the audience.

And this stalk, Fang Nan also needs to use, so he carefully recruited these two extras.

As for the other stalks in the movie, Fang Nan chose to use some.

Selectively changed some.

Also dropped some.

I also selectively added some stalks belonging to this era.

After all, the times are different.

Fang Nan didn't dare to exaggerate what the specific effect would be, but the movie would definitely make money.

Because everyone knows that there are only three reasons why the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" became popular.

One: Creativity

Two: All kinds of messy stalks!

Three: The leading role is Shen Teng!
From Fang Nan's point of view, the heinously cheap Wang Duoyu is the main reason for the success of this movie after being rich.

Therefore, with his lack of memes, but his creativity and Shen Teng's presence, the movie should be able to make money.

Although Shen Teng hasn't left the circle yet.

But as long as he, the director, urges Shen Teng and Wolongfengchu to perform the cheap, ignorant ignorance that everyone is drunk and I am alone.

Movies are fine.

What's more, compared to the original heroine, Gao Yuanyuan is much more beautiful!
 Interested book lovers take a look, it's also reality!

(End of this chapter)

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