literary world

Chapter 166 Special Effects Company

Chapter 166 Special Effects Company
Li Guoli chose to withdraw, and then gave up as much as 13% of the company's shares in his hands.

While Fang Nan was delighted, he was also worried about having too much money.

Last year, he acquired 20% of Cai Yinong and Li Guoli's shares for less than 500 million.

Today, Li Guoli's 13% stake will cost 500 million yuan.

But this is also helpless.

After more than a year of development, Tang Tang Film and Television has no matter whether it is the TV series "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Or the movies "The Unknown" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" that he invested in are all very profitable.

The company's market value has soared, and its property evaluation has exceeded hundreds of millions of yuan.

Moreover, it is a so-called sunny industry that needs to be acquired at a premium.

Fortunately, Li Guoli was kind enough to save Fang Nan part of the premium fee.

Fang Nan contributed a lot to the company's high premium.

Without his two movies, Tangtang Films and Television is still tossing on the small screen.

What's more, he still has 2% of the shares in his hand.

I didn't even think about resigning completely and returning to Xiangjiang to retire early, and I wanted to stay in Tangtang Film and Television, which I founded with one hand, to shine.

With the 13% shares transferred by Li Guoli, Fang Nan's shares in Tangtang Film and Television have reached 33%, and he intends to make Cai Yinong more evenly.

Think later.

Before long, the company's strategy will be greatly changed, and the small shareholders of Xiangjiang will probably panic. Then they will take the opportunity to collect some more and buy them forcibly. The price is too high.

Taking advantage of the box office hit of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", Fang Nan finally tied Tangtang Film and Television to his chariot.

He breathed a sigh of relief when the matter he had been thinking about was resolved.

Cai Yinong also appropriately asked about the script of the series.

Compared to people like Wang Changtian who questioned Fang Nan's series of scripts in a short period of time.

She had understood Fang Nan's creative passion.

After all, he traveled to the United States and registered several scripts for Fang Nan.

Although she felt that those sci-fi scripts were too wild and unconstrained, like a child making trouble at home, it also proved Fang Nan's strong desire to write scripts.

"The script is still an idea for the time being. Let's talk with Lao Tu and the others when I go back and write it together. However, the plot of the story has probably been deliberated in my mind, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Cai Yinong was speechless: "Have you decided on the subject matter?"

Fang Nan laughed and said, "It's still a low-budget comedy. Apart from comedy, I really don't know what kind of movies can make money these days."

Hearing that it was a low-budget comedy, the corner of Cai Yinong's mouth twitched instantly, Fang Nan is good at this, he knows the current affairs!
She was afraid that Fang Nan would suddenly become ambitious and want to make plays like "House of Flying Daggers", "The Promise", and "The Banquet".

Tang Tang really couldn't afford this kind of big drama that would take several years to pay off at the overseas box office.

""The Unknown Man" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" have signed up for the Golden Rooster Award and the Huabiao Award. Forget it, the time is up, I will let you know, are you staying in the capital or Pujiang?"

Fang Nan got up and said, "Let's go back to Pujiang together, and go back to write the script, and by the way, go back and watch "No. [-] in the World."

"No. [-] in the World" has basically come to an end, and he doesn't need to pay too much attention to the shots. The chief director Huang Weiming is an old director.

What needs his attention is the special effects that Lu Qing and others are in charge of.

The three stood up, and Gao Yuanyuan, Zhao Zhu, Ma Dayong, Wang Liang, Zhou Dalu, the company manager, Cai Yinong's secretary, and Li Guoli's assistant came up to them in the distance.

Seeing Zhou Dalu, Fang Nan stretched out his hand with a smile in three steps and two steps.

The master's firework skills are also a selling point in "The Richest Man in Tomatoes", which made a great contribution to the box office of the movie.

The explosion scene in "No. [-] in the World" was also done by the old leader Zhou.

Huang Weiming was full of praise.

Now that Zhou Dalu has become a member of Fang's class again, Fang Nan respects him and should be polite.

People with craftsmanship deserve his respect.

Those who take a taxi take a taxi, and those who take a car take a car all the way to the airport and board the plane.

Cai Yinong looked a little annoyed at Gao Yuanyuan who was smiling and talking to Fang Nan from time to time.

She, the leader of the navy, pays close attention to the Internet dynamics from time to time, and knows that Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan are not a good match, and the love triangle is a knot in the hearts of netizens.

The passenger plane jumped into the clouds and arrived at Pujiang in two hours.

The new company, Jindu Road, is right next to Hongqiao Airport, but Gao Yuanyuan was anxious to catch up on the remaining shots, so he refused Fang Nan's offer to stay overnight, and rushed to Hengdian with his assistant.

A few more days passed, and the whole of August was over.

In terms of the national film and television market, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" became the headline of public opinion in August, attracting attention and money.

The super high box office of nearly 1 million has aroused heated discussions among the public.

It also makes many people in the industry full of expectations for the return of domestic films to the summer file.

But after analysis by more people in the industry, they think it is a fantasy.

There are two reasons for them.

First, if domestic films want to get a piece of the summer blockbusters gathered in Hollywood blockbusters, the most important thing is the quality of the work.

"House of Flying Daggers" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" seem to have been scolded miserably, but the quality is at least above the standard. Among the more than 100 domestically produced films in the first half of the year, they are passable.

That's why these two movies have the power to fight against Hollywood blockbusters and Hollywood superstars.

In order to detonate the upsurge of the public to support domestic films.

If it's a bad movie that can't be any worse, the public probably won't really buy it.

Second, the director's reputation is very important.

Needless to say, Zhang Yimou of "House of Flying Daggers" is by far the most famous and powerful director in Huaxia.

His work inherently draws the audience into the cinema.

Fang Nan seems to have only one work, but his popularity is frighteningly high.

Because of the good reputation of his debut novel "The Unknown".

Also because of his various unexpected behaviors on the Internet.

Signing a bet with Zhang Dahuzi and reporting Chen Kaige with his real name laid the foundation for the box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" to exceed [-] million.

The hype is decent, so to speak.

It is a large part of the reason for the success of Fang Nan and "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

This method of fishing for thirst can be one thing, not two, and it is easy to cause big shots to backlash.

Therefore, the future summer file will still be Hollywood's summer file for Hollywood.

This schedule will still exist as the death schedule of domestic films.

"Tch, my success is hype?"

Fang Nan let out a sneer, closed the webpage, and stretched his head to Lu Qing's computer next to him.

Lu Qing laughed and said, "Director Fang, netizens have a good commenting habit. In the entertainment industry, they are not afraid of being scolded, but they are not even scolded."

Fang Nan glanced at Lu Qing: "I can't tell, your ideas are quite avant-garde, but your technology is really a little behind."

There is a scene in "No. [-] in the World" where the stone statue of the God of Tiedan is a golden dragon attacking the protagonist group.

Lu Qing's small team spent a day rendering this golden dragon special effect with more than [-] computers, but it still didn't work. He complained a lot.

The purchase managers of several TV stations rushed to watch the film.

They all want "No. [-] in the World" to have just had a run-in with CCTV's "The Legend of Condor Heroes" on the National Day file, and it's so hot that it will be aired for the second round.

When Fang Nan mentioned work, Lu Qing couldn't help but said awkwardly: "I'll be fine soon, I'll be fine soon."

As for the explanation, he was too lazy to explain.

There are not many directors in China who know how to special effects, so they just know how to remind them.

"Hey, let me tell you, you dragon, you are so naked and nondescript, it's really ugly, even if you add some dragon scales, some hair, and blinking eyes, it's because the software is not good enough, or the technology is not enough, or the computer is too bad , the rendering is too slow?"

Fang Nan spoke casually, and when he spoke, Lu Qing was startled. This is obviously knowledgeable!
What are special effects?
Good special effects have a distinctive feature, the details are realistic.

How come the details are realistic?

It depends on the thinking of the person who adds the special effects to diverge.

People with dull brains and no imagination cannot learn special effects production.

The reason why domestic special effects are not comparable to Hollywood is because they are all following the old ways.

What Hollywood does, what some domestic special effects talents learn, and what schools teach.

I never thought that to do a special effect that Hollywood did not dare to do, lacks a pioneering spirit.

Of course, the technical aspects, and the lack of money to buy a good special effects computer is also one aspect.

Lu Qingxi said: "Director Fang, please talk about it again."

"What else are you talking about? It's good if you do the things I said well." After speaking, Fang Nan glanced at Lu Qing, and said abruptly, "Are you willing to let people buy shares in your small company?"

Investing money in Lu Qing's special effects company, Fang Nan had an idea last time.

The earliest can even be traced back to the time of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji".

But at the beginning I had been busy with "Xihong City", so I pressed my mind.

After the movie was over, he started thinking again.

With so many scripts for blockbuster special effects films in hand, it would be unreasonable not to develop a special effects company.

What's more, he also intends to use his status as a prophet to develop early and plan early, so as to improve the tragic situation that China will not have a good special effects company in the future.

In such a huge China with a population of more than one billion people, it is impossible to find a good special effects company.

It's really hard to justify not being able to form a good special effects team.

The most outrageous thing is that the special effects of many domestic films need to pay a lot of money to ask Korean special effects companies to help produce them.

Just outrageous!
(End of this chapter)

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