literary world

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

The 25th is here in a blink of an eye.

"What are you going to do?"

On the bed, Gao Yuanyuan who asked Fang Nan was like a lazy cat.

As the heroine of the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City", it is only natural for her to participate in the celebration banquet for the movie's box office breaking [-] million.

Gao Yuanyuan was uncharacteristically unwilling to come.

During the day, she gritted her teeth and spent most of the day playing scenes with her rival actor Zeng Li, and she was so tired that she was sore and limp.

I don't want to make this trip.

Everyone wanted to see Fang Nan, she knew her very well, so there was nothing to see.

It's a pity that the manager Wang Jinghua refused to agree and insisted that she must come.

What a joke!
Outside the line of actors looking for invitation letters through their connections, there were so many people waiting in line to meet Fang Nan, but they couldn't find a way.

You, Gao Yuanyuan, are unwilling to participate because you are in Hengdian, the distance is too far, and you are too tired from filming?

Simply outrageous!

Fang Nan turned over: "Let's jump."

"Humph", after putting on some clothes, Gao Yuanyuan said again, "What do you want to eat for breakfast?"

Fang Nan, who was still in a daze, wanted to talk about soup dumplings, but suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Thinking back to when he was on the crew of "Yi Tian", Gao Yuanyuan said that he ate her Wangzai steamed buns. In the early morning, he couldn't help feeling a little bit excited: "Is scallop okay?"

Gao Yuanyuan's expression was blank, and then he feigned anger and said: "Early in the morning, I have to go to the seafood market for you! You really treat me like a servant, huh, you better not let me get caught , then see how I order you!"

"No, you have it."

Gao Yuanyuan was in a daze, he had already been thrown down by Fang Nan, and after Fang Nan whispered and rubbed, his face turned red in an instant
From morning to afternoon, they had a good time, Fang Nan and the two went to the door hand in hand, Fang Nan went out first, walked around outside, and then signaled Gao Yuanyuan to be safe.

We arrived at the LaCrosse Hotel hand in hand, the largest box in the hotel has become a sea of ​​flowers, crowded with people, laughing and clamoring.

"Hey, here we come, here we come, our protagonist today is here."

On the stage, Cai Yinong saw Gao Yuanyuan come in with Fang Nan on his arm, Cai Yinong hurriedly motioned to everyone in the box.

"Clap clap clap"

In the stormy applause, Fang Nan instantly became the focus.

Four years later, he really lived up to that famous saying - wherever I am, there is the position C!
"Director Fang, I think you are very handsome today!"

"Director Fang, is there a possibility for me to act in your new play?"

"Director Fang, the new play is short of money, please tell me."

"Director, hello, I'm Zhang Liangying, your fan, and I often leave messages on your blog."

"Nanzai, drink two more glasses later!"

"Hello, Director Fang, I'm Tong Dawei!"

When Fang Nan stepped onto the rostrum with a smile on his face, the guests who were chatting and laughing consciously split into two halves, drawing a straight passage.

When he walked to the rostrum, the partners, actors, company staff, and invited guests on both sides rushed forward with all kinds of compliments, all kinds of favors, and all kinds of flattery, completely drowning Fang Nan who was smiling at the corner of his mouth.

Fang Nan led Gao Yuanyuan all the way, coping with it calmly.

Zeng Li was not present today, so Fang Nan let Gao Yuanyuan hold his arm and walked straight forward.

Naturally, there are also disadvantages in doing so. There is no need to wait until after today, someone will immediately speculate about the relationship between the two.

They even talked about Gao Yuanyuan's company with Fang Nan.

The two of them might be in the entertainment headlines tomorrow.

But Fang Nan did it anyway.

The most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is true and false scandals.

What's more, Gao Yuanyuan is the heroine in the film, and she is also the one who is going to be on stage to beat the gong. He has no reason to ask people to keep a low profile and not enjoy the glory that belongs to her at this moment.

When the two came to the stage, Huang Xiaoming was the first to greet him and said, "Director Fang, congratulations."

"Congratulations, congratulations, I have to thank you for participating in the role of Liu Jiannan."

Huang Xiaoming stepped aside, and Cai Yinong said: "Mr. Fang, why don't you say a few words first, and we'll knock the gong after you finish."

Fang Nan waved his hands and laughed loudly: "Stop talking, just knock on the gong and start drinking."

This dinner is not fake, but it is also a social dinner.

There are so many people at the scene, more than half of them are here for socializing.

Those empty words are annoying.

"Then just hit the gong." Cai Yinong understood and asked the master of ceremonies to hold the golden hammer.

Fang Nan, Gao Yuanyuan, Shen Teng, and Huang Xiaoming held the hammer and "bang" the gong, and two red banners flew down from both sides of the rostrum.

ribbons flying,

[Congratulations to the box office of the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" breaking through 1000 million yuan]

[Congratulations to Fang Nan for becoming the third director with a billion-dollar box office in the country]

"Partners, guests, colleagues, and employees, let's raise our glasses to Director Fang Nan!"

Fang Nan stepped off the stage and chatted with Yu Dong for a while, and the master of ceremonies on stage picked up the rhythm.

Fang Nan didn't know what to do, he took the champagne from Gao Yuanyuan, touched the people around him, and took a sip with his head raised.

After drinking three sips in a row, during the following free social time, Fang Nan was busy in an instant.

Amidst all kinds of compliments, it was impossible for him not to drink, but fortunately, he could drink well and his mind was very clear.

From all directions, the compliments were overwhelming.

Not only did it not make him flustered, it even made him calm down completely.

After all, he is different from others.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is an upstart in the entertainment industry, a director with a billion-dollar box office!
The number of actors who want to take part in his new play will probably be counted on ten fingers starting today.

But Fang Nan understood on his own.

What is a movie with a box office of [-] million.

Not to mention the 20 billion, 30 billion, or 50 billion box office of a movie in the future.

In another three or four years, [-] million box office will be enough!
Nothing to be proud of.

His ideal, his goal, is to become a great director recognized by movie audiences all over the world.

Instead of circling a small piece of land, feel good about yourself!

Therefore, facing the flattery and compliments at this moment, Fang Nan really went in one ear and out the other.

In the face of these people, he even had a kind of indescribable meaning for summer insects!
Personal ideals are obviously not on the same level!

After thinking about it, when Fang Nan was listening to Su Mang from Bazaar Jewelry talking about charity, Wang Changtian came over and said, "Director Fang, take a break and go to the next door for a cup of tea."

"Success, we can't let the celebration banquet delay the business."

Fang Nan apologized to Su Mang, and agreed with a nod.

The movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" will be released soon, and he has long wanted to find a time to discuss the return of funds.

After all, money is needed to see it.

Wang Changtian took the lead, Fang Nan, Cai Yinong, Yu Dong, Wang Lei, and Emperor's general manager, several theater managers walked into the next box.

Sitting down, before Fang Nan could speak, Wang Lei opened his mouth to ask several theater managers for money.

Feng Dapao's "Night Banquet" overwhelmed Huayi.

A lot of money has been poured in and he hasn't heard a sound until now, and he can't help but feel anxious.

Wang Lei took the initiative to charge forward, and Fang Nan drank tea leisurely.

The box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has basically locked in more than 1000 million.

Accounts are also very easy to calculate. Fang Nan has done the calculations at home.

Excluding 5% special funds, 54% theater share, and 3.3% special business tax.

The other is 24% of the distribution and publicity packaging fees of the two publishers, and the remaining six companies have about 500 million to 600 million each.

At the same time that the box office in the mainland alone returned its capital, each family also made a small profit of more than 300 million.

Count as the last movie that made a lot of money.

After all, in addition to the mainland box office, the film will be screened in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Audio-visual copyrights, Southeast Asian copyrights can be sold more or less.

The problem now is that all the money is in the hands of the theaters, and none of the 30 theaters pays out according to the contract.

Fang Nan wondered if the gang had invested their money, or lost it to the bank for interest.

 That's it for today, I want to read the old book, I will finish the old book in these two days, or there will be no perfect attendance award at the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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